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Old 12-31-2008, 02:44 AM   #220
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 105
Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi everyone,

We are working with a new idea that will allow us to home in on a particular node/site depending on where in the world we live. This means that as the monthly meditations develop, as soon as the technical details are worked out, we may try to produce different files for each of the regional zones that we end up with. In the warmer months, people would still be encouraged to travel to their nearest site, as the project grows we might be able to use this as a method for having "hubs" to corrale the energy coming in from elsewhere in the area and redirect it up into the grid.

The Schumann resonance is the fundamental that will apply to all files, it is our basic "starting point". The way it relates to 432Hz and the Solfeggio Tones (of which, as a musician, I was finally able to determine the fundamental for) will be worked out over the first set of files. This is why we are hoping for participation and especially feedback.

If on a given month you feel a file is particularly effective, be sure to mention it! We will be trying a number of different systems and feedback is the only way to start to navigate a path as to the optimal method and means to effect these time-shifting meditations.

If all goes well, a ways further down the road I will be doing additional clininal experiments to verify EEG and other biofeedback data on all the files gathered up to that point, to double-check against any and all feedback those of you participating are kind enough to leave in the thread.

Together we can make this a truly effective project that never loses steam and really gets everyone inspired - this is not any"one"s project - it's the world's project.

The energies involved will be very real and will certainly lead us to whichever of the possible paths we end up on. Of course it is not our efforts alone that will decide this, but the joining together of many different efforts from all around the globe.

We are only one such effort, perhaps the first many have been exposed to here, but I assure you there are many other events that have been and will continue to lead up to a very large scale and coordinated effort.

For example, Astralwalker and I came across one another totally by chance, and recently enough - only about a month ago.

For the longest time I was trying to find someone else who was as determined and inspired to do what we could to really put matters into the people of the worlds hands again. I was trying to look everywhere, the place we met was the most unlikely of places to be sure.

And then finally when I was about ready to give up I came across someone who was as determined as I was.

It is the web of consciousness that is making these connections happen, and they will continue for us all.

I must say one thing before getting into singularity theory a little more deeply (I want to do the topic justice and will really take my time with that post in the way Astralwalker most kindly does with his):

We must all no longer let the darkness of the world pervade our minds, keep us thinking, our minds racing at night, wondering what will happen. The tactic being used is perpetual reinforcing of fear.

Even when we think we have it out of our minds, it might not really be. It can come sneaking back in when we are not paying attention - the worry. And as it amplifies we create more and more of it in our manifested reality. So this is certainly not the way.

This is the best brief example I could make for singularity theory before really, really getting into it. The metaphor of walking towards the "welcome" and away from the "unwelcome" works perfectly for this.

This is not to say to be naive about the darkness, we must know of it and keep an eye on it (even if it is the eyes in the back of the head and no more, so to speak). But it is very important that we do not dwell on it in our own minds.

By the same token, it is important not to overtly try to reinforce the light in an unnatural way. I see forums and places where I get a weird feeling because too much reinforcement of positivity is made to the point where it is no longer even justified. I am not saying there is anything wrong with light, but just hear me out...


Singularity theory does not work in terms of light and darkness. Think perhaps, instead, of music, art. Imagine going inside of it. Into a world of expression, emotion, certainly, but a realm much more saturated than simple expressions of duality/dichotomy. I am of course not talking about the formulaic, manufactured modern world of music, that tries to evoke specific emotions of empty sadness or empty upbeat happiness, but I am sure most of you know the difference.

There is only one "conspiracy theory" that is of the utmost significance - it is the one of the gradually waning of overall individual creative energy in the 20th century. Don't get me wrong, there have been still so many bursts of talent, genius, and true creativity in many areas all through the century and into the 21st, but remember that the population has also doubled or tripled!

It seems like the raw creativity has followed a straight line when it should have grown as well. This can be proven mainly when considering the reaction of artists to the many more large scale atrocities - we began to turn much of our art into commentary as to the state of our times. This is much different than when art and music exists in its abstract form, for its own sake, without commenting on anything.

Well, what I am really trying to say here is that we can reclaim the full amount of the flow of creativity energy through singularity theory. Following McKenna's TimeWave zero graph (if anyone does not know what I'm referring to, please say so and I will be sure to upload/link the graph), the last oppression of late 2008 gives way to an absolute breakthrough in the increase of novelty (remember, novelty is art and science/technology breakthrough combined), that has only one other slight upset in 2010.

This to me means that this recovery in the steady increase in novelty must have to do with the establishment of singularity theory in the collective consciousness, and all the abundant creation of art and music that will symbolize this amazing transition.

Because this is what is really happening, and it is my duty to show it in the February meditation file itself - we are going inside of our own expression, our own art and music, as time is modified by our own doing and we reclaim our full entry into a new paradigm for reality that was our original destiny.

Those who might have been afraid of entirely new parameters for reality might have tried to divert us from that course, but there was far too much inertia going back to many previous generations who left their monuments where they did and the clues for us, at least partially because they wanted the future civilization that passed through this time frame to have the best possible chance.

We will not let them down - the Tuatha de Danann, the Egyptians, the Hopi, the Mayans, the makers of the crop circles even, and all the other amazing civilizations and entities that contributed towards what is coming together for the people of our world.

Think about it this way - with singularity theory, you are not necessarily walking so simply "into the light", and "away from the darkness" - this actually keeps us trapped because at the lowest levels of our mental programming, we are still thinking in terms of opposites and duality.

We are instead moving away from the greatly exaggerated concept of "light and darkness" altogether, and moving into the *colour*, and yes we will have to reinvent the way we use our languages to represent this shift in paradigm (you can start now if you carefully monitor the way you use your language(s)).

We are moving into a foundation for reality that understands that the rotation of the planet, both in relation to the sun and around the sun, and the moon, is the time of *these objects*, not us. We can define our sense of time relative to these objects in one sense, but we can also let go of our sense of time in another - these objects are bound to "linear time", not us!

When we fully integrate into the reality where we understand that time does not truly exist for us, and never will, we will have fully made our transition.

In the meantime, we will continue to improve the intensity of these specially constructed meditation files to allow us all together to experience increasingly potent doses of altered time together, as many-within-one.
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