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Old 01-23-2009, 04:06 AM   #626
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

The French/Francais version of Astral Walker's summary has been uploaded to my web site.

There are now FIVE free Nexus ebooks INCLUDING THE FRENCH VERSION available here.

Last edited by Startrekka; 01-23-2009 at 04:09 AM.
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Old 01-23-2009, 04:11 AM   #627
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

I recieved another E-book from someone that is an Avalon reader and asked that I post this as well. I have not read all of it however I will go back to finish it. I feel that we need to be open from all sides to hear info that may help us-and as always to use discernment-question and discuss til we come to as clear an understanding that we can have!!

I send out many blessings to all-we do a great task for Humanity !!



Last edited by Samarkis; 01-23-2009 at 04:36 PM.
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Old 01-23-2009, 04:17 AM   #628
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thousand -Hand Guan Yin


This is very beautiful and only 5 minutes

As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
A thousand hands will naturally come to your aid
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
You will reach out with a thousand hands to help others

.Guan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion, revered by Buddhists as the Goddess of Mercy. Her name is short for Guan Shi Yin. Guan means to observe, watch, or monitor; Shi means the world; Yin means sounds, specifically sounds of those who suffer. Thus, Guan Yin is a compassionate being who watches for, and responds to, the people in the world who cry out for help.
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Old 01-23-2009, 05:10 AM   #629
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Czymra View Post
Please everyone, I've been hearing discordant voices here and there and have even been contacted personally with a thanks for being more down to earth within this thread so I consider it my responsibility to forward this.

I do not want to thwart this project, I'm with you as before but please take some time and read this thread:
What's for sure is that we need multilateral action, and the thread you linked to definitely suggests another complimentary mode of operation.

What I've spent years thinking about over and over again is what is my best guess at the "heart of the matter". No matter how hard I tried to find different angles, the same thing came up: the "mind machine".

This was only because I learned to meditate at the level of pure awareness, where I believe us all to be the same, and then determined the core layers of nature that we also hold in common, leading to further layers lead to increasing uniquenesses of personality, and then the final layers of "not us but often we think it's all a part of us".

I realized that this "mind machine" is what operates on these outer layers - this is what is susceptible to influencing.

One of my learned disciplines is something called Remote Influencing, which holds a lot in common with Remote Viewing, but originates from an even deeper level of mind.

It is plausible that if we collectively fall into meditation deeply enough we can powerfully influence the collective mind, that in turn affects our mind machines. It can restore us the crucial energy of *initiative* needed for us to make change, have those making the terrible decisions think twice about alternatives, etc.

I had always felt that other methods needed to be built off of this kind of a foundation, for them to gain their greatest potential.

I'd be happy to explain further about anything if I am not clear enough.

Perhaps I can make an analogy -

Have you ever noticed how bass frequencies penetrate walls and other materials much better than high frequencies?

Brainwaves work similarly - there have been proven cases of the "lowest common denominator" effect in group meditations, such that the pendulum effect, as applied to brainwaves, works based on the lowest frequency reached with common intent (the fundamental frequency, so to speak).

Here's a comment from another forum made by a good friend of mine:

"also another thing I'll throw out there is - when I meditated with meditators who had been "at it" for over 30 years, I was brought down to their level of experience and consciousness during group meditation, they acted as the "bowling ball on the mattress" - with no choice the marble seems to drift towards the dip... very interesting phenomena... "

So the idea is that collectively, with intent and focus, we fall into meditation together and apply this same effect on a much larger scale. People with constantly excited minds (as this is what is so encouraged in our high paced, high pressure modern society), stand a great chance of feeling a tremendous calming effect - and we think different thoughts based on our brainwave patterns.

More importantly, is getting these lower frequencies in constant circulation again. The idea is to trigger a kind of a domino effect, something that serves to continuously maintain our reality in a more relaxed state.

All of a sudden, all of these other approaches will exponentialize in effectiveness!

So what I'm suggesting, is that we need all of these approaches at once!

