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Old 11-02-2008, 04:39 PM   #1
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Default America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Has anyone ever realized just how close we are to being totally powerless to our government? Moreso than ever before. Think about this, it applys to any person, any day, any country. It's timeless, yet applies today.

Lets say, years ago a certain small organization, with a hidden agenda know only to its members, goes mainstream, touching everyone, big city, small town and starts to gain attention.

Unknown to their fellow countrymen this organization is secretly covert, anti establishment, with an agenda to take over, change and control the nation in which they live.

Throughout the years this organization had placed its members in local political positions in stratigicly important states.

They have placed their members throughout the media, who write career building articles, and make videos, that help these members gain prominence and a greater following.

As years go by, this organization obsorbs other more popular and productive organizations, with larger memberships. Organizations that have offensive agendas that, by help with their friends in the media, go overlooked by the population.

Throughout time, this organization had slowly alligned itself with a major poiltical party and grown to be a major player in the political field.

Having placed their players stratigically throughout their nation they patiently waited for the right time, when the right charismatic, silver tongued person would be available. They now find themselves comfortable and step to the forefront of politics.

Now their leader is supported for and instructed by, his party, to run for the Presidency of the United States.

His party is already the majority in the House of Representatives.

His party is already the majority in the Senate.

Throughout the years his party has successfully placed its members, in the majority, on the Supreme Court.

If ELECTED...We are looking at Power unlimited for this President.

Just think of the possibilities this President would hold.

Is this possible?

Could we have let something like this happen?

If so, at what cost?

AND who will be made to pay for it?
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Old 11-02-2008, 05:52 PM   #2
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Originally Posted by Topper View Post
...Could we have let something like this happen?

If so, at what cost?

AND who will be made to pay for it?
That's one way of looking at it.

Another is that cosmic events are in motion, and everything is happening just as it should, and that in a little time we're going to be better off....a lot better off.
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Old 11-02-2008, 06:05 PM   #3
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Could we have let something like this happen?
How could we avoid it?

If it were:
Unknown to their fellow countrymen this organization is secretly covert, anti establishment, with an agenda to take over, change and control the nation in which they live.
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Old 11-02-2008, 07:34 PM   #4
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Rareheart, how something like this could be avoided is by standing up and being heard.
Out of 140 who have looked at this thread, only two have answered.
Most of our society goes through life with blinkers on. Like with the threads here in project avalon, almost every answer conveys you to someone eles' thoughts, web sites, quotes. Everyone is looking for awakening...it begins with ones self. Inside each of us. Take a minute and express yourself instead of being lead.
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Old 11-02-2008, 08:42 PM   #5
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

i try to do my part in awakening and talking to other people about the unseen forces our country is under. i think though, how many people is it really going to take to bring about real change to the world? will that be enough? can we really reach enough people? i try to remain hopeful.
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Old 11-02-2008, 09:04 PM   #6
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

The REAL rpoblem is not the fact that we are losing power to our govt, Although that is a real big problem.The problem is that our govt has basically dying from self-inflicted gunshot wounds and losing all their power.We will ultimately suffer for their mistakes.I'm not a huge fan of the govt(USA), but some sense of order must be maintained.Spending 10 billion dollars you don't have babysitting a war no one wants to be in has consequences.Ripping off the taxpayers has consequences.Great depressions and World Wars have consequences(especially if you lose).
Although part of me is glad the system is failing, I have lived in it my whole life and adjusting to destitute poverty with no electricity is going to be painful.We are all in the same boat whether you agree with this or not.Unfortunatley most people will be completely caught off guard and react with violence and hatred once their stomach starts to growl.
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Old 11-02-2008, 09:24 PM   #7
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Topper, I don't want to be an alarmist, but hasn't this sort of thing been going on for a long time?

I mean, we were born into this at a particular time so in a sense nobody is fully responsible for it. Laws have been manipulated towards circling humankind, but this has been since year dot and from the perspective of one lifetime it's a difficult proposition to go against the grain without some great personal turmoil. If there were demon's, and I don't like to make religious allusions, then these laws that benefit the few are them, they also transcend human lifetimes.

I truly believe that governments should be reduced in stature in our respective countries. They don't really deserve the power that they have. Whatever enlightened visions they may have had in the past have truly left them and I think it's the responsibility to reinstate a vision in the individual that forms the base for any nation.
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Old 11-02-2008, 09:26 PM   #8
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

The concept of the NWO and/or Illuminati makes more sense to me everyday but as to doing something about it? Something tells me that we don't need to aid them because they will self-destruct anyway.
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Old 11-02-2008, 09:35 PM   #9
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I too have stood and spoken up but am told I am prejudice (hardly when I love the blacks, asians and phillipino's in my own family and elsewhere) I have no intention of voting for McCain or Obama. All of do need to vote for a third party, as that will help

I am worried and am shocked that this has happened. I only pray that what becomes of this is not as bad as I think it will be.

