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Old 08-01-2009, 08:58 PM   #2451
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thank you all for all the perserverance!! Love does conquer all!

Mikey, the lyrics are apropo! I felt Gaia also sighing,waiting for all to look within themselves...stop playing all the play,at least for coming together in heart! When all see this plane of existance for the "dream" it really is, they will join in the song of our heart....

Much love, light & perserverance to all! Love IS the unifying harmony,which is why PTB tries so hard to break harmony...I am asking for all to stand strong in light even when it looks dark...a little light dispels much darkness!!!!!
May the wellsprings of inspiration & blessings of Gaia give you all strength!

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Old 08-02-2009, 04:40 PM   #2452
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

i like this one:


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Old 08-02-2009, 06:16 PM   #2453
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Imagine a World where Love is the Currency!!

We all live in a Special Time in History!!
Humanity is reaching New Horizons of Reality!
If LOVE is the Currency...How do you rate??

Have you made the people around you happy?Loved? Cherrished??
All it takes is a few kind words or a smile!

Have you payed for someone's toll,parking meter, or have you added change to someone short of a few coins?? Have you opened a door? Have you wished someone to have a good day??

Have you reached out to someone in your community that needs friends? Have you helped a young person on their path? Have you spent time with an elder person to see them smile to see a young face??

There is much to do in a world within the currency of Love!!

Blessing you all in the Light and Mantle of Humanity's Higher self!
Blessing you all in creativity & love!!

It is never too late to start adding to your "bank account"!!!!!!

(Those who were given more 3D wealth and influence have more responsability in this ...that is their true test...will they spend
it wisely or will they fritter it away on service to self??? And use their power to control people against their abundance and better ways to help all???This means all the world's leaders-not just the west!)

Only you...in your heart of hearts know where you stand....
Blessing you on your path to LOVE!!!

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Old 08-02-2009, 06:46 PM   #2454
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

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Old 08-03-2009, 09:17 PM   #2455
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

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Old 08-03-2009, 10:59 PM   #2456
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hello my dear friends,

I came back from the UK tonight and you are the first ones I came to see.
Thank you for keeping the thread alive with your light and heart .
Our gathering in Avebury went very well .
Some of us took a dowsing lesson this time so as to know a little more about
the spot we have been meditating on.
This time we gathered around a stone that we choose and which happened to be
on the mary ley line ( feminine energy ).
We were 9 to share the meditation . New avalon member Boudicca joined us with
her friend lucia.
Again the bond between us has been a very strong one .
Avebury and it's surroundings are just amazing . Several crop circles appeared while we were there.
We visited 3 of them.They all carry a different energy signature . I was lucky to be amongst the first
visitors with Rhythm of one of them. We layed down there for about an hour and felt totally refreshed and in deep peace afterwards.
We were several to visit the mayan crop circle that appeared in early june .
In that one I heard a clear sound while walking into it and seem to be the only one to have done so.
While laying down there I heard other sounds coming from the wheats . The entire place felt inhabited to me .This was very special as I had never experienced this before.
We missed you which means as well that you have been in our hearts at all time .
I sincerely hope that next time more of you will be able to join .
Although in spirit I could feel that we were ONE.

Love from me

Last edited by mudra; 08-03-2009 at 11:03 PM.
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Old 08-04-2009, 07:10 AM   #2457
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Welcome back Mudra and others!

Love for you

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Old 08-04-2009, 09:06 AM   #2458
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

I woke up earlier this morning. Silence and summer warmth. I was drinking my coffee outside in the garden. Threes were quiet, no leaf to move. Flowers, colors and soil. I sit down on the grass. No people around, no voices, no clouds on the sky. Refreshing silence of space and time, when the Being is complete and satisfied with what it is. Calming insight of the existence. Silence and beauty. Silence, silence…

Than, the music came from nowhere. It was a butterfly - unseen combination of colors: white, old gold, blue, yellow, red. I’ve never seen butterfly like this before. It`s fly was The Music: light flickering of the wings as a harp, than strong spiral rising as a sublime violin; on the higher top of its fly, it was standing in gentle piano sounds, slowly, slowly, and than rash lowering toward the flowers! In the moment when it stand on the blossom, a mysterious female started to sing, tiny and high, some melody of forgotten times.
Was it the Divine Feminine or Mother Earth? Nevermind, it was a music. Absolute beauty.
I realized. Everything is all right. Everything will be all right. Just see the beauty. It is equal to what love is. Feel, feel, feel. Knowing is not enough.

