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Old 02-03-2010, 04:05 PM   #55
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The Little Serpent and Serpentina

Originally Posted by abraxasinas View Post
"Have we not just said, that the Egyptian and Hebrew mythologies are closely intertwined, as can be seen in the sundial of Ahaz?!
Anyway, Isis, with Nephthys, who has left her husband in disgust as to his dastardly deed, Thoth; and the 'shadow brothers' Horus and Anubis, seek for a way to resurrect Osiris.

The magical loveheart of Isis, the Ibismind and Caduceus of Thoth, the 'all seeing' Hawkeye of the spiritual Horus and Anubis as 'Guide of the Dead' succeeded to find 13 of the missing pieces to put Osiris together again - only his phallus was missing, having been devoured by an Arachne-spider.

This is a significant point in symbolising the 13th starsign of Ophiuchus the 'Serpenttamer', associated with Osiris/Orion being mapped as the transit between Taurus and Gemini (May 22-23) as the 'Sign of Arachne' in the 'Point of Orion' onto the 'Sign of Ophiuchus' (November 23-24) in the transit between Scorpio and Sagittarius in the 'Point of Ophis'.

Meanwhile Osiris had ascended into Ra's heaven and had inseminated Isis with his intact spiritualised penis to create the righteyed and physical Horus; who would under guidance of 'his father in heaven' grow up and avenge his father in Christlike fashion."

Logan Antico: "The omniscientific question know is to identify the 13 unaccounted pieces of the Osirian body.
We define the Arachnian Phallus as RA himself, now imaged in AR as herself in the place of Apep.
Three series of 9 numbers give 9 archetypes and 18 resonances for a 26-letter alphabet A to Z with the circle closing in the 27th letter of

A 1-series: 1=A/Spirit of Osiris as Khu; 10=J/Body of Set as Khat; 19=S/Winged Disk of RahaR;

a 2-series: 2=B/Heart of Isis as Ab; 11=K/Fire of Nephthys' Duamutef; 20=T/Twinship of TefnutShu;

a 3-series: 3=C/Body of Horus as Sahu; 12=L/Air of Ptah's Qebhsnuf; 21=U/Sphinx Harmakhis' GebNut;

a 4-series: 4=D/Soul of Bast as Ba; 13=M/Water of Seshat's Imsety; 22=V/Maat's Scarab as Khepera;

a 5-series: 5=E/Mind of Thoth as Ibis; 14=N/Earth of Anubis' Hapi; 23=W/Pyramid of Thoth;

a 6-series: 6=F/Power of Sekhem as Hathor 15=O/Sirius of Hathor; 24=X/Sekhmet's Ankh as Sekhem;

a 7-series: 7=G/Chalice of Nephthys as Ka; 16=P/Lotus of Isis's Elements; 25=Y/NutGeb's YoniPhallus;

a 8-series: 8=H/Name of Ptah as Ren; 17=Q/Crook & Flail of Horus; 26=Z/ShuTefnut's PhallusYoni;

a 9-series: 9=I/Shadow of Anubis as Khaibit; 18=R/Uraeus of Thoth; 27=A*/RaH as HaR.

The separation of the sexes in three generations reduces to a unity expressed in that fourth generation, with Shu=Horus-Ptah and Geb=Anubis-Thoth and Rah=Osiris-Set, mirrored in Tefnut=Hathor-
Sekhmet and Nut=Bast-Seshat-Maat and Har=Isis-Nephthys.
The unity of Rah now allows both the rigtheyedness of Set and the lefteyedness of Osiris to become expressed in the same relativity of Rah, effectively doubling 'himself' as 'herself' and allowing Ra's old image of Apep to become transformed into the Har of Isis-Nephthys and redeeming Set, renamed as Seth in the process of completing the triune lovematches of RahHar, TefnutShu and GebNut; then expressed in the archetypical couplings of: A*BGJ=1+2+7+10=20=2=Osiris+Isis+Nephthys+Seth; CHOX=
3+8+15+24=50=Horus+Ptah+Hathor+Sekhmet; DEIM=4+5+9+13=31=4=Bast+Thoth+Anubis+Seshat.

