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6th April 2020, 19:59

https://www.amazon.com/Plague-Scientist%C2%92s-Intrepid-Retroviruses-Syndrome/dp/1510713948/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=27A7NE6LN5ACH&dchild=1&keywords=plague+book+judy+mikovits&qid=1586202920&sprefix=plague+judy+m%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzMFFXWTNMNllWRjYyJ mVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTYyMDc1M1VVUlE0QTg3N0dZUCZlbmN yeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjg2Mzk0MklRNVhYWk9EWDM1UiZ3aWRnZ XROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05 vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases

“This book is my best attempt to tell the truth about my research, the culture in science today which is hostile to new ideas, and what science can really do if allowed to pursue promising areas of inquiries.”—Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD

This is a story for anybody interested in the peril and promise of science at the very highest levels in our country. On July 22, 2009, a special meeting was held with twenty-four leading scientists at the National Institutes of Health to discuss early findings that a newly discovered retrovirus was linked to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), prostate cancer, lymphoma, and eventually neurodevelopmental disorders in children. When Dr. Judy Mikovits finished her presentation, the room was silent for a moment, then one of the scientists said, “Oh my God!” The resulting investigation would be like no other in science.

For Dr. Mikovits, a twenty-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute, this was the midpoint of a five-year journey that would start with the founding of the Whittemore-Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease at the University of Nevada, Reno, and end with her as a witness for the federal government against her former employer, Harvey Whittemore, for illegal campaign contributions to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

On this journey Dr. Mikovits would face the scientific prejudices against CFS, wander into the minefield that is autism, and through it all struggle to maintain her faith in God and the profession to which she had dedicated her life.

My intention is not to write a book here and many may be turned off by the length but I thought some may benefit from my story in light of what’s happening now.

At age 32 in 1987 I had a two year old child, was divorced and worked full time as a school psychologist. I have always been athletic in great shape and was a cyclist. I had a bad intestinal flu, was up all night up with projectile vomiting (the only time in my life). I recovered but if anyone on Avalon has CFS they know that was the trigger. As the weeks went by I had strange symptoms ( see below comment).. My story is rather typical, it began with feeling tired that I attributed having a hyperactive (he later had the DX) toddler and taking care of a house and working full time. Later came all the strange stuff. I had weird body aches like the flu but pain would be stabbing in my leg, then disappear and be in the other leg or my arm rotating around my body. Constant never ending head pressure like headache, constant sore throat and swollen lymph glands. Then the terrifying cognitive symptoms I use my mind to make a living so to loss it was the end of my career. I couldn’t think straight, process information; it was like my IQ dropped over night. I actually couldn’t process auditory information I remember a cashier telling the total and had to ask her three times what she said. She looked at me like I was crazy and I when I went out to my car I broke into tears. I could barely read and loud sounds like music was an assault on my mind and I had to go into a dark room. I didn't actually sleep, I was up all night and laid in bed all day in a fog drifting into light sleep. I later learned it dys-regulates the sleep cycle. I became sensitive to everything, my immune system reacted to everything as foreign. I went on chronic illness leave from my job and put my son in day care. I had a doctor who yelled at me “I have real sick people in the waiting room I have no time for you and your mental problems.”

I was diagnosed with Lyme disease (thought to be he same as gulf war syndrome) and chronic Fatigue syndrome. Both have been suspected to be bio weapon. Once I partially improved a year later I went back to work but I will tell with all honesty I didn’t think I recovered until 2007. When I was able I researched the hell out of CFS, I was trying to save my life. That was part of my recovery. I actually felt since 2007 that I could get sick from the flu or a cold and fully recover. I slowly built up my exercise tolerance again and have taken hundreds of dollars of supplements since 1987. My fear creeps in when I get sick but I have enough learning trails of feeling ok That I dismiss those fears. This time it’s different.

