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Old 01-09-2010, 11:15 PM   #69
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: WithIn

The long way of the outer mind that leadeth to destruction is based upon the struggling and striving of the outer self in an effort to attain, climb and gain, but in the end the outer self must be convinced that it cannot lift itself.

The short way of the Master-Self leadeth to life eternal, and that quickly. When the lost word LETS the spirit of the God-Self fill it, it is thereby transformed into the living word. This is the work of love, for love allows the outer to let the God-Self have His way, that the will of the Father may be done in all things, and thereby is the oneness with the Father established.

The outer words that are written cannot reveal this mystery, for the spirit of the words must be LIVED if thou wouldst know the Way.
Here are the keys by which thou mayest enter in now, where thou art:

1. Recognize that the perfect environment and being of thine own God-Self is within thee now, and that in Him is the fulness of wisdom and power.

2. Let thyself be receptive and responsive to every urge that comes from thy God-Self within thee, that thou mayest act only when thou art so urged, letting thy Father's radiance flow freely through thee.

3. Take careful note of the love force that is released from within thee in thy every thought, and through thy every word and act, for in this thou shalt find that to the degree that thou shalt let go to the inner there is an ever-present direction which shall show thee the Way.

4. Knowing full well that there is no power, wisdom or knowledge, or any other worthwhile or lasting thing, in thy outer mind or in the outer mind of any other person on earth, except as that outer mind hath ceased to act of itself, thou shalt be no respecter of persons or things, and thy attitude toward the world and things of the world shall be positive, in that thou art expressing only as thou art urged from within. And this positive attitude shall surely prevent all the destructive vibrations of the world from having any effect upon thee in any manner whatsoever.

5. Being aware of these things, through thine own experience in the letting, thou shalt see that it is easy to distinguish the inner urge from the outer idea, in that the inner urge is ALWAYS vibrating to the force of love, thinking not of itself but giving every consideration to the radiation of light, love and life in a lasting service to mankind. The outer idea vibrates to WHAT IT THINKS. The inner urge vibrates to WHAT IT KNOWS. The outer idea is concerned about itself or those who are of family ties or selfish choice, as it is also concerned about things, and ways and means. The inner urge gives no thought to persons, places or things, and gives no heed to ways and means, for it knows that all that is necessary is provided already, and to it one person is as worthy as another, being no respecter of persons because it makes the ever-present moment supreme in radiation, that the Christ radiance may fill every available avenue with the Triune Ray.

He who is motivated by selfless love is he who is able to know that union which is the Seventh Mystery, for in this is the way which leadeth into the Temple of Light. He who hath entered into the Temple of Light needs no further teaching from the outer teachers, and books cannot reveal more to him.

From the tryune ray by Uranda

Love Always
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