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Old 12-08-2009, 06:34 AM   #51
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

After all this chem trail talk, I was watching TV when a T-Mobile commercial came on showing a beautiful field and the bright blue sky was full of chem trails. The arrogance. Keep an eye out for the commercial. Is this what they qualify as "telling/warning us" before they zap us. They are hiding their actions in plain sight - which is their way.
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Old 12-08-2009, 09:50 AM   #52
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing in the U.S.?

Originally Posted by Bobbie View Post
Here's a video of a cloud buster working

How to make a Orgonite cloud buster:
YouTube- ( Part 1 ) How to Make an Orgonite Cloudbuster

Absolutely fantastic post!!

Thank you.

I love those YouTube videos. This is what YouTube is for!!
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Old 12-10-2009, 06:28 AM   #53
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Chemtrails come in many different flavors and none of them are good for you. The original proposal for a shield of high level atmospheric particulate was developed by Edward Teller, the man that brought you the H Bomb. I believe you can find the memo at Carnicom.com, Cliff Carnicom's excellent site investigating chemtrails.

William Thomas, the first real in-depth investigator, has a great timeline that even links some of the patents originally filed by Bernard Eastlund of Atlantic Richfield now under the auspices of HAARP.

Chemtrails are known to contain micro particulate aluminum dioxide, barium dioxide, calcium and magnesium. Additionally, pseudomonis aeroginosa, normally a soil bacterium has been found in the trails. PA will not harm you unless you happen to be immuno-compromised as many people are today.

If they are attempting to follow Teller's proposal, the very chemicals they are using will bounce back a bit of the sun's rays, but will also heat the atmosphere to a greater extent as the specific temperature of each is higher than the gasses our atmosphere are comprised of.

After studying Chemtrails for about 10 years, I believe that they are predominately using them in concert with HAARP to execute over the horizon radar, deep scan tomography (sub surface mapping), undersea communications, weather modification and in the course of all this are affecting many of Earth's populace with their ELF emissions that just happen to coincide with the frequency of brain waves. The ELF's can play human emotions for all they're worth. Sometimes, CT's are used to spread microbacteria.

If you want more information, check out William Thomas' site, Cliff Carnicom's and the book or videos by Dr. Nick Begich, Angels Don't Play This HAARP.

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Old 12-10-2009, 08:31 AM   #54
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Originally Posted by Curlybird View Post
Chemtrails come in many different flavors and none of them are good for you...

I put a copy of your post on the thread "Are Chemtrails Good or Bad?"
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Old 12-10-2009, 08:52 AM   #55
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Thanks, Seashore. Anything to spread the word about Chemtrails is a good thing.

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Old 12-10-2009, 02:12 PM   #56
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Originally Posted by Curlybird View Post
Thanks, Seashore. Anything to spread the word about Chemtrails is a good thing.

You're welcome! Hope to see you on the other thread...
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Old 12-10-2009, 02:26 PM   #57
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

I've edited the opening post to ask the question, "Is there something we should be doing about chemtrails?" I'd like to hear more about the use of orgone blasters/Orgonite cloud busters, and any other things that we could do...

Actually, are orgone blasters and Orgonite cloud busters the same thing?
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Old 12-10-2009, 04:04 PM   #58
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Hello you all..

Orgonite cloud Buster or Blaster = same thing differend name.

Do they work? yes.

How? imagine if you will, that its giving kind of acupuncture to atmosphere.

If one really wants to understand principles behind orgone energy you can
start by looking one hour presentation by man who have dedicated his life
to study Wilhelm Reich life work and put it in the practice.


Amazing stuff, ecpecially later part were he speaks about his scientific work in Africa with original cloudbusters which are littlebit differend with orgonite devices.

Love and clear sky !
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Old 12-10-2009, 04:35 PM   #59
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Originally Posted by Kundaflower View Post
Hello you all..

Orgonite cloud Buster or Blaster = same thing differend name.
How about orgone and orgonite? Somehow they sound like they might be somewhat different...

Originally Posted by Kundaflower View Post

If one really wants to understand principles behind orgone energy you can
start by looking one hour presentation by man who have dedicated his life
to study Wilhelm Reich life work and put it in the practice.


