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Old 12-28-2008, 12:53 PM   #176
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thanks for shearing Kathleen. I really appreciate.

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Old 12-28-2008, 01:00 PM   #177
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!


Link below is to the work of Bruce L Cathie, are you familiar with him and his work, it could help with the mapping. Maybe??? He has a pretty neat piece of software....


Peace and blessings to you


Hi Mpea,

Thanks for the link. I think we can use some of this. Thanks for shearing. I really appreciate.

Peace and blessings to you

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Old 12-28-2008, 02:12 PM   #178
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

I come across this link:



Date Released: Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Source: European Southern Observatory

VLT and APEX Team Up to Study Flares from the Black Hole at the Milky Way's Core

Astronomers have used two different telescopes simultaneously to study the violent flares from the supermassive black hole in the centre of the Milky Way. They have detected outbursts from this region, known as Sagittarius A*, which reveal material being stretched out as it orbits in the intense gravity close to the central black hole.

The team of European and US astronomers used ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) and the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope, both in Chile, to study light from Sagittarius A* at near-infrared wavelengths and the longer submillimetre wavelengths respectively. This is the first time that astronomers have caught a flare with these telescopes simultaneously. The telescopes' location in the southern hemisphere provides the best vantage point for studying the Galactic Centre.

"Observations like this, over a range of wavelengths, are really the only way to understand what's going on close to the black hole," says Andreas Eckart of the University of Cologne, who led the team.

Sagittarius A* is located at the centre of our own Milky Way Galaxy at a distance from Earth of about 26 000 light-years. It is a supermassive black hole with a mass of about four million times that of the Sun.

Most, if not all, galaxies are thought to have a supermassive black hole in their centre. "Sagittarius A* is unique, because it is the nearest of these monster black holes, lying within our own galaxy," explains team member Frederick K. Baganoff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA. "Only for this one object can our current telescopes detect these relatively faint flares from material orbiting just outside the event horizon."

The emission from Sagittarius A* is thought to come from gas thrown off by stars, which then orbits and falls into the black hole. Making the simultaneous observations required careful planning between teams at the two telescopes. After several nights waiting at the two observatory sites, they struck lucky.

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"At the VLT, as soon as we pointed the telescope at Sagittarius A* we saw it was active, and getting brighter by the minute.
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We immediately picked up the phone and alerted our colleagues at the APEX telescope," says Gunther Witzel, a PhD student from the University of Cologne.

Macarena Garcia-Marin, also from Cologne, was waiting at APEX, where the observatory team had made a special effort to keep the instrument on standby. "As soon as we got the call we were very excited and had to work really fast so as not to lose crucial data from Sagittarius A*. We took over from the regular observations, and were in time to catch the flares," she explains.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Over the next six hours, the team detected violently variable infrared emission, with four major flares from Sagittarius A* . The submillimetre-wavelength results also showed flares, but, crucially, this occurred about one and a half hours after the infrared flares.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The researchers explain that this time delay is probably caused by the rapid expansion, at speeds of about 5 million km/h, of the clouds of gas that are emitting the flares. This expansion causes changes in the character of the emission over time, and hence the time delay between the infrared and submillimetre flares.

Although speeds of 5 million km/h may seem fast, this is only 0.5% of the speed of light. To escape from the very strong gravity so close to the black hole, the gas would have to be travelling at half the speed of light - 100 times faster than detected - and so the researchers believe that the gas cannot be streaming out in a jet. Instead, they suspect that a blob of gas orbiting close to the black hole is being stretched out, like dough in a mixing bowl, and this is causing the expansion.

The simultaneous combination of the VLT and APEX telescopes has proved to be a powerful way to study the flares at multiple wavelengths. The team hope that future observations will let them prove their proposed model, and discover more about this mysterious region at the centre of our Galaxy.

Notes for Editors

Sagittarius A* is a compact object located at the centre of our own Milky Way Galaxy, at a distance of about 26 000 light-years from Earth. In recent years, observations of stars orbiting in its strong gravitational grip have convincingly proven that Sagittarius A* must be a supermassive black hole with a mass of about four million times that of the Sun.

The 12 m Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope is located on the 5000 m high plateau of Chajnantor in the Chilean Atacama desert. APEX is a collaboration between the Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR), the Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) and ESO. The telescope is based on a prototype antenna constructed for the ALMA project. Operation of APEX at Chajnantor is entrusted to ESO. For this project, the researchers used the LABOCA bolometer camera on APEX.

The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at the 2600 m high Cerro Paranal is ESO's premier site for observations in visible and infrared light. The VLT has four "Unit Telescopes", 8.2 m in diameter, operating with a large collection of instruments. For this project, the researchers used the NACO adaptive optics instrument on the fourth Unit Telescope, "Yepun".

