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Old 03-05-2010, 05:56 PM   #3323
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Nexus global and synchronized meditation of saturday the 6th of March 2010 at 8 Pm Gmt

In Mayan tradition there is a greeting that many people working with Mayan wisdom know of.
It is In Lak'ech.
We understand In Lak'ech to mean I am another yourself and also means I am you, and You are meIn our spiritual path and our sacred service to humanity, we can practice In Lak'ech tirelessly because when and what we give to others is giving energy to ourselves. When we give, we receive. The more one practices In Lak'ech, the more we receive. What goes around comes around. The more humanity begins to live In Lak'ech, the less we will think in terms of our separateness. There can be no competition, jealousy or envy between us, because we are pieces of each other. We can share and help each other with our connections, ideas, resources without fear that there will be not be enough to go around. When we live the concept of unity, abundance and wholeness there is unity, abundance and wholeness!

One with You through the Heart

Love Always
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