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Visions of the Future Visions of the future, What are you seeing? Thoughts, Dreams, Intuition....

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Old 09-08-2008, 10:59 PM   #1
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Default Sleep paralysis

hi there folks!!

this is a thread just designated for dreams/sleep paralysis/unusual night events in your sleep............

I have experienced night terrors and sleep paralysis on/off over the years... and it sometimes has been very disconcerting and hard to deal with...!!

would love to hear other peoples experiences!...
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Old 09-08-2008, 11:17 PM   #2
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

I have had a couple of episodes of paralysis. At one time I woke up in total fear and paralysed with someone (spirit)? sitting by my bed digging around in my body with her/his hands. I still feel weird sensations in that area of my body. Maybe I was inplanted with somekind of etherial parasite.
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Old 09-08-2008, 11:18 PM   #3
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

Originally Posted by firehorse10 View Post
hi there folks!!

this is a thread just designated for dreams/sleep paralysis/unusual night events in your sleep............

I have experienced night terrors and sleep paralysis on/off over the years... and it sometimes has been very disconcerting and hard to deal with...!!

would love to hear other peoples experiences!...
I get sleep paralysis all the time. I think it is brought on by stress. They say if you can just chill out while it's happening you can have lucid dreams but i usually panic from the shock of it.
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:16 AM   #4
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

i once went to bed,
entered dream_time,
left my body...and, when i came back
something other than me,
was in my body...
i had a 3 hr fight to get back into my body...
it's good advise,
to protect your physical body,
b4 you leave it -- you can call in guardians
to protect you -- much better to play it safe
than ever to be sorry

it's a pretty simple process...
just ask

brightest blessings

i am susan
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:28 AM   #5
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

I haven't had paralysis for many years. One thing that happens almost nightly is I hear my name being called quite clearly and suddenly. It always jolts me out of an almost sleep, literally my body "jumps" when it happens, and each time I feel like I learned something that was important but instantly forgot when I was "jolted" awake.

What is that about? Anyone else?
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Old 09-09-2008, 08:56 AM   #6
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

Originally Posted by RubyTuesday View Post
I haven't had paralysis for many years. One thing that happens almost nightly is I hear my name being called quite clearly and suddenly. It always jolts me out of an almost sleep, literally my body "jumps" when it happens, and each time I feel like I learned something that was important but instantly forgot when I was "jolted" awake.

What is that about? Anyone else?
Forgetting what I have just heard in my dreams is really annoying. But you are right you always know it was an important piece on info. Have you thought about regression? Maybe you could find out what you learned?


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Old 09-09-2008, 09:22 AM   #7
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

Has anybody experienced a blue light and horrific droning noise as they were entering paralysis?

Its only happened to me once that I remember, but what happened was that I became aware of a horrible drone and blue light, then I realised I was paralysed, then panicked.

I remember I was lying on my side and could just about manage to open my eyes in the dark. I saw 4 or 5 beings at my bedside, but they did not look solid, more ghostlike. They were typical greys but I could only make out their shape and eyes, there was no physical features other than that like a nose or mouth - just big black eyes in their heads.

Next thing I know i'm on my belly and I'm being pulled down and off the bed, and I'm screaming and swearing and screaming at my wife to "wake up!". She remained asleep and never heard me and I was helpless.

Next thing I know, I'm lying in my bed open my eyes and its dawn. My first thought was "did that really happen?"

Second thought was "bad dream and sleep paralysis", and assumed the beings I had seen were imposed into my memory because I had recently been reading "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good, and various other books on the Alien/UFO subject.

I explained it all away to myself, with known phenomenon like sleep paralysis, but lately I wonder if that really exists or if we are just told it does by experts?

What I mean is, to me, sleep paralysis is just a theory, an explanation but is there any credible evidence to say that it is any more real than aliens/abductions?

People always ask for proof, I always ask for credible proof regarding all sorts of paranormal things, but there really never is any. But then, I'm beginning to think, where also is the proof for sleep paralysis as a condition that is entirely to do with your mind? Is there any?

I only accept it because psychologists tell us it exists as a fact.

So now I'm thinking...were these beings REAL? Its easy to say I dreamt it all.