Amazing stuff, ecpecially later part were he speaks about his scientific work in Africa with original cloudbusters which are littlebit differend with orgonite devices.
I remember watching this video!

Good recommendation.
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Old 12-13-2009, 02:43 PM   #60
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Dear Seashore,

To put it simple,

orgone=energy or energy matrix/KI/Chi/Prana....

orgonite= resin (organic material)+metal scrap(inorganic material) + crystal

Orgonite is made to manipulate energy field to behave more balanced way.

Alltough all emotions which are energy that can be measured from human body belong to humanlife, usually individual who is somewhat balanced
can control his life and live according his desires.

Of cource sometimes it feels good to get MAD
as it feels sometimes good to be full of love:wub2

So, some of us feel that life in our surrondings or inside us has gone too wild too long, and one way to balance energyfield is orgonite.
Its just a tool nothing more or less.

You can do many otherthings also to get similar result like meditation, yoga,
gardening, being in nature and so on..

Just how much human mind influence in our world ?
As an aswer to that i want to remind that in many native cultures think that human consiousness and weather condition has direct link.
Toxic mind = Toxic sky.
According them even plants have a ability to call rain....

Folklore in India tells us times when citizens of an country went to a King
to complain that weather was not optimal... So Kings duty was to find out
that who was in his kingdom unhappy thus causing a havoc !

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Old 12-13-2009, 02:56 PM   #61
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Great post! Thank you.

Originally Posted by Kundaflower View Post

Orgonite is made to manipulate energy field to behave more balanced way.
Do you know how orgonite works to break up chemtrails?
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Old 12-13-2009, 06:19 PM   #62
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

curlybird, so great to see your very concise post and am in agreement with all of it. My personal misery is being able to hear the elf sounds conducted . Count yourself lucky if you don't. But I do know your general area has been under extreme assalut for some time. Would you say many people there understand what' s going on? Or care?

I've kind of given up trying to inform people here in Blighty. It seems like you either get it or you don't and its sad to come to this conclusion after years of trying.

The thing about orgone is it does not stop the sound or vibration being broadcast , and I am not entirely convinced for a variety of reasons.
Though I would like to believe in orgone's efficacy I would rather people woke up and could SEE this war on humanity, not to mention the suffering marine mammals that are literally killing themselves due to sonic assault .
Still, I remain open to further orgone information. I even once built an accumulater many years ago, and funnily enough painted the box on all sides with different REAL and beautiful clouds. Remember those?

I just wanted to add, that though being in nature is healing and wonderful , spare a thought for the many gardeners and people who spend time working in the soil who have contracted morgellons. Joni Mitchell is one well known example. Plus my garden just did not work this year , too much aerial assault and fungal death . And yes, I am mad about that.

Last edited by swordsmith; 12-13-2009 at 06:25 PM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 08:22 PM   #63
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
The thing about orgone is it does not stop the sound or vibration being broadcast , and I am not entirely convinced for a variety of reasons.
I am unfamiliar with the issue of sound or vibration being associated with chemtrails.

Is this a temporary effect or does it linger? Is the vibration for the purpose of mind control?

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
...people who spend time working in the soil who have contracted morgellons...
Morgellons involves nanotechnology, I understand... Self-replicating robot like objects that become embedded in a person's system? Do I have that right?
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Old 12-15-2009, 03:59 AM   #64
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Hello all,

My perspectives concerning chemtrails may seem shocking. Especially to those whom have never looked at it all in such a way before. But I will try to explain via this brief video I recently made.

Global chemtrail reality and you

Kevin aka Clarity of Awareness

Last edited by Clarityofawareness; 12-15-2009 at 04:00 AM. Reason: mispellings
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Old 12-15-2009, 11:39 AM   #65
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Hi seashore, you have to think of chemtrails as a medium for broadcasting, like a plasma TV, which would mean they have the capabilities for holding a signal , and audio would be quite easy . They are working on the visual, hence Norwegian sky spirals ( HAARP /EISCAT type tech is also involved)

Most people simply can not hear the elf noise, but I am sure if affects us all being a vibration essentially. I hear the low range sounds and they are especially turned on after midnight and increase around 2:00 AM. when most people are meant to be in the deepest restorative sleep state. At very bad times, the noise is on all day long, this can last for a month at a time and then be abruptly turned off. It is amplified by being in a car or a building. I can still hear it outdoors but it is much diminished. It used to be much worse at full moon time, now the pattern is hard to follow, if there is one.