I finished my coffee. I went to the computer. I sent messages to the people I love. Today, I will hug all the people around me.

I hug you too.

Last edited by Oliver; 08-04-2009 at 11:02 AM.
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Old 08-04-2009, 02:39 PM   #2459
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

LOVE TO YOU ALL..... I'm still with you all and meditating.. xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Old 08-04-2009, 03:54 PM   #2460
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

i left my account on.....( be here now )
of the Avebury trip ...

if you dont mind.... so i dont need to repeat

thank you and blessings

dear ones ,

be in your heart

its the safe place to be

the rhythmmm of love xxxx
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Old 08-04-2009, 07:15 PM   #2461
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

The Primary & Secondary Source
of Non-Manmade Crop Circle Creation

By Ed Sherwood
The ‘answer’ to 'Who' has been creating the worldwide Crop Circle phenomenon is the ‘holy grail’ of Crop Circle research.

In early 1991 I reached the conclusion that there were basically three ‘Sources’ behind the worldwide Crop Circle phenomenon: The ‘Infinite Intelligence’ and Consciousness of ‘God’; Extraterrestrial Civilizations; and human circle makers. Beyond these were many more. For example, there is more than one source, force and energy, natural and supernatural, involved in Crop Circle ‘Creation’ by what can be called God. More than one Extraterrestrial Civilization has left behind evidence of its ‘presence’ also, and more than one deceptive human circle maker, and group, has manually constructed formations using applied geometry and simple mechanical means (some groups every summer since the early 1990s).

The Primary Source

Photograph Copyright 1992 Maria Ward

An atmospheric ‘Ball Plasma’, or ‘Earth Light’, witnessed and photographed by Maria Ward shortly after leaving a Crop Circle formation, and a group ‘night watch’ (including myself), in Wiltshire England on July 28th 1992.

Many people, including ourselves, have witnessed a type of ‘physical luminosity’,invariably reported as a luminous ‘UFO’, that looks like a diffusely edged ‘fire ball’. Often amber-orange in colour, and ranging in size from a few inches to over a hundred feet in diameter, they are sighted in many regions of the world, including where non-manmade Crop Circle formations have also been found to form. Called ‘Earth Lights’ by Earth Mysteries researchers (a term first coined by Paul Deveraux), and ‘Plasma Vortices’, or ‘Ball Plasma’, by Earth science researchers, like Dr Terrence Meaden, and Dr W.C. Levengood, and others, they have been observed before, during, and after non-manmade Crop Circle creation.

In addition to non-manmade Crop Circle creation ball plasma has also been witnessed and filmed in proximity to manmade formations, and by it appearance does not necessarily constitute a formations authenticity. Most sightings of this type of luminous energy occur in certain regions, and do not lead
to Crop Circle creation, but when certain circumstances are present they can. Ball plasmas also occur
in and out of Crop Circle ‘season’.

Between 1990 and 1996, while living in the region where 90 percent of the world’s Crop Circle formations
have appeared, in Wiltshire England, I witnessed the materialization of more than 100 ball plasmas, from distances of up to seven miles, to one hundred feet away. Many of the sightings included multiple witnesses, and on a number of occasions the luminosities were also filmed and/or photographed.

On July 26th 1992, during a group ‘sky watch’ near Alton Priors in Wiltshire, at approximately 11pm, I witnessed, from a distance of about a third of a mile away, an amber-orange colored ball plasma, roughly 20-30 feet in diameter, suddenly materialize low above a hedge and a group of trees. Holding a stationary position for approximately a minute and a half, while appearing to sway from side to side, it then quickly descended into a wheat field at an estimated angle of forty-five degrees, and created a new Crop Circle formation near Draycott Fitz Payne; a ringed circle and a single circle (below).

Fig. 2 Draycott Fitz Payne 1992 Crop Circle Formation
Silhouette Drawing Copyright 2003 Ed Sherwood/Millennium Research

Do ‘Ball Plasmas’ Create Crop Circles or ‘Co-Create’ them?

I don’t think atmospheric ball plasmas ‘create’ Crop Circles, I think they ‘co-create’ them. They are not the ‘Source’ of non-manmade Crop Circle creation. Instead, they are an integral ‘part’ of the Physics of their creation; a ‘vehicle’, if you like, through which a non-manmade Crop Circle pictogram can be formed physically.

