View Full Version : kabalah

4th January 2011, 18:53
Or to receive. The idea that you can create a structure in your mind which not only avails you to information organization in thought process but actually multiplies the information being received as it falls into its organization.

I didn't see a thread about this anywhere and thought it would be nice to start a discussion.

For those unfamiliar the "living" kabalist system is not affiliated with any religion although has strong ties with Judaism as much of their symbolism has been derived therefrom. Yet it is thought to predate it as part of a much larger esoteric system that we have but fragments of today. It states nothing of dogma but rather is much more reliant on symbol and glyph and resembles more a mathematical structure than an exoteric tradition.

The tree of life (or Otz Chim) is the main glyph of this tradition and is made up of 32 paths. Ten sephirot and 22 connecting paths. This is said to be reflected in the base 10 numerical system and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Each sound being an associated resonance (this is a personal assumption and I believe it to deal with where "words of power" in magic originate from).

Each sephirot is meant to represent a pillar of existence and each path the path of consciousness in between.

The sephirot are considered the emanations through which creation manifests and are considered ineffable. However they can be alluded to which hence forth creates the "structural filing system" in the mind. They are such:

1) Kether - The Crown
Existence of Existences. Concealed of the Concealed. Ancient of Ancients. Ancient of Days. The Primordial Point. The Point within the Circle. The Most High. The Vast Countenance. The White Head. The Head which is not. Macroprosopos. Amen. Lux Occulta. Lux Interna.

Experience: Union with Creation-prime creator-god-etc
Virtue: Attainment, Completion
Vice: -

2) Chockmah - Wisdom
This is basically the first extension of pure consciousness and is very similar to Kether though is considered movement therefrom. Lots of phallic symbolism here.

Experience: Vision of Creation-prime creator-god-etc
Virtue: Devotion
Vice: -

3) Binah - Understanding
Ama, the dark sterile Mother. Aima, the bright fertile Mother. Khorsia, the Throne. Marab, the Great Sea.

Experience: Visions of Sorrow
Virtue: Silence
Vice: Avarice


4) Chesed - Mercy
Gedulah. Love. Majesty.

Experience: Vision of Love.
Virtue: Obedience
Vice: Bigotry. Hypocrisy. Gluttony. Tyranny.

5) Geburah - Strength
Din: Justice. Pachad: Fear.

Experience: visions of Power
Virtue: Energy/Courage
Vice: Cruelty/Destruction

6) Tiphareth - Beauty
Zoar Anpin, the Lesser Countenance. Melekh, the King. Adam. The Son. The Man.
Very often referred to as Christ-consciousness.

Experience: Visions of Harmony
Virtue: Devotion
Vice: Pride


7) Netzach - Victory
The Seventh Path is called the Occult Intelligence because it is the refulgent splendor of the intellectual virtues which are perceived by the eyes of the intellect and the contemplations of faith. (innate understanding)

Experience: Vision of beauty triumphant.
Virtue: Unselfishness
Vice: Lust

8) Hod - Glory
Cumulative understanding - Intellectual reasoning

Experience: Vision of Splendor
Virtue: Truthfulness
Vice: Dishonesty

9) Yesod - Foundation
The combination/balance of Netzach and Hod. Basically what every person uses to express themselves.

Experience: Vision of the Machinery of the Universe
Virtue: Independence
Vice: Idleness

10) Malkuth - the Kingdom
The Gate. The Gate of Death. The Gate of the Shadow of Death. The Gate of Tears.The Gate of Justice. The Gate of Prayer. The Gate of the Daughter of the Mighty Ones. The Gate of the Garden of Eden. The Inferior Mother. Malkah, the Queen. Kallab, the Bride. The Virgin.

Experience: Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel
Virtue: Discrimination
Vice: Avarice/Inertia


Mystical Qabalah (http://alleeshadowtradition.com/pdf/mystical_qabala.pdf)

My personal favorite depiction showcasing the sephirot in action below the upper trinity.

4th January 2011, 23:19

The missing link ...LOL :)