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Old 06-24-2009, 04:05 PM   #1441
James Casbolt
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Barry may I ask you a question?

Are you aware of the 'blood-prime' connections to the bloodline studies to locate gifted children. The NSA were looking for French bluebloods mixed with Romani Gypsy genetics in my group.

There was heavy MI-6/SIS involvement in this. Did you know the codename for MI-6 is CAROUSEL? This word connects to the Romani Gypsy tradition from my understanding. The carousel music being played in the background of the new Bases 2 DVD ( when the guy is talking about Harwell ) is a MI-6 MK trigger. Miles says this music was being played in the US as well.

Can you pass this data onto Miles please.

Do you know about the legends of werewolves never attacking the Romani Gypsies? I think the film Howling 4 ( or maybe 5 ) is based at a traveling carnival and the magicians who live there hold the secrets of shapeshifting transformations. The part in the Bases 2 DVD where they go to the hall in the countryside and the demonic voice is recorded on the camera is connected to these rituals. Didn't the guy with Miles and Lisa die after that?

See also the film '28 weeks later'- there is a scene where they are in a field with an old carnival behind them. The camera flashes to a carousel ride and a painting of Prince Charles is on the side of the ride.

More Carousel triggers!
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