By the way, I was too embarassed to ask the neighbours if they had heard any screaming and shouting. I had convinced myself it was "just sleep paralysis" and a vivid dream.

But now, 10 years later, I find myself questioning what sleep paralysis really is.

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Old 09-09-2008, 09:47 AM   #8
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

Originally Posted by Average Joe View Post
Has anybody experienced a blue light and horrific droning noise as they were entering paralysis?

Its only happened to me once that I remember, but what happened was that I became aware of a horrible drone and blue light, then I realised I was paralysed, then panicked.

I remember I was lying on my side and could just about manage to open my eyes in the dark. I saw 4 or 5 beings at my bedside, but they did not look solid, more ghostlike. They were typical greys but I could only make out their shape and eyes, there was no physical features other than that like a nose or mouth - just big black eyes in their heads.

Next thing I know i'm on my belly and I'm being pulled down and off the bed, and I'm screaming and swearing and screaming at my wife to "wake up!". She remained asleep and never heard me and I was helpless.

Next thing I know, I'm lying in my bed open my eyes and its dawn. My first thought was "did that really happen?"

Second thought was "bad dream and sleep paralysis", and assumed the beings I had seen were imposed into my memory because I had recently been reading "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good, and various other books on the Alien/UFO subject.

I explained it all away to myself, with known phenomenon like sleep paralysis, but lately I wonder if that really exists or if we are just told it does by experts?

What I mean is, to me, sleep paralysis is just a theory, an explanation but is there any credible evidence to say that it is any more real than aliens/abductions?

People always ask for proof, I always ask for credible proof regarding all sorts of paranormal things, but there really never is any. But then, I'm beginning to think, where also is the proof for sleep paralysis as a condition that is entirely to do with your mind? Is there any?

I only accept it because psychologists tell us it exists as a fact.

So now I'm thinking...were these beings REAL? Its easy to say I dreamt it all.

By the way, I was too embarassed to ask the neighbours if they had heard any screaming and shouting. I had convinced myself it was "just sleep paralysis" and a vivid dream.

But now, 10 years later, I find myself questioning what sleep paralysis really is.

I have thought about the fact it may be abduction, but i guess i have trained myself to believe that its just something normal that happens when you sleep. I too have heard the droning noise, and also an intense high pitched effect which isn't a noise, it seems like one but it is actually inside my head. It's not an external noise. One time it happened I found myself surounded by walls, smooth white ones and a bright light. I told myself it was just a dream. Now days i am more open to the posibility that it may be something else.
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Old 09-09-2008, 10:06 AM   #9
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

Of course, lots of people having similar experiences does point a little bit towards abduction.

Whereas everybodies mind is different, how many billions of possibilities are there for different dreams?

Accepting that this common phenomenon is sleep paralysis combined with hallicination/vivid dreaming is pretty easy and I've always done that - its science fact right?

But how come so many people that have suffered sleep paralysis have described the same thing over and over (which points towards it being an actual psychological effect, rather than anything other worldly), BUT here is the rub....WHY do so many of these millions of people all describe very similar "dreams/halucinations" when in sleep paralysis?.......surely this cannot be right, surely millions of people would have millions of different dreams. Dreams are mostly random.

What are the odds of having a very small group of themes through millions and billions of random dreams?

It doesn't stack up!
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Old 09-09-2008, 10:16 AM   #10
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

I have had sleep paralysis about 30 times in all, they pretty much stopped when I decided I would not be fearful and fight it with intent on hurting whatever was causing it, I wish I had not done this now because I obviously have now learned that it was probably ET's and they are our space brothers and feel whatever we do.

One vison I had though which was immensely disturbing was a map of the world and it was all on fire. It almost felt like I was being blamed for this doom, and I was incredibly fearful, I prayed for it to go away and it did.

Another time which was quite the paradox was when I was lying in my bed and could see my ceiling in my room but at the same time I could see the ceiling of another room, it was like being in 2 places at once, however recently after reading an O.B.E. book this is quite possible.