I work in a correctional facility and throughout 2019 Inmates have had the “flu”. On new years of 2019 I went to the walk in clinic because I had such severe problems breathing. At one point I actually thought I could not catch my breath and was very frightened. They gave me an order for an X ray and sent me to the ER. When I walked in it looked like a COVID19 pic on the internet, because it was packed, I mean packed with “flu” patients and I was told they could not do the xray because they were short personnel. I went home and in a few days I recovered but have had ongoing lung problems. I contracted what I thought was a bad cold November and had bad cough, mild raspatory distress but no fever. Since then I kept having problems with shortness of breath, headaches and chest pain. I had full blood work done and have low cholesterol (get eggs and meat everyday) low blood pressure and my MD says on paper I look like a teenage. However that’s what they said when I in worst stages of CFS.

A few weeks ago old symptoms started keep creeping in and out. Poor sleep, I this weird hard to describe but internal shakiness, like I feel weak internally unsteady. I have rotating body pain. I feel tired and then pull out of it. I have conjunctivitis (a sign of the virus) I ride my bike about 12 to 20 miles once a week. I came a difficult hill I go up every week on my way off the bike trail and I almost fell off my bike, literally. My calf muscles just stopped working, cant explain it, I lost control of the bike and barely held my balance to not fall to the ground. It scared the hell out of me. Realize I just rode that hill the week before.

I specialize in PTSD and I have had multiple traumas in my life and CFS was one of them. When you have PTSD you avoid memories or triggers of the event because you maintain the original emotions and fears that come back when your exposed to any of it again. Thus writing this post is difficult. I have emotionally dissociated from the symptoms I have been experiencing. My fear is that COVID19 may not only throw me back into viral hell but put millions back there with me. There is a DX of Post Viral Fatigue that is common after flu. People stay tired and wrung out for weeks sometimes months and that may occur but you get over PVF. However my fear is we don’t know the long term consequences of this thing. It has HIV properties which means it could effect long term immune functioning. Even if they let us out of our houses we may be too sick to work or enjoy our lives. I feel pretty bad today but I’m determined to finish this post and I am still telling myself maybe Ill pull out of this one also.

To some this may sound alarmist and I am not trying to induce fear. If you have experienced loosing much of your life to a debilitating illness that is shrouded deep in controversy and people have been silenced and killed to keep it quite you won’t think I’m losing it! What really upset me was Dr. Fauci’s role in keeping quite any findings by Mikovits who “they” clearly tried to murder. He is a deep state actor in the middle of this. They may never reveal what this is and doctors will get killed off as we have seen in the past when they find the origin or treatments. They are already banning hydroxychloroquine in some states. I have been through something very similar to this already.

**I didn't want to detract from the story but I think about a month before I got sick in 87 into bed, turned off the light and was not asleep, I heard a voice telling me things were going to change , simultaneously I was injected by the most intense feelings of love that I can’t even explain with human words. I never knew why it happened and kept guessing at what it meant and each time I think I know I get a new spin on it.

6th April 2020, 22:14

At Cincinnati Children’s, researchers have made a remarkable discovery involving the virus that causes mono.

In a recently published study, scientists report the Epstein-Barr virus also increases the risks for some people of developing seven other major diseases.

The diseases include systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, and type 1 diabetes.

“This discovery is probably fundamental enough that it will spur many scientists around the world to reconsider the role of this virus in these disorders,” said John Harley, MD, PhD, director of the Center for Autoimmune Genomics and Etiology (CAGE) at Cincinnati Children’s.

Dr. John Harley is the lead researcher and director of the Center for Autoimmune Genomics and Etiology.

He has devoted much of his career to studying lupus and a connection to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).

This most recent study shows that a protein produced by the virus, called EBNA-2, binds to multiple locations along the human genome that are associated with lupus and the six other diseases.

So environmental factors, such as viral or bacterial infections, poor diets, pollution, can interact with the human genetic blueprint and as a result influence the risk for disease.

