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Old 10-01-2008, 03:16 AM   #176
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

well said Ali Quadir
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Old 10-01-2008, 03:45 AM   #177
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

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Old 10-01-2008, 03:53 AM   #178
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Default Re: The October 14th Event


I don't want to burst anybody's bubble but I stumbled upon a presentation today that gave me an interesting new angle on this topic.

The presentation is by Stan Deyo. I never heard of him before ...
First of I liked the presentation but I have mixed feelings too. First of all this guy says he has been working for the Illuminati

But also if you look at his website there is some fear mongering too. And he is also into selling books ....

Here's the presentation:

at approx. 30 minutes he starts talking about how formations can make it look like a huge craft and he even discusses how
it is possible to hover for a longer period .... Further in the presentation he mentions it in detail again ....

I thought he also planned to talk about the NWO but he doesn't cover that in the presentation.

Now on his website there a is a kind of summary about one of his books:

Now there he discusses something which looks very similar to project blue-beam.

The point here's that of course we don't know if he's telling the truth. But if you consider his scenario (which may relate to
october 14th event from large ship/long hovering as said in the presentation) the event by itself will not prove anything !

According this scenario there are 2 (!) fakes parties: the goodies and baddies
And there's a whole lot more ...

I am kind of undecided by this for now. I am curious about other opinions and explanations.

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Old 10-01-2008, 03:59 AM   #179
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Default Re: The October 14th Event


If you listen to this radio interview with Blossom you will get a good intuitive idea about what it is all about, first listen, then decide. I have seen and heard a lot of channellers in my time and most made me laugh out loud to see people believing them, but just give this a listen first, okay.
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Old 10-01-2008, 04:31 AM   #180
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

I think I mentioned it earlier in a thread on this same subject.

If this turns out to be a non-event, all of the sources that brought this message need to be scrapped.
Absolutely no one should be trusted after bringing such a blatant lie to so many people.

This included Matthew messages and all other 'channelings' as well.
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Old 10-01-2008, 06:56 AM   #181
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

Originally Posted by Jetamus View Post
I think I mentioned it earlier in a thread on this same subject.

If this turns out to be a non-event, all of the sources that brought this message need to be scrapped.
Absolutely no one should be trusted after bringing such a blatant lie to so many people.

This included Matthew messages and all other 'channelings' as well.
Agreed ! ) Also i want to say a couple things about Blossom, First i did email her back and forth in the very begining of all this oct 14 stuff. I do beleave she is genuine ! BUT we must all think of all the possibilites. 1. there is always a "possibility" That Blossom has channeled a being with not so good intentions, our other goals, this may very well be the beings duty, and i think we need to accept that. 2 Maybe it is simply the idea that we are supossed to consider. (Quote A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows. )
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Old 10-01-2008, 07:24 AM   #182
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

does a message like this require discernment ???

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Old 10-01-2008, 07:58 AM   #183
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

I was just wondering if anyone listened to Steven Greer's talk from Sep 26 at http://www.worldpuja.org/conversations.php

They talk about their last training experience and how this time there was much more than usual of the interaction with the ETs and seeing a lot of their crafts -- the timing (right before Oct 14) is interesting..

But also the last 20 minutes of the talk are very interesting where he talks about how a G8 country wants him to make the first public official contact with the ETs, and how the US knows about this and said they're fine with it so long it doesn't happen in the US. Maybe this might have something to do with the next month supposed event..
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Old 10-01-2008, 11:05 AM   #184
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed when they realize that "armageddon" is not going to happen. Neither will "blue beam" or any other beam. Several good reasons for this have already been stated in this thread. Many people still stubbornly believe in the negative doom/gloom scenarios. I would not waste any time on trying to convince them of anything else. The negative/dark focus is to weak to have any effect on the positive/Light outcome of this situation which so many people are waking up to these days.