If you do get sleep paralysis the advice I have read is to relax and try O.B.E techniques, apparently this is a good time to have one if it has not already happened. The best advice though is don't let fear dictate your response to it.
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Old 09-09-2008, 10:20 AM   #11
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

I've hd this happen to me once. Totally terrifying. I usually sleep on my side but for some reson one night i fell asleep face up, I was also very stressed at the time. I remember waking up and being totally paralized from the neck down adn felt something ontop of me and crushing me. Eventually i snapped pot of it but i had a weird sense that something was in the bedroom with me and looked at me constantly. I didnt sleep for 3 nights afterwards and sleep in my other room for about 2 weeks afterwards with the lights on.

One of the worst experiences I have ever had - it was like i sensed pure evil in my bedroom. I thought i was going crazy and ended up doing some research. There were a number of factors that may have caused it - I was stressed and had trouble sleeping in general, took some antihistamines before going to bed, and the lying face up. I avoid all 3 things now and I haven't had it occur since.
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Old 09-09-2008, 09:15 PM   #12
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

Me too, I had several attempts for paralysis. I say attempts because I have alway resisted them. It is in the end a question of free will. You can refuse and then somehow they have to back off. At least in my case that worked. Just a firm NO WAY.

The blue light I had also, accompanied with paralysis. And again I seemed to have it back away by ma free will refusal.

two sources I read that talk about these things are

blue light: CARLOS CASTENEDA in his books about his experiences with a indian called DON JUAN. according to him the blue light is a guide that can take you into very strange worlds. (3rd book of the series)

paralysis: LAURA KNIGHT, the WAVE SERIES, where she talks extensively about alien abductions and the method of paralysis to do so (1st book of the series)

hope this helps
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Old 09-09-2008, 09:33 PM   #13
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

I used to have experience of sleep paralysis regularly and my impression of this was that it was not good. I remeber the last time it happened a number of years ago and I fought the power that was surpressing me using my will - I remember the struggle of trying to release myself from this, It was intense and I remeber the strength I felt when I was released and how much power I had to exert to release myself from it. It has never happened since but it was happening since I was a child. I remember sensing a small entity (child) escaping from the room when I was able to move again but as this was in a half asleep state I do not assume any abduction - I still feel quite proud of being able to break this frightening experience. On only one occasion do I remeber a bright light and "drilling" sound in the room and I have also experienced what I would call a watcher sitting at the end of my bed when I was younger - but I've had so many different vivid dream experiences involving angels and flying machines and special places etc. I assume this is a dream state and part of my own conciousness and not any outside force controlling me.
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:04 AM   #14
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

this thread caught my eye since i had experience of this too

when i was a young teenager (13-16) i used to experience this too, i was always quite scared and did not like the experiences one bit

of what i can remember now it usually happened when i came home from school and fell asleep on the sofa watching ST: next generation and woke up not being able to move but being consious of where i was

i tried to break it many times, i thought if only i could start to wiggle my toes and move me legs etc it would end, but this did not always work

i was under a lot of stress, having trouble daily at school and had early mornings working as a paper boy so my exhaustion could be explained in a way

but i have not suffered from this is a long time, but life has been a lot better since then!

just my 2 cents worth

love rich
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Old 09-10-2008, 08:58 AM   #15
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I used to have a lot. the worse one was when 4 black shados where trying to pull me off the bed. The last one i had, i some how got my self out of it and have never had one scince
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Old 09-10-2008, 10:18 AM   #16
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Old 09-10-2008, 11:03 AM   #17
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

I recently had my first sleep paralysis experience. I woke up, needing to use the bathroom. I noticed it was getting light outside so I figured it was around 6AM and didn't bother looking at my cell phone (I don't have an alarm clock). I went to the bathroom and came back to my room, shut the door and climbed back into bed. I was laying on my right side for a few minutes. Finally, I decided to take a look at my phone to see the time. The phone said it was 2:48AM. I set the phone down, and then realized the time couldn't be right since it was so light out. I went to grab the phone again and I couldn't move. I could open my eyes but that was it. I immediately began to panic, and tried to scream but couldn't. I looked up to the window above my head and could still see the dim light from outside, then two bright white flashes and I passed out. I did not see anyone or anything in my room, however I had my back to the rest of the room and I do remember feeling like there was a presence but I thought that could be explained by my initial panic. I woke up at 7:30AM without further incident.

I have no idea what all this means, and I am not going to jump to any conclusions. If anyone has had a similar experience, please let me know. Thanks!


