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Old 07-11-2009, 03:22 PM   #2326
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Also...Blessed ones...

It will help to put 11:11 announcements everywhere!!! People will start to pay attention!!!

In Light!!!
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:44 PM   #2327
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Location: Chesterton Windmill nr Harbury Warwickshire
Crop: Wheat
Description: Triangle surrounded by a circle with lots of avenues within the triangle. 300ft approx. I took some photos but can't seem to use the email you give.
Discovery: 9/7/09
Name: Keith
Status: Waiting for second confirmation and photographic evidence

Loving kindness
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:50 PM   #2328
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Seven triangles of light and shadow: the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl at Chichen Itza

“The Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl at Chichen Itza shows seven triangles of light and shadow on the west face of its northern staircase during any spring equinox”

“This was surely the place where a ceremony for the descent of Kukulkan (Quetzalcoatl) was held. The pyramid was built with a special astronomical layout so that a game of light and shadow would be created. On March 21 of any year, the long curved body of a serpent descends metaphorically from a square temple on top of the pyramid, to arrive at the foot of the staircase

I shall leave my song-image on Earth. My heart shall live, it will come back..." "Quetzalcoatl, The Feathered Serpent

Aztec Headdress

"Quetzalcoatl taught the ancients all the necessary skills to advance their civilization, from mathematics and science to agriculture and astronomy, as well as the famous Mayan calendrical formulae which predicts the end of the world to be December 21st 2012. He taught the people to live in peace and then moved on disappearing across the sea, but he promised he would someday return. is that promised return NOW!! Once again we have the oval/teardrop shape right bang in the middle of what looks like a Celtic cross design,,,

Taken from : crop circle connector

Loving kindness
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Old 07-11-2009, 05:29 PM   #2329
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

WOW!! Things are happening so fast it's hard to keep up!

Check out this study about pineal crystals:


I'm feeling it stonger every day. We are making a difference!

In great Love and service,

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Old 07-11-2009, 08:52 PM   #2330
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

For our meditations, for me they are like entering the Ocean of Silence, full of unexpressable sound of love.

Bless you, bright souls of Earth!

Last edited by Oliver; 07-11-2009 at 09:14 PM.
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Old 07-11-2009, 11:26 PM   #2331
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hello Simon,

I am pleased to announce I will be with you guys in Avebury for the next nexus meditation
Thank you Simon for making it possible for us all to meet .
Looking forward to see you again friends.

loving kindness

Last edited by mudra; 07-11-2009 at 11:38 PM.
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Old 07-11-2009, 11:37 PM   #2332
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thank you Selaviv . Very interesting data you submitted.

Crystal Power
by Yogi Sharanananda

There are a lot of people who think that crystals have power. They don't. They have amplifying, absorbing and other properties or functions for the advanced healer and a clairvoyant channel. Crystals are only tools which extend the power of intent of the healer and a medium.

From my 20 years experience as a Traditional Chinese medical practitioner and a pranic crystal healer for close to a decade, I have used my encoded crystals to amplify my prana or Qi with or without the use of acupuncture needles. Another property of the crystals I have noticed many times is its absorbing or cleansing property. My patients who are sensitive to my prana or Qi I am channeling have noticed the increase or magnification of the prana whenever I pass or point my quartz wand over the chakras or acupuncture points of my patient I'm treating. They have noticed also that whenever I intentionally want to cleanse the negative entities or energy around the areas of their body, they felt a sense of release or calmness. Therefore, from my clinical perspective, crystals do amplify or strengthen the Qi or prana and absorb or cleanse the negative entities or energy of the patient which are necessary for healing to occur.
Another very interesting property of crystals is its close affinity to our body elementals and to the earth which build the energy of our base chakra at the base of the spine where most people have depleted due to inherent weakness, stress, low immune system defenses, negative thoughtforms and emotions, and drug addiction. Because of the crystals affinity to earth, it grounds a person's kidney energy through our feet way up to the base chakra.

Loving kindness
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Old 07-12-2009, 10:58 AM   #2333
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Great news,

And the pleasure is mine.

