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Old 10-14-2009, 04:01 PM   #26
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Where to send your Love:

You remember this popular idea in the gospel; ''Love your enemy''... Well, I really think it was not the genuine idea. I believe it was rather like: ''Choose well where you send your love''...Simply because what you love is not necessarily good for you... Love and hate are both energies that feeds your focus. If you love your enemies, it will not transform them, but rather make them more real into your life…

Look at the pope and all the love he receives from millions of supporters and believers. Does it make him a better human? I really doubt it. Does it makes him more real or gave him more influence on the followers? I think it does indeed.

I will give you a simple example. You are in a prison. You hate your jailor and you hate the prison, you focus on hatred about your jailor and the prison. Well, you might live a very long time in hatred there because of your focus… You are slave in the same prison with the same jailor, but now you love them. Your focus is about the love you have for your jailor and your prison, you think it will make them change… Well, you might have a long life in this prison and the love you send only makes it longer… Ultimately, you live in the prison and you simply stop hating or loving the prison and the jailor. You stop focusing on them and rather start to focus on freedom, on the outside world, on your family, on the life you like. Then one day you are free, you are outside and with your family. You finally understood how it works. The Creator of All things has always answered to your call, but always by the Universal Laws of Creation.

Be careful where you send your Love. Loving anything and everything is not a good thing. Choose where you send your love according to what your heart tells you, what is good and what is bad for you. Listen to your heart and it will tell you, in your own feelings, what is good and what is bad for you. Then, send your love where it deserves it.

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 12-27-2009 at 05:24 PM.
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Old 10-14-2009, 05:12 PM   #27
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Where to send your Love:

You remember this popular idea in the gospel; ''Love your enemy''... Well, I really think it was not the genuine idea. I believe it was rather like: ''Choose well where you send your love''...Simply because what you love is not necessarily good for you... Love and hate are both energies that feeds your focus. If you love your enemies, it will not transform them, but rather make them more real into your life…

Look at the pope and all the love he receives from millions of supporters and believers. Does it make him a better human? I really doubt it. Does it makes him more real or gave him more influence on the followers? I think it does indeed.

I will give you a simple example. You are in a prison. You hate your jailor and you hate the prison, you focus on hatred about your jailor and the prison. Well, you might live a very long time in hatred there because of your focus… You are slave in the same prison with the same jailor, but now you love them. Your focus is about the love you have for your jailor and your prison, you think it will make them change… Well, you might have a long life in this prison and the love you send only makes it longer… Ultimately, you live in the prison and you simply stop hating or loving the prison and the jailor. You stop focusing on them and rather start to focus on freedom, on the outside world, on your family, on the life you like. Then one day you are free, you are outside and with your family. You finally understood how it works. The Creator of All things has always answered to your call, but always by the Universal Laws of Creation.

Be careful where you send your Love. Loving anything and everything is not a good thing. Choose where you send your love according to what your heart tells you, what is good and what is bad for you. Listen to your heart and it will tell you, in your own feelings, what is good and what is bad for you. Then, send your love where it deserves it.

Namaste, Steven
Steven... Thank you for defining this.
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Old 10-22-2009, 04:51 PM   #28
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

The challenge to maintain a clear focused Intention:

The Universal Laws are always at work. They manifest realities from what they receive from our consciousness. So by knowing this fact, we can purposefully use them to create a future we want by consciously sending thoughts/feelings of our desire. But… It is not instantaneous, it ask for a maintained focus. The more the desire is far from our reality, the more it needs time for the focus to take shape into reality.

In the world we live in, especially in large cities, it becomes very hard to stay focused on a single clear thought, even more to fuel it with a corresponding feeling. The system overflow us with all kinds of symbols, ideas, noises, etc… Staying focused required a certain peace of mind.

In order to maintain an appreciable degree of peace of mind, we need to make choice. We need to establish priorities. We need to clean up the house. For example, instead of having all kind of outside activities, choose the ones that you really want, you really need, those in harmony with your inner focus. Sometimes, it ask to choose one out of many very good activities. Being scattered among many activities is a great danger to loose peace of mind and staying focused.