It will happen and we can stand and say Enought but what good will it do when more than half the fricken world is still asleep and refuses to wake up

I'm frustrated and wish I was 30 yrs younger or at least had the energy now that I had then

I just tried to talk to my neighbors again and seen the gleam in their eyes and the eyes rolling. Oh well they will find out the hard way, I guess.

What more can one person do but pray pray pray

Last edited by mntruthseeker; 11-02-2008 at 09:38 PM.
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Old 11-02-2008, 09:44 PM   #10
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

I see what is happening and I don't like it one bit. Hopefully enough Americans see it as well and will prevent the total power of one party from becoming a reality. Gridlock is a good thing.
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Old 11-02-2008, 10:03 PM   #11
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post

I just tried to talk to my neighbors again and seen the gleam in their eyes and the eyes rolling. Oh well they will find out the hard way, I guess.
Well, if you approach them by treating them like they're un-informed, then of course they will roll their eyes at you.

You see, the world doesn't revolve around any single person. People will do what they do.
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Old 11-02-2008, 10:18 PM   #12
Worlds Beyond
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Hello folks...

Please don't shoot me down in flames for this post... am new here (I only found Avalon a few weeks ago and was delighted to find such a forum!)

However... I've been reading so many threads on this forum about Politics.. and forgive me for saying this (I mean no offence or antagonism), but I find it quite amazing on a forum such as this, that so many seemingly spiritual/enlighened/aware souls are engaging in debates/fights around issues of party Politics.

I had hoped that this would not be the case in a place like Avalon.

For me (my personal view/belief) is that aware/awake/sentient/discerning human beings would see right through the smokescreen that is Politics? The old classic of 'Give the people a choice, then they believe they have freedom to choose, they believe they are living in a democracy, that they have some power, that they live in a free country....' When in fact, the whole thing is a charade. Politics is designed to give the illusion of choice, of 'power' to the ordinary person. It's the oldest and most effective game of Divide & Rule.

Whilst people are arguing/debating politics (in here or elsewhere), the REAL powers behind the puppets (the REAL ones in power, behind closed doors, who decide who to put in place for election time... i.e. decide who you are going to be 'Allowed' to vote for), will be carrying out their same master plan, regardless of who you vote into the White House, or 10 Downing Street, or any other seat of Political Power.

Folks, just my feelings/thoughts.. that it makes NO difference who wins. What you're going to get it just the same, SAME contents/results either way, you just choose a different picture on the cover... but the same end result.

I used to be very politically active/involved, many years ago.. but now, for me, I just feel Politics is a complete con... a big lie of a game designed to keep people deluded, divided and controlled. It's a tool to create illusion of democracy and choice... and it certainly is effective in dividing people and maintaining control and robbing you of your true freedoms, entitlements and choices on this planet.

It's the same in the UK, Europe, and every other Political system. Whichever party wins, the people will lose... i.e. remain powerless, divided, separate and disconnected.

Government. Think about that word... really.

Wouldn't everyone's energy/time be better spent not falling into their trap??

Just a thought!

Love & light
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Old 11-02-2008, 11:10 PM   #13
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

I find it ironic that the US has convinced its people that the universe revolves around them. If anything is going to happen, you can guarantee that the US will or should be involved. That they have some define right of being the guardians of the cosmos.
The saviour or destroyer of mankind, the ultimate superpower, masters of the Elite.
This is true in Hollywood, in a child’s bedtime story or over a few beers in the pub. But in reality, this is nothing more than an illusion. Its President, congress & co, do as they are told by Europe.
The US is being used in some sick game by the European elite.
It’s about time, America woke up and realised it is playing a game it could never win.

Where is the billionaire Bruce Wayne when you need him?
Even Hong Kong Phooey would do.

I hope I’m wrong though.

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Old 11-02-2008, 11:39 PM   #14
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Worlds Beyond, Chaye here, wife of that old thought provoker Topper.
I like very much what you say, and agree on many points you made.
The hypothetical situation Topper wrote was to point out, what can be, a very unfortunate happening, just as the E.E.S.A. {bail out of Wall Street}. Not too many yanks were supportive of the bail out especially when they found out it would come from tax dollars. But they can do nothing now to stop it.
Now, Nancy P, Barney F, and the other unchecked leaders in the Senate and House, are putting together another bail out bill, but this one is much larger. Why? Because they say that the first one wasn't big enough to solve the problem.
Where is all this tax money coming from? Some existing programs will have be cut, [or taxed, like your 401k.] But that won't be disclosed until the new President takes office. "How conveinient."
Everything is politics.
This started out with et and the fact that the govt doesn't disclose to the people that aliens are here and we are in contact with them.
Yes, this sounds very much like illuminati, and the free masons, and all that control, equated to the G.O.P. but funny, this is all about the Democrates.
So again, my friend, you are right. Doesn't matter what side your on.
The matter is, whose turn it is?