Remember that we are each doing the most we can given what we came here to do, if we feel something unquestionably strong in May it will be hard to doubt we are not making a significant effect!

take care

Last edited by PhiedPiper; 01-23-2009 at 05:12 AM.
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Old 01-23-2009, 08:43 AM   #630
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by PhiedPiper View Post

One of my learned disciplines is something called Remote Influencing, which holds a lot in common with Remote Viewing, but originates from an even deeper level of mind.

It is plausible that if we collectively fall into meditation deeply enough we can powerfully influence the collective mind, that in turn affects our mind machines. It can restore us the crucial energy of *initiative* needed for us to make change, have those making the terrible decisions think twice about alternatives, etc.

Personally, I am very strong convinced that EACH ONE of us should follow HIS OWN path to the greatest and final goal, name it ascencion, enlightement or what ever.

So, again personaly, I would say NO, I do not want to be influenced, not in the manner that I must accept some other path's to acheieve this goal.

So, since the time I'm aware that we're something more then only humans, I've made some decisions and one of them is that I will not allow to be influenced any more.

Sure, this is very hard to achieve, as the main problem here is our MIND, which is, unfortunately, more or less, still influenceable, manipulable.

The word influence content a lot of negative energy, this is at least the way how I feel.

Please be aware, that the humanity do not want to be influenced any more!!

So I would rather use some other synonym for this, if you don't mind please.

With love and light
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Old 01-23-2009, 10:50 AM   #631
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

I see there will be many different views as expected.

The main question we should be all asking is:

How do we get a group of several thousands of people strongly focused with a clear intent to a single goal and at the same time them respecting their 'inner truth' which can vary extremely from person to person in range, size and strength.

Practically speaking, when we look at today's situation we find a large number of 'lightworker' groups (many times with very different views), numbering usually in the ranges of 10-50 (I am speaking about real coherence, not just being a member of an online forum.. people who walk the talk and are ready to embark on a nearby mountain for a 'mere' meditation). How do we get them together? How do we do it without applying methodologies of top-down decision making and the resulting hierarchy that decision making process produces?

We know the drill and the old system of hierarchical control and the way these kind of initiatives are made (see an example in the yearly praying in Mecca by the muslims where it is strictly given how the ritual will be performed). How do we produce real practical results without falling back to the same systems of leadership, group mentality and control? What happens when several 'tribes' form with opposing views on the details? Who decides where we go next when these situations arise (and they will if we gain a mass of 1000+ people)

There is not enough momentum and information on the meditation itself in my opinion to know the answers to these questions so far.. but we do need to be aware these will be issues we will be facing.

We keep discussing on what will happen WHEN a lot of people focus and meditate coherently together but we overlook the main issue here. How do we attract the saturated attention (by oh so much new age material) of those people and 'make them' go to a mountain thousand miles away on a specific date (sad but true, many spiritually rich people have limited physical resources. Add to this the current economic mayhem and the resulting limits imposed on most people).

Last edited by TheChosen; 01-23-2009 at 10:55 AM.
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Old 01-23-2009, 12:26 PM   #632
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Astralwalker, thank you for pointing out the difficulties. I am aware that some of the suggested actions may lead to difficulties and conflict hence violence. I shall be no part of that.

My point is however, that we are LOSING people that would actually be with us, if they just heard the message in a less airy-fairy way. If they had something to hold on to that isn't quite as ephemeral they would be with us. I'm reading other threads on this forum in which people describe how the chasm is getting bigger and bigger. I can not account for any of this personally but I wouldn't be surprised.

Again, I don't want to promote conflict and violence, far from that, I want us to find a way to take those that have the urge to action with us, even if it takes more physical involvement.

PhiedPiper and TheChosen, you guys understand what I'm on about, which just confirms my feeling about us being on the same wavelength.

Something else that comes in with this is that at the moment we area all coming here for information on this progress. It's a centralised point which is an element of hierarchical structure. I don't know if our private connections reach far enough, but I surely hope that there is a network between people that is beyond this forum, for when this goes down, I'd hate to see the masses of people that have known this as the harbour of this project to go with it.
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Old 01-23-2009, 02:13 PM   #633
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My point is however, that we are LOSING people that would actually be with us, if they just heard the message in a less airy-fairy way. If they had something to hold on to that isn't quite as ephemeral they would be with us. I'm reading other threads on this forum in which people describe how the chasm is getting bigger and bigger. I can not account for any of this personally but I wouldn't be surprised.
- The message was transmitted in many ways. In most cases the current state of being is receiving the info through all sorts of filters that are part of person’s mental structure.