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Old 09-10-2008, 11:38 AM   #18
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

I'v had dream's a few time's in My life where everything around Me is excately the same as if I were conciously awake so I can not completely say if these were states of dreams or actrauly events that happen awake anyways.

I'v lavitated a few inch's or in one case a few meter's above My bed and could feel the riseing and that I wasn't being physicaly being surported up and then I'd start moveing around the room agesnt My will generaly doing lap's around the room.

Allso the last time it happen as I was passing My door and could see into the Lounge I saw My house mate and best friend at the time sitting down watching T.V and I was screaming out for Help or for Him to atleast come see this so He knew I wasn't mental.

As I was screaming it was like I was with in some thick liquid I could feel the movement and pressure of My voice box trying to work but as the world's came out they become drowned out by something that I eithen couldn't hear them. Then at the end of it all I get replaced on My bed then regain movement.

Last time it happen as soon as I woke up I ran into the lounge and franticly asked My mate had He heared anything wierd with in the last few miniuets.
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Old 09-10-2008, 12:36 PM   #19
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

I posted the following on another board in 2003 and hence some of the info may be outdated:

************************************************** *
I was going to post this as a poem but decided that it and/or I may be of possible help to anyone who actually does suffer from this. I will describe it as basically as possible otherwise I might confuse or write a novel - both being undesirable . This is a topic that is very important to me and I have studied it at great length and detail over the past 8 years, so don't worry I shouldn't be too inaccurate , I just hope I don’t' forget anything too important because there is just so much to say!


It is a sleeping 'condition' that usually occurs during states of half consciousness, meaning when the subject is half awake either literally just before falling into full on sleep or just before waking up. (However, it's been known to occur during sleep in very severe cases or to certain people and then normal dreams can follow.) Even though there has been much research there is no concrete explanation for it and no real cure, sometimes it is down to the individual and their own will power to fight it. In contrast to popular belief it is not a symptom of Narcolepsy. Sleep Paralysis is literally what it is called - a state in which the person can not move, talk, in some cases barely see visually (as the eyelids are half closed and one has to seriously struggle to attempt to open them but it wont work) and also rarely it is hard to breathe. One other rare aspect that can happen is a 'buzzing' in your head where it feels like your whole head is vibrating painfully and that can spread throughout the limbs but again I stress, this is only in advanced and severe cases. It is usually found in mild cases that all subjects were usually sleeping on their back but in more advanced situations the subject can be sleeping in any position. Sleep Paralysis is the condition where one is literally physically 'trapped' in sleep.


According to most research SP starts in the teenage years, usually after 10 years of age and practically never after 30; it tends to decline after the early twenties but many people still experience it mildly now and then every few years. However, in cases where the subject is more prone to these periods, it can be much more frequent. Sometimes, everyday/night and more then once whilst asleep. They can last anywhere from seemingly a few seconds to a half an hour. Sometimes one can 'feel' them coming on during sleep and quickly wake oneself up to escape them. However, it is not so easily evaded, sufferers of SP will know that one feels literally 'pulled' back into sleep so if you manage to wake up and feel as if you are about to fall back into deep sleep - DON'T! I'm serious, it's very, very hard to stay awake when being pulled back into sleep, it's physically hard because you are so exhausted already so I would suggest immediately jumping out of bed if you can manage and listening to loud music or washing your face, sometimes a drink helps too. The majority of the population will never even realise they have experienced it mildly but for the few who have it bad, it can and does have major effects on their lives and lifestyles.


Now this is the million-dollar question, the really horrid part... scared yet?
Ok, there a number of things that can happen during SP alongside the actual paralysis, buzzing, partial blindness and lack of breath that is. What one has to remember that SP is very much a physical and psychological condition, both affecting each other equally like a cycle. SP is the condition in which many people experience 'hallucinations' but get this people, these aren't your regular hallucinations that people self induce with drugs, no way, no how *rolls eyes*. This is serious; it's practically like reality just in the sleep state. These 'visions' are very much 'real' to the person and can become more real in advanced cases so to speak, I shall explain. In many cases people can experience 'waking up' in the dream and everything is as normal as it would be if you had actually woken up, you may see your partner next to you, get up to go to the bathroom or even talk to people but NOTE these vital signs: there is no electricity, try to flick a switch - it wont work - I assure you that is THE BEST WAY to know you are having an SP episode because sometimes you can go on for ages without even realising. But as soon as you do, or even before as you are 'walking' around in you 'real life vision' your eyes should be half closed so you are peering through them desperately trying to open them and screaming for help to the people in your vision but they can't help you, no one can except you - if you feel physically strong enough to force yourself awake. That btw is no easy feat, not in the slightest, it's hellish and many an occasion its sometimes just easier to lay still in your vision and let it pass no matter how long it takes - this is probably the time where you start praying. HOWEVER, the type of SP I have just described happens in advanced cases where it is linked to Lucid Dreaming hence you are able to 'move' and 'talk' in the state but not really, only in your head. I shall describe the more common form now.

