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Old 04-12-2009, 02:38 PM   #1188
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Part two of three........


Information yet to be disclosed here will require what many claim to
have, a fully open and enquiring mind and a willingness to accept
that there are other intelligences.The vanity of much of mankind has
denied them access to these other intelligences by way of disbelief.
This vanity has excluded from their minds the validity of other beings
wishing to interact with mankind in a friendly benign way.
A term used here will suffice for these other intelligences.....OPI.

These OPI have been assisting mankind for a very long time. They
have tried to gain acceptance from the varying governments of many
countries. Many are reluctant to admit the existance of such beings
and the resulting covering up of friendly contact has left mankind
doubting that such OPI could exist and be interacting with him and
this planet.

You here at Avalon and Camelot will need a leap of faith in order to
accept what will be disclosed to you by numerous individuals, not
just The Watcher. Many are showing you information. Universal free
laws of thinking allow mankind to accept or deny what will be shown.

Mankind has shown that any being outwardly appearing out of the norm
is rejected and is perceived as a threat to him.To alleviate the fears
inborn within mankind OPI have utilised advanced genetic research to
lessen the shock factor when interacting with mankind on various levels.

Think along the terms of not simply terrestrial, but perhaps terrestrial
plus, working on the terrestrial plane but also above it at same time.

We look forwards to continuing the set timeline via The Watcher here
with you, and hope that sufficient open enquiring minds allow The Watcher
to feel calm enough to relate the true nature of The Watcher and those
like him, origins, purposes and above all, to see the integrity we hope
you will plainly see.
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