-It was observed from scientific point of view, from esotheric point of view, from UFO and Crop Formation phenomena point of view, drawing parallels to ancient civilizations and much more. Airy-Fairy thing is just your observation.

-If people feel that in the particular moment some Airy-Fairy image resonates with their emotional state or the idea that they want to transmit…it’s perfectly ok with me. I do it most of the time and the communication gets more extended quality and understanding. In fact the more you start to separate with this reality the more Airy-Fairy things are coming your way…I wonder why?

-Summarized, there is nothing wrong to express your thoughts and feelings. Otherwise you became prisoner inside your own mental cage. The freedom comes when you stop bother what other people will say about your actions and when you express your uniqueness.

-One other thing is that we live in a reality that has holographic nature. What we see and feel is all in pictures and gates just as the same as Windows in the Microsoft Windows platform.

-You can jump from picture to picture and you can transmit your thoughts, feelings and energy thought it. For now it is to premature to deliver this kind of knowledge, because this is step by step process. I will deliver some other useful info when I will have time, and then we will progress as we go.

Something else that comes in with this is that at the moment we area all coming here for information on this progress. It's a centralised point which is an element of hierarchical structure. I don't know if our private connections reach far enough, but I surely hope that there is a network between people that is beyond this forum, for when this goes down, I'd hate to see the masses of people that have known this as the harbour of this project to go with it.
-There is always network beyond this forum. And this will not go down. So keep up with the good vibe.

__________________________________________________ _____________

The Chosen

How do we get a group of several thousands of people strongly focused with a clear intent to a single goal and at the same time them respecting their 'inner truth' which can vary extremely from person to person in range, size and strength.
- We will find a way that is acceptable by the majority.

Practically speaking, when we look at today's situation we find a large number of 'lightworker' groups (many times with very different views), numbering usually in the ranges of 10-50 (I am speaking about real coherence, not just being a member of an online forum.. people who walk the talk and are ready to embark on a nearby mountain for a 'mere' meditation). How do we get them together? How do we do it without applying methodologies of top-down decision making and the resulting hierarchy that decision making process produces?

We know the drill and the old system of hierarchical control and the way these kind of initiatives are made (see an example in the yearly praying in Mecca by the muslims where it is strictly given how the ritual will be performed). How do we produce real practical results without falling back to the same systems of leadership, group mentality and control? What happens when several 'tribes' form with opposing views on the details?
-Nothing. If not done correctly nothing major will happen. It simple will not work. In fact something major will happen – we will fail. That is why it is a step by step process.

Who decides where we go next when these situations arise (and they will if we gain a mass of 1000+ people).
-You decide for yourself. No one has to go anywhere if he/she does not resonate with this. We will construct a main plan of activities and we will posted openly on a forum. It will stay for few days and everyone can comment on it. If we all decide that it should be altered in some line of similar, we will simple do that.

-Have faith my friend. If we do not trust ourselves how can we pull this off?

There is not enough momentum and information on the meditation itself in my opinion to know the answers to these questions so far.. but we do need to be aware these will be issues we will be facing.
-When the time is right…the meditation method will be delivered.

We keep discussing on what will happen WHEN a lot of people focus and meditate coherently together but we overlook the main issue here. How do we attract the saturated attention (by oh so much new age material) of those people and 'make them' go to a mountain thousand miles away on a specific date (sad but true, many spiritually rich people have limited physical resources. Add to this the current economic mayhem and the resulting limits imposed on most people).
-We do not make anyone going to a mountain or wherever. We just deliver the message and if someone resonates with it he/she will go. If not, its perfectly ok. For ones who can not reach some of the locations, they can tune into the global meditation from their homes.

Respect to you all,
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Old 01-23-2009, 03:05 PM   #634
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Well said Astralwalker.