And to those 12 archetypes we add the two dualities of TefnutShu and GebNut for a total of 14.
The 13 missing Osirian pieces so become the letters A, (as Rah), F,K,L,N,P,Q,R,S,V,W,Y,Z and as exactly half of the alphabet, mirrored in the available identities as shadow identities and with the Goddess Maat being identical to Bast in the 4-series, but differentiated in Seshat as 13=1+3=4."

Robert Sceptico: "And considering all this, yet another scriptural riddle is solved by omniscience; do you recall the story of Noah and how he was told to divide the animals in the ark, by sevens and by twos?"

Logan Antico: "Yes, the LORD made a distiction between the clean sexes and the unclean sexes; and no theologian I know of, has ever claimed to know what that all means?

Genesis.7.1-3: "And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female:
and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive
upon the face of all the earth."

The Egyptian mythology as described here, is nothing but the Jewish Kabbalah of Ein-Sof, as the Hebrew mysticism in the Pentateuch, the first five books of Moses in the old testament of the Torah."

Robert Sceptico: "Yes I knew that you would know; the redemption of the Egyptian 'Devil' Set as Seth is but the birth of Seth as the first son of Adam and Eve after the 'cursing' of Cain in Abel.
Abstractly speaking, the Oneness of Atum=Aton=RaHaR manifests as the twinship of Ein-Sof in in its fourth generation and in ten archetypical characters, symbolising the ten principalities, three of whom have no antiprinciples in Relativity, Quantisation and the Metamorphosis of the Old Identity into a New Identity, utilising the preceeding nine principles in the rootreduction of 10=1+9=1 '+' 0 =1 or 10binary=2decimal.

In the 12D-semantics of omnimathematics; the statement [8 + 8 = 1], with numeral (8) placing for 'Infinity', can be restated as the 'denumerable infinity' of a Cantor-Set of 'Cardinality' Aleph-Null in a limit of 'Infinity' to become mapped in a one-to-one correspondence onto a Cantor-Set of
'Cardinality' Aleph-All in a limit of '1'; provided the integer count in Aleph-Null approaches 'Infinity' in a mapping of the same 'mapped' integer count approaching a limit of 'X'.
The 'indenumerability' of the mapped intervalled 'integer count' is then encompassed in the Feynman-Path-Integral of
(T(n)=n[n+1]) in the set: {...-3-2-1+0+1+2+3...}, becoming unitised in the square or doubling of the polarities, analogous to the onsidedness of a potential doublesided surface in [-(-8)+(8)=1] as the quantum geometry of the pentagonal symmetry of the cosmogenesis."

Logan Antico: "It is unlikely, that many layphilosophers would understand your mathematical reasoning; I can however see the geometrical manifestation behind it.
One begins with the Octagon of Pythagoras and a square of side (a) and proves the Theorem of Pythagoras, before applying a quadruplistic transformation resulting in a threefold nesting of squares and projects a unitsquare onto this nesting to define a circumscribed octagon, within a circle of radius (r).
Then (r=5axSquareroot(2)/8and a=Squareroot(8/5) and r=Squareroot(5)/2) and one can define the pentagon within the circle of radius (r).
Finding the centre of the nested pentagons as inscribed in a circle of radius r*, then reinitialises the Pythagoraen Octagon and allows definition of the geometry of the hexagon as the alchemical 'Star of David' or the 'Seal of Solomon' in the definition of (r*=Squareroot[{1-1/Squareroot(5)}/2}]=0.525731112...).