Regular SP - you can't move, talk or scream in your vision/sleep period. Try as you might you won’t be able to and damnit, it will hurt trying. This form of SP is most commonly known as the 'Old Hag Syndrome' where many people see an old woman sitting on the edge of their bed on their feet or sometimes as an unbearable weight on their chest making it hard to breathe. She may be an old hag and you may think scrawny but honey, nuh-uh, this old gal weighs a ton, you can try to squirm, you can try to push and scream but she ain't goin' nowhere. SP is also the condition where many people experience 'alien abductions and experimentations', no, it's not funny for those you who are chuckling - it's terrifying and traumatic. How would you like to be experimented on in a 'vision' but actually FEEL it? See, this is different to the imagination, this FEELS REAL just without the physical scars. In other scenarios many people feel the malevolent presence of menacing spirits/ghosts or what have you in many a case they are just watching, staring and stalking but their presence can be very frightening as they literally appear to be in the room with you. Sometimes, these presences are not so statuesque though... oh yes, they can move and move they do. In many, many cases people have FELT that they were trying to kill them - many a time they have been straddled by these opponents and strangled etc. In other visions, women and men have reported FEELING raped by demons, this is deadly serious because you do FEEL this happening to you, it may be in your mind and not physical but it FEELS physical and it does literally happen to you in your mind and as we feel pain, fear, dread, panic and every other conceivable emotion in the mind it is really like you are being murdered, raped, experimented and watched. Silent now? I know the feeling. The very IMPORTANT part of that is, because you FEEL it happening to you, quite frankly you can and many do develop the psychological complexes that would develop naturally after such an event if it happened in waking reality. Now imagine, this might not even be a single random occurrence, what if it happened every night, over and over again? Can you say Living Hell?


1) Obviously, it can leave one very tired, especially if it was a particularly strenuous one that involved much physical tension or if it was long in duration and basically sucked the energy out of you. In most cases taking it easy after you wake up should help and you should fine. In others, this can basically be like chronic sleep deprivation leaving you tired all the time and physically drained. However, the odd thing is, if one hasn't had one in a while and suddenly has one out of the blue it can have the opposite effect whereby one feels refreshed, alive, invigorated and energised for the day. Very odd, I know but true nonetheless but like I said, this is just initial - it doesn't last. One is more likely to feel tired and perhaps grouchy afterwards.
2) Being tired all the time can have knock-on effects on your day-to-day life as I probably don't need to explain as well as mood swings.
3) Headaches, these can happens after a period where one felt difficulty breathing or where the 'buzzing' occurred.
4) The psychological effects. I don't know if I even need to go into these because they are so self-explanatory but I'll be brief. One 'dream' of being killed, raped, experimented on, watched, unable to breathe etc can affect you for a while - one 'real vision' can affect you for a LONG while and with frequency and severity, such things just don't go away. Counselling, medication etc can sometimes be necessary - and just as if it did happen in waking reality, there will be much healing to be done, psychological scars as we all know are the worst and much support, patience and care would be very much appreciated by the subject I'm sure. It's a sad, sad thing to happen in waking reality, or in these 'real FELT visions' - the fear, the absolute terror is very, very real. The emotions are very real just as they would be in any situation, we feel in our minds and this is where the experience is taking place, the assault may not be taking place outside on the street but the emotions are running rampant just as they would if it were. After being 'raped' in a vision one would desire a shower straight away just as in real life. I can't stress the gravity of the situation enough.
5) Appetite - this can either be increased or decreased depending on how you respond to depression, tiredness or general angst.
6) In one documentary I saw on Channel Four years ago, one man became violent in his sleep state, so violent that his wife would grab the baby and run to lock them in themselves in the bathroom at night whenever he had an episode. It became frequent and so he would have to lock himself in the living room before sleep and on the cameras set up beforehand to record him for research, the footage showed him getting up and smashing things, throwing things - general destruction, and he would shout at the same time. All the while he would be oblivious to what he was doing because he was asleep, but sometimes he would remember it the next day. Can you imagine what it felt like for him - he, the husband and father putting his own wife and child at risk whilst he was asleep, and they were at risk from HIM, not some intruder but HIM and he didn't even know it or couldn't stop himself. He's meant to protect them not attack them or put them in danger, talk about serious stress.
6) Most recently I heard that some electronic radiation can cause it, even minimal levels like sleeping right next to an electrical device such as a clock as the vibrations/frequencies are meant to trigger a certain gland in the brain to produce certain chemicals, which in turn induce the state. I'm not quite sure about this particular theory as you can tell, I'm sure it's perfectly plausible but I don't know much about it and will have to research it some more.