The sound itself is a low rumble, like an idling diesel parked outside the house or a car with a boom box. It is rather agitating , some who hear it have been driven pretty nuts, even a few suicides. It has nothing to do with electrical supply to the house or tinnitus.Most people who research the subject say it is microwave being broadcast to cell phone towers and dispersed through the medium of the metallic sky. It can be measured but is difficult to do so without sophisticated gadgetry. I first thoght it was cell phone or TETRA towers I was hearing but the sound seems to come from everywhere, like the sky itself. Spent a good few nights driving around to see where it ended or was stronger and that was pretty inconclusve. I wanted to move because of it , but have since heard it in the unlikeliest places . Now I sleep with a fan on to mask the sound, not ideal in winter.

Morgellons is a deep subject , but yes, it most definietly looks like it involves nanotech.

I really look forward to the day tax dollars no longer support the war on us.
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Old 12-15-2009, 12:09 PM   #66
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?


Thank you.

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
Most people simply can not hear the elf noise, but I am sure if affects us all being a vibration essentially.
Is "elf noise" just the name people have attached to it? Do you think it is for the purpose of mind control?

I also have a problem with a noise that I hear all of my waking hours. I've had it for 6 months or so. It sounds like it is coming from behind me, and the only way I can describe it is that it sounds like electronics working. It's not a buzzing. It's not high-pitched. It's hard for me to describe.

Virginia, U.S. is not a place associated with chemtrails, but maybe the spraying doesn't have to be directly overhead, or maybe my noise comes from the electronic soup created by cell phone towers, etc.

All I know is we need to keep talking about these things.
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Old 12-15-2009, 04:33 PM   #67
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

I started hearing this low hum (diesel engine type sound in the distance) back in the 90's when I lived in a very rural part of South Carolina. I would lay in bed and when everything else was quiet, I could hear it. It just drones on. Of course, there were two military installations within 15 miles so maybe it was a bleedover from something going on there. Maybe it was something they use on the troops. I'm speculating of course. I wonder if they use these technologies in training the soldiers in order to influence resolve to carry out the task at hand - like a programming of sorts???
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Old 12-15-2009, 04:45 PM   #68
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Originally Posted by Bobbie View Post
I started hearing this low hum (diesel engine type sound in the distance) back in the 90's when I lived in a very rural part of South Carolina. I would lay in bed and when everything else was quiet, I could hear it. It just drones on. Of course, there were two military installations within 15 miles so maybe it was a bleedover from something going on there. Maybe it was something they use on the troops. I'm speculating of course. I wonder if they use these technologies in training the soldiers in order to influence resolve to carry out the task at hand - like a programming of sorts???
Reading this makes me think of what was done to Iraqi troops during the First Gulf War. I don't know whether it involved sound, but I believe it was mind control transmitted somehow to the Iraqi troops that made them surrender.
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Old 12-17-2009, 06:46 PM   #69
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Here is an article entitled "How to Detect Chemtrails" from the eHow website:

How to Detect Chemtrails

By eHow Contributing Writer

Step 1

Observe the persistence of the trail. Contrails usually dissipate in a few minutes. Chemtrails persist, spread out and blanket the sky with a cloud layer. This trait is inconclusive, however, because contrails can occasionally persist for more than six hours if the altitude, temperature and humidity are correct.

Step 2

Watch in areas away from major jet routes for a square grid-like pattern, as opposed to single or multiple lines that cross at random angles. This too is inconclusive evidence since military planes in training often create grid-like patterns away from civilian routes.

Step 3

See if you notice hues other than the healthy white of contrails. Chemtrails have a dirty appearance and diffract sunlight into rainbow colors. Don't take this step as conclusive either, since normal contrails under certain lighting can produce a rainbow-like spectrum.

Step 4

Buy powerful binoculars for the best detection of chemtrailing. They must have a high resolution at high altitudes. Using binoculars, you can spot whether the exhaust comes from the plane's engines or through nozzles. One nozzle might be at the tail end or several could be located at intervals along the trailing end of the wing. Nozzles are an indication of chemtrail activity.