Really looking forward to a chat around the camp fire.

Please pm me with accommadation arrangements(tent space required?)

Love light & Oneness*

Originally Posted by mudra View Post
Hello Simon,

I am pleased to announce I will be with you guys in Avebury for the next nexus meditation
Thank you Simon for making it possible for us all to meet .
Looking forward to see you again friends.

loving kindness
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Old 07-12-2009, 12:31 PM   #2334
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Selaviv- I have always felt that when the frequencies change, so will Matter(Whether internal frequencies or external frequencies-Sun particles????)So we will all be activated...some from within & most from higher frequencies now in our atmosphere

Mudra- I agree with what you are saying in regards to crystals amplifying...
they also Concentrate energy. Also data can be stored in them although that is a higher technology....

Also, interesting to note, the walls at Coral Castle have calcite....

Anyone interested in joining us at Coral Castle for July 31st...pls contact me either on Project Avalon PM or my e-mail: Samarkis@yahoo.com ...Pls put "Coral Castle Meditation" in subject so I can expedite...

In Much Light & Much Love

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Old 07-12-2009, 09:21 PM   #2335
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

I was thinking more of December for the next Sacred meditation..

For a few reasons

December is a time of high spirits all over the world.

As time quickens there will be more awakening and seeking the truth..

Originally i was thinking 19th but hey maybe 21st at 11:11 (advertising benefits) or 17:47 gmt
(winter solstice) might even make the trip to Newgrange for that one..

ok so busy time of year,cold etc etc but im sure we can overcome the obsticles..

May 2010 seems a long way of,and date 6thMay?

Love light & Oneness

Originally Posted by Samarkis View Post
The Global Meditation date stands...others have put time & money to have things set for that time....That is why we announced the time & date early enough.....

What I do suggest to all that are busy...if you are able to....set your alarms on yr cell phones(even put on vibrate if you have to) and mentally connect with us for a few minutes...or more...It does add up!!!

The next Meditation should be in May 2010...there will be enough time to promote properly to all kinds of groups to join us!! There will be time to put ads in local papers and really reach out in earnest!!! I for one have a huge campaign building up to reach out....start putting the www.healingexperiment.com on the back window of yr car Windows!!!

Let's reach out to all!!!

In Much Light!

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Old 07-13-2009, 01:13 AM   #2336
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In principle, I do not mind if others want to organize more meetings...

I need the time to get organized and really do a good job promoting the May & July meditations...

For me there is much prep to do and I will need that time....
I am also doing this out of my own pocket (Flyers,Banners,Speakers,Canopies,
now adding in local ads...organizing a reception after meditation so as to maybe network with groups that have helping others as their missions....I would really like to see more reaching out within our communities to help each other)

I would like to see more of a response to feel an even flow...people have their own schedules and feel better staying in their own homes for a variety of reasons....So for me ,I feel twice a year for me to organize these groups are enough...I do have family & business obligations...
In 3D there are lots of responsabilities....And preparations!!!!

I wish all success in whatever is chosen!!!
I would like to encourage more meditations as possible!!
In Light!
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Old 07-13-2009, 09:31 AM   #2337
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

The new one...beautiful!

Butterfly with the Sun as background. There is one symbolic meaning of the butterfly: metamorphosis/transformation.

It is clear and strong message, friends!


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Old 07-14-2009, 09:15 AM   #2338
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Again it wont be possible for me to join you on the 31st July

I'll join you in the spiritual plane!

Love and Respect

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Old 07-14-2009, 09:21 AM   #2339
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

This thread has such vitality that sometimes is difficult to keep the pace!

Wish I could participate more.... sometimes life's a prison!

Wish you all a great day!

Love and Respect

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Old 07-14-2009, 10:08 AM   #2340
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Blessings Samarkis,

First may i praise you for your dedication and comitment,you really do shine bright.

The pictures from Coral castle May med were great,the banners,canopies..

I myself would love a Nexus flag a healing tent minibus and much much more..