If this turns out to be a "non-event" a lot of mistrust will happen because a lot of people have totally attached themselves to that specific date. As Matthew said in his latest message:

If safety cannot be assured for people on the planet and souls in the star nations themselves for their announced appearance October 14, the delay in that occurrence would not be lengthy--simply, the time for this has come.
It is good to keep this in mind. It is very unusual that all these channelers give a specific date for anything. Much less a huge event that will change humanity for ever. As this has happened it means that the sources of the info are very certain about it. But keep Matthews words in mind and don't be totally disappointed if it does not happen on the exact date. Allow for some flexability. There are things on the ground that needs to be "in place" for this also. Not least to assure the safety of all so the event is nothing but positive for as many people as possible (free will allows anyone to view it as "negative", of course).

How did people think "first contact" would do down anyway? This event is a natural progression from all previous "sighting events". It happens step by step... Nice and easy. hehe When this event occurs (14th or some other date) a lot of people (star kids) in the "ground crew" will establish telepathic contact with their respective star families:

What is also planned is that many will start to have a deep connection with the extraterrestrial galactic representatives, in other words, that there will be heightened conscious awareness, contact happening at
an individual level with many individuals worldwide. Contact not simply of an alien appearing in someone's room manifesting in this way, but rather contact at those deeper levels of consciousness, messages, many many messages being given to many individuals who are sensitive enough to receive such communication, who will be able to speak to many around them, to prepare many around them. Thus it is seen that the period between the first sighting and appearance of the alien vessel and actual first contact will be a period of preparation, of preparing the ground, of preparing individuals, of preparing the human community for actual first contact, that this is seen as a very important step and that there are many many individuals whose life purpose it was, star beings, who chose physical incarnation, who will come into their own, who will finally step into their purpose, and that purpose is to act as intermediaries, to act as ambassadors for the star nations peoples, those beings who are ready to present themselves. That these individuals will come forward for it is as if a switch will finally be turned on, they will know themselves, they will come forward, they will communicate the information that they are given to individuals and more and more messages will come forward, preparing mankind for the actual first contact that is imminent, that is planned. This Awareness wishes all to know this at this time, to prepare themselves for this amazing event, this event that has been so long planned but has been held up for so long.
Source: http://www.cosmicawareness.org/2008-10%20Hotline.doc
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Old 10-01-2008, 11:34 AM   #185
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

I'm with you Sanat. Infact i had a reading two years ago and was told that a would be changing the type of work i would be doing and would be talking to many people, possibly hundreds or thousands about "things" that they would want to learn from me. This message meant nothing to me for two years. But possibly now it means a lot more. Lets hope this is true as i have great faith, not just now but in the future for all of us to awaken human kind and turn this planet around.

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Old 10-01-2008, 11:35 AM   #186
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

Dear Ones a beautiful wave of Light is sweeping over the Earth and will continue to do so as there is a new awakening, hastened by the emergence of joy and happiness at the first public announcement of our arrival. How much it will reveal is up to your response in the meantime. We not only observe but also register the upsurge of a heightened energy full of expectation as to the future. The chaos now being experienced by you is the period of cleansing that shall see opportunities for a totally new approach to your needs. No longer are the old ways acceptable, and it would be a waste of your energy and resources to resurrect the format upon which your financial markets were based. It will be a time of concern for many of you, but remember that in the long run all of your needs will be satisfied.

The suddenness of what is happening has been looming for a long time, and the outcome could no longer be held back. It has come as a great shock to the Illuminati who thought they were still in charge. However, your destiny has been taken out of their hands for some time now, and at last you are beginning to see how the changes are manifesting for your betterment. There are still a few steps to go, and we await the opportunity to promote our allies to the positions of power, but this time they shall be trustworthy, honest and true to the Light within. You have spoken and we of the Light have responded in no uncertain ways, and this is only the beginning of a series of changes that will quickly lead to peace at all levels of your existence. It is now required of you that you support those who are so obviously of the Light, and have already spoken and acted in ways that reveal their true selves.

