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Old 01-17-2010, 12:14 AM   #1
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Default Rainbow Community mtg Feb. 6/2010

Hi all,

There will be a Rainbow Community meeting on Feb. 6 at 2:00pm in Montreal . There has been good progress to move ahead on all aspects of the Rainbow Community development.

The tentative agenda will be:

1. To update potential members about the latest news/ status and schedule to start construction of the community center this spring.

2. Review the events that are changing very fast on the world stage, and to discuss what the expected outlook is for the coming months for the planetary changes.

3. There are interested members both locally and out of town which have not met, so this will be an opportunity to relax, meet and talk.

4. Q & A on the Rainbow Community.

Any interested person is welcome to join. Please pm or email me at wayne49s@gmail.com.

Place to be determined.

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Old 01-23-2010, 11:19 PM   #2
Cosmic Dancer
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Post Re: Rainbow Community mtg date revised to Feb. 7/2010

Hi all,

Please note that the Rainbow Community meeting to be held in Montreal, originally scheduled for Sat. Feb. 6 has now been moved to Sunday, Feb. 7th due to the location being available for rental only on the Sunday. The meeting time is still at 2:00 pm. and the location is as follows:

4585 Sherbrooke St. West
Westmount, QC
H3Z 1E9

You need to identify yourself at the reception desk at the entrance of the YMCA by letting them know you are with the "Rainbow Community Group" in order to be allowed in. They will let you know how to make your way to the room we're meeting in.

If you have questions, or need any additional info, you can PM me or NorthernSanctuary.

All are welcome!

--Cosmic Dancer
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Old 01-24-2010, 11:02 AM   #3
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Default Re: Rainbow Community mtg Feb. 7/2010

Here's the updated agenda:

1. To update (potential) members on Community Development (Wayne)
- overview of community: description
- projects (community center, food production, power, water, etc.)

2. Community Organization / Policies (Wayne)

3. Food Production (Laurent)


4. Review the world events, outlook/ impact on schedule (Wayne)

5. Member Recruitment (Josie)

6. Community Spirituality, Closing Meditation. (Josie)

7. Q & A on the Rainbow Community.

8. Opportunity to relax, meet and chat over coffee/ dinner.

Last edited by NorthernSanctuary; 01-24-2010 at 11:08 AM.
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Old 02-06-2010, 04:29 PM   #4
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Default Re: Rainbow Community mtg Feb. 6/2010


from Astraelia, visit the Matawini sacred site at: www.astraelia.piczo.com

The Galactic Federation have showed up in great numbers at the Matawini site during the whole of the summer of 2009...

It started with a bang so to say...
It was the first night that I was there after having rented a cottage for the whole season.
After having finished unpacking, I said to myself, now, I'm gone rest and have a look outside, and then I told jokingly to myself: '' to see if I see some UFO ? ''

Then I open the door to look outside, and then, right away, I see a huge ball of fire crossing at the speed of a meteorite from the right to the left of the sky, crossing the whole horizon in a few second, and following a perfectly straight horizontal trajectory !!!
It left behind a bright fiery trace in a perfectly straight horizontal line that persisted a few second after the Fireball like UFO had passed and continue behind the trees.

That was quite a starter !

During this summer, there was innumerable UFO showing almost every starry
night. It started very progressively, every night I went to the circular landing area on the side of the road. After a few weeks of no UFO at all, then some started to appear, here and then, but in a very discrete and dissimulated manner.

Then, night after night, there was more UFO that the preceding night.
With the many groups of people who came visit the Matawini site for the first time in modern history, as I had expected, the UFO sighting was amplified by the group energy. All these people where to some degree spiritually and UFO aware.

This progression in the number of sightings continued to the point, that every clear and starry night, there was an almost constant flow of UFO appearance, between 10 to 20 UFO appearing every nights, with a great variety of type and manner of appearance and behaviour. At a point, I had to go to sleep, but it certainly would have continued far in the night if I could have stayed outside all night.

I saw again the same 2012 Countdown Clock of UFO that was described in the book Blue Star Prophecy of Miriam Delicado, and that I saw in montreal a few years ago.

It was almost exactly the same, a series of 6 UFO's started to appear one after the other, in a perfectly precise circular configuration representing the left side of a clock from the 6 to 12 hour. The first UFO appeared starting at the bottom and then a second one at the 7h position and another following at the 8h. then 9h. and so on until a 6th. UFO appeared in the top position of the clock for the 12th. hour, representing the year 2012. Then, I saw another UFO just outside the 2012 countdown clock, crossing the sky in a straight line at great speed and leaving a trace of light behind. The direction and angle of the trajectory of this UFO, was pointing exactly toward the circular UFO Lift Off area that is located further away on the side of the road, and that is located where the spherical stone appeared in a powerful lightning strike common spiritual experienced that happened with my girlfriend as we were coming back from a visit to the sacred cave of Matawini...