This research is presented in the paper by Eckart et al., "Simultaneous NIR/sub-mm observation of flare emission from Sgr A*", to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics. It is available online at http://arxiv.org/abs/0811.2753


More and more evidence will be coming that something extraordinary is happening in the center of Milky Way. The cosmic beams are coming; they will be visible on 13 Dec 2012 - just as depicted in the crop formations.

The situation is becoming ripe, so We have to start preparing!

We are on the door of something wonderful and something extraordinary! So do not fear. Awake, remember, step forward, get together, unite and let’s do this!

Let the Light from the Creator shine upon all of you!


Last edited by Astralwalker; 12-28-2008 at 02:17 PM.
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Old 12-28-2008, 08:00 PM   #179
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Post Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi Astralwalker

Thanks for your information, its very interesting we are going to have many changes while are solar system goes through this region in space. But i dont think we will all die on December 2012. I am going to translate an information that is in Spanish by Samael Aun Weor that you can read about this cosmic event.
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Old 12-28-2008, 09:58 PM   #180
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by firstfruit View Post
Brothers and sisters all the ancient monuments on this world point to something in the Pleiades system,

The monumental constructions on mars are a star map of the Pleiades system why?

Have a look at the giant stones at Baalbek from the air and you will see a man holding a key why?

The same key can be found as the ground plan for Vatican City

Stonehenge seen from the air is a da vinci manstar and it represents a star in the Pleiades star system. As does all ancient monuments here and on mars

The big picture is astonishing

Please look here:




Peace love and light to all

Lak-ech my friends
Your comment regarding Pleiades triggered a memory of something I was following back in 2006 - 07 about our Sun being part of a "parent galaxy" known as the Sagittarius Dwarf in which its 'read point' is in the Pleiades star cluster. According to this theory we've never directly been part of the Milky Way and that we are now preparing to join it.

If this is true, then our 2012 alignment might be more significant as it could trigger not only a totally new "read point" but also a very different frequency and reality for Earth and humanity.

Here's the 2006 article.


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Old 12-28-2008, 10:00 PM   #181
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Post Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

The Rings of Alcione

The photon belt (photon ring, manasic ring, or golden nebula) is a fringe belief largely linked to some parts of the new age movement that a belt or ring of photons is going to, depending on the source of the information, fully envelope the Earth in 2012 and possibly cause massive failure of electrical equipment with 2-3 days of total darkness or total daylight, and/or initiate some kind of spiritual transition (usually referred to as "a shift in consciousness", "the shift of the ages", or just "the shift", with the time period leading up to the shift as "the quickening".)

It has also been referred to as "zero point" and ties in to various prophecies, the Mayan calendar, extraterrestrial life, etc...

Terminology: Photon Belt

Definition: An astrological ring consisting of photons, said to intersect with the Earth's orbit in 2012.

Signature: Misc

Coined by: Paul Otto Hesse (1961) "Der Jόngste Tag"

AKA: Photon Ring, Manasic Ring, golden nebula

Status New Age belief

The core of the photon belt beliefs is that an immense belt of photons exists, and orbits around the Pleiades (is a star cluster some 440 light years away from Earth, composed of some 500 stars.) According to some New Age beliefs, Earth will pass though this belt, resulting in either Humanity's elevation to a higher plain of existence or the end of the world.

Essene and Nidel write that it represents a temporary window for spiritual transition during which time humans can reach a higher point of existence. [1]


German scientist Paul Otto Hesse described his beliefs about the belt and its impact in his 1949 book Der Jόngste Tag (English: "The Recent Day").[2]

The concept was further progressed in 1977 by Samael Aun Weor (Vνctor Manuel Gσmez Rodrνguez), his lecture The Rings of Alcyone at the Conferencia Sobre Alcione ("Conference on Alcyone"), in which he cites mentions Hesse who predicts that if the Earth enters the belt first, a "great fire in the skies, or pyrotechnic lights" would occur"; but if the sun enters first,

"the radiation released would interfere with the solar rays and darkness would reign for 110 hours, after which everything would return to normal."

Weor refers to the photon belt as "Alcyone's rings" (or "the rings of Alcyone"). Alcyone, Weor claims, is the principle sun (star) of the Pleiades 7-star cluster.

According to Samael Aun Weor,

"It has been said that the sun which illuminates us is the seventh sun that circles Alcyone" and "Alcyone is, precisely, the principal sun of the Pleiades and in its orbit gravitate seven suns, our sun being the seventh which circles Alcyone".

Alcyone has rings made of "radiation" caused by the "splitting of the electron" which is released as energy by which Weor refers to as "manasic", a Sanskrit term for the mind that "is in some way related to the inferior manas (inferior mind), or to the superior manas (superior mind)" [of the subtle body].