Step 5

Look for abrupt interruptions of the trail pattern that point to controlled stops and starts. Contrail interruptions also occur but are gradual across a different air mass boundary.

Step 6

Use a camera with a telephoto lens to document the operation if you detect any chemtrails.


What do members think of this article?
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Old 12-18-2009, 01:41 AM   #70
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

havnt seen a heavy day out here for a while, not since october

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Old 12-18-2009, 01:44 AM   #71
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What about the invisible chemtrails? Are there any clear days with'em?
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Old 12-18-2009, 01:57 AM   #72
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Hey Stal, that is what it looks like over my house most days. I've been looking for a good excuse to move. I wonder - should I mention this abnormality on the Disclosure Statement? -LOL Do you think folks would be interested in buying a house from a perceived lunatic?
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Old 12-20-2009, 02:54 PM   #73
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

The following is a blog post by Alex Studer, who is on Dr Bill Deagle's team to try to alert people about the planned pandemic/fear of pandemic of the New World Order controllers and the associated vaccination scam:

EDITORIAL Could increased chemtrail activity be signaling the onset of a more virulent bioweapon outbreak?

December 19, 2009 at 7:07 pm


Today (like yesterday) the entire San Francisco bay area is enveloped in a purplish mist – residue from multiple chemtrails that have been laid in the sky by Evergreen Air sprayer planes flying crisscross in the sky all day since before dawn.

So many chemtrails have been laid across the horizon parallel to each other that they have settled into each other to create a faux “cloud” formation drifting overhead, as it sifts down toward the ground in a fine mist which covers the landscape. Standing on a hilltop and looking out across the city, I remember how things once looked on cool crisp cloudless days such as today, yet today again I see a stifling pea-soup of a thick purplish mist that causes the other hills in SF to gradually fade away from visibility. I used to live in LA, and I thought the smog there was bad, along with decreased visibility, but I never thought I’d see such air pollution up here in SF, where usually the winds keep all smog from reaching the peninsula. This low-flying mass of dumped chemicals is hugging the ground as it crawls onshore, having been dumped into the atmosphere probably 20 miles or so offshore.

[Warning from Seashore - bad language in this YouTube video]


From what research I’ve conducted and seen others collect, the general consensus is that these chemtrails (considered HAZMAT by those who handle the materials in the sprayer planes) contain mycoplasma, bacteria, silicon-based nano-organisms, aluminum hydroxide, barium, berillium, and ethylene dibromide, among other nasties – none of which are good for you.

It has been my long hypothesis that the chemtrails are a multi-faceted program, one facet of which is to lower our immune systems while these “waves” of biological weapons created at US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology at Ft. Detrick, Maryland are released under the cover story of the “swine flu” pandemic. This is to me part and parcel of the UN’s freshly-stated directive to reduce global population by three billion by 2012 – which is almost half of the world’s population today.

Following the comments of Dr. Niman who has clearly indicated a new wave of more lethal pandemic is right around the corner, along with the recently published paper of Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger claiming the bleeding-lung deaths of the “Ukraine Plague” are consistent with the 1918 Spanish Flu, along with the published papers of Adrian Gibbs confirming “swine flu” to be a lab-created virus, along with the researched work of Dr. A. True Ott PhD and Dr. Bill Deagle MD, along with the published papers by Ken Welch, Dr. Russell Blaylock MD and others, I am led to the conclusion that the time is ripe for the official release of the 1918 Spanish Flu bioweapon, and I further support Dr. Ott’s instinct which suggests this planned release could very well occur on this coming Monday, December 21, the winter solstice.

I pray I am wrong.

Only time will tell.

[End of blog post]


I'm wondering whether there are persons who are in a position to walk away from the job of carrying out the spraying - reading this article right now? Or who know someone carrying out the spraying? The controllers don't do the spraying; they order it. We need some peaceful non-compliance.
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Old 12-20-2009, 04:52 PM   #74
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Default Re: Are Chemtrails Increasing Worldwide?

Poison Sky.jpg

This is what it's been looking like in Arizona the last few days.
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Old 12-23-2009, 02:33 PM   #75
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Anyone ever think that the government is altering the atmosphere so certian ET's could visit and/or live with us without having to wear bio-suits or having to be in underground bases with "special rooms"? just a thought, let me know what you think.
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