Don’t lose faith... exactly...and this issue is so important, so forgive me of being a bit philosophical right now:

Why bother with issues like are we (am I) going to make it and how will we (will I) achieve this...stop right there!

There is only one universal law and nothing more but one thing is required:

Just know it will be! Know it within your heart and it will be!

Follow your inner guidance, do what should be done, be where you will be at a chosen moment, do whatever is fine for you, do your best. But trust YOURSELF!

Cause YOU, each one of YOU out there, is the key element in this story called humanity. You are so worthy my dear!

And if WE all gather OUR own experiences and make it work on a global scale, no matter if present on some of the sacred sites or from your own home, WE will achieve our goal!
We will be FREE, we will be ONE again, as we were ONE eons of time ago and will be ONE eons of time more...actually, we’re all ONE right now too...

...and as I love myself, I love YOU all endlessly too...
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Old 01-23-2009, 03:17 PM   #635
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Thanks Malletzky. I really appreciate my friend.

Please stay tuned,
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Old 01-23-2009, 04:11 PM   #636
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Thanks for addressing my concerns. Yes, we don't make anyone go anywhere as that would be obviously just reverting back to the old ways. Thats why I put the parenthesis as it was just a form of speach. To put it in better words would be how to achieve the goal of those people getting to that destination in practical terms a mass of that many people can easily comprehend, how to produce the form of the meditation presented that would resonate with the right people at right places. As I already said I wouldn't expect the answers to be available to us right now.. but it is in my opinion good to be aware of the questions we'll be facing.

Faith and timing is of course a very important part of an initiative of this kind but we must be prepared and aware of all possibilites.

Last edited by TheChosen; 01-23-2009 at 04:14 PM.
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Old 01-23-2009, 05:45 PM   #637
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The Polish version of Astral Walker's summary is now available for download from my web site in ebook ( .pdf file ) form.

It can be accessed by clicking here. Scroll down a fair way to the link.

Note too that the FRENCH version is also now available at this link

There are now SIX free ebooks on this dedicated "Nexus" page - four in English, one in French and one in Polish.

By using this page link you have the option of joining a list and you will be advised when further free Nexus ebooks are available.

All the above links go to the same dedicated page on my web site (which is mostly about earth changes and how to prepare in advance for some really interesting times. (Some of us would rather like to keep our bodies as vehicles for the spirit so we can come and go to and from other realms but still have something to live in 'down here.':-)

I also tried including an open link in this post so you could email that to others, but it is "turned off by default."

Last edited by Startrekka; 01-23-2009 at 05:58 PM.
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Old 01-23-2009, 07:01 PM   #638
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Thank you very much Zeddo for your good work in the editing unit of the nexus books.

It's a pleasure to work with you as well as all others who have joined in the translation unit.

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Old 01-23-2009, 07:13 PM   #639
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Startrekka View Post

The Polish version of Astral Walker's summary is now available for download from my web site in ebook ( .pdf file ) form.

It can be accessed by clicking here. Scroll down a fair way to the link.

Note too that the FRENCH version is also now available at this link

There are now SIX free ebooks on this dedicated "Nexus" page - four in English, one in French and one in Polish.

By using this page link you have the option of joining a list and you will be advised when further free Nexus ebooks are available.

All the above links go to the same dedicated page on my web site (which is mostly about earth changes and how to prepare in advance for some really interesting times. (Some of us would rather like to keep our bodies as vehicles for the spirit so we can come and go to and from other realms but still have something to live in 'down here.':-)

I also tried including an open link in this post so you could email that to others, but it is "turned off by default."
Thank you Startrekka,

Very useful data on your website.

Many thanks again my friend. I really appreciate.

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Old 01-23-2009, 07:18 PM   #640
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by mudra View Post


Thank you very much Zeddo for your good work in the editing unit of the nexus books.

It's a pleasure to work with you as well as all others who have joined in the translation unit.

Zeddo, many thanks from me too.

Thank you for all you time and energy that you put into this. I really appreciate.

Also, many thanks to you Mudra for all your time and effort. I really appreciate.

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Old 01-23-2009, 07:18 PM   #641
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by mudra View Post


Thank you very much Zeddo for your good work in the editing unit of the nexus books.