The electrons, Weor purports, "release a type of unknown energy".


Thereabout, in the year of 1974, three astronauts who were circling the Earth reported a type of radiation, or a type of unknown energy, unsuspected by official science. Obviously, since 1962, specifically since the 4th of February of that year, our planet Earth, and in general, the whole solar system, has been on the verge of entering the terrible rings of Alcyone. ...

These rings extend for some light years; they are instantly enormous. Nevertheless, at any given moment, our solar system will enter Alcyone’s rings.[3]

In August 1981, an Australian UFO magazine called Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research Magazine #12 in an article called The Photon Belt Alcyone Saga by Shirley Kemp also mentions the photon belt (does not mention Rodriquez, but does mention Jose Comas Sola, Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel, Isaac Asimov, Edmund Halley, Paul Otto Hesse, and Erich Von Dδniken).[4]

It was reprinted in the Australian Nexus magazine in February 1991 as The Photon Belt Story, page 6.[5][6][7]

On May 5 and June 23, 1992 the Phoenix Liberator mentions the photon belt.[8] The photon belt is also mentioned in a few Phoenix Journals (years unknown but seems to be from the mid-1990s).[9]

On June 8, 1992, the photon belt appears on Usenet in the newsgroup sci.astro.[10]

In November 1992, in the channeled newsletter, Revelations of Awareness, the photon belt is mentioned in the section The Photon Belt: "Five Days of Darkness & No Electrical Power" Claims the Phoenix Liberator: This to Occur July 25, 1992.[11] The newsletter refers to the photon belt in numerous issues thereafter.[12][13]

In 1993, in Foster Perry's book, When Lightning Strikes a Hummingbird: The Awakening of a Healer, Barbara Hand Clow mentions the photon belt numerous times in the book's foreword.[14][15]

In April 1994, the book You are Becoming a Galactic Human by Virginia Essene and Sheldan Nidel was published which mentions the photon belt:

1994: The photon belt, a huge toroid shaped object composed of photon light particles, was first discovered by your scientists in 1961 near the vicinity of the Pleiades by satellite instrumentation.[16]

The book is an edited transcription of a series of messages channeled from Washta, a Sirian counselor and galactic presence, channeled through Nidel, who claims he has been receiving messages from the Sirians since he was nine.[17]

In January 1998, Noel Huntley, Ph.D.[18] wrote an article called The Photon-Belt Encounter which examines the origin and scientific credibility of the belt, which he refers to also as an "electromagnetic cloud".[19]

Since 2000, the photon belt has been mentioned in other books[15] such as The Pleidian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow [20]

In the 2005 book Touched by the Dragon's Breath: Conversations at Colliding Rivers by Michael Harrington, the author mentions the photon belt numerous times[21] and, in the foreword, refers to a 1987 meeting with John Redstone at "Colliding Rivers" who, the author claims, was familiar with the photon belt,

"a spectacular band of multi-dimensional light that St. Germaine had called the Golden Nebula" and "in esoteric circles it is known as the 'Dragon's Breath'."[22]

Harrington also refers to,

"a Native American prophecy that told of a dynamic wave of energy traveling through space" and that "when the earth passed through this wave great changes would occur".

"This 'great transformation' would be preceded by a time of purification."[23]

Criticism from Ufologists

In 1999, fringe physicist and ufologist Paul LaViolette, chairman of the Starbust Foundation, criticized assertions about the photon belt made by Shirley Kemp in a magazine published by the "Australian International UFO Research Society" (later reprinted in the February/March 1991 issue of Nexus).

He disputed Kemp's assertion that the belt had been detected by satellites in 1961, holding that no records of the such satellite findings was ever released, and that it was unlikely that equipment of the period would have been able to detect a belt such as was being described.

LaViolette also disputed Kemp's assertions about the movements of the belt and the solar system in relation to the star Alcyone, in the Pleiades cluster, saying that in order for Kemp's figures to be accurate the solar system would have to be traveling at 10% of the speed of light, while Alcyone itself would have to be approximately 1 billion times the mass of the sun in order to support such an orbit. [24]

A number of predictions have been made as to the date Earth's collision with the photon belt. So far, no observable effects attributable to the photon belt have been seen on those dates.

Dates so far given have included 1992 and 1997, a future date was given as 2011.[25]

Mainstream science and the Photon Belt

While the concept of the Photon Belt is a New Age philosophy, some parts of the story can be analyzed scientifically. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of any sort of "photon belt".

A photon is the elementary particle that makes up light. To the extent that such a thing as a "photon belt" is physically possible, it would require the gravitational pull of a black hole, with light rays being bent around the black hole near the event horizon, forming a photon sphere.[26]

Barring interaction with gravity or matter, photons otherwise always travel in straight lines.


from Wiktionary Website

Singular - photon belt / Plural - photon belts

(New Age) A huge, toroidal object composed of photons.


