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Old 09-29-2008, 05:36 PM   #3
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Default Re: Looking for a community

Originally Posted by kungfugrip View Post
Thank you but no thanks. I would be interested in getting involved with brothers and sisters without a religion behind us. No man is worthy of being called father and no woman is worthy of being called Mother as far as I am concerned. We are all Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua and to give homage to Mary is the same as female Deity worship and placed in the Catholic religion as a replacement for the true center of their worship which is all the female deities of occultic mystery schools which at base is Lucifer. Most all religions are usurpation of truth to make mankind lukewarm. I believe God will lead in these times, true purist believers to gather in communities so as to withstand till the return of our Messiah, Yeshua/Jesus. Please to anyone here I mean no disrespect to you and your religion but I have studied as many religions and mystic schools possible for one limited being and believe most are the culmination and began by secret societies and ancient religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism which are the result of the fallen Sons of God that set themselves and their children the Nephilim as deities in place of the Most High. I test all messages given me thru prayer and believe nothing unless God give at least three witness's to confirm. In these the last years of the World under the Dark Master, One must guard carefully oneself and not be taken in by mystical groups that even refer to ancient Mystic religions in their, ABOUT US SECTION as some sort of reference, Especially Catholicism. Again no disrespect or offense meant but most if not all Religions are full of honest God loving People but they are being misled by luciferian leaders. please don't respond in offense and try to debate me as I don't feel theres time to try to convince others nor do I have the energy too get in debate with you. Gods Richest Blessings~
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