It's a pleasure to work with you as well as all others who have joined in the translation unit.

Mudra my dear,

it is YOU to whom all of us should be very, very thankful for your work here!

Your energy is great, your passion much greater,


with love and light
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Old 01-23-2009, 07:18 PM   #642
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Thanx for your good words, I can understand how a lot of people are looking forward to see something moving, it's pretty common, when something makes you feel like you are alive and in the middle of the action and you feel passionate about it, but suddenly things seems to slow down and you feel like you are not fed with the same ingredients you've been fed since the beginning, you just wonder if things will fade out and burst your bubble...

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that someone here has the obligation what so ever to feed me or us in any manner, I am just saying this thread is an inspiration for a lot of people and when things slows down, we start to be a little bit more anxious and want to keep up the flame and the mommentum. That is a natural way of keeping things alive for ourselves.

I am totaly confident that things are working just ok and that the events we are seeking and preparing in our hearts will work as greatly as we individually expect it to work.

I don't want to make cheap jokes but I felt this was a nice place to squeeze in this little quote from the movie FIELDS OF DREAM... "If you build it, they will come."

Good day to us all!


Last edited by Perseide; 01-23-2009 at 07:24 PM.
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Old 01-23-2009, 07:45 PM   #643
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The Mind and the Nature of Mind

The still revolutionary insight of Buddhism is that life and death are in the mind, and nowhere else. Mind is revealed as the universal basis of experience – the creator of happiness and the creator of suffering, the creator of what we call life and what we call death.

There are many aspects to the mind, but two stand out. The first is the ordinary mind, called by the Tibetans sem. One master defines it: "That which possesses discriminating awareness, that which possesses a sense of duality – which grasps or rejects something external – that is mind. Fundamentally it is that which can associate with an 'other' – with any 'something,' that is perceived as different from the perceiver." (2) Sem is the discursive, dualistic, thinking mind, which can only function in relation to a projected and falsely perceived external reference point.

So sem is the mind that thinks, plots, desires, manipulates, that flares up in anger, that creates and indulges in waves of negative emotion and thoughts, that has to go on and on asserting, validating, and confirming its "existence" by fragmenting, conceptualizing, and solidifying experience. The ordinary mind is the ceaselessly shifting and shiftless prey of external influences, habitual tendencies, and conditioning: The masters liken sem to a candle flame in an open doorway, vulnerable to all the winds of circumstance.
Seen from one angle, sem is flickering, unstable, grasping, and endlessly minding others' business; its energy consumed by projecting outwards. I think of it sometimes as a Mexican jumping bean, or as a monkey hopping restlessly from branch to branch on a tree. Yet seen in another way, the ordinary mind has a false, dull stability, a smug and self-protective inertia, a stone-like calm of ingrained habits. Sem is as cunning as a crooked politician, skeptical, distrustful, expert at trickery and guile, "ingenious," Jamyang Khyentse wrote, " in the games of deception." It is within the experience of this chaotic, confused, undisciplined, and repetitive sem, this ordinary mind, that, again and again, we undergo change and death.

Then there is the very nature of mind, its innermost essence, which is absolutely and always untouched by change or death. At present it is hidden within our own mind, our sem, enveloped and obscured by the mental scurry of our thoughts and emotions. Just as clouds can be shifted by a strong gust of wind to reveal the shining sun and wide-open sky, so, under certain special circumstances, some inspiration may uncover for us glimpses of this nature of mind. These glimpses have many depths and degrees, but each of them will bring some light of understanding, meaning, and freedom. This is because the nature of mind is the very root itself of understanding. In Tibetan we call it Rigpa, a primordial, pure, pristine awareness that is at once intelligent, cognizant, radiant, and always awake. It could be said to be the knowledge of knowledge itself. (3)
Do not make the mistake of imagining that the nature of mind is exclusive to our mind only. It is in fact the nature of everything. It can never be said too often that to realize the nature of mind is to realize the nature of all things.