1993 — "According to many ancient Mayan esoteric beliefs, Alcyone is the central star of the Pleiadian star system, and our sun is the outermost star of this system. The Mayan Great Cycle is a calendar that delineates the [26,000]-year-long orbit of our sun and solar system around Alycone.

According to the latest discoveries in astronomy, our sun is moving into a "photon belt," or belt of light particles. As we move deeper and deeper into this photon belt, it would seem that we are moving into the Age of Light described in many ancient prophecies as well as by the Mayans.

My latest theory about the photon belt, which combines science, astrology, esoteric sources, and secret information given to me by indigenous people, is that we cyclically travel through this belt of light for [2000] years and then travel outside of it for about [11,000] years."
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Old 12-28-2008, 10:18 PM   #182
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Astralwalker View Post
<< … Under Construction … >>

If anyone has skill and knowledge in mapping the ancient sites, he/she is most welcomed to do so.

Then we will check the locations using The Code for confirmation.

Hi Astralwalker . . . a couple of weeks ago I received an email outlining the dates/times/locations that Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men selected for full moon meditations between now and 2012. I thought the sites he selected might be useful in your mapping. I notice the first site on his list is ANGKOR WAT:



No. 1 - 1 ANGKOR CAMBODIA November 13, 2008
No. 2 - 2 ASTRAKHAN RUSSIA December 12, 2008
No. 3 - 3 BASRA IRAQ January 11, 2009
No.4 - 4 BLYTHE, CA USA February 9, 2009
No. 5 - 5 BUNDOOMA AUSTRALIA March 11, 2009
No. 6 - 6 CAHOKIA, IL USA April 9, 2009
No. 7 - 7 CARNAC FRANCE May 9, 2009
No. 8 - 8 COBA MEXICO June 7, 2009
No. 9 - 9 COPAN HONDURAS July 7, 2009
No. 10 - 10 CUNAGUA CUBA August 6, 2009
No. 11- 11 CHACO CANYON USA September 4, 2009
No. 12 - 12 CHICHEN ITZA MEXICO October 4, 2009
No. 13 - 13 DEBRECEN HUNGARY November 2, 2009
No. 1 - 14 ESFAHAN IRAN December 2, 2009
No. 2 - 15 GRAN PIRAMIDE EGYPT December 31, 2009 KEOPS
No. 3 - 16 GUAYAMA PUERTO RICO January 30, 2010
No. 4 - 17 HATOR DENDERA EGYPT February 28, 2010
No. 5 - 18 HELFRANTZKIRCH GERMANY March 30, 2010
No. 6 - 19 IZMIR TURKEY April 28, 2010
No. 7 - 20 JIBHAFANTA MONGOLIA May 27, 2010
No. 8 - 21 KALACMUL MEXICO June 26, 2010
No. 9 - 22 KRAPINA CROATIA July 26, 2010
No. 10 - 23 KURUMAN S. AFRICA August 24, 2010
No. 11 - 24 LATAKIA SYRIA September 23, 2010
No. 12 - 25 LHASA TIBET October 23, 2010
No. 13 - 26 LUBAANTUN BELIZE November 21, 2010
No.1 - 27 MACHU PICCHU PERU December 21, 2010
No. 2 - 28 MALAKAL SUDAN January 19, 2011
No. 3 - 29 MAORI NEW ZEALAND February 18, 2011
No. 4 -30 MEXIANA BRAZIL March 19, 2011
No. 5 - 31 MIXCO VIEJO GUATEMALA April 18, 2011
No. 6 - 32 MOUNDVILLE, AL USA May 17, 2011
No. 7- 33 NAMPULA MOZAMBIQUE June 15, 2011
No. 8 - 34 OLLANTAYTAMBO PERU July 15, 2011
No. 9 - 35 PARANA ARGENTINA August 13, 2011
No. 10 - 36 PIRAMIDES DE SPAIN September 12, 2011 GUIMAR
No. 11 - 37 SERPENT MOUND USA October 12, 2011
No. 12 - 38 SILSBURY HILL ENGLAND November 10, 2011
No. 13 - 39 SIPAN PERU December 10, 2011
No. 1 - 40 STONEHENGE ENGLAND January 9, 2012
No. 2 - 41 SURAKARTA INDONESIA February 7, 2012
No. 3 - 42 TAJ MAHAL INDIA March 8, 2012
No. 4 - 43 TANGER ALGERIA April 6, 2012
No. 5 - 44 TAZUMAL EL SALVADOR May 6, 2012
No. 6 - 45 TEOTIHUACAN MEXICO June 4, 2012
No. 7 - 46 TIHUANAKU BOLIVIA July 3, 2012
No. 8 - 47 TIKAL GUATEMALA August 2, 2012
No. 9 - 48 TONGARIYAMA JAPAN August 31, 2012
No. 10 - 49 TUCUPITA VENEZUELA September 30, 2012
No. 11 - 50 UXMAL MEXICO October 29, 2012
No. 12 - 51 VAASA FINLAND November 28, 2012
No. 13 - 52 VIJAYANAGAR INDIA December 28, 2012

Last edited by Galaxy Girl; 12-28-2008 at 11:44 PM.
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Old 12-28-2008, 11:06 PM   #183
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Welcome Galaxy Girl.