Peace, love and harmony...Chaye & Topper
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Old 11-02-2008, 11:41 PM   #15
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

There is no hero without the villan and in the end they will kiss and embrace.

TO resist change is to resist life. We are moving from the world of becomming to the world of being. We prolong suffering when we refuse to suffer..

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 11-02-2008 at 11:47 PM.
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Old 11-02-2008, 11:57 PM   #16
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Come on, guys! Were you not educated here in the United States? Did you not study your history--your own history and how our government was truly made? Don't we have Native Americans on this board? It looks it to me.

We the people are just that, the people and one way or the other we will be able to take back our country, our freedoms, our lives. But we have to trust in each other and help each other.

I challenge you to study in this time we are allowed the Confederacy of the Six Nations of the Iroquois and how their Peacemaker helped them to come together and become a true democracy on this land.

Benjamin Franklin stole a lot of his ideas for our government from their Confederacy. He was truly awed by their commitment to it and the beauty of it.

And, yes, everything is coming together as it should. We should also trust that. I know everyone is scared about the future, what it holds. So am I. But I trying to remain calm and in the faith that it is working toward the correct ending.

Trust in the Higher Power, whatever you call God, because from all that I have learned over the years and have watched and studied, it is coming as it all should. And you should be prepared for the inevitable. Have you given yourself into the hands of your God?

Yes, I know, I sound like a preacher here. but even the aliens, space brothers, or whatever you'd like to label them, believe in a primary Creator.

So, let us learn together what we must learn about how we should govern ourselves--the correct way--and when the time comes, we will be ready to help create our new world together.

In the immortal words of Gene Roddenberry, the Great Bird of the Galaxy, through the words of his character, Dylan Hunt, in Genesis II, "Only the best from the past." That is our Constitution, guys, the real Constitution, and what gave it the greatness it has, flaws and all.

We can beat this thing, we can. Just have some faith.
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Old 11-03-2008, 12:04 AM   #17
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Treckie, wake up baby, you're wrong.

1917, World War One was no illusion, no hollywood movie.

1940, World War Two, was no bedtime story when you got blitzed.

If not for the illusionist Americans, all of Europe would still be goose-stepping and eating schnitzel.

As far as earning the right to be defenders of the universe, as you say, we were invited to that title by the ruling class in Buckingham Palace.

You should thank America that when you ask again, She'll respond as quickly and graciously as She has many times before. And if all of this is a sick game played by the European elite, well, shame on them.

Someday, somewhere, someone knows the truth. And I pray for the sake of all Europe, that the results will be the same regardless of the reason for America's actions.

Peace, love and harmony...Topper
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Old 11-03-2008, 12:08 AM   #18
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I read somewhere that as one gets to the top and stays at the top.. they are killed and replaced with clones. Now that is a novel thought. None of them are really real so they don't really think of us as real either.

2 years ago I never even heard of Obama or Palin.. after Tuesday, history is changed forever in the US as we will either have a Black President (very likely) or a woman VP who will likely become President. Just so you know.. insider info still has Hillary as Prez so these coming months are indeed a drama in the making.

America's greatest fear has already been realized as we now know it doesn't matter if we vote or not as diebold is rigged. Who should have been president wasn't (TWICE!).

I fully expect a major revolt sometime in the near future. There are those who will NEVER accept a black president just as there are those who will NEVER accept a woman in that role.

This whole politcal and financial scene is so sureal to me the only thing I can really relate to these days are our chickens. At least they are productive and trained to come up to the front porch to lay their eggs. Too bad our politicians could be more productive in giving something back to the people rather then stealing from then in criminal bailouts, robbing them of thier retirement pensions and destroying the very financial foundation of this nation by giving free reign to the Federal Reserve Bank. The fox has now taken over the hen house.. but not here. Here, chickens' rule.
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Old 11-03-2008, 12:18 AM   #19
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Please see this video. If you think that it isn't true. The first part is this guy talking (he is kinda annoying) but the second half is Ezera Taft Benson (sec of agriculture back in the 50's) He is talking about a trip that Nikita Khrushchev (1st sec of the Communist party) told him on a trip to the US. It is the exact description of what is happening to us. EXTREMELY INTERESTING AND TRUE.