In our consumption's society, most of us work to produce objects. We use objects and often, throw them away when used. We spend a lot of time only to manage all these objects, not always useful, and much less essential. Living in a space where we are swimming into objects is an aggression to our spirit. It sets up our mind in a stressful state and it becomes harder to calm it down afterward. My advice is to clean up your living space of all these objects, even the ones you like. I bet you like them all… Well, you will have to make a choice if you want to keep peace of mind in your own space of living.

These are only examples. I could go on and on enumerating many other type of ''noises'' in our life that takes too much room in our mind. In definitive, choosing adequately our activities, friends, objects, music, entertainment, etc… in order to reduce the amount to a lighter weight of ''stuffs'' in our mind is a must to achieve a significant peace of mind.

Remember, strong clear steady focus ask for peace of mind. Piece of mind ask for less ''noise'' in our mind. Less noise means to make drastic choice to eliminates all the garbage our society feeds us with, internet surfing included. There is no magical instant solution to clean the house. Choices are to be taken… Only you really know how to lighten your mind.

If you discovered the Universal Laws not so long ago and you are beginning to practice them, the danger is to scatter your intention into too many desires. Pick up one to begin with and keep it focused. Choose something not so far from your reality and as soon as it is manifested, pick up another. This way, you will increase the amount of creative energy around the single idea focused you have instead of spreading it out everywhere...

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 12-27-2009 at 05:24 PM.
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Old 12-10-2009, 04:07 AM   #29
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Steve, I notice you have written much on the Handbook for the new paradigm series which is great. I also notice that you mention Alex Collier in what I would consider a hand in hand manor.
I switch back and forth between reading text in the books and listening/watching Mr. Collier on my MP3 device and desktop myself. Piecing together my own scorecard. Slowly but surely.

I've noticed many parallels between the information sources, but hasten to make assumptions to references.

For instance: Are the books referencing the Dows and the Alfa Daconans when discussing the Controllers (En-slavers)?

I, for one, can not help but look to fill in ambiguous blanks with information received from Mr. Colliers speaking engagements, but in the final analysis, it is just my own conjecture.

I'd be eager to get your feedback in this area as well and hope you don't mind my evoking your name in this post.

Last edited by Instead; 12-10-2009 at 07:57 PM.
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Old 12-10-2009, 04:13 AM   #30
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I am pleased to see this thread bumping up again. The opening post is a Project Avalon classic and, in my opinion expresses the way things are very well indeed

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Old 12-11-2009, 02:16 AM   #31
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Hello Instead. Welcome to Avalon

Anchor, thank you for you appreciation, you are a true brother.

I will try to answer your question Instead. But first, I am glad you use directly my name, Steven is my real name and I prefer you call me this way . So It's not too much of a mind work to discern if you are talking to me or not . See, when I came down here all the others were already taken, so I got to be me...

Ok, serious stuff now... I am convinced that the ones mentioned as 'controllers' in the handbooks are the draconians. The andromedans were clear and Collier's message at this level is very detailed. I can also further compare with the "alliance of races perpetrating an intervention on Earth' as it is said by the "Allies of humanity" received by Marshal Vian Summers, especially in the book two. It goes further by mentioning that trade is part of the purpose why we are under an alien intervention.

But here is the trick. It is a dangerous play for us on Earth who never knew opened disclosure about intelligent life in our galaxy. We might think as one race as benevolent, malicious or neutral, and we could be probably wrong because one race might be split into many different cultures, factions, governance forms, history, ect... What 'Allies from Humanity' tells us is the fact that the galaxy is made of numerous 'alliance of races'. All different one from another, some small, some quite impressive and opulent, some leaning toward science and spirituality, others driven by exploration and resource trading, etc... Several being made of the same races but quite different in philosophy and attitude. It says we are in a very busy part of the galaxy where trade is important. It is one of the reason why Earth is desired that much.

That is the reason why we need so much to develop our spiritual strength. Individually of course, but more importantly, collectively as an emerging race into the greater community of the galaxy. The way of influence is heavily used on us at this very moment. We live in a highly manipulated area where many "wonders" are scams and truth is passing under our line of sight faded into the tohu-bohu that no one sees it.

Edit: Oh, and another important thing which is mentioned in 'Allies of Humanity', also pointed out in the 'Handbooks' series is that the most important threat humanity is facing is the intervention... No polar-shift end of the world scenario... These planted seeds might be well part of the mental manipulation we are bathing into.