We can clearly see the auric colours that emanate from each of you, and it is your signature showing the level of your spiritual development. The clearer and brighter they are, the more Light you have brought to yourself and you stand as one who has awakened. This energy flows out and about and affects those it comes in contact with, and with it you are helping others to uplift themselves. There is a collective consciousness upon Earth, and we can tell you that it has risen quite noticeably with the announcement connected with the 14th October. It has given people the promise of an event of world-shaking proportions, which has suddenly drawn so many of you together. The details are not so important as the signal it gives out, that your time has arrived to take back your freedom with our help.

The focal point for the events that are going to change your lives and way of thinking, are coming through the contact known to you as Blossom Goodchild. Others are also tuning into this energy and picking up similar information, and you can expect it to be supported to a great extent. There will however always be those that have reasons to differ, and we respect their right to interpret matters in their own way. In the ultimate there can only be the one Truth, but it sometimes takes time for it to manifest. Be intuitive and true to Self, and your own judge as to what you believe in, and you will find your place with regards to what is coming. It has to harmonise with your reasoning and if it does not, think clearly as to why not, and try to take an unbiased view of it. This is no time to be narrow-minded and restrict your ability to be open to a new way of thinking.
The rest is found here: http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/...1.08SaLuSa.htm
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Old 10-01-2008, 11:38 AM   #187
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

Good post Sanat, you have certainly given me food for thought on your post.
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Old 10-01-2008, 11:46 AM   #188
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

Originally Posted by henners View Post
I'm with you Sanat. Infact i had a reading two years ago and was told that a would be changing the type of work i would be doing and would be talking to many people, possibly hundreds or thousands about "things" that they would want to learn from me. This message meant nothing to me for two years. But possibly now it means a lot more. Lets hope this is true as i have great faith, not just now but in the future for all of us to awaken human kind and turn this planet around.

Yea, it is very hard for us to accept that our future is all about Goodness/Light/Love. It is almost unbelievable because our past has been so dark, and all this darkness is projected onto the future. Only by getting rid of our past can we get a clear and unbiased view of the future.

Your avatar says it all Henners... I remember watching that movie and while most of my "mates" at that time thought it was just a funny cartoon, I knew in my being that it carried a very deep and profound message to a lot of people. Great movie btw! If we don't expect anything everything becomes a miracle and we are never disappointed and always grateful. Life is so much more fun when you are totally crazy and open for everything!
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Old 10-01-2008, 11:51 AM   #189
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

Well done Sanat .... all your posts are absolutely spot on... Do not deviate as many are !! Stay focused and keep these posts rolling in ....


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Old 10-01-2008, 11:52 AM   #190
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

Thanks Sanat. I love what you just posted. I had shivers down my spine as i read it.
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Old 10-01-2008, 11:59 AM   #191
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

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Old 10-01-2008, 12:01 PM   #192
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Nothing makes me happier than making others happy! Imagine the excess of Energy/Love/Joy on this planet when THAT is the rule of the majority!
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:38 PM   #193
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

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Old 10-01-2008, 01:19 PM   #194
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

Originally Posted by Alexandra View Post

I admire and respect your determination and love of adventure.

I have never said that this won't happen. I just have been concerned about the approach. Children are fearless until they are harmed. They are full of joy and blind faith and never see the danger that arises around them. They will run into the street, in front of moving cars, and be injured or killed, unless an experienced adult is there to guide them as they cross the street.
This is not a dark view of life it is a fact.

Many people have had visitations of many types of beings under various scenarios. This has been part of thie experience on this planet. There is no need for a display. 72% of persons, in America alone, know they exist. The percentage may be even higher.

My question would be what is their objective in violating quarantine and interfering with a species development? Guiding a species is one thing, but blatant interference is another.

When they land, and they will, many people will follow them blindly. This is their pre arranged destiny. However, some do have the choice this time around. The choice is made through their heart frequency and not their mind.
These are the people I am addressing.