“Now that we can do genomics that we couldn’t do 10 years ago, we asked the question well does the genomics of the virus interact with the host in a way that would be consistent with the possibility the virus might be causing the disease. So the answer to that so far is yes,” said Harley. “Not just for Lupus but all these other diseases too.”

The Cincinnati Children’s research team at CAGE looked at how EBV takes over. It’s a process that involves tiny proteins called transcription factors. These proteins constantly move along the strands of our DNA turning specific genes on and off to make sure cells function as expected.

“Before we’ve always thought about the transcription factors that regulate human gene expression being human which makes sense. But in this case, when this virus infects cells, it makes its own transcription factors and those sit on the human genome at Lupus risk variants and that’s what is increasing the risk for the disease,” said Leah Kottyna, PhD, an immunobiology expert with CAGE.

To closer analyze the synergy between disease genetics and the Epstein-Barr virus, Dr. Matthew Weirauch, a computational biologist and his team at CAGE gathered massive sets of genetic data. Then, researchers created two new algorithms analyzing every genetic change affecting the activity of the virus.

Through computer generated images, color blocks represent clusters of transcription factors. the more boxes filled in, the stronger the implications of the proteins in the disease.

“That is basically saying that this same cast of characters is a villain in multiple autoimmune diseases. They’re playing that role through different ways, and doing it at different places in your genome, but it’s the same sinister characters and so if we could develop therapies to stop them from doing this then it would help multiple diseases,” said Weirauch.

So far, no vaccine exists to prevent EBV infection. Researchers at CAGE hope their study will help expedite efforts that are currently underway.

At Cincinnati Children’s, the research team at CAGE is already taking next steps. Their findings have already uncovered potential leads for many other diseases, including breast cancer.

“The hope would be we could understand these disorders at a level that we could eliminate them. And so just the idea that scientific progress is entirely possible and we can make a difference and we can move things forward. This I hope turns out to be a small step in that direction,” said Harley.

This video is an example of what I had implied prior. You can get a virus, recover but later have long term damage or acquire secondary conditions that doctors have no idea are related the first virus. If they know and understand this about CFS they will know it about COVID19. The question is will they ever tell us.

6th April 2020, 22:27
What was Dr. Fauci's role here? If a physical disease is established to be a mental disorder, professionals fall into line. They aren't necessarily part of an original cover up. I would like to know about the people being murdered etc...to aid the cover up as well. Why?

There is another more prosaic explanation. On the board of the CDC were lobbyists from the insurance industry who had a strong interest in keeping this covered up. As long as they pushed the psychiatric, or malingering model they avoided pay outs, which in many cases could be life long. That is just one example of a conflict of interest that prevented proper disclosure. Then, once the idea became entrenched over decades, funding to study it dried up.

There could be a bio-warfare angle with various spooks involved though, as well. And when they finally find the cause, it may npne an rna based retrovirus that nobody really ever gets over.

I've had it for 40 years, at minimum.

6th April 2020, 23:08
Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases

“This book is my best attempt to tell the truth about my research, the culture in science today which is hostile to new ideas, and what science can really do if allowed to pursue promising areas of inquiries.”—Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD

They tried to kill Dr. Mikovitz it's detailed in her book when she proposed there was viral link to CFS. She later linked that to vaccines. Dr. Fauci was mentioned in the book as part of cover up and trying to sabotage of her work. She gets into minute detail about her work and names everyone involved.

7th April 2020, 02:31
Followed Xmrv, pros and cons 10 years ago, or thereabouts. Read what Dr. Byron Hyde had to say about it. He didn't think there was much to it. But....I DO think it's highly likely Miskovitz may have inadvertently stumbled backwards into a biowarfare programme. And xmrv, if the ptb claims are correct, may be endemic now and could be the cause of many diseases. I should read the book. Thanks for posting this!

7th April 2020, 17:02

People who recover from COVID-19 can still be left with substantially reduced lung functions, the Hong Kong Hospital Authority has found after observing the first wave of patients discharged after becoming infected by the novel coronavirus.

