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Old 12-16-2009, 12:38 PM   #2939
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

As I write this, we are exactly 3 weeks from the upcoming Solstice December 21, 9:47 am PST, Yellow Solar Human Day, which will mark the 3 year synchronization point with Solstice 2012.

I am writing to each of you to invite us to unify our prayers and ceremonies on this holy day, aligning together as human instruments of the intelligence of the One Heart, open to the Pulsations of our Sun Star, and all the Guiding Forces that are here to help us in these times. On the Traditional Count, Solstice is the day of 13 Kan~ seeding the cosmic spiral, weaving a web with our threads of celestial and terrestrial vitality.

Each one of us has our own natural, indigenous connection to the core of the Earth and the core of the Sky. The Maya call this the Heart of the Heavens and the Heart of the Mother Earth.

While our bodies are made of the 4 elements earth, water, fire and air, our time-travelling self is made of the 4 galactic elements: universal fire, blood, truth and sky. Our human work is to align with the forces of Nature. This is how we bring the higher dimensions into contact with our physical realm. As we reclaim our soul’s indigenous roots, we access deeper levels of our inner navigation channels.

This is the Time of The Great Purification. The machinery of pollution is relentlessly surmounting. Is it just me, or does it sometimes feel that life is so fast-paced, accelerated, and out of balance that the Universe could possibly erupt at any moment?

In these times, I feel that many of us are serving as “World Empaths,” and we need to nurture our process and be pro-active in stabilizing our own emotional natural eruptions as well. I have deep compassion for this generation of humanity right now, as we are all living in highly stressful and artificial conditions, hearing constant reports of our declining biosphere and natural resources, bombarded with broadcasts of possible future natural disasters that could destroy and annihilate our species. While being alive in these times is a privilege, it can also feel like sacred, heart-breaking torture. And yet all of the tests are here to soften our hearts, opening new paths in our minds and beings.

The Light of a new awareness of our interconnectedness is calling to us all on deeper levels. I can see the Flower of Life unfolding right now, I can feel it breathing the new world into the ethers, as time unfolds to land in the soles of our feet and the palms of our willing and humble hands. Love is Present.

As the Universe challenges us in these apocalyptic times by “revealing” more and more harsh and shocking realities, how many veils are we willing to look beyond to see more facets of the fractal of our existence? In this process the Vast Love is present to embrace and absorb all, integrating the darknesses and fears into the One Empty Wholeness of Being.

We are starting to collectively realize that we not only need each other, we are each other. We only judge in others what we judge in ourselves. We can never truly love ourselves while we are distracted judging and condemning our brothers and sisters. This is the time to forge alliances. To do the real work of community building and conflict resolution to get clean and clear, mindful and aligned in our relationships. No detail escapes the magnifying glass of the Divine, nothing is insignificant, our intention counts at all times. According to the Dalai Lama, our intention directs our karma.

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Love Always
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