All I am asking is that they consider discernment in all that they do.
Yes, I understand your "concern". But with all due respect. We are not children anymore. We are highly evolved beings and/or in the process of becoming that. People follow their own prejudice blindly and nothing else. They are not "violating" anything by simply showing themselves. I trust the messages that resonates with Joy/Love/Light because Truth is Joy and Love. Very simple. Read this for example:

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Old 10-01-2008, 02:13 PM   #195
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Default Re: The October 14th Event

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Old 10-01-2008, 02:55 PM   #196
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Old 10-01-2008, 06:16 PM   #197
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Default Re: They are coming? 10-14-08 blogspot

Ready and waiting - the tea's on the boil but you need to drink some milk if you take it....I think the Federation of Light would have thought of most things before showing themselves - like panic and so forth - don't see it a problem.

I like to have faith that this is true - us lot - humans, have certainly made a right **** up of things and I think we need to be shown that we are more then we are and that there is more to all of this.

Think about the staving billions that have prayed for something or someone to help them - this power of pray is so strong - thoughts manfesting out there in the darkness of space - they could just have been picked up and now they just maybe going to be answered.

I do believe that they are here and have been for millions of years - believe too that they are going to make their presence know and in less then two weeks before some fool presses the big red button and blows us all to kingdom come - or the like. I have more faith in them than I do in the powers that are surposedly governing us and I don't think I've met any E.T.s yet. but you never know.

Last edited by Mark; 10-01-2008 at 06:30 PM.
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Old 10-01-2008, 06:22 PM   #198
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Default Re: They are coming? 10-14-08 blogspot

Originally Posted by Oneness View Post
The latest news from Blossom Goodchild from two days ago. How many of us are ready? Thoughts on this anyone?


....honestly wish that people would realize that this is BOGUS.
sorry if i make anyone upset by saying this....
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Old 10-01-2008, 06:26 PM   #199
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How do you know that it is bogus?
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Old 10-01-2008, 06:37 PM   #200
Ali Quadir
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Default Re: The October 14th Event


There are two forms of negative intervention. The first is when someone comes in and breaks another persons confidence or health out of malice or in the pursuit of selfish desire. The other is when someone comes in and "solves" the problems another is experiencing and makes them feel good, in the pursuit of altruistic desire.

The first one is easy to recognize. The second one is not. The danger in the second lies in that the state of mind that materialized the problems in the first place is not solved. Only the local circumstances are solved. This way the seeds of codependency are sown. For as soon as the "rescuer" goes away the problems will arise again. It is yet another variant of addiction.

At this time mankind is not ready to encounter a truly highly evolved entity and not say "You are a God and MUST be my God." It is the most natural trigger to idolize something outside of self to fill a perceived void inside. If you doubt my words. Consider our idolization of rock stars and movie heroes.

We desire, we hope to be ready. Many of us are in fact ready. But even those that are ready will not be able to stop the madness that will ensue if 14 October comes and brings a mothership. "Thank god" the dark side will step in to restore the madness. And thus a potentially wonderful situation will be spun bad before anyone can say "Take me to your leader". This is why it cannot happen at this time. And this is why if it does happen we KNOW that it is not our beloved friends but the prophecised antichrist.

I understand the desire. I desire it with as much intensity as you do. I came from the stars like many of us here. And I've known this consciously since childhood. I have felt out of place and homesick on this planet for most of my life until I chose to accept mankind as my tribe. I know your pain.

We will experience this. But before that time comes, we know from prophecy, an avatar who comes with the pretense to solve our problems and whom many people will desire to worship as God or Gods. This is the abuser, the antichrist. And even if he does not destroy us, he will force many of us into codependency.

Cease desire and accept what is. Only without desire can we see clearly. It is the wisdom of soul that brought us to this, and we must have faith that it will bring us through. Come what may, it is by souls design.

Originally Posted by eXchanger
a spiritualist is in negative pole is in faith
a spiritualist in the positive pole is in verification
This is truth. So I re-empathize this.
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