7th April 2020, 17:13

SARS survivors struggle with symptoms years later

Ylvia Gordon is plagued by painful muscles and joints, shortness of breath and a lack of energy, all unwanted gifts of a disease that keeps on giving.

The nurse was among the first wave of health-care workers and patients stricken by SARS in early 2003, but the five-month outbreak that killed 800 people worldwide, including 44 in the Toronto area, is far from done among those who survived the disease.

Patients who were infected but came through the epidemic are learning that severe acute respiratory syndrome can leave lingering physical and psychological effects, which not only don’t resolve over time but can actually get worse.

“I have not been able to return back to the front line at all,” said Gordon, 57, of her 22-year nursing career. “It’s very difficult because one day you’re feeling really well and the next day you’re not.”

SARS, initially considered a severely acute illness that would resolve like other pneumonias, has turned out to be a chronic disease with symptoms that researchers speculate could persist for life.

“It certainly is something that’s unfolding that we’re learning about,” said Dr. Paula Gardner, a psychologist at St. John’s Rehab Hospital in Toronto, who is studying the long-term effects of SARS. “We couldn’t know this before because it’s a completely new disease.

“And so we’re sort of watching and waiting and measuring and trying to see what’s going to happen.”

Gardner and a team of researchers at St. John’s Rehab have been following 40 people who contracted SARS in 2003, most of them health-care workers. Their study, presented last month at an International Congress of Behavioural Medicine meeting in Washington, used questionnaires to assess the physical and psychological health of participants in 2004 and again in 2007.

“So what we could do was get a snapshot at one year and at four years (post-SARS) and then we could compare across time,” Gardner said. “At both time frames, the ratings of their general health and mental health and vitality were all reduced from the norm.”

What surprised the researchers was that patients not only weren’t getting better as time went on — many seemed to be getting significantly worse.

The study found that in 2007, almost 88 per cent of patients were below average for measures of general health, compared with about 49 per cent three years earlier.

Participants, who had an average age of 50, reported shortness of breath, muscle and joint pain, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, and fatigue. “And it’s not the kind of fatigue like ‘I just feel kind of tired today.’ It’s the kind of fatigue where you do something for an hour, you have to rest. You have no choice,” Gardner said.

Patients, all of whom had been taking part in a SARS-rehabilitation program at St. John’s, also tended to have increased symptoms of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress.

4th June 2021, 03:32
When I started this tread I should have been more clear in why I titled it COVID and CFS. What I realized then I am now better able to articulate. Both theses viruses are engineered Bio weapons. They may seem to be treatable at first but later produce long term chronic health problems. A few years after being told I had CFS I had a spinal tap and was told I had lyme. My concern is that is that COVID, while it didn't turn out to be so deadly, may still have long term effects on people. We now know the vaccine is the real problem, but that does not mean COVID is harmless. The interview below with Kris Newby is a good summary of her work that reveals lyme was a bioweapon.


A riveting thriller reminiscent of The Hot Zone , this true story dives into the mystery surrounding one of the most controversial and misdiagnosed conditions of our time--Lyme disease--and of Willy Burgdorfer, the man who discovered the microbe behind it, revealing his secret role in developing bug-borne biological weapons, and raising terrifying questions about the genesis of the epidemic of tick-borne diseases affecting millions of Americans today.While on vacation on Martha's Vineyard, Kris Newby was bitten by an unseen tick. That one bite changed her life forever, pulling her into the abyss of a devastating illness that took ten doctors to diagnose and years to recover: Newby had become one of the 300,000 Americans who are afflicted with Lyme disease each year. As a science writer, she was driven to understand why this disease is so misunderstood, and its patients so mistreated. This quest led her to Willy Burgdorfer, the Lyme microbe's discoverer, who revealed that he had developed bug-borne bioweapons during the Cold War, and believed that the Lyme epidemic was started by a military experiment gone wrong. In a superb, meticulous work of narrative journalism, Bitten takes readers on a journey to investigate these claims, from biological weapons facilities to interviews with biosecurity experts and microbiologists doing cutting-edge research, all the while uncovering darker truths about Willy. It also leads her to uncomfortable questions about why Lyme can be so difficult to both diagnose and treat, and why the government is so reluctant to classify chronic Lyme as a disease. A gripping, infectious page-turner, Bitten will shed a terrifying new light on an epidemic that is exacting an incalculable toll on us, upending much of what we believe we know about it.