But this time i wish to reduce the cost for all as it proved expensive, with many coming by plane and hotel costs even travel proved near none existant(myself and Cyzmra walked about 8 miles from campsite to nearest town before hop on bus to avebury.(cheers swanny for helping us get back)

So this time im thinking back to basics, to provide more of a commune,campsite meals packed lunches etc..

And December i envisage similar,hey im happy with waterproofs mp3 and a smile.

I hope to bring three newbies with me in may(but we'll see).

December 21 (solstice) attracts a big gathering in Avebury and what better way to promote than by word of mouth..

We can still advertise for a summer camp with all the amenities we can muster(which im sure more are likly to attend)as weather usually great..

Glastonbury June

I know many of us have commitments that we honour,and i wish to respect that.. i really do

My rationale really is to keep the momentum....

I recently took a short trip to Avebury and will be doing so more frequently,we really dont need to wait for sacred Meditation..

But we do all need to work together in harmony....

And as time quickens December 21 st 2009 2010 2011.... 2012 just seems to important to overlook..

This is so far an idea and more are welcome,and if we decide not to hold a December meditation i understand and respect everyones wishes..

Samarkis thankyou for all you do,you really are a beacon of light..

Love light & Oneness

Originally Posted by Samarkis View Post
In principle, I do not mind if others want to organize more meetings...

I need the time to get organized and really do a good job promoting the May & July meditations...

For me there is much prep to do and I will need that time....
I am also doing this out of my own pocket (Flyers,Banners,Speakers,Canopies,
now adding in local ads...organizing a reception after meditation so as to maybe network with groups that have helping others as their missions....I would really like to see more reaching out within our communities to help each other)

I would like to see more of a response to feel an even flow...people have their own schedules and feel better staying in their own homes for a variety of reasons....So for me ,I feel twice a year for me to organize these groups are enough...I do have family & business obligations...
In 3D there are lots of responsabilities....And preparations!!!!

I wish all success in whatever is chosen!!!
I would like to encourage more meditations as possible!!
In Light!
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Old 07-14-2009, 12:27 PM   #2341
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Let the light of love shine on all

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Old 07-14-2009, 08:28 PM   #2342
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

interesting effect this one has:


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Old 07-14-2009, 10:45 PM   #2343
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another 2012 movie:

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Old 07-14-2009, 11:59 PM   #2344
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

The Shift is the mass awakening of humanity's heart.
This transformation of consciousness , the greatest ever recorded ,
first became apparent in the mid-1960's and has been building momentum
ever since.

The Shift is a collective transformation consisting of the sum of each individual's step forward into the New Reality .Each person , in their own time,is moving forward into a new stage of consciousness, one which brings a wider vista and an awareness that springs from the heart.

In the early 1960's just one in fifty adults had reached this new awareness.Today , according to extensive surveys, more than one in four adults in the United States and Europe have moved into the heart space which forms the nucleus of the Shift.

The New Reality is not something vague.It is as real as the notes on a piano keyboard. It has a specific frequency. Each stage of human consciousness resonates to a specific note within the musical octave.This new stage of consciousness resonates to the note F sharp.
When a person's consciousness reaches a frequency that resonates with F sharp , then - and not before then- they discover unconditional love and the ability to envision a future with hope and peace.

The New Reality is about discovering your true potential, about living your highest joy and serving others in the way that best fulfils your highest purpose. It's about cooperation instead of competition.It's about becoming a whole person in mind, body and spirit.

The Shift to the New Reality brings to each individual a sense of greater freedom , greater joy and personal fulfillment.

The Shift to the New Reality is all about heart- powered consciousness.


I have been a witness to this Shifting current through my entire life as one door I opened lead me to the next one.During the last seven years things started to align even further and the last six month have been a journey where I found myself propelled at high speed into a brand new way of seeing. Now the last seven days leave me filled with wonder as to what is actually taking place in my personal life and outside of it .
Around the 7th of july of this year I felt a major breakthrough in our collective consciousness. Never before have I seen miracles taking place within the doors of Avalon as I do now. The love flow is pervading the place at high speed washing away old fears. More and more do we look at the world with our real eyes ..our heart's eyes .
I can clearly feel and see we recently stepped into a higher echelon and that we reached further into the new plane, the new reality. The collective heart we share is only a few inches from being wide open.
Can you sense this too ?

