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Old 04-11-2009, 02:49 PM   #1610
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by lawlessline View Post

Hi Lawlessline,

7000 – 8000 on every continent will probably do the psionic work done, but those have to be very powerful, so the more people combine their strength and intent – the greater effect we will have.

Spined crop designs will do something to the bio processors of our biological computers that no other meditative or esoteric technique did so far. It will make them more capable then before.

Most will find it difficult...usually ones who are still attached to old ways and still not ready for the next step. They will not stand watching at rotations on different speed and switching direction of spin and all those 3D images that it will appear inside the consciousness.

...Some reader: "Yeah right. Black Government secret project of mind control and subliminal programming. I do not want any part of this..."

To spare myself hours of writing and explanation that this simple is not the case I will write only the next few lines:

If someone does not resonate with this, or do not trust me, than it’s perfectly ok to abort this effort, listen to his/her heart and do what is says. From time to time, I read some posts on other threads and for a unknown number of times I have to put it out...>> no misuse, taking advantage or stealing of your energy is on the run. No Elite or Shadow Government black project is laughing at you. No satellites or HAARP ready to steal our energy...What you see is what you get.

And no ETs are manipulating me, or manipulate all of you via me...luck of experience and prejudices had made many belief systems that are completely false.

I have communicated with other forms as same as I communicate with ordinary persons that we observe as human kind. There are many races out there who respect the life and creation more than we can imagine in this moment.

Only negativity and fear feed those races that you fear. Once those vibrational states are gone and you vibrate will Love, Harmony and Peace...those cannot stand the vibration and they will surely retreat.

It’s like when you are descasting of something – you do not want to have anything more to do with it. They cannot stand balanced vibration of peace, joy and happiness on a constant base.

So we have to change the level of our brain functionality, we have to download the software that is hidden in the crop designs.

That input contains the drivers for many brain centers that are out of use to become functional inside our bio-computer. It will start from there...


Thankyou for explaination. Yes I agree with you fully as regards to the vibration and the fear species. I can concur this info.

7-8,000 of how powerful? If we were to remove the filters on the man made grid, which is in effect the prison bars of our true consciousness and healing powers, then this number of truely powerful thinkers would only need to be 10% of that number. I don't know if you have seen a post by Jerome from Auroville. I think it is called "my last post" This comes very close to what has been placed on the grid, but in a reverse effect. Until this is addressed then the human species will find it difficult to break through the grid bars and find freedom of thought and new powers of divine origine.

One thing I will say on the crop circles and the ET facture.

It was decided a long time ago. 125000yrs, that this planet should be a no go area for all other speciies. This has been broken as many times as I have taken breathe. The moment you make laws or conditions, this will eventually lead to a distortion of the truth and the bending of it to anothers ends.
The crop circles are the limit of intevention, as the given guide was physical interaction. The crop circles are not considered physical but are on the limite.I don't care who makes them, cos the majority install a feeling of enlightrnment. They don't have to be spinning.
I can understand the benefits that this could lend to the project, but I can understand the worry laided down by many others.

I will also say that I am from a school of thought that if you need spinning cropcircles and music to go with the meditation, then the human species have not really made it. This has to be done through the passage of your own spirit. I feel you would get better results if this was an option rather than a pushed item. In the long run we must do all this without the help of electronics. If we can, then when the electronics go down, we will still be able to communicate and deliver the consciousness levels that will allow our new dna levels to open truely to its full potential.

So relax about the sounds and images and work on the happynees that is far greater than what is currently proposed. I laugh goes so much further than a programmed mind or computer.

But it is good to see you have lifted your head, I am sure your daughters and misses appreciates it, which means you must appreciate it even more. Laugh and the whole world will laugh with you.

Lets see what happens without the music and the visuals just for one time, just tell a joke before you start.

Any decent jokes anyone? Clean of course.

love and light to you all.
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