Saints and mystics throughout history have adorned their realizations with different names and given them different faces and interpretations, but what they are all fundamentally experiencing is the essential nature of the mind. Christians and Jews call it "God"; Hindus call it "the Self," "Shiva," "Brahman," and "Vishnu"; Sufi mystics call it "the Hidden Essence"; and Buddhists call it "buddha nature." At the heart of all religions is the certainty that there is a fundamental truth, and that this life is a sacred opportunity to evolve and realize it.

When we say Buddha, we naturally think of the Indian prince Gautama Siddharta, who reached enlightenment in the sixth century B.C., and who taught the spiritual path followed by millions all over Asia, known today as Buddhism. Buddha, however, has a much deeper meaning. It means a person, any person, who has completely awakened from ignorance and opened his or her vast potential of wisdom. A Buddha is one who has brought a final end to suffering and frustration, and discovered a lasting and deathless happiness and peace.

But for many of us in this skeptical age, this state may seem like a fantasy or a dream, or an achievement far beyond our reach. It is important to remember always that Buddha was a human being, like you or me. He never claimed divinity, he merely knew he had the buddha nature, the seed of enlightenment, and that everyone else did too. The buddha nature is simply the birthright of every sentient being, and I always say, "Our buddha nature is as good as any buddha's buddha nature." This is the good news that the Buddha brought us from his enlightenment in Bodhgaya, and which many people find so inspiring. His message – that enlightenment is within the reach of all – holds out tremendous hope. Through practice, we too can all become awakened. If this were not true, countless individuals down to the present day would not have become enlightened.
It is said that when Buddha attained enlightenment, all he wanted to do was to show the rest of us the nature of mind and share completely what he had realized. But he also saw, with the sorrow of infinite compassion, how difficult it would be for us to understand.

For even though we have the same inner nature as Buddha, we have not recognized it because it is so enclosed and wrapped up in our individual ordinary minds. Imagine an empty vase. The space inside is exactly the same as the space outside. Only the fragile walls of the vase separate one from the other. Our buddha mind is enclosed within the walls of our ordinary mind. But when we become enlightened, it is as if that vase shatters into pieces. The space "inside" merges instantly into the space "outside." They become one: There and then we realize they were never separate or different; they were always the same.

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Sogyal Rinpoche, 10th anniversary edition, revised and updated, p. 47-49: excerpts from Chapter Four, the "Nature of Mind", paragraph "The Mind and the Nature of Mind".
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Old 01-23-2009, 07:45 PM   #644
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Old 01-23-2009, 11:26 PM   #645
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Thanx for your good words, I can understand how a lot of people are looking forward to see something moving, it's pretty common, when something makes you feel like you are alive and in the middle of the action and you feel passionate about it, but suddenly things seems to slow down and you feel like you are not fed with the same ingredients you've been fed since the beginning, you just wonder if things will fade out and burst your bubble...

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that someone here has the obligation what so ever to feed me or us in any manner, I am just saying this thread is an inspiration for a lot of people and when things slows down, we start to be a little bit more anxious and want to keep up the flame and the mommentum. That is a natural way of keeping things alive for ourselves.

I am totaly confident that things are working just ok and that the events we are seeking and preparing in our hearts will work as greatly as we individually expect it to work.

I don't want to make cheap jokes but I felt this was a nice place to squeeze in this little quote from the movie FIELDS OF DREAM... "If you build it, they will come."

Good day to us all!

I hear you my friend.

But this is the best I can do, to make it on all places at once. I have so many other things to deal with, in the same time that it is miracle that I can be here at all.

Anyway, I do agree with you, and I think to move the energies a little, we can start with some combination of the meditative technique I provided earlier, and the one Stiros suggested.

If the people agree, we can start even in early February on a planetary scale, twice a week and continue to do the same in the future.

Let’s say Wednesday and Saturday one hour meditation.

Only a starting time period should be determined and everyone can adjust according to the time zone he/she lives.

I think that it is still good idea that we start on 8 Feb 2009.

The starting time can be 7 PM Eastern European Time since that should work out to 12noon Eastern North America Time and 9am Western North America Time.
Let’s start with posture and breathing...

Sit in the meditative posture depicted in the image.

Close your eyes.

After seating relaxed for two minutes, lift your left arm and start a simple pranayama rhythm.

