View Full Version : Nebraska retiree uses Earth's heat to grow oranges in snow

20th October 2019, 17:18
This is the kind of thinking that could be a global game-changer! Decentralised, off-grid, abundant food production, almost anywhere on the planet. :sun:


Winter temperatures in Alliance, Nebraska can drop to -20°F (the record low is -40°F/C), but retired mailman Russ Finch grows oranges in his backyard greenhouse without paying for heat. Instead, he draws on the earth's stable temperature (around 52 degrees in his region) to grow warm weather produce- citrus, figs, pomegranates - in the snow.

Finch first discovered geothermal heating in 1979 when he and his wife built it into their 4400-square-foot dream home to cut energy costs. Eighteen years later they decided to add a 16'x80' greenhouse in the backyard. The greenhouse resembles a pit greenhouse (walipini) in that the floor is dug down 4 feet below the surface and the roof is slanted to catch the southern sun.

To avoid using heaters for the cold Nebraska winter nights, Finch relies on the warm underground air fed into the greenhouse via plastic tubing under the yard and one fan.

Finch sells a "Citrus in the Snow" report detailing his work with his "geo-air" greenhouses and says anyone can build a market-producing greenhouse for about $25,000 or "less than the cost of a heat system on a traditional greenhouse".


20th October 2019, 19:38
There are so many things we can do to harness energy. For instance, why don't government work together on powering the world by harnessing the rotation of the planet earth? At the very least they certainly could find a way to harness endless winds in the jet streams. If politics could be removed from the green/energy effort and governments put their best people on these sort of opportunites we could simultaneously clean the planet, find new sources of power and engender a spirit of cooperation between countries. These sort of things seem imminently doable but we must find leaders that have vision.

20th October 2019, 19:53
This sounds great, but as soon as I read off-grid the first thing that came to my mind is how the local governments would react to that.

I read that in several places it’s already illegal to grow your own food, or at least not as easy as it should be. Same thing for water where you can’t gather rain water and if you disconnect from the power grid you face problems as well

I guess this would only become a problem if it became very popular, then it would probably be regulated to death

21st October 2019, 04:19
Free Energy exists now but government in the name of Rockefeller has blocked all. There are electrical cars that generate their own energy as they move, rotating systems of magnets that MULTIPLY electric power as wheels within wheels rotate. I have read there are zero field systems which are very small with large output which have been running nonstop for years. If it is true that the Anunnaki want us all dead so that they can have Earth to themselves, then their AGENTS, such as the above criminals have to be blocked from stopping human progress.

30th November 2019, 00:23
In fact, I think it is necessary to pay a certain fee to the power company when the power grid is disconnected. Because if a considerable number of people disconnect from the grid, then the power company will be unable to continue. In the vast area, power grid companies need to bear the cost of line maintenance. Obviously, not everyone can turn off the grid. If the power enterprises continue to lose money, it will be a serious blow to the infrastructure.