I have widely disseminated since early 1991 that most non-manmade Crop Circle formations have been ‘co-created’, by a synchronous combination of Natural and Supernatural, physical and non-physical, energies and forces of the Cosmos and Earth, including the Psychokinetic effect of focused and expanded Human Collective Consciousness. Collectively, in ‘Unity’, it is God (that which is greater than the ‘sum of its parts’) that creates.

To use an analogy; imagine a non-manmade Crop Circle formation as a generated image on a television screen, or an illuminated ‘dot’ that makes up that image, and each physical and non-physical ‘element’, energy, process, cycle and force, of the Cosmos and the Earth, involved in its creation, as an individual ‘copper wire’, connected in space and time, and combined with many others (like inside an electrical cable), to collectively ‘channel’ and co-create the energy to power the television (in this case the earth for the Crop Circle creation process) and ‘miraculously’ produce an image on its ‘screen’.

In the case of most non-manmade Crop Circle creation, the ‘electrical energy’ channeled by the conducting wires to power the television and generate a dot pattern image on its screen, represents, the infinite energy ‘Source’ of all Creation, or ‘God’. It is the creative energy of ‘Unity’, of that which is ‘greater than the sum of its parts’, but is ‘channelized’ by, and through ‘its parts’, that creates. Crop Circle formations created by God, or Unity, are also co-created by and from everything involved. Thus, if a significant number of wires, or co-creative elements involved in the physics and/or metaphysics of non-manmade Crop Circle creation are ‘missing’ (such as an absence of Earth directed Solar flare energy, or conducive meteorological conditions for atmospheric plasma, etc,), an image on the TV screen, or Crop Circle medium, will not appear. This might also explain why the number of non-manmade Crop Circle formations has varied from year to year.

The ‘intelligence’ behind most non-manmade Crop Circle creation I have stated since early 1991 (after decoding an historic 1990 Crop Circle pictogram that lead to my revising of ‘Who’ and ‘What’ creates most non-manmade formations), is the ‘Infinite Intelligence’ of God.

While Kris and I assert that in our view most non-manmade Crop Circle formations are ‘Created’ by an ‘Infinite ‘Source’, and ‘Force’, of Universal Intelligence and Consciousness, historically symbolized by many names, and identified as ‘The Creator’, ‘God’, and ‘The Nine Principles and Forces of Creation, manifesting according to, and through Natural and Supernatural Law, including the laws and energetic forces of human Collective Consciousness, a comparatively small but highly significant number of non-manmade Crop Circle formations, usually simple circles, but on some occasions ‘Pictograms’, have, intentionally, and at times perhaps unavoidably, been created by more than one Extraterrestrial Intelligence, civilization, and technology, ‘landing’ on Earth. Collectively, this ‘Agency’, for simplicity, I identify as the ‘Secondary Source’ of non-manmade Crop Circle creation.

The Secondary Source

Photograph Copyright 1995 Kris Sherwood

An unidentified ‘disc-like’ object photographed above Roundway Hill, by Kris Sherwood, while taking a panoramic shot of a Crop Circle formation in Wiltshire England on July 26th 1995.

Physical Trace Marks

For more than 50 years many credible civilian and military eyewitnesses,from around the world, have reported encountering metallic ‘structured’ looking unidentified aerial objects, landing in a wide variety of terrestrial mediums, or hovering above them, that after departing from the area leave behind physical ‘trace marks’ in the form of a simple circle, or sometimes a set of circles.

Prior to 1980, before Crop Circles began to increasingly appear in cereal cropsand the term Crop Circle was coined, flattened circular depressions and ground markings found in cereal and non-cereal crops, grass, weeds, reeds and many types of wild vegetation, trees, and soil, following UFO sightings, were called ‘UFO Nests’.

The late Dr J. Allen Hynek classified UFO Nests as a ‘Close Encounter of the Second Kind’.

In his words ‘Here the UFO is observed interacting with the environment’...‘The interaction can be with inanimate matter, as when holes or rings are made on the ground, … Close Encounters of the Second Kind are of particular interest to scientists who can, in a sense, bring the UFO “into the laboratory.”’

As the biophysicist Dr. W.C. Levengood’s many years of pioneering ‘physical trace mark’ research reveals, and the findings of other recognized specialists scientific analysis, non-manmade Crop Circles have been, and remain, one of the strongest forms of ‘undeniable evidence’ in support of the worldwide UFO phenomenon.