SP has been a recorded condition since medieval times usually in the form of women being approached sexually in their dreams and being unable to move whilst their visitors 'pleasured' them or 'raped' them depending on how the assault/seduction was received by the woman. Those alongside the Hag were the most common recordings. However, such a state has been known since way back to the Ancient Egyptians and many other cultures that put it down to indigestion and other such physical aspects affecting people whilst they slept. Up to modern day, many people, doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists alike have dismissed this condition as myth/fantasy and have placed it in the scientific 'dustbin' so to speak but hey, they should try telling that to the people who actually experience it, try telling them that their trauma is all unfounded. However, there has been and is much research being carried out on this condition but as yet there is no solid 'cure' other then long term medication and counselling as well as experimental techniques. The condition, what causes it, it's long term effects etc - everything basically - is still very much a mystery to the academic world no matter how informed or detailed the papers/thesis might be, no matter the jargon used and the assumptions based (e.g. this link http://www.stanford.edu/~dement/paralysis.html - they say it's not harmful and then go on to talk about the anxiety and terror felt HA!) - there are no definite answers yet.
Alright, that is as much as I should really say now since I think I have already written a mini novelette and probably put most of you to sleep - or wait, no, that's not advisable in this case! Sorry, bad pun *looks ashamed* just trying to add some life . But seriously, take into account that in most of my description in this op applies from mild to extreme cases. In general, most people are never aware that they may have had an SP episode because it was so mild and momentary, it is only the unfortunate few who experience 'uphill' struggles or should I say what feels to be like actual physical battle to wake up and even then they may succeed in ending the vision but only to go into another dream and not waking reality and then perhaps more SP to follow.

Here are two informative links for anyone who may be interested in further reading:

If anyone has any questions about SP don’t hesitate to ask because it is likely that I left out lots of information in my haste, I will gladly answer them to the best of my knowledge or try to refer you to source that might have the info. I’ll just state that I am NOT a professional researcher or advisor in any way whatsoever; let’s just say that I know way too much about this subject, and no – that’s not a good thing. If you think that you suffer from SP (and not just experience it out of hypochondria after reading this op – of which if you do, I apologise in advance) and believe it to be of the more serious kind in comparison to the mild rare occasions then I would suggest consulting your doctor who can then advise you properly. If you do find that you suffer from SP, already know that you do, have in the past, or do in the future; you have my deepest and sincerest sympathies.
Below is a poem that I composed a few months ago describing the basic feeling of non-mild SP in comparison to another occurrence, this time in nature as a metaphor to emphasise the feeling and emotions more clearly. I hope you enjoy it, as morbid as that may sound.

