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Old 12-24-2008, 04:37 PM   #124
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Respected StClair,

Thanks for shearing your thoughts my friend. I really appreciate.

I’m most grateful that we have you with us. Your experience is highly appreciated and we can all learn much from you.

I have some experience with this also, so please allow me to share few thoughts with you also >

Perhaps many of you will disagree, but for me, the best posture for meditation is Lotus position. The truth is that only a small percent of practitioners are able to seat in this posture comfortably.

It takes long time and effort to master this position.

It is the most respected position by yogis, because it helps them to reach the deepest level of meditation and to achieve the topmost harmony of the consciousness and its subtle bodies in a way that no other meditative position does.

To keep it short, because we have to concentrate on the task what has to be done, when you master the padmasana, you are in a position to maintain your physical body stable for a long time.

Because of the fact that the consciousness and the body are connected and influence each other, the stability of the physical body will in time bring the stability of the consciousness .

If the stability of the consciousness has been achieved, the first step towards the deep meditation has been completed.

The Lotus position can also provide the best control of the breathing rhythm, known as pranayama in Yoga, and practicing it, a yogi can gain a full control over consciousness and its bodies with intention to understand and become one with the Divine Creation and Purpose.

Practicing special pranayama techniques, a yogi can absorb and use the prana, which is a free vital energy that floats everywhere.

The circuit of prana circulates best when one sits in padmasana and its strength is the most powerful.
But, currently it can not be achieved by the most, so we have to use another posture.

Crossed legs had to go like this:

First you bend the left leg and then the right leg above it. The left hand should be upwards like in the image and the right on the right leg as close as the point of crossing with the biggest finger of the left leg.

The backbone has to be erected as possible and in that position you mast maintain stillness.

Many of you will probably think that the consciousness is only important and if can transcendent its experience it doesn’t matter in which position the physical body is. I have concluded that this is wrong. Please take this only as my opinion and nothing more.

Anyway, the Ancient Rama Kingdom was far advanced in this knowledge.
That is why they all seat mostly in the same position.

They are all tuning into one energy field and vibrate on the same frequency with the nature.

Not to mention that they were generating high amounts of free energy, chi, prana, mana, life force, whatever you want to call it and were focusing it to constructive purposes.

We have to learn the same dynamics again.

Together with my wife, we have analyzed over thousands pictures and video files that are connected with the ancient temples of Rama civilization and what we found is truly amazing. They left us so many useful leads on the walls of their temples that we only have to look what they are showing and utilize that knowledge. I had study their ways and techniques for more then two decades and I can only say that we have so much to learn from them.

Anyway, I will construct few meditative methods that I believe are suitable for what we are truing to accomplish but the correct sound will do its effect and if the consciousness is ready and opens itself to true inner emotions, we will do it.

Not much knowledge is needed.

Just the correct geological place that has the correct proportion, geometrical design and location, all this combined with the correct sound, people seating relaxed in stillness and just open themselves to the most divine in them and reflecting all that to one beam that goes up and down from the meditative platform, and connecting with other groups and creating one energy field of consciousness that will want the change the Matrix of this reality.
Its useless we all talk about this on and on, and we are not doing it.

It is now. We are ready and we all wanted from the bottom of our hearts. We do not need someone to save us, we become aware that we can do it ourselves.

In fact people do not have to have a lot of experience with this. Its certainly better option if they do, but if not, it’s ok. We will do it anyway.

It’s like you go somewhere and all of the sudden you hear some music that is so emotional that whole inner being vibrates with it. You didn’t prepare for it. You have it all along. You just need a proper tool to bring it out. The music in this case.

Anyway, not to distant myself, too much from what we are truing to do here.
For anyone who is interested in meditation here is one simple way how can be done:

After you have seat in the position I mentioned, become frozen and totally relaxed in the same time. It’s like you had stopped the time and everything in the matrix, you have entered total stillness and inertia but in the same time your inner being is calm, relaxed and vital.

After few minutes in that state, become aware of what is going on in your consciousness .

Shortly after you have achieved that kind of awareness, you will notice that your consciousness is full of inner storms, tensions and all kinds of mental conflicts.

The stronger you concentrate on them intending to calm them down or even neutralize them, the stronger and more intensive they will become.

To calm all this manifestations in your consciousness you must build correct relationships with them.
That can be done in a very simple and effective way.

Start observing the thoughts that appear in your consciousness with the eye of a witness.

Do not play with them or even try to analyze them, just observe them.

Watch how they form and pass in their silent way, and maintain the perspective that does not have at least one crossing point with them. After a while, you will feel the source they come from.

At that moment you would be able to clearly see how shortly after they took form, they started to regroup themselves into chains of thoughts. One idea will pull at least few other ideas to the surface of your consciousness as a logical response to the first one, until some other idea with completely different context does not appear in your consciousness and again induces manifestation of other ones related to that one.

These thought chains will constantly be coming from the depths of your consciousness to the surface always taking different shapes on their way up.

Therefore, do sink even deeper into meditation, it is useful if you start to monitor the changes that your thought chains are going through from the moment they appear in your consciousness to the moment they are gone and altered by other ones.

Sooner or later, if you continue to observe these thought chains manifesting one after another still from the perspective of the silent witness somewhere in your consciousness, you will notice that they will reduce and after a while they will slowly start disappearing.

This is a completely normal effect because you are not playing their game anymore and you are no longer attached to them emotionally. If you continue to maintain this concentration your brain patterns will soon change and that will lead you to an altered state of your consciousness.

In the end, the last thought chain will disappear from your inner sight and you will find yourself in a completely new situation. Your consciousness will be moved directly to the present moment. Once your consciousness finds itself in the present moment, it will instantly discover that it is empty. Still, the emptiness that your consciousness will see in that present moment will not be a complete emptiness, but it will contain potential of all known shapes in the Universe. It might sound strange, but if you manage to get this far, your consciousness will constantly be aware of this fact.

You will see that in the emptiness in which your consciousness is present, a hidden reality is becoming visible for you. It might seem as if you are being pushed into the pure reality and you will experience your consciousness sliding from moment to moment as never before. This experience will make it clear that reality has a characteristic of sliding from moment to moment.

When this moment comes, all you have to do next is to attach your consciousness directly to that present moment and you will find that you are remaining in the pure reality all the time, by sliding from that moment to the next one. The feeling will be so vivid and so amazing that your whole being will float in the Inner Light.

You will be here and now, and that’s the starting point for every advanced meditation. From this point you can proceed with the suggestions that I have gave for tuning into the Gaya’s Planetary Psionic Field. This is the only true and solid way that you are connected and tuning into higher realities.
But, we will deliver what and how we can achieve what we plan to, so every comment and opinion on the meditative methods is most welcome.

Best regards,
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