17th June 2021, 12:53
Source: FLCCC (https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-protocol/)

I-RECOVER Management Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome (LHCS)

The Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome (LHCS) is an often debilitating syndrome characterized by a multitude of symptoms such as prolonged malaise, headaches, generalized fatigue, sleep difficulties, smell disorder, decreased appetite, painful joints, dyspnea, chest pain and cognitive dysfunction.

The incidence of symptoms after COVID-19 varies from as low as 10% to as high as 80%. LHCS is not only seen after the COVID-19 infection but it is being observed in some people that have received vaccines (likely due to monocyte activation by the spike protein from the vaccine). A puzzling feature of the LHCS syndrome is that it is not predicted by initial disease severity; post-COVID-19 frequently affects mild-to-moderate cases and younger adults that did not require respiratory support or intensive care.

The symptom set of LHCS in the majority of cases is very similar to the chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS)/myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, although in LHCS, symptoms tend to improve slowly in the majority of the cases. Furthermore, the similarity between the mast cell activation syndrome and LHCS has been observed, and many consider post-COVID-19 to be a variant of the mast cell activation syndrome. LHCS is highly heterogenous and likely results from a variety of pathogenetic mechanisms. Furthermore, it is likely that delayed treatment (with ivermectin) in the early symptomatic phase will result in a high viral load, which increases the risk and severity of LHCS.

Although numerous reports describe the epidemiology and clinical features of LHCS, studies evaluating treatment options are glaringly sparse. Indeed, the NICE guideline for managing the long-term effects of COVID-19 provide no specific pharmacologic treatment recommendations.

Given the lack of available treatment recommendations in the setting of large numbers of patients suffering with this disorder globally, the FLCCC developed the I-RECOVER protocol in collaboration with a number of expert clinicians including Dr. Mobeen Syed, Dr. Ram Yogendra, Dr. Bruce Patterson, and Dr. Tina Peers. Although our varied yet often overlapping treatment approaches were initially empiric, while based on both preliminary investigations into and prevailing theoretical pathophysiologic mechanisms of LHCS, the consistently positive clinical responses observed, often profound and sustained, led the collaboration to form the consensus protocol below.

As with all FLCCC protocols, we must emphasize that multiple aspects of the protocol may change as scientific data and clinical experience in this condition evolve, thus it is important to check back frequently or join the FLCCC Alliance to receive notification of any protocol changes.


18th June 2021, 19:04

Senses of smell and taste of coronavirus survivors continues to be distorted months after they recover

Many Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) survivors still have not fully recovered months after the initial infection. Many are saying they still have not fully recovered their sense of smell. Many others are saying their senses of smell and taste have become radically distorted. These people are now misplacing different odors.

The condition wherein a person’s sense of smell has become distorted is known as parosmia. People who have experienced parosmia have described how scents that they used to find pleasant are now unbearable. If they try to eat food that smells different to them, it might make them feel nauseous or sick.

Some scientists already have a hypothesis for how COVID-19 might damage a person’s sense of smell, but these experts believe more research is necessary to understand the virus’s long-term impacts. More research is also required to understand the possible treatments for smell-impaired COVID-19 survivors. (Related: Coronavirus survivors regain their sense of smell by going through “fragrance journey” with renowned perfumer.)