My boundless love to you

Last edited by mudra; 07-15-2009 at 12:09 AM.
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Old 07-15-2009, 12:04 AM   #2345
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Chesterton Windmill nr Harbury Warwickshire. Reported 9th July.

This crop Circle represents a tetrahedron in a circle. In geometry is a platonic solid.

From Wiki : “The Platonic solids feature prominently in the philosophy of Plato for whom they are named. Plato wrote about them in the dialogue Timaeus c.360 B.C. in which he associated each of the four classical elements (earth, air, water, and fire) with a regular solid. Earth was associated with the cube, air with the octahedron, water with the icosahedron, and fire with the tetrahedron. There was intuitive justification for these associations: the heat of fire feels sharp and stabbing (like little tetrahedra). Air is made of the octahedron; its minuscule components are so smooth that one can barely feel it. Water, the icosahedron, flows out of one's hand when picked up, as if it is made of tiny little balls. By contrast, a highly un-spherical solid, the hexahedron (cube) represents earth. These clumsy little solids cause dirt to crumble and break when picked up, in stark difference to the smooth flow of water. The fifth Platonic solid, the dodecahedron, Plato obscurely remarks, "...the god used for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven". Aristotle added a fifth element, aithκr (aether in Latin, "ether" in English) and postulated that the heavens were made of this element, but he had no interest in matching it with Plato's fifth solid…

In the 16th century, the German astronomer Johannes Kepler attempted to find a relation between the five known planets at that time (excluding the Earth) and the five Platonic solids. In Mysterium Cosmographicum, published in 1596, Kepler laid out a model of the solar system in which the five solids were set inside one another and separated by a series of inscribed and circumscribed spheres. The six spheres each corresponded to one of the planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). The solids were ordered with the innermost being the octahedron, followed by the icosahedron, dodecahedron, tetrahedron, and finally the cube. In this way the structure of the solar system and the distance relationships between the planets was dictated by the Platonic solids. In the end, Kepler's original idea had to be abandoned, but out of his research came the discovery of the Kepler solids, the realization that the orbits of planets are not circles, and Kepler's laws of planetary motion for which he is now famous.”


Love always
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Old 07-15-2009, 12:09 AM   #2346
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Radford Hill, Nr Radford Semele, Warwickshire. Reported 11th July.

Grey Wethers, nr Temple Farm, Wiltshire. Reported 14th July.

Hinton Admiral, Nr New Milton. Hampshire. Reported 14th July.

Love always
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Old 07-15-2009, 04:27 AM   #2347
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!


Those are beautiful Crop Circles!! And the rate of them being formed so many at a time is definitely a clue that time has come!!

It is a salve to one's heart when 3 D can be so painful and disappointing to so many!!

I am requesting that all of us try to go over the basics of what brought us to this stage of cosciousness so as to appreciate our grand journey of the soul!

Pls share with us all an idea or concept that was really powerful to you!
(or a few!!) Pls state sources!!!

I myself will be going over Law of one by Ra...I hope after this week I will post some interesting points....

From My Heart to Humanity!!
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Old 07-15-2009, 06:25 AM   #2348
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A great clip on what Love truly is...Manly P. Hall....

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Old 07-15-2009, 09:11 AM   #2349
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Friends, this crop-formation is again very clear for me.
We can see three Yin-Yang symbols emerging from the spiral center of the formation. As I "read" this symbolic pattern, the spiral center of the crop-cyrcle should be the Milky Way galaxy, radiating with (Yin-Yang) energy that is positive by definition.
It is all in the context of what will happen 2012.
Really clear message for me.
It is happening, the time is coming...!


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Old 07-15-2009, 12:12 PM   #2350
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Wednesday is upon again .

And to all those who require healing energy,my love and light i send to you..

If anyone requires healing for themselves or others please ask..

Love light & Oneness
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