A Sampling of Dr. W.C. Levengood's Biophysical Research

Crop Circle Formations Appear in Mexico After ‘Structured’ UFOs are Sighted and Filmed
Near Toluca Airport
Video Stills Copyright 1996 Lee & Brit Elders/Voyagers of the Sixth Sun

While most UFO Nests, and Crop Circles, created by the Secondary Source are just that, rough or precise ‘circles’, a smaller number appear to be pictographic ‘Signs’. After unidentified aerial objects were witnessed and reported to have landed Near Toluca airport in 1995, by multiple ground based observers that included air traffic controllers, several Crop Circle formations were subsequently found in farmers fields. One resembled a simple straight three-sided rectangular and semi-circular form (above).

* * *


Loving kindness
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Old 08-04-2009, 09:05 PM   #2462
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Oliver View Post
I woke up earlier this morning. Silence and summer warmth. I was drinking my coffee outside in the garden. Threes were quiet, no leaf to move. Flowers, colors and soil. I sit down on the grass. No people around, no voices, no clouds on the sky. Refreshing silence of space and time, when the Being is complete and satisfied with what it is. Calming insight of the existence. Silence and beauty. Silence, silence…

Than, the music came from nowhere. It was a butterfly - unseen combination of colors: white, old gold, blue, yellow, red. I’ve never seen butterfly like this before. It`s fly was The Music: light flickering of the wings as a harp, than strong spiral rising as a sublime violin; on the higher top of its fly, it was standing in gentle piano sounds, slowly, slowly, and than rash lowering toward the flowers! In the moment when it stand on the blossom, a mysterious female started to sing, tiny and high, some melody of forgotten times.
Was it the Divine Feminine or Mother Earth? Nevermind, it was a music. Absolute beauty.
I realized. Everything is all right. Everything will be all right. Just see the beauty. It is equal to what love is. Feel, feel, feel. Knowing is not enough.

I finished my coffee. I went to the computer. I sent messages to the people I love. Today, I will hug all the people around me.

I hug you too.
I'm so glad that you realized that all will be fine. Never mind the hard times dear friend, just let the divine "work" for you, stay as you are, pure in your heart and really, all will be right.

Thanks for the huges, please receive my love which I send to you all the time...


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Old 08-04-2009, 09:21 PM   #2463
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Malletzky, it is recieved and sent back to you!

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Old 08-05-2009, 02:02 AM   #2464
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

jim henson really knew what he was doing

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Old 08-05-2009, 02:11 AM   #2465
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Wishing all Full Moon Blessings!

May Full Moon Blessings Flow...
May Gentle Winds of Change Blow...

May Kindness in Hearts Beat...
May Joy Dance in Our Feet...

May Abundance Burst into Full Bloom...
And Brotherhood Amongst Us All Find Room!

Blessed Be!
Blessed Be!
Blessed Be!

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Old 08-05-2009, 02:34 PM   #2466
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

This is so beautifull to read Oliver.
The peace that it conveys is reaching deep into the soul.
Life is there to be embraced with a smile .
Thank you so much .

Loving kindness
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:36 PM   #2467
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Mikey ,

How can we download our pictures of Avebury's meditation on your website ?

Loving kindness to you
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Old 08-05-2009, 05:45 PM   #2468
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Nexus wednesday healing meditation


Reminding you all about tonights meditation for whoever you may wish to send healing energies to.

Loving kindness
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Old 08-06-2009, 04:47 AM   #2469
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Blessings to All!!

Just wanted to let you all know that a few pics from the July 31st Global Meditation at Coral Castle are up at my Avalon profile page....look to the right side & scroll down! You will see the album! We were graciously treated to a full set of crystal singing bowls being played along with our meditation music!! It was awesome!! Those guys drove 5 hours to be there and 5 hours to go back!!!

I was very happy for all that came...sometimes it is in intent that counts more than "how many"....My hopes are though , that others will feel the desire to join in....I remember from my days living in a certain community....
there were thousands that came for special days to pray together...the sounds of thousands of heartfelt prayers reverbrating against the marble walls was a crescendo I WILL NEVER FORGET!!! It was as if the angelic hosts
were within those voices!!! I wish I could share the experience with everyone and to replicate that in a grid point!!! That is my drive....that is my hope to let others experience such an awesome crescendo!!!

May it Be!!
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Old 08-06-2009, 05:46 AM   #2470
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Respected friends,

I want to express my gratitude to all of you who had stayed and shared the same vision.