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Old 11-03-2008, 01:21 AM   #20
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
I read somewhere that as one gets to the top and stays at the top.. they are killed and replaced with clones. Now that is a novel thought. None of them are really real so they don't really think of us as real either.

2 years ago I never even heard of Obama or Palin.. after Tuesday, history is changed forever in the US as we will either have a Black President (very likely) or a woman VP who will likely become President. Just so you know.. insider info still has Hillary as Prez so these coming months are indeed a drama in the making.

America's greatest fear has already been realized as we now know it doesn't matter if we vote or not as diebold is rigged. Who should have been president wasn't (TWICE!).

I fully expect a major revolt sometime in the near future. There are those who will NEVER accept a black president just as there are those who will NEVER accept a woman in that role.

This whole politcal and financial scene is so sureal to me the only thing I can really relate to these days are our chickens. At least they are productive and trained to come up to the front porch to lay their eggs. Too bad our politicians could be more productive in giving something back to the people rather then stealing from then in criminal bailouts, robbing them of thier retirement pensions and destroying the very financial foundation of this nation by giving free reign to the Federal Reserve Bank. The fox has now taken over the hen house.. but not here. Here, chickens' rule.
fully backed. mostly about the chickens part.
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Old 11-03-2008, 06:07 AM   #21
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I have been independent since I first signed a voter registration card, I do the research on the person and if they have a solid track record in the same things I go for it. If unknown I still research them regardless. Back to passing the donation cans was once told to me many years ago, of course we still have a biased media. It will take more people to wake up and truly want a different existence before it is realized IMO.

I have for the last several years faxed, e-mailed, phoned my representatives with an ah yes I agree only to see it go up in flames later or slid in the back door. I have spoken with community leaders, neighbors, friends, some with positive results and some with a blank stare or I can't explain it they go blank like they can not hear you almost like a signal went off in their heads and they completely changed subject material or forgot what was being said. Some have gotten back in touch weeks or several months, and some you never hear from. Yes I have done the e-mails, posts galore to everyone possibly. I will have to say that this year has been more positive than previous years and our youth believe it or not or are better informed than we are.

What works for me or at least a feeling it does is money talks or shall I say the lack of supporting people, corporations etc. that I do not think have any basic concern for it's people, nature or the world in general. I try to make a statement this way I have seen all the other efforts turned into thin air and just pure deception. This is my own personal way of handling this in the most positive way I can for now and may be the only way I can or at least the way I see it. There are just so many bailouts they can do.

As far as Americans feeling they are special this or at least where I live is not true, hyped by the media. Most I know wish to stay in their own back yard if you know what I mean and remain out of other's business totally. Many are just as concerned about the environment, nature, poverty, et all as the rest of the world. You have a lot of caring people within this country. Too caring and what gets us involved in other's affairs. We may all one day sit back and let the world take care of it's own problems as that is where the sentiment is going we need to remove ourselves from the quagmire.

Love & Peace
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Old 11-03-2008, 06:21 AM   #22
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Someone earlier mentioned the USA s role in ww2.I agree the US was critical , but modern america can't hold a candle to the people of that generation.Our soldiers get baskin robbins ice cream and pizza hut in Iraq....10 billion dollars a month buys a lot of pizza hut.....
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Old 11-03-2008, 01:29 PM   #23
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Mikill, the difference between today's soldiers and yesterday's is, yesterday's soldiers had a determined, unified cause, built on intergrity, honor, and discipline.
Today's soldiers are part timers, thanks to bill clinton who cut our regular army to an all volunteer army and closed many bases, backed by the bill of rights. Today's soldiers cry out, their families cry out for their needs, wants and desires.
In our time, you did what you had to do until the job was done. Then you came home.
Ah...you know the story.

Peace, love and harmony...Topper
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Old 11-03-2008, 01:33 PM   #24
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

GenIke, were the Mohegan part of the Iroquois Nation?

Remember also, because of their kindness, peacefulness and unity with Mother Earth, what happened to the Native American.
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Old 11-03-2008, 04:25 PM   #25
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Default Re: America's greatest FEAR not yet realized!

Wow listening to the final day of campaigning, wow. obama telling SF that the price of electricity is going to go way up. I don't understand this. Someone please explain this to me. What is going to make electricity go up?
biden complaining that there is too many forclosures, the American dream is being taken away. We just watched the hearings on this and Pelosi, and Barney Frank, leading democrates, forced the banking industry to drop their standards and allow low or no income families to qualify for mortgages through fraud.
Please tell me, what is going on here? biden now calls for them to be elected to solidify complete control from President, to Senate to House of Reps. To do more of the same? To further drop the standards? To create more failure in other industries, such as clean coal?
God help us all.
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