The very numerous UFO presence at the site, for the first summer,
tells me that the Galactic Federation is now very aware of the Matawini site and may have
followed closely all the new discoveries that I have made.

I consider their massive showing during all the 2009 summer season indicates that the Matawini site is now officially under the protection of the Galactic Federation of Light.

This is some real good news. I now remember that I had foreseen this in my prayers and seed-visions for the future. Often I have given the permission to the Galactic Federation to use the sacred site as a safe arbour for them, and that as an ambassador of the aware civilization of Earth, I called for their Armada to come in great number and use this sacred site as they see fit for their operations. They again have answered my call, prayers and seed-vision.

May the Great Spirit sun shine in our hearts
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:34 PM   #5
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Default Re: Rainbow Community mtg Feb. 6/2010

We had a very successful meeting. There was a lot more people interested this year than last year (25). I expect this will be even more so as this year progresses. We followed up the meeting with a dinner and talked well into the evening. Here's a group photo and some pictures during the break:


Discussions during break:


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Old 02-08-2010, 05:17 PM   #6
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Default Re: Rainbow Community mtg Feb. 6/2010

How beautiful!!

Such love is nice to see so close to home.

We could not attend...Valentines day approaches and sat/sunday we were surrounded by a few thousand flowers.

Glad to see the community growing
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Old 02-09-2010, 02:57 PM   #7
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Default Re: Rainbow Community mtg Feb. 6/2010

Hi Northern Sanctuary, thanks for posting the pictures. A loving vibrant community coming together right here in "our back yard"! This is what Avalon is all about!
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Old 03-27-2010, 02:58 AM   #8
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Default Spiritual guidance on 2012 ascension

Channeled by Maureen Moss / Feb 1, 2010

Dearest Hearts,
As always, I pray you are well.
Writing this article was not my idea. It was God's,

"You have just experienced, 'there is only One of us.' I have long told you that you will only teach that which you experience. You yourself needed this reminder, so you could remind the many. Who you are, is who I Am. How you Be is how I Be. How you love Me is how I love you. We are One.

Now you have a deeper awareness of why I ask all of you to create time for Me daily and come to me open-hearted and filled with love. Only through love and intentional contact can you access Me, hear Me, feel Me, know Me, collaborate with Me and make your way gracefully through your life; particularly through this next year.

Humanity is well within the energy field of 2012. Make no mistake about it, and do not take this lightly. What has been written thus far about 2012 has engaged many minds, now you must engage your hearts, so you will not miss what you have incarnated for, which includes meeting many Beings of Higher Consciousness that you have had a 'through the veils' experience with.

The timeline of the third dimension has collapsed, more quickly than anticipated. Your Beloved Mother Earth is in a most fragile state and has chosen to birth her ascended state now. She is doing so in great part to move herself up to her next level of consciousness, as she is dying in the former one, and in great part to push each of you into your next level of consciousness, for you too are dying in your former one.

The year ahead will be the most fascinating of any that you have had in your human experience, Beloveds.

From meeting your space brothers and sisters, Archangels and Angels, to the many moments of alchemy and magic, apparent tragedy and transcendence, each of you will live the year in front of you being beckoned moment by moment to choose love or to choose fear, purposefully.
Your state of consciousness is being put to every test now, and for good reason.
What you choose in each moment will determine where you will live in the new order outside of time.

Whatever you choose is where you will be, and where you will be will mirror that which you choose.

The new earth is mandated to be duality and polarity free. The same is true for each of you in order that you ascend. You have been told before, via the one that writes this, that you are positioned to become heroes in a transition stage.

Only through love stabilized, and consistency and communion with Me, are you able to hold the frequency of the new Earth and the fifth dimension without falling back into another deep sleep of separation.

You are each surrounded by vast Legions of Light Beings of the highest order that are positioned to help you as well. Each ask that you strengthen your rapport with them, ask for what you need, participate in your ascension and claim your victory.

It is also true that energies of a Dark nature still linger, attempting to win your affection. Circumstances are ripe for them to enter your lives each time you choose fear over love, regardless of any experience you are in the midst of. Come and sit with Me and I will tell you the Truth about any of your experiences, if you will listen with an open mind.
You will be well served if your stories that you continue to claim as the reason for your despair and malfunction have Light cast upon them, rather than the mortal mind's repetitive shadows. In the Light you will see Truth. In the Light and Love of Truth, along with your devotion to your shift, you are made capable of transmuting patterns of fear, patterns of repetition, change genetic coding, alter your DNA, and shift your entire ancestral lineage.