The first spined crop circle file is finally completed. However the file is very big – about 1GB so, DJModer will provide a link where you can download the torrent of the file Messages from Above 2009.

Very soon we will provide all the necessary software, scripts, and links to crop design images per every year and other necessary instruction how technically this can be achieved using combination of different types of software.

The file contains audio sound extracted from the original crop fields where the messages appeared and without any musical background common for meditative files.

That was done on purpose – so the input is totally clean – video and sound.

We had tested it – and it’s quite impressive. It took a long time to achieve this due to 3D obstacles present inside this Matrix.

Please give us a little more time and we provide all the necessary links and instructions how all this can be taken few steps further.

Once more I would like to bring attention to future events.

As of June 2008, three full orbital cycles of Venus (large white numbers) remains until the end of our current Mayan Sun – Venus calendar in 28th of March 2013. Any full synodic cycle of Venus takes 584 days of 1.6 years, hence there will be 3x 1.6 = 4.8 years until March 2013. Likewise, five half orbital cycles of Venus (small blue numbers) remains until Venus transits the face of our Sun in June 2012.

Any half synodic cycle of Venus takes 292 days or 0.8 years, hence there will be 5 x 8= 4.0 years until transit on June 6, 2012.

This is the same 52 or 104 – year calendar that’s the Olmecs, Mayans or Aztecs used long ago in central America.

Five days later at Stanton Bridge on July 4, the Mayan number “three” appeared, once again to remind us apparently that only three full orbital cycles of Venus until their calendar ends on March 28th 2013.

Best regards,
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Old 08-06-2009, 07:25 AM   #2471
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Love the world awake by Cymatic Veilbegone

Thank you Astralwalker and thank you Djmoder
I believe the work has been enormous but you did it .
Day after day you never gave up .
We of nexus are standing here in respect to you Astralwalker.
And it 's always a blessing to see your presence on this thread.
The moment we gave our hearts into nexus we knew we would travel the whole way.
We are loving the world awake.

Loving kindness to you
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:44 AM   #2472
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I have feeling that this new one is very, very important!

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Old 08-06-2009, 01:20 PM   #2473
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thank you Astralwalker!

I appreciate yr kind words!!

Again thanking all for beautiful efforts!!!!

May all humanity come together by their hearts!!!

May it Be
May it Be
May it Be

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Old 08-06-2009, 01:20 PM   #2474
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi everyone,

The video file that Astralwalker mentioned is quite large and I have made a torrent link to this file for anyone to download using file sharing software such as bittorrent or utorrent

The high resolution version (1GB) can be downloaded here :

The low resolution version (268MB) can be downloaded here:

Please understand that this is not a conventional video. It is done this way to serve the purpose of what Astralwalker described a few months ago and there is still more work to do. If anyone can think of a better way to distribute the video or made the file more compact so that it is simpler to share, please feel free to do so and share with us.

The effect from this video may varies. In my opinion after I watched the video with strong intention and focus, I feel strong pulse around the forehead and it helps me become more conscious while I was sleeping. I hope that everyone see positive benefit after watching the video and hopefully, we can generate more video from the past crop circles to the year 2005 - present to capture more massages (..from above).

We will post more instructions on how to produce the video similar to this one later on.



Originally Posted by Astralwalker View Post
Respected friends,

I want to express my gratitude to all of you who had stayed and shared the same vision.

The first spined crop circle file is finally completed. However the file is very big – about 1GB so, DJModer will provide a link where you can download the torrent of the file Messages from Above 2009.

Very soon we will provide all the necessary software, scripts, and links to crop design images per every year and other necessary instruction how technically this can be achieved using combination of different types of software.

The file contains audio sound extracted from the original crop fields where the messages appeared and without any musical background common for meditative files.

That was done on purpose – so the input is totally clean – video and sound.

We had tested it – and it’s quite impressive. It took a long time to achieve this due to 3D obstacles present inside this Matrix.

Please give us a little more time and we provide all the necessary links and instructions how all this can be taken few steps further.

Best regards,

Last edited by DJModer; 08-08-2009 at 03:03 AM.
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Old 08-06-2009, 03:28 PM   #2475
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Respected friends,

Thank you very much for your understanding and support.

We really appreciated it.

We are approaching the end of the cycle. Thing got even more complicated.

We see extreme UFO activity around our Sun. Many ETs are using the Sun Gate to travel out and inside our system. Sun Spots are often used for travelling, as they function as some kind of black holes due to the dynamics not still full understood.