Thank you for the meditation sights. I really appreciate.

I will check them first thing tomorrow morning.

According to this theory we've never directly been part of the Milky Way and that we are now preparing to join it.
Yes it is true.

If you read the thread from the beging you will notices that I have mentioned this:

Since our solar system is currently at the location of joining point between Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy and the Milky Way it will certainly affect us.

That is why we are observing the Milky Way from a side on the night sky which would not be the case otherwise. However the mainstream science has many difficulties accepting this fact.

In any case…we are on the exact point of joining!

I can not go far in this but this is a link that I come across about a year ago or so, where it describes the major project that was done by University of Massachusetts with a purpose to map the stars in the sky in infrared light.


From the data they generated from Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) they concluded the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy its actually in the process of assimilation by the Milky Way Galaxy.

Sagittarius is 10,000 times smaller in mass than the Milky Way, so it is getting stretched out, torn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way.

Once again, thanks for the locations. I really appreciate.

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Old 12-28-2008, 11:19 PM   #184
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Thanks Paramartasaya. I really appreciate.

I also have been tracking the info you are describing and I’m aware of all that you mentioned.

...Dr. Paul LaViollete
I have communication with Dr. Paul and in my opinion, there is no one better in the x-ray and gamma ray bands issue then him. Its his life work.

- If you read the material that was presented you will see that there is no mentioning of the Photon Belt and Alcyone.

Once again. Thanks for shearing my friend. I really appreciate.

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Old 12-29-2008, 03:44 AM   #185
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi again,

I just saw one point I'd like to clarify on, since I've talked with Astralwalker quite a bit. I don't think he believed we would die from gamma ray exposure (or even moving celestial body influence for that matter) unless we did nothing.

I will be taking some time to explain some of my theories as to the science behind these matters, but suffice it to say for now - it is precisely by organizing such an effort, that we can ensure that nothing happens aside from two possible outcomes, both desirable.

The other point is this - this is much much more than a group meditation. There have been many of those in the past and while they are quite effective, there is a way to greatly amplify their potential and this is what we are working on.

The amplification requires synchronization. It is possible to synchronize the brainwaves of all participants using the right sensory stimuli and networking technology. What we will be experimenting with over the next few years is the easiest way to do this that is still sufficiently effective. There will be back-up plans and relocation programs just in case, but the ideal plan A will require very little from most people. The important thing is to achieve critical mass, and to do this, the most important aspect will be to do our best to scientifically prove why this is necessary and why it will work.

Meanwhile we will be able to explain some of the fundamentals and things we can do in the meantime to prime ourselves. I for one have been going through extensive changes to the way I operate in reality and have certainly felt the difference.

It might become more clear once I release the first experimental files - they will sound like deep ambient music for meditation. But the encodings will be designed in a very particular way so as to have an effect like nothing that has been created before. They are the result of new models I have came up with in some advanced courses I am taking towards this goal above all else.

So these are my two primary objectives while Astralwalker continues to supply missing puzzle pieces:

1) explain priming and how to achieve optimal physical, psychological, and spiritual cleansing

2) achieve the objective of the first batch of experimental files - affect repeatable OBE's in all subjects who have qualified as "primed"

This having been said, the files won't be released until they are already proven effective for myself, Astralwalker, and whoever else cares to join us to organize and promote this project.

But to see the exciting prospect here - just try to visualize what it would be like when the time comes - the earth grid activated by possibly millions of us synchronized in collective consciousness around the earth - the harmonic waves radiating off of the planet to either avert disaster or catapult us into new dimensional experience, all depending on what had been planned for us by "Prime Creator" (or whatever name you care to use).

take care everyone,

Phied Piper
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Old 12-29-2008, 03:47 AM   #186
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

On a much different note, I have to say that a very similar, though much weaker technique, was used not too long ago under the name "Fire the Grid". I don't know how many of you know the truth of that effort, but it was certainly not an honest effort to improve our situation at all, let's say.