Begin performing inhaling and exhaling thought each nasal passage using also the two fingers of your left hand (the thumb & the ring finger), to close and release the breath in the nasal passages or to block and release prana stream…

-Take your ring finger and gently close the right nasal passage.

-Then inhale and take a deep breathe through your left nasal passage.

You do not have to count in numbers or something similar; just take the breath most naturally into your left nasal passage.

In other words, the inhale should not be too short and not too long either. The breathing process has to have the most natural rhythm that mostly fits your body.

When you had inhaled to a point that you naturally feel is enough for you, hold your breath for a second, and with synchronicity close your left nasal passage using your thumb finger and remove your ring finger from your right nasal passage so you can exhale through it.

Then gently exhale through your right nasal passage.

Exhale only to the point that mostly fits your body and don’t make it too short or too long. Only to a point that mostly fits your body.

When you had exhaled, gently inhale through the same (right) nasal passage and when you feel that you smoothly inhaled enough, hold your breath for a second, close your right nasal passage with your ring finger and remove the thumb finger and gently exhale though the left nasal passage.

When you had exhaled enough you gently inhale through the same nasal passage, hold your breath one second, remove your ring finger and exhale though your right nasal passage blocking the left nasal passage with your thumb finger.

Fallow the same rhythm for five minutes.

Once again:

- You block your right nasal passage.

- You inhale through your left nasal passage.

- When you feel that you have inhaled enough hold your breath for a second.

- You unblock the right nasal passage and begin to exhale thought it and in the same time you block the left nasal passage not allowing the prana to return back where it came from.

- After exhaling though your right nasal passage you inhale though the same you hold the breath for a second, block the right nasal passage, unblock the left and exhale though it.

- After exhaling again though your left nasal passage, you hold breath for a second, you do the blocking and unblocking and exhaling though the right nasal passage.

Just maintain this pranayama rhythm for five minutes and it will take you into the deep. It’s very simple and everyone can do it. I use this from time to time and it works great.

The breathing has to be done in most natural way that mostly fits your body. It does not matter if one time your breath is little shorter or longer from the other time, since your body fits the breathing rhythm. Your body talks to you and you just have to listen what it’s telling to you.

When you align your breath with your body and your state of consciousness you will feel the equilibrium the balance between your existence and what is around you.

Breathing in this way, will bring you more oxygen in your blood and also more prana in your right and left hemisphere. It will disintegrate the tension, the stress, it will calm down the thoughts and it will send you to the deep.

Let’s go on…

After breathing in this rhythm for five minutes, stop and return your hands to the previous posture.

Remain still as a rock. Just stop the time in yourself and become ultimate static being.

Now…focus on your physical body.

Try to feel how your body how it starting to breath though your skin and your forehead.

Try to feel how your body is starting to pulsate.

You feel that you do not use your nose anymore, but your being inhales vital energy directly through your skin and exhales through forehead.

Everything vibrates, pulsates, contracts and expands; even our energy field vibrates and pulsates according to our breath and our state of consciousness.

Everything flows with energy, its one giant ocean of energy, and we are part of it.

The important part is that you have to maintain control of your thoughts. You have to stay focused on the breathing and on nothing more. It will probably be hard in the beginning but very soon you will get use to.

Tune your consciousness into this new breathing process, become one with vital energy inhaling through your body’s skin, and exhaling only though the area of your forehead.

Do this another five minutes or so. Then stop.

Just freeze everything. Stop thinking and sink deep as possible.

Just become one with the flow of energy all around you. Feel it how it flows everywhere, how it passes by you and through you. Just like air.

Now apply the Stiros part of meditation:

Sink deep and find Love in your heart and become ONE with Love.

Feel completely charged with that Life Force.

Visualize the “energy ball” between your palms, but instead of the ball you have the “symbolic planet Earth”.

Visualize that you open a big funnel above your head and let the life force (divine cosmic light) flow into the funnel (crown chakra), through your arms and out through your palms into the “symbolic planet Earth”.

Radiate the planet with: “LOVE and LIGHT to EVERYTHING”.

Feel how millions of others are doing the same and how our planet is swimming in the beautiful Bluish-White Light of Energy.