Keep blessing dear avalonians...

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 12-11-2009 at 04:13 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 01:39 AM   #32
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Hi Instead and all Avalonian friends. I will dedicate this post to a visualization. I hesitated to post it because I thought it might be inappropriate because too much subjective, but I change my mind when Instead told me it could be useful.

It might be useless for some, useful for others...

Visualization and Symbolism

In the perspective of the "Handbooks for the New Paradigm", I will share some of my own mental imagery to focus. First, lets choose some archetype important for the game.

Planet Earth... give her a personality, make her alive, feeling and caring... hear her breathing, her heart beat, feel her Love that she has for you, you are her child.

Yourself... who are you? How do you imagine yourself? Is there a shining Star deep inside? You are a shining Star! For some people, imagining the self is very hard, it points out some issue and can be cure if ones dedicate time to the imagery... Imagine yourself glowing with the colors of the rainbow, imagine yourself healthy and happy, alive and peaceful. You have attained balance. Harmonious are your thoughts and emotion. You love to live.

Humanity... What you wish the best for you and your beloved, wish it for all! One member of each tribe in circle around the Flame of Life. The native from Americas, the dancers of Africa, the northern Caucasian, the mystical from Asia, and the islanders of the southern seas... All united by hand, arms stretch to the skies. The Flame of Life grows! Myriads of people of all nation are behind them filling Earth surface. Glowing like tiny Stars, making Earth to look like a firefly in the cosmos.

Now, it is time to make it all into a moving picture...

Earth sails its way around the Sun in the round of the colorful planets. She's a loving mother caring for all life in and on her, she desired every one. You are there in your spiritual form, holding her in your hands like a precious baby. You kiss her tenderly letting flow all the Love you have for her and all she represent. You tell her your love and compassion and she answers with an infinite and eternal smile that comforts you deeply.

Then your beloved are there with you. The ones you could die for are with you in spiritual form around precious Earth. You dance like when you were kid and enjoy this peaceful moment. Then a voice comes from the inner core of everything, "I love you"... "You are my child and I care about you. I am Creation and you are all my beloved"...

The people on Earth comes out of there house... stop working... gather in the open with a peaceful smile that unites them all. They start dancing, playing like kids, fraternizing, shacking hands, laughing, sharing, caring for each other. A glowing blue light begins to shine from them. They are united... All humanity is United under one thought, one feeling, one state of mind, consciousness of One. They are multidimensional, eternal and loved by Creation. All desiring one single thing, HARMONY.

Harmony runs on the lands like a fire spread in the golden field. And soon covers all Earth. Waters are pure and limpid. Air is fresh and energizing. Mountains and forest are glowing with life and diversity. Fauna and Flora are singing the song of the saints, it is heaven on Earth. We did it...

I hope you enjoyed the little ride . I will post more if desired. Now, your turn to play with it...

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 01-03-2010 at 12:20 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 07:11 PM   #33
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Nice work Steven!

I respect your taking the time to create. I read through slowly, taking care to create peaceful images (I had uplifting meditation music playing softly in the background) and thus a very peaceful, yet powerful image and feeling came over me. Thank you very much.
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Old 12-22-2009, 11:18 PM   #34
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Hi Steven,

Thanks for the great post! Can you tell me what the titles of these 4 books are so i can buy them from Amazon?

Thanks again,

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Old 12-23-2009, 03:42 PM   #35
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Great thread Steven

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Old 12-24-2009, 12:31 AM   #36
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Steven i must say your post is inspirational!! And i've been searching very lately for answers to questions to do with the tao and reading alot of wayne dyer's books on manifesting and i feel im gaining momentum and getting clarity on concepts and ideas linking tao in with serpent wisdom and the divine feminine. Im currently going through your wisdom you are sharing and its no end of help to me,i can explain enough how i've needed this.
THANKS Richard from durham uk
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Old 12-24-2009, 12:17 PM   #37
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Originally Posted by Instead View Post
Nice work Steven!

I respect your taking the time to create. I read through slowly, taking care to create peaceful images (I had uplifting meditation music playing softly in the background) and thus a very peaceful, yet powerful image and feeling came over me. Thank you very much.
And I thank you for your appreciation. It's a pleasure to me, it gives me energy to witness your experience.