Many got a distinctly "bad feeling" from that project, but the only good news is that it goes to show that usage of the grid can work both ways, so ironically it did serve to give evidence to the fact that what we are proposing is more than just possible, it has already been accomplished successfully once before.

I would not like to lower the vibration of this thread by getting too much more into the details of the alterior motives of that effort, but any of those curious can research what other major event happens exactly at that same time, mid-July, and they will have their answer.

take care
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Old 12-29-2008, 05:34 AM   #187
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

As one who has had little to do with sacred sites but who has great respect for Gaia, I did some research on "energy grids" because if I am to participate in this healing project, I would like to have sufficient knowledge to have some idea of what I'm doing.

By that I mean, what is the power of my mind capable of doing to the energy grid of the planet?

And why are there sacred sites in the first place?

This Youtube item helped immensely.
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Old 12-29-2008, 06:40 AM   #188
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Free 2012 Nexus Event ebook now available.

Given that the "elite" have a history of burning books (so to speak) and programing us with disinformation, it seemed prudent on discovering this thread to create an ebook out of this Nexus discussion that people can store on computers around the world.

With the approval of Astralwalker and Kerry (of Project Camelot/Project Avalon) much of this thread has now been turned into a free ebook (or .pdf file). It's over 300 pages so far. Updates will also be made from now on.

You can download it for free to your own computer and save it there for further reference and study while off line.

It's a fairly big file so be patient as it my not appear at first to be downloading.

You will need Adobe Reader to view this file. It is available for free here.

Update Note 12 29 08: Had to change the download path to make it more efficient...and to keep track of those who choose to download, there is a confidential list form to fill in so you can be advised of future upgrades.

The download also starts immediately/automatically...comes straight to your computer...then when it's complete. do a "Save Copy."

Much simpler.

Just click here to download the free ebook/ .pdf file

Please note that the download site is independent of Astralwalker and Project Camelot/Project Avalon, so if you have any problems downloading, please do not hassle them. (PM me instead if you need a download tutorial).

Last edited by Startrekka; 12-30-2008 at 05:40 AM. Reason: To improve access and future advisories re updates.
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Old 12-29-2008, 11:55 AM   #189
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Startrekka View Post
As one who has had little to do with sacred sites but who has great respect for Gaia, I did some research on "energy grids" because if I am to participate in this healing project, I would like to have sufficient knowledge to have some idea of what I'm doing.

By that I mean, what is the power of my mind capable of doing to the energy grid of the planet?

And why are there sacred sites in the first place?

This Youtube item helped immensely.
Startrekka and Astralwalker . . . re: a global meditation. I remember quite well the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. Dan Winter has been thinking along these lines for quite a long time. I found this information on the net about his thinking:


"I perceive one important aspect of my life's work, is to develop the idea that the ability of human glands to bend magnetism and fabricate environments, called emotion, ultimately allows the evolutionary products of human nervous systems and spirits, to serve and create the fabric of matter, planet grids, and galaxies.

In this regard, our immediate planetary dilemna of "fractionating fractality" (loss of embeddedness) to hold atmosphere, ecosystem and gravity grid together, may in fact be most powerfully resolved by the most powerful magnetic centering device on the Earth, COLLECTIVE HUMAN LOVE. We have watched the Lexicor, brainwave 3D harmonic analyzer color map the surface of the brain according the the zones where EEG coherence or ordered were "lighting up". This same technology may now be powerfully applied to the Earth resonant grid as one living body.

We place a neat package of lo frequency magnetic field and callahan probe biological capacitance probe sensors at sites around the planet, chosen specifically as Earth Grid key node facets. We have prepared a planet wide team of "Planetary Grid Emergency Network" specialists in planet scale magnetic grid work. (Lead by Vincent Bridges, William Buehler, Peter Champieux, Philip Knopf, Saskia Bosman, et al.). We have a separate team of physicists and magnetic technicians expert in transducer design, telemetry, and weak Earth field measures. (Lead by Tom Valone, Bill Ramsey, and others.)

A significant correlary benefit to the Earth grid magnetic coherence monitoring system relates to alternative energy technologies. Specifically, the numerous non-linear, scalar, "free-energy", and "zero-point" "pod'mod", Newman, energy devices all tap the coherence of the Earth's fractal magneto-gravity grid, as their source. We must not use these technologies till we have a way to monitor if the bioregional grids are beginning to be destabilized.

It is more than ironic, that weaning to gravity energy technology ("metabolizing Starlight Directly"), is directly limited by our learning the ability to use global emotion coherently to feed that grid.

We provide telemetric and internet feedback from these sites to our media center where a global heads up feedback display is prepared. Magnetic resonance harmonic analysis from three different probe technologies at each site, is converted to a 3 dimensional rotating map of the earth grid. A computer animated revolving map of the Earth's sphere lights up to show which bioregions ring more true in response to global prayer. The image of the earth will be displayed close to real time showing which sites on the planet have lit up with stronger Schumann Resonance long wave coherence.