Feel the connection between every meditant around the world and how all this is becoming one powerful field of positive energy.

Inside your consciousness, program the output energy as only useful for healing and reparation purposes and nothing more. Program the energy that you send out to be secure from any misuse and only to serve as instrument of Light.

Think of something that is most precious in your life. Something that happened before and that means so much to you. Bring it out. It will bring the right emotional charge when you think of it.

Feel it inside in every atom of your inner being. See it how your chest starts to shine and you use your will to send this above towards the Earth Atmosphere.

Extend this light around the whole planet and feel the same emotions recalling the event that meant so much to you. Remember the time when you feel happy, safe and secure and when you were full of life.

Radiate the planet with this emotional charge for the next 20 minutes and visulize everthing returning to a balance, a reality of harmony, peace, friendship and prosperity.

Imagine world without wepons, destruction and violence. Visualize that we are growing as a race and we are learning our first steps to an ancient science and the science that is well known in the Universe.

In short, this can be preformed even from start of February. We just need to agree on the starting hour of the day.

I hope PhieldPiper has some music ready and if not, I will ask him to provide a file or more files, so we can give him a feedback which one suits best for most.

My target in this beginning stage is to be a hour melody of emotional music. But my friend is the expert in the audio part so I live this to him. We can comment what he provides and give him a feedback how it feels like.

We can start doing this…and we will progress as we go and add new elements as we go.

Let’s do it

Last edited by Astralwalker; 01-23-2009 at 11:43 PM.
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Old 01-24-2009, 12:12 AM   #646
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

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Old 01-24-2009, 12:15 AM   #647
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

i feel the basic meditation above should be able to encompass everyone that will be participating...easy enough for those just beginning with meditation and suitable for those that have been at it for awhile...i personally have been involved in a daily gaia meditation with llresearch since 2001...this is the group that channeled the law of one series and they already have 1000's of people participating...this is just a suggestion but i feel it would be a good idea to integrate the hour meditations with them...more info here:


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Old 01-24-2009, 09:29 AM   #648
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by alchemikey View Post
i feel the basic meditation above should be able to encompass everyone that will be participating...easy enough for those just beginning with meditation and suitable for those that have been at it for awhile...i personally have been involved in a daily gaia meditation with llresearch since 2001...this is the group that channeled the law of one series and they already have 1000's of people participating...this is just a suggestion but i feel it would be a good idea to integrate the hour meditations with them...more info here:


Hey Mikey,

First, to thank you for taking the time and effort for creating the Nexus 2012 website.

It’s still in the developing stage, but I’m sure that it will be great website and many people can get together there and share their ideas.

Thanks my friend. I really appreciate.

Let’s wait for PhieldPiper for the music files.

... daily gaia meditation…this is just a suggestion but I feel it would be a good idea to integrate the hour meditations with them...
That would be great. Please make contact with them and tell them our ideas and will they synchronize with us.

Respect to you,
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:33 AM   #649
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Dear Friends,

This is just a basic meditation method. In my opinion it is good enough for a start but if any of you have better solution please let us know.

Respect to you all,

Last edited by Astralwalker; 01-24-2009 at 10:33 AM.
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Old 01-24-2009, 01:33 PM   #650
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Astralwalker View Post
Dear Friends,

This is just a basic meditation method. In my opinion it is good enough for a start but if any of you have better solution please let us know.

Respect to you all,
As far as I'm concerned, it's perfect.....cause this is exactly the same way how I heal our belowed Planet every day, with only few differences of achieveing the "opening" state.
It takes me about 1-2 minutes only and in the meanwhile I'm able to achieve this without any big preparations for meditation, in a totaly conscious state and "absorbing" the divine energy before "re-distributing" my love and light (which I do aprox. 5-15 munutes), not only to the belowed Earth and all that is, but lately also to the entire universe(es)...

It took me about 3-4 years of daily practicing to be able to achieve this, so I recomend to all other without much experience to follow please the above mentioned meditation process given by Astralwalker.

For me...it would be nice to try the process with some music in behind and also spending more time while sending my healing energies...So I'm looking forward to it...

With Love and Light
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