Originally Posted by senate014 View Post
Hi Steven, Thanks for the great post! Can you tell me what the titles of these 4 books are so i can buy them from Amazon?

Thanks again, Andy
You're welcome Andy. The four books are: 1. "Handbooks for the New Paradigm" 2. "Embracing the Rainbow" 3. "Becoming" 4. "Messages for the Ground Crew". You can download them here for free:


Available in french, spanish, italian and portuguese.

Originally Posted by Peace of mind View Post
Great thread Steven

You're welcome.

Originally Posted by loganus View Post
Steven, I must say your post is inspirational!! And i've been searching very lately for answers to questions to do with the tao and reading alot of wayne dyer's books on manifesting and i feel im gaining momentum and getting clarity on concepts and ideas linking tao in with serpent wisdom and the divine feminine. Im currently going through your wisdom you are sharing and its no end of help to me, i can explain enough how i've needed this.

THANKS Richard from durham uk
This makes my day!!!

Namaste, Steven
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Old 12-24-2009, 12:38 PM   #38
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love the thread....many thanks for it Steven

there are no coincidences
much love and blessings, peace always, mikey
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Old 12-27-2009, 05:05 PM   #39
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My pleasure Mikey.

Sin (genetic defect) from Alex Collier

Sin is still part of a tremendous amount of people's belief. It is progressively diminishing, but still influence our global consciousness in a downward way. It creates an inertia opposed to the natural uplifting awareness of who we are.

Worse is the idea that we were born with a sinner stain... It induces the idea that we are deeply impure, so we need to get clean (guess who provides the soap?)

I never believed it, even when I was a young all opened boy learning from the church... I was very happy to hear Alex Collier saying that the word sin is pre-summerian and means literally "genetic defect". Giving a whole new perspective to the concept of being a sinner, or born with a sin...

We are soul, extension of Creation itself, born into a genetically modified human body. We do NOT need to be saved. Our soul is not sinner. Our body need to be fixed. So we can use it at 100%!

If it is true, and it makes much more sens than the official dogmatic belief, it means we are equal to any given species of our Universe, EQUAL. Enough of this victim consciousness, it already have caused much damage...

We are no sinner, we do not need to be clean or saved. We are not impure, we are extension of Creation itself and promise to the highest hopes. When the time to get in contact with our galactic neighborhood comes, we stand proud and humble bowing with respect to our brothers and sisters, shining the light of freedom and responsibility in our look.

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 01-03-2010 at 12:20 AM.
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Old 01-03-2010, 12:19 AM   #40
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Door of Opportunity

It was mentioned in the "Handbooks" that we are entering a "door of opportunity" to create a "New Paradigm" on Earth. I have read many times about this "door of opportunity", Hidden Hand famous thread on ATS being among the ones I consider, even if I am not in accord with everything Hidden Hand has written.

Among all the information about it, the mayan pyramid of consciousness evolution is the one I consider of prime importance to further understand this concept. Carl Johan Calleman is the researcher I refer to when I get information on the pyramid of consciousness: http://www.calleman.com/

According to the interpretation here; quotes from Calleman's blog:"The reason I am so emphatic that the end of the Mayan energies is on October 28, 2011 is that if people think it is December 21, 2012 they will simply miss out on co-creating the process." end of the quote.

We are currently at the penultimate stage of evolution. We will enter the last step on the 11th February 2011. The end of that period of evolution that has started 16 billions years ago will end on 28th October 2011, not 21-12-2012. That is quite a journey, an evolution that last, 16 billions of our years...

What Calleman further says is that last step of evolution of human consciousness is about cosmic awareness. The awareness of being co-creator. I see a global understanding of who we are, the Universe we live in, how the Universal Laws of consciousness shapes our reality according to our own consciousness as individual, and as specie. A global progressive awakening by humanity.

This moment, this "door of opportunity" will close on 28th October 2011 according to the mayan pyramid of consciousness. After that date, the result will be shaped according to our state of consciousness. This is why it is very important to shift from the old "victim consciousness" behavior and enter with trust into a new type of consciousness based on "personal responsibility".

The New Paradigm will not come sent by external force upon us, it will be shaped from ourselves to ourselves. There is much work to do at the consciousness level.