************************************************** ****
The maelstrom of Sleep Paralysis
A whirlpool…
A torrent of emotion
A storm of pain, passion and delusion
Thunder and lightening, it’s a hell of fury and confusion
Forever a battlefield of ceaseless confrontation
… Herein lies the maelstrom

I lay there, still and breathless
Seemingly at peace and unnaturally motionless
My head is spinning and delirious
I try to cry but choke instead
I try to scream but my voice is dead
Faster and faster, circling, churning and coughing
Colliding and crashing
Waves of darkness and danger,
Slipping, sliding and smashing
The drowning souls falling in a whirl of hazy devastation
Grasping and pleading, the innocents are left thrashing
Choking on despair and desolation, the water gives them such a lashing
Herein lies the maelstrom

I lie here cold and mentally bleeding
Weary and aware that my will is fleeting
Body bruised and hyperventilating
I try to move but am frozen solid
I try to see but my eyes are blinded, my vision squalid
A vicious beast, foaming at the mouth
Gurgling and spitting as it pulls its victims down south
With its overpowering strength and endless desire
It calls your name in a deathly growl for which only demons can aspire
The mist rising and swirling, dancing to an invisible choir

I try to break free in one last savage attempt
Wishing, hoping and praying for the gods to be benevolent
Alas, with a silent wail for what is futile I begin to lament
Tired beyond words and doomed to failure, I accept fate and despise my destiny
I’m at the end of my rope and can no longer cope, no longer believing in bravery against adversity
The buzzing spin of the cycle begins to slow
The awesome density of the colossal surge gradually loses its flow
All that once existed, all that once lived, is now at the bottom, forgotten, for no one to ever know
All the secrets, treasures and fears of those caught within
Are all apart of the maelstrom, in its belly they now live in

I can feel my head clearing; the pain is subsiding
My sleepless sleep is almost over and the chronic fatigue beginning
I want to regain my senses, I want them back now, to escape this wilderness so cruel and unforgiving
All my efforts must not have been in vain, so I can’t rush and be pulled back into that hell
Patience is a virtue so I must give up, give in, and wait to come to, to be released from my cell
The force of violence retreats as the water calms
As quickly as it came the ferocious monster is gone
But forever imprinted in my mind and embedded in my soul
The scars on my skin and the fear in my heart remain ever so strong
The maelstrom is temporarily dormant, it’s held in quiet suspense
I’m allowed to wake, to move, to feel, but I’m offered no rest as I anxiously wait for the next episode to commence…
… I have no time to recover, but in these few moments, I can only yearn for the cure that they are yet to discover
************************************************** ****

Basically I've had sleep paralysis since I was 12 years old and at first I thought it was just that but I'm not sure if it's possibly linked to external influences.

What I neglected to mention when I posting to forum members on the other board was that in accompanyment to the 'SP' dreams/visions I also experience what is commonly known as 'escape and evade' dreams where you are 'tested' through courses and situations e.g. anything from being chased and attacked whilst trying to find an escape route or get to a certain point to being in water with sharks and killer whales. There are a lot of other type of dreams/visions and experiences that go with them but I'm not sure if they're connected if they mean anything.

I still haven't found a consistent technique to deal with SP as different things work at different times.
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Old 09-10-2008, 12:56 PM   #20
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

Hi all,

my husband has had ongoing issues with 'sleep paralysis' and he is still working on defining his interpretation of the events that have occurred over the last 26 yrs that we have been together and since early childhood.

I have witnessed his episodes and he says they are accompanied not by droning but a buzz that speeds up and gains volume as the on-set approches.

I have seen him be dragged upright by an unseen entity early in our relationship from lying prone in the bed, fully asleep and can assure you this was pretty amazing stuff.

He has said that he can recall on occasion these events including beings participating in the activity. He recollects being pushed down in the bed by unseen forces. He has often woken me up during the on-set calling out for assistance prior to the 'arrival' of the noise and paralysis. He has also just confirmed for me that the on-set can be lightening fast so more often than not is not able to alert me to this b4 he is enduring the event.

My husband has had contact from a young age with ET's in the rural area he grew up in and had numerous sightings across the country.

I personally wonder if the whole thing is not related?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts on this....


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Old 09-16-2008, 01:20 AM   #21
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

sleep paralysis aka astral catalepsy aka out of body experience simple enough yes! i used to have them all the time up until i was about 10 there as normal as any other human function.
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Old 09-16-2008, 02:15 AM   #22
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

I'm bleary eyed at the moment but really enjoy this thread, and will have more input and experiences to share, later.