By focusing millions of people imaging the healing of a particular site, it should be possible to teach a global mind, specificity and will, and creating magnetic coherence at particular site. For example, the underground water veins which dissapeared at Vukovar in Yugoslavia during the war, could be rebraided, reappear and be measured during global meditation.

During the "Global-Link" simulcasts, we provide guided earth healing meditation, sacred dance synchronized at multiple sites, and use visual cues of the site being healed, and biofeedback of heart sonics & breath, and also the Schumann resonance electrostatics fed back from that site. As the power of millions of people visualizing and breathing together and praying, effects the magnetic harmonics of key earth grid sites, the planet can watch our collected mind heal our Earth, in real time."

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Old 12-29-2008, 12:02 PM   #190
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Post Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi everyone.

I would like to share some good information that I found about ALCIONE

Alcyone is precisely, the principal sun of the pleiades and its orbit gravitate seven suns, our sun being the seventh which circles Alcyone.

Is good to know that Alcyone has rings like Saturn, and, unlike those of saturn
(which are made of rock, meteoric stones of a distinct kind), those of Alcione
form a whole and are made radiactive; they are made of radiation.
But, to what kind of radiation do I refer? Simply to the radiation which the splitting of the electron produces.
The fractional electrons release an energy which some author call manasic.

It is a radioactive ring that brings many surprises to the men of Jinns Science.
Incredible things will be seen at the moment when Earth enters into the Rings of “Alcion”:
All the matter will become phosphorescent and the molecules will alter their movement, therefore, the mathematical formulas in the field of biology, chemistry, physics, will be altered; medicine will have to change its formulas because they will be useless; new species of animals will appear and this is something unavoidable... Matter will be strongly radioactive; many people will not resist the radiation of the “Alcion's” Rings and will die.
I repeat, we are about to enter in that ring. As a matter of fact, if the Sun enters first, there will be darkness that will last 110 hours. If Earth enters first into the ring of “Alcion”, it will happen that Earth will seem to be burning, but it only be fires of colors. Earth can enter anytime into the ring of “Alcion”…
…As a matter of fact, a very long day which will last 2.000 years is coming, this means that night will disappear and the luminous radiation of “Alcion” will penetrate all the tenebrous caverns of Earth and cover the planet everywhere, shining miraculously; its emanations will amaze the people of other inhabited worlds of the unalterable infinite. In this manner will come the marvelous resplendence of the stars which will come accompanied by the melodies of the Macrocosm... Very soon, an estrange world will appear: that world is called Earth!

Samael Aun Weor. Lecture: The Lost Paradise

More Information here:


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Old 12-29-2008, 01:33 PM   #191
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

hi i need to remind people that stonehenge is fenced off .
and you will not be able to get into the site .
My self feel that it has been a little tainted by this .
I have been there several times so speak from my own expierience
I suspect many will choose to go there and maby it will power up ok .
just ask intuitivly where would be the place for you to be .
i will be in glastonbury on the tor , its a truly magical and
is used in this way constantly . Of course here in the uk there are other
powerfull sites .Im sure there is info on the net on sacred sites .
So its the taking part thats important no matter where you are, join in .
in and of the love rhythmmmmm .
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Old 12-29-2008, 02:53 PM   #192
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Have patience. All the previous maps that we come across seem to have something missing. Most of them are based on good logic and then all of the sudden the pattern is lost. Perhaps, because many of the ancient sites are submerged underwater, and that is why there is no visible pattern.

We have to start all over again. So it will take some time.

Does anyone have a map of all the locations in the World where "they" had put obelisks on? - I’m interested to see the pattern of those on a planetary scale.

Please have in consideration that we are using very complicate calculations to determine and confirm is the site only ancient dwelling site or simple a part of ancient city, or the exact planetary chakra that we are searching for.



Sometimes they are both.

We are working on it, so please have patience...
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Old 12-29-2008, 04:44 PM   #193
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi everyone after spending two days reading all this information i just want to say thanks to astralwalker for all his hard work and time consuming effort in getting all this info out to us.
I for one would gladly join in on any mass conscieness if it meant lifting us to a higher realm and i can see exactly what Astralwalker is explaining to us that we need to be part of the meditation or just plain being there in the higher state of concentration.
Those who feel they have not the experience to do the mediation part are indeed aiding with the agenda by focussing in on that energy and connecting anyway.

The energy lines or ley lines are the key here, i have felt this for many years and yes this is why churches, obelisks etc have been erected on these sights to stop the divine energy flowing through, it has been used for the negative for far to long and we need that divine energy flowing back to balance our Earth and for us which is our birth right and our Creators wishes to sustain life for which it was meant to be.