"How am I to do that," you might ask, "when I am jobless, uncertain, and my abundance is dwindling?" You choose to stop believing that you are jobless or without abundance and you will stand in the middle of your own transformation.

Be of good service to others, and you will have a job. Give and you will receive. That is the Law and the Promise.
You have no need for the details. It is already written. Trust Me, or trust your mind. You choose.

Humanity has had a perception challenge for millennia. Stop perceiving anything.
Let the former notions and perceptions seep out of you until you are empty. Empty.
And when you are empty, I will fill you up with the nectar of a God, not a human playing small, but a God playing Big.

You choose. Yes I know this is a big stretch for many. So be it. Stretch and empty yourselves, and see what you find. You have nothing to lose but a state of mind that has killed off many a Truth.

Choose love and love is what you will get. Take your mind out of everything it has formerly invaded.

Where you take notice of a conflicted nature, sit down and breathe. Connect to The Great Central Sun and the crystalline grid of Mother Earth, with your breath. Learn how to run stabilized energy through your bodies as easily as you put food into your mouth. Get into your body and compose yourself. Come to Me and I will lead you back to yourself and prepare you to enter a Higher Order outside of time.

I have told you this before and I tell it to you again.
You are Gods in human form.
You are loved beyond your deepest imaginings.
You are My heart beating, and I love you.

Believe Me and come forth.



Maureen Moss

"Breakfast With God, Part 2"

Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well. I started writing an article this month to elaborate on the above 12th Dimensional Energies and while in the midst of writing, my fingers stopped moving on the keyboard, the energy shifted in my office, and I was told, "Stop. What I have to say is more important right now. Please consider this your second breakfast with Me. You can speak to the rest, as you have planned, later."

"Humanity is coming dangerously close to falling into another round of third dimensional survival consciousness. Those both in and out of government, deemed 'the powers to be,' are making last ditch efforts to reinvent, simulate, stimulate and invent new scare tactics and false holograms to keep humanity in a state of controlled, fractured and dependent survival mentality.

As a result, far too many are falling deeply into scarcity consciousness, and scouring their minds at breakneck speed to invent what they deem are the best ways to survive during the perceived hard times ahead. Beloveds, you are starving and striving in a land of plenty. I ask you to open to Divine nourishment.

Hard times are not ahead for you, unless you interpret it as such. Clean your lens of perception, deepen your commitment to Truth, and turn a deaf ear to the fear mongers. Unique times, collaborative times, compassionate times, healing times and creative times are ahead for you. Opportunities to build relationships that serve and empower one another are ahead for you.

Your economy, current energy systems, your environment, your education and health care system (which never cared for you) are crumbling. Give thanks and be still, until you can be creative and innovative and empowered by this gift. The audacious self-serving plans for each and every one of them were never in your best interest. They served a select few and they trapped billions.

Many of your countries and falsely revered wayshowers are showing humanity what happens when the stupendous activity of being completely out of alignment and out of integrity attempts to triumph in a false world. The lamp of Truth continues to shed Light on deception and will soon bring it all to a grinding halt. Remember that when one thing halts another begins. Both destruction and creation take place simultaneously.

I ask you to withdraw your attention from fear and let the external world play itself out, as planned. Let the few that chose to be part of the downfall of a corrupt dimension complete their assignments, and you begin your next one surrounded by my Love.

You have an ascension to pay attention to, so please get on with preparing yourself, consciously. I Am with you. Investigate your final limiting beliefs, and set them free. Your consciousness asks only one thing from you. To set it free. Would you trap a butterfly rendering it incapable of the very thing it was born for?

I tell you that if you learn how to play within the framework of the Higher energies, accept My guidance, refuse to paralyze yourselves and hoard what little you think is left, you will know your power.

If you will come into alignment, integrity and rapport with who you really are, what you do for work and play, with whom you choose to be in relationship with, how to be in relationship with yourself and then move yourself in the directions of your dreams, you will find yourself invincible.

Remove yourself from scarcity consciousness, in order that the final codes for your ascension may be transferred to you. Remember who you are. Remember who I Am. Remember.

You will wake up one day soon and notice how "all of a sudden, a new world has dawned."

Copyright 2010, Maureen Moss. Please pass this on, share it with everyone and take it to heart. When you share this article with others I ask that you include my name and websites as this is part of a greater body of work.
I wish you each love, joy, blessings, clarity and abundance. May Grace follow you wherever you go.

Know you are loved!

Channelled by Maureen Moss
The World Puja Network, LLC
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Old 03-27-2010, 11:15 AM   #9
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Default Re: Rainbow Community mtg Feb. 6/2010

Such a blessing to read these words this morning.

My love to all of you.

My heart is never far, living amongst the flowers in laval..I think of your community often and send love and light.

May your nights be filled with warm light and your days covered in bright light.

Be well and know you are all loved.

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