Robert Sceptico: "Well, I propose that the layphilosopher will have great difficulties following your arguments of quantum geometry in a similar vein of semantic unfamiliarity.
Let's see if we can use the Hebrew Kabbalah in an alternative description of the Egyptian mythology of numerological archetypes.
We have defined our ten characters and now map the kabbalistic 'tree of life' in the following fashion:

1.Keter or Crown is the Khu of the Spirit and the 'Tree of Life as Djed or Phallus of Osiris'
2.Hokmah or Wisdom is the Ab of the Heart and 'Throne of Isis'
3.Binah or Intelligence is the Sahu of the Masculine in the 'EyeMirror of Horus'
4.Hesed or Love is the Ba or Soul of the 'Sistrum of Bast'
5.Gevurah or Power is the Ibis or Mind of the 'Caduceus of Thoth'
6.Tiferet or Beauty is the Sekhem of the Feminine in the 'EyeMirror of Hathor'
7.Nezah or Endurance is the Ka of the Double of the 'Astral Chalice of Nephthys'
8.Hod or Majesty is the Ren or Name of the 'Mason's Tool of Ptah'
9.Yesod or Foundationis the Khaibit or Image of the 'Shadow of Anubis'
10.Malkuth or Kingdom is the Khat or Body and the 'Tree of Death as Yoni or Vulva of Set'

then partitions those ten archetypes into a male, say left stem and a female right stem, parted in a middle stem, centred on the 'unclean sexes' of the 69=96.

The male 'clean-sex' stem is the sequence from top to bottom in: 1-3-5-8-10 and the female 'clean-sex' stem as the series from bottom to top in: 10-7-4-2-(1=1+0=10) as the Kelim of Reshimu.
The middle stem is so given as: 1-6-9-10, with 1 and 10 interchangeable in a rootreduction of 10=1.
One sets the maleness as odd numbers and the femaleness in even numbers; the unlean sexes of 6 and 9 encompassing 7 and 8, which so become interchanged in the male 7 associated with the female Nephthys and the female 8 given to the male Ptah to effect the overall transformation of the 10 of Set=Ar into Har and rendering the dragking Set as 'fake' DragonKing into a real DragonQueen
Har for a real DragonKing RaH and as the Tsimtsum of the Tehiru in the Torah.
And so the seven 'clean sexes' are 1,2,3,4,5,7 and 8 and the two 'unclean' sexes are 6 and 9; the differentiation being made for the pupose to render the number 10 as a true female, the 0 in between two number 1's, say in: (101binary=5decimal), mirroring the maleness in the femaleness and
vice versa; the 'fowls of heaven' defining the bisexuality contained in the undifferentiated twinships.
The symbolism of the 69=96 involves this mirror of being inverted either back to back in 96 or of being inverted face to face in the two 'immutable principles', by whom it was impossible for 'God' and hence the 'AntiGod' or 'Dog' to lie, coded in Hebrews.6.18.
Mirroring 6 in a vertical mirror, either left or right results in a reflected numeral 6, which is however an inverted 9 in a reflection about a horizontal mirror either above or below the cipher 6.
So a double-reflection, once vertical and once horizontal transforms the 6 into the 9 or vice versa and so 69=96 represent the mechanism by which God's purpose of the 10-tiered unification is accomplished.
The numbers 66 or 999 etc. only transform the 6's into 9's and the 9's into 6's and do not achieve the desired aim of using two in one to mirror the one in the two."

91 8 19 (got it, the 8 - is infinity sign)

understood the seshat/thoth

(order of white rose - 3rd in g / and, 1st in g)

Arachne-athena / weaving contest
arachne woove 'the truth' into 12/13 tapestries
1913851 = 28/10/1

took journey - to retrieve phallus - from spider

if 'the buckle of isis is 25
then, the phallus of osiris is 72
(which blends to 97)

+3 (higher self at 7d, essence at 8d, monad at 9d-as, 1,2,3)

blending of iSiS/O of order of melisidek
blending of malkuth thru kether of order of elohim
blending of order of metratron

(thru 260 or 13x20)

12 + 12 + 9 levels = 33

13-20-33 , was the forumula we utilised, that worked

blending of monads

K + C (turns into 2 into 1-scribes)

233 233 215 & 333 333 315 / or 333 333 351

8 8 8 and 9 9 9

(also, more on this - will search for notes)

ra / a r
91 - 19

is that what will create - the new cosmic identies ???

r a h a r
9 1- 8 - 1 9

(there's more - need to find other notes)

thanks 'a'
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