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 01-03-2010 at 03:53 AM.
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Old 02-02-2010, 01:53 AM   #41
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The Ego

Take off all the pieces of yourself one by one, like clothes you are wearing off and let them drop on the floor. Your believes, your education, your culture, your language, your nationality, your name, your past... All that comes from this current life, take it off, on the floor.

What is left is the soul you are, extension of Creation, like a small microcosm of Creation rooted into Creation. Like a tree grounded into Earth, made of Earth, part of Earth. A universe in itself composed of all that exist, part of all that exist. From the singular definite self to the infinite small, from the singular definite self to the infinite grand. A soul who feels and thinks, a soul doted of consciousness. A soul who experience life and evolves, transforms itself through the experiences of life. A soul who integrate the experiences lived into manifested realities. This sum of all experiences lived in one current life is the Ego.

The Ego is a persona built and endorsed by the soul for the purpose of evolution. Like the Ego needs to digest its experiences on its path, the soul needs to integrate the Ego into its consciousness. In the act of integration, there is acceptance and letting go, following the heart path instead of the intellect path. No judging has authority but yours only... Because, if Creation itself does not judge you, then no one has the authority to do it so.

The Ego is not good nor bad, it is what you made with it that colors its shape. And what seems a bad ego might be a tremendous benefic experience, if well integrated by the soul... Nothing is ever lost or irreversible, if Creation chooses so.

The ego of many humans beings since many centuries is tainted with a victim mentality. It is like "point of views" are locked into a spiral of oppressed/oppressor/savior. Attitude, judgment, behaviors, thoughts and feelings switching constantly between the three interlinked actors. Unfortunately, this never ending patterns of consciousness is now well rooted into our society through the system in place. Preventing evolution, worse, it counters the natural flow of evolution to devolution. Because it is now widespread and to evolve or 'ascend', one needs to come over this mentality to embrace a personal responsible consciousness. If not, the soul sees many doors locked up and keep reincarnating into this place where victim consciousness abound.

This old victim consciousness is fading away. The Universe has its own schedule about the evolution of consciousnesses. This is the war at place, these are the two opposing forces that we live, feel and experience. Evolution and Devolution manifested under the form of Freewill and Tyranny.

If I choose to evolve then my choice has to expand to all that exist in letting life around me the same freedom of evolution. It does not mean no intervention, it means when intervention is done, it is done to assist a creature in its evolution, respecting freewill, or for the benefit of the self evolution, respecting Creation. This lesson takes a very long while to integrate because of the complexity of all its aspects. In definitive, that is the reason why we jumped into manifested realities... Remember, we are here to serve and assist once on the path of evolution...

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 02-05-2010 at 03:28 AM.
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Old 02-02-2010, 02:20 AM   #42
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never had a good reason to post on this site, this is reason enough to say.

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Old 02-03-2010, 01:48 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Terrence View Post
never had a good reason to post on this site, this is reason enough to say.

This makes my day Terrence .

Namaste, Steven
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Old 02-03-2010, 02:49 AM   #44
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Originally Posted by Steven View Post

Sin is still part of a tremendous amount of people's belief. It is progressively diminishing, but still influence our global consciousness in a downward way. It creates an inertia opposed to the natural uplifting awareness of who we are.

We are no sinner, we do not need to be clean or saved. We are not impure, we are extension of Creation itself and promise to the highest hopes. When the time to get in contact with our galactic neighborhood comes, we stand proud and humble bowing with respect to our brothers and sisters, shining the light of freedom and responsibility in our look.

sin is just another word for doing wrong

that is hardly a genetic defect

but a bad choice


what does it mean to be saved

saved from danger drugs etc

ultimately it means saved from reincarnation

saved from body consciousness

for you are right about the Soul

and It does not want a physical body

but as long as we sin

and as long as we want wish this and that

we will come back again and again

til our life on Earth is a sinless Soulful sojourn
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Old 02-03-2010, 02:57 PM   #45
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Hello RedeZra. My mother tongue is not english, but french, so here is what I find interesting about what Alex Collier said on the origin of the word sin.

The origin of the word sin in english is known. But the etymology in latin which is "peccatum", the verb "peccare" according to Bénaben is unknown, but might come from the Hebraic "hatta’t" which mean; "to miss the shot".