There is just one thing i would like to add before i go remember there are also ley lines within the large grid, these little known ones are just as important, so before you all go rushing off to Stonehenge, Egypt or any other such place study your local maps.
Where i live in Kent there are many ancient stone areas i will be preparing the great switch on so to speak generating the sparks for the huge one!
Now i will let astral walker continue with his exceptional work!
Thanks once again you have enlightened me further i have felt a resonance here with this thread and my heart is racing for the Nexas Event if i do not go before this mass exodus!
Love to you Astralwalker.
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Old 12-29-2008, 05:04 PM   #194
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Astralwalker View Post
Have patience. All the previous maps that we come across seem to have something missing. Most of them are based on good logic and then all of the sudden the pattern is lost. Perhaps, because many of the ancient sites are submerged underwater, and that is why there is no visible pattern.

We have to start all over again. So it will take some time.

Does anyone have a map of all the locations in the World where "they" had put obelisks on? - I’m interested to see the pattern of those on a planetary scale.

Please have in consideration that we are using very complicate calculations to determine and confirm is the site only ancient dwelling site or simple a part of ancient city, or the exact planetary chakra that we are searching for.




Sometimes they are both.

We are working on it, so please have patience...
Greetings Astralwalker,

Here are some links to the obelisks of the world.
They can then be put in google maps for coordinates.




Ancient and modern obelisks:


Last edited by mudra; 12-29-2008 at 05:47 PM.
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Old 12-29-2008, 05:21 PM   #195
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

A respectful suggestion.

While patiently waiting for the sacred sites to be mapped, we can personally be doing something now – and every day - that will help ourselves and the planet at the same time.

Candle focus is an ancient technique.

I'd suggest setting up a candle with a picture of Gaia behind it and meditate on this for a period of time. The process changes brain waves at a certain point and one's thoughts influence the quantum field and thereby begin to create the future that one is “dreaming” at that “now” moment. (It takes linear time for the 'dream' to become 'real' so again, patience is important).

If the image of Gaia also includes grid lines (even without the exact locations of the sacred sites) and the practitioner is visualizing (dreaming) the planet being healed, and himself/herself as part of the world beyond whatever changes Gaia must go through in her healing ... then that future is imprinted on the matrix for both Gaia and the individual concerned.

Let's face it – personal survival is just as important as the survival of Gaia – so why not be visualizing oneself celebrating on a happy planet in 2013?

While the planetary grid is composed of meridians and ley lines etc, such as lines of longitude and latitude we see on maps, each of us is in our own unique place within that matrix. It permeates the entire quantum or sub-atomic realm that makes up our very flesh. Therefore, whatever we do or think individually does influence the whole.

Doing this suggested technique will also strengthen one's level of focus (and enhance the spiritual well-being) by 'mapping' the grid within the neurons of the brain – which is itself a quantum instrument – and thus when the time comes for the sacred site meditation, we will be a well-charged little dynamo (wherever we are) adding much to that exercise.

Lastly, if we were to copy and print an image of the earth (such as the four in the Astralwalker post above which have a grid on them already, or perhaps one that Astralwalker might post???) - then our work would also benefit from and add to the harmonic/frequency that already connects us in this joint endeavor.
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Old 12-29-2008, 05:59 PM   #196
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by rhythm View Post
hi i need to remind people that stonehenge is fenced off .
and you will not be able to get into the site .
You can get inside the fence if you pay a few quid, once in side there is nothing between you and the stones.
Maybe when the time comes you will be able to just walk in
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Old 12-29-2008, 06:09 PM   #197
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
You can get inside the fence if you pay a few quid, once in side there is nothing between you and the stones.
Maybe when the time comes you will be able to just walk in
This was not so when i was there ,
maby a change has taken place .
Thankyou Swanny .
rhythmm .
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Old 12-29-2008, 08:11 PM   #198
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

To AstralWalker
Maybe my views are simplists but did anybody try to apply the flower of life on earth grid and see if some important points fits the flower of life pattern?

Maybe the Fruit of life would be better with the Metatron cube, it's a 3d concept wich can be contained in a sphere. According to Drunvalo all matter comes from this... why earth would be different?

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Old 12-29-2008, 08:25 PM   #199
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Here is the fruit of life...

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Old 12-29-2008, 09:57 PM   #200
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Startrekka View Post
A respectful suggestion.

While patiently waiting for the sacred sites to be mapped, we can personally be doing something now – and every day - that will help ourselves and the planet at the same time.
Some of us who have been creating our personal "radiant zones" and also read here will soon be doing coordinated meditations . . . we say, "why wait? let's start now!" We're thinking about how to connect our zones into a regional node.

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