What I want to ask is have any encountered sleep anti-paralysis, whereby the customary muscle reflex shutdown mechanism is over-ridden, by, unknown forces? My last partner stopped sleeping in a common bed with me for weeks (months maybe?) when she got tired of bruises and being awoken by my thrashing. She told me I was battling, uttering and had very excessive arm and leg movement with REM eye movement but she was always unable to awaken me. This experience is what has led me to feel I get engaged in the battles that occur with other selves battling energies in other dimensions, I really suspect there are unidentified conditions which cause bleed through, perhaps emotional, mental or even the moon, all serving to thin the veils of separation ....

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Old 09-16-2008, 06:24 PM   #23
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Lightbulb Re: Sleep paralysis

Originally Posted by PolkaDotGirl View Post
I recently had my first sleep paralysis experience. I woke up, needing to use the bathroom. I noticed it was getting light outside so I figured it was around 6AM and didn't bother looking at my cell phone (I don't have an alarm clock). I went to the bathroom and came back to my room, shut the door and climbed back into bed. I was laying on my right side for a few minutes. Finally, I decided to take a look at my phone to see the time. The phone said it was 2:48AM. I set the phone down, and then realized the time couldn't be right since it was so light out. I went to grab the phone again and I couldn't move. I could open my eyes but that was it. I immediately began to panic, and tried to scream but couldn't. I looked up to the window above my head and could still see the dim light from outside, then two bright white flashes and I passed out. I did not see anyone or anything in my room, however I had my back to the rest of the room and I do remember feeling like there was a presence but I thought that could be explained by my initial panic. I woke up at 7:30AM without further incident.

I have no idea what all this means, and I am not going to jump to any conclusions. If anyone has had a similar experience, please let me know. Thanks!

Maybe you had been abducted?
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Old 09-16-2008, 06:56 PM   #24
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

Definitely, there would be something going on when one sleeps, this is the perfect chance to attack/harass someone, don't you think? If one were a ghost or some other entities that can not normally be seen by naked eyes, one might do that.

Personally, I've had some paralysis over the time, even until now. The recent ones I would term them as the positive ones, the earlier ones are the negative ones. I would become quite angry after recovering from a paralysis, feeling like you have been violated somehow (I don't mean it sexually, but that is possible). I can't prove anything, I just believe or know that paralysis has something to do with those in which you can't see with ordinary eyes.

In my case, one should not seek a doctor if he/she suffers from paralysis frequently, especially if he/she see or feel something "paranormal" during the process, because it wouldn't help. I am no psychic, but maybe some prayers or mantras can ward off the evil eventually. Everytime it happens, be it a positive one or a negative one, I tend to start to chant mentally, and the process ends quite quickly after I doing so, as if they are disturbed by my action or knowing my uncooperation.
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Old 09-17-2008, 08:34 AM   #25
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Default Re: Sleep paralysis

i work night shifts, so i frequently nap in the afternoon. i put it off today though, and was so tired by five oclock that when i laid down to sleep i immediately began dreaming, but it was completley lucid. not in the sense of freedom of action but as a completely conscious observer.
the scene was a military base, american as far as i could tell from the soldiers accents, but somehow i knew i was in a jungle somewhere. soldiers on guard outside the were approached by a man in civilian clothes, who didnt say anything but had a smile i can describe as sick. the soldiers kept repeating 'you have to leave sir' and 'how did you get out here'. then an loud buzzer alarm was sounding and there was a lot of shouting coming from //inside the building. the soldiers outside looked very scared and started shouting at the man but he just sort of stumbled around in a circle.
it was at this point that i realized that all three of the people i was watching were about to die. i tried to wake up but it took a massive effort. i tried screaming my girlfriends name because she was nearby and could shake me awake, but i found that i couldnt move or make noise until i really forced my will. the effort i had to use was really incredible, i felt surprised that i was capable of generating that much mental force.

anyway the actual dream reads like a bad movie, but it felt so real i guess because i was totally conscious. i almost would have liked to see how the situation continued, and i almost had no choice because my initial efforts to wake up were totally in vain, but my sense of horror was too strong to disobey.
so, sleep paralysis, lucid vision, but otherwise totally useless because i received no details, information, or backstory haha. thought i should post this anyway though.

Last edited by uniconr; 09-18-2008 at 03:14 AM.
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