Between "peccare" and "hatta't" there is a big "might" and that is where I find it most interesting when Alex Collier mentions the Andromedans told him that the origin of this word comes from the summerians and means "genetic alternation". Adding to this that according to the summerian tablets, interpreted by Sitchin, genetic manipulation have been made on human people. Making perfect sens to explain this strange religious concept of being "born with the taint of the sin".

Now, I agree that sin means committing a mistake and it should just stay into this frontier. On the other hand, I totally disagree with the false concept of being "born with the taint of the sin", seeding a false belief of a deeply rooted tendencies to evilness and selfishness. That is the reason I find Collier's explanation most interesting. What corrupt the human is not is birth, but his choices.

I know you do not beleive in Alex Collier contact with Andromedans. I respect your point of view, but do not share it at all. We do not share the same belief system, so we will hardly come up with a common point-of-view. On the other hand, I totally respect your point of view and will never pretend you are right or wrong about a belief. It is your journey and maybe one day we will come up with a common ground. Until then, have a nice journey on Earth dear.

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 02-03-2010 at 03:09 PM.
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Old 02-03-2010, 04:35 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Alex Collier mentions the Andromedans told him that the origin of this word comes from the summerians and means "genetic alternation". Adding to this that according to the summerian tablets, interpreted by Sitchin, genetic manipulation have been made on human people. Making perfect sens to explain this strange religious concept of being "born with the taint of the sin".
Hi Steven

yes you are right

I do not believe in the tales of Collier nor the works of Sitchin

I believe in the Voice of God and the works of Spirit

I believe we will be born til we reach Perfection

and that is the meaning of the taint of sin

Just short of Perfection
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Old 02-03-2010, 05:04 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by RedeZra View Post

Hi Steven

yes you are right

I do not believe in the tales of Collier nor the works of Sitchin

I believe in the Voice of God and the works of Spirit

I believe we will be born til we reach Perfection

and that is the meaning of the taint of sin

Just short of Perfection
And I beleive Creation talks through Collier or Sitchin works to unveil the lie spread in the official religious litterature...

Taint of sin is just another lie to make us stuck into a victim consciousness, still efficient today...

Namaste, Steven
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:13 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
And I beleive Creation talks through Collier or Sitchin works to unveil the lie spread in the official religious litterature...

Creation is not without the Creator

when energy follows focus as you say

would it not be better to focus on the Creator

than say the Andromedans

perhaps you want to meet the Andromedans

and not so much the Creator

for if there is a Creator

it would mean that we the people

are governed by God

as you say victims under His sovereign Authority

or as I would say

Souls of His Supreme Spirit

Last edited by RedeZra; 02-03-2010 at 06:17 PM.
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:28 PM   #49
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Originally Posted by RedeZra View Post

Creation is not without the Creator

when energy follows focus as you say

would it not be better to focus on the Creator

than say the Andromedans

perhaps you want to meet the Andromedans

and not so much the Creator

for if there is a Creator

it would mean that we the people

are governed by God

as you say victims under His sovereign Authority

or as I would say

Souls of His Supreme Spirit
Creation is Creator... God is a name I avoid because it is full of false concepts.

Andromedans are here to unveil all these old paradigm false beleive you are defending, and they come up under Creation's impulse...

I do not discredits Creation's Laws and authority, but challenge the old false belief system that shroud the truth about us and the Universe we live in...

Namaste, Steven
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:29 PM   #50
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Creation is Creator... God is a name I avoid because it is full of false concepts.

Andromedans are here to unveil all these old paradigm false beleive you are defending, and they come up under Creation's impulse...

I don't have all the answers

and Im not defending any beliefs

Im just questioning your certainty

I am sceptic about Collier Sitchin and the Andromedans

for it could all be pure fiction and fantasy with a motive

an orchestrated psyops operation for future false flag

to turn our culture's focus from Christ and His teachings

to replace Scripture with speculations as

there is no Savior and no Grace

you are all on your own

if not for our brothers and sisters the Andromedans

whom we will never meet by the way

but they will be watching and guiding us

to Nowhere

Originally Posted by Steven View Post
You remember this popular idea in the gospel; ''Love your enemy''... Well, I really think it was not the genuine idea. I believe it was rather like: ''Choose well where you send your love''
lol what are you up to here if not co-corruption of the Bible

Last edited by RedeZra; 02-04-2010 at 11:31 AM.
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