Thread: West Virginia
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Old 09-24-2008, 05:28 AM   #10
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: western Appalachia
Posts: 48
Question Appalachia Crew

Originally Posted by Mary Lou View Post
Please list all West Virginia locations here.

For all I know I'm the only one in West Virginia on this forum. Originally this thread was titled 'Appalachia Crew', and for good reason.

I would like to make contact with others who are living or planning to live in and around the the Appalachian Mountains, regardless of State borders. If we do what we set out to do, chances are that what we will create will outlast all those arbitrary lines on the map.

I'm looking at former mountaintop removal sites, many of which are in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia -- the mining technique is not limited to WV. The idea is to approach whomever needs to be approached and submit a plan for rehabilitation of these sites -- a plan that includes building a sustainable community.

If we can get this kind of thing going on ONE of those sites, the door will be open for the process to be repeated with some of the others.

Whatever the nature of the Radiant Zones in Appalachia, be they old farms with stone barns in Western Maryland, a former commune in the State of New York, whatever, part of what we're doing here is creating a network. We are not on the East Coast... Okay, some of you who may be attracted to life in the Appalachians may currently reside on the coast...

Point is, removed mountaintops are my focus (and they're not all in WV) but they are certainly not the only solution. What I'm trying to do here is to bring people together in (and near) Appalachia, not just in West Virginia.

So yes, it irks me that my thread title was arbitrarily modified. However I do understand that it was done as part of an effort to better organize this forum, so I guess it's sort of okay.

I would like it to be changed back, though.

As for listing locations, sorry, there are none that I know of yet.

I'm currently on 'the West Coast of Appalachia', very close to Ohio -- but where I live now is not where I plan to be.

I would actually like to see a list of all the locations where mountaintop removal has been perpetrated. Among the locations on that list are likely some very promising sites -- while others are too close to population centers, especially the ones with large concentrations of chemical plants.

Listen. I'm going ahead with my plan, and yes I will likely plant my roots within the borders of what is now called West Virginia but, you see, I don't like borders. And, if people want to join the project I don't care where they come from. And, the network of Radiant Zones will transcend State boundaries -- even national boundaries on the larger scale, and on the smaller in some cases.

I've been to the mountains of North Carolina on the Tennessee border, and could look out and see TN -- but it's not like anyone could tell where NC ended and TN began from that viewpoint. It's all Appalachia, and the only clues you'll get as to whether you're crossing State lines are signs on the roadway.

I've gone on about this long enough.

Peace and prosperity to all.

- fil

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