The Sun is charging its batteries and generating energy for its rebirth at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.


>> The sun is entering its 27th consecutive day of spotlessness, quiet and calm.

After a promising eruption of sunspots in early July raised hopes that Solar Cycle 24 was gaining strength, the sun reversed course and retreated to peaceful slumber. Only four weeks after behemoth sunspot 1024 amazed onlookers, solar minimum has never seemed deeper. The sun's 77% rate of spotlessness in 2009 confirms the ongoing minimum as a century class event.

- NASA is still playing the same game. The CME that happened on 6-7 July 2009 was not natural but artificially induced. A very fast approaching object went into the Sun, activated the Sun Gate and exit on the other side. Few moments after a huge Space Craft under cloak come out from the Sun Gate.

It was fallowed by ejected plasma from the Sun. As usual.

Without this CME, our star would hit the record for monthly no sun spots.

The obvious change in the dynamics of the Sun is producing changes in our atmosphere. One of those is so called anomalies in the magnetosphere.

Those anomalies are very large and in fact have direct electrical connection with the Sun. Airplanes that experience malfunction are bellow those fissures.

You can fallow the anomaly on this web site:


Just fallow where air planes are falling down and you will know where those anomalies are.

They call them - Noctilucent clouds.

Those are form above 75 miles high, and are no clouds. They are direct electrical currents and they look like a ocean waves in the sky.


My point is - all that was mentioned before in this thread is happening.

At the very end of 2012 our whole system will be so illuminated that it will be amazing. Those so called ”Noctilucent clouds” are nothing comparing with what will happen.


Those blood lines - and that evil originates from Egipt.

Their agenda is that Dark Side of the Force gaing full victory.

Barack and Michelle Obama are the reincarnation of Pharoah Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti of Ancient Egypt.

The game is becoming clear.


Airlines and Accidents - Commercial Airline Crashes with Fatalities – 2009

February 2009
•7 - Manaus Aerotaxi (Brazil) - Embraer 110 Bandeirante - 24 of the 28 people on board were killed. Possible engine failure and heavy rain are potential causes.
•12 - Continental Connection (Colgan Air) - de Havilland Dash-8 Q400 - 49 of the 49 people on board were killed, plus one person on the ground. Possible ice build-up cited as a potential cause.
•25 - Turkish Airlines - Boeing 737-800 - 9 dead, and dozens injured. Cause under investigation.

May 2009
•31 / June 1 - Air France - Airbus 330 - 228 passengers and crew on board. Flight lost over the Atlantic. All on board perish.
June 2009

June 30 - Yemenia - Airbus 310 - 153 people on board (142 passengers and 11 crew) crashed into the Indian Ocean as it tried to land during very poor weather on the island country of Comoros. A young teenage girl is the only survivor.

July 2009
•15 - Caspian Airlines - Tupolev Tu-154M - 168 passengers and crew on board. Seems the tail of the plane suddenly caught on fire and the pilot was unsuccessful in finding a safe place to land and crashed into a field. No survivors.
•24 - Aria Air - Ilyushin-62 - 153 on board. Conflicting reports on what happened. 17 dead.

Economy has been broth to a state of collapsing only by issuing a order.

The so called swine flu vaccine is biological weapon - If you are smart you will never let your self injected.

They are forcing this on a global scale which means it’s not going to be very long until they start to show their face.

World Trade Centre - Twin Towers was used as portal to Hell to bring Evil from those dimensions. And they plan to do that again.

But, as we received the message - Believe there is good outthere, I can only say this: THERE IS GOOD OVER HERE TOO.

And we are not stepping out.

We are free and SOVEREIGN ENTITIES and we are standing on the side of Light and we want peace and harmony.

And we are going to fight back.

Our weapon (Dharma allows use of strength and knowledge when there is absolute need for it – and now it is time to use it) and our weapon is higher consciousness and union into meditative Oneness.

The rising of the Vibrational Level is extremely important now and in near future. It’s extremely important how the Earth will vibrate when those beams arrive.

So let’s install those drivers and let’s unite into one meditative stream of consciousness. Let’s make a difference.

A single being can do more or less, but if we unite we can move this planet to a higher vibration.

Very soon DJModer or I will explain the procedure how those files can be created.

The file for 2009 is just a sample. In that template it will progress.

There are higher forces who will guide this from Above. And we need all the help we can get.

Quetzalcoatl is coming back and that’s good news.

Wake up people. Let’s do this.

Let there be Light,

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