A distorted sense of smell can be dangerous for people unable to smell danger
One person whose sense of smell has been distorted by the virus is Marcel Kuttab, who got infected and recovered from the coronavirus last year.

Kuttab, 28, a pharmacist from Massachusetts, first noticed something was off last year while she was brushing her teeth. Her toothbrush tasted dirty, and so she threw it out and got a new one. But then she noticed that it was her toothpaste that was the problem.

This was just the start of her olfactory troubles. Onions, garlic and meat were all putrid and coffee began smelling like gasoline.

Kuttab wanted to figure out what she could and could not eat, and so she experimented to figure out what foods her senses could tolerate. “You can spend a lot of money in grocery stores and land up not using any of it,” she said.

For Janet Marple, 54, a corporate banker from Minnesota, coffee and peanut butter smell like burning rubber or a sickly kind of sweet.

“I literally hold my breath when shampooing my hair, and laundry is a terrible experience. Even fresh-cut grass is terrible,” said Marple.

Brooke Viegut, 25, from New York City, started experiencing parosmia in May 2020. She caught COVID-19 in March of that year during a business trip to London. Like many others, she lost her sense of smell.

But before Viegut’s sense of smell returned, she started experiencing parosmia. The smell of garlic, onions and meat became unbearable for her. At one point, she even thought broccoli smelled like chemicals and many fruits tasted like soap.

Today, Viegut still has not fully recovered. But she has become more optimistic because a lot of different foods now taste as they should. “I’d say that’s progress,” she said.

But Viegut is still concerned that her distorted sense of smell might lead to her getting into an accident, especially if she is unable to detect a gas leak or a fire. This is what happened to a family in Waco, Texas, back in January. Nearly all the members of the family lost their sense of smell because of prior COVID-19 infections. They escaped, but they discovered the fire too late and it burned their house down.

Health experts learning more about parosmia
Before the coronavirus pandemic, parosmia did not receive a lot of attention from health experts.

“We would have a big conference, and one of the doctors might have one or two cases,” said Dr. Nancy E. Rawson, vice president and associate director at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. Monell is an internationally recognized nonprofit research group that focuses on research linked to taste and smell.

Despite the lack of attention on parosmia, health experts know enough about it to come to certain conclusions. For example, one French study blamed parosmia on upper respiratory tract infections.

Today, scientists have discovered more than 100 reasons why a person’s sense of smell might disappear or become distorted. These causes included viruses like COVID-19, as well as sinusitis, head trauma, and neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

But one thing scientists do not have is a timeline for when parosmia will disappear. Mainstream media outlet the New York Times interviewed five COVID-19 survivors who first developed parosmia in the late spring and early summer of 2020. None of them have fully regained their normal senses of smell and taste.

Clare Hopkins, the president of the British Rhinological Society and one of the first health experts to sound the alarm regarding smell loss and distortion, believes people can be optimistic despite the lack of information.

“There are daily reports of recovery from long haulers in terms of parosmia improving and patients being left with a fairly good sense of smell,” she said.

Gwin Ru
18th June 2021, 19:55


Kuttab, 28, a pharmacist from Massachusetts, first noticed something was off last year while she was brushing her teeth. Her toothbrush tasted dirty, and so she threw it out and got a new one. But then she noticed that it was her toothpaste that was the problem.

This was just the start of her olfactory troubles. Onions, garlic and meat were all putrid and coffee began smelling like gasoline.

... sounds like a "Funvax (https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?112767-The-FunVax-a-Vaccine-to-Drive-the-Spirit-and-Soul-Out-of-Humanity&p=1386834&viewfull=1#post1386834)" gone wild...

25th June 2021, 09:00
Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases

“This book is my best attempt to tell the truth about my research, the culture in science today which is hostile to new ideas, and what science can really do if allowed to pursue promising areas of inquiries.”—Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD

They tried to kill Dr. Mikovitz it's detailed in her book when she proposed there was viral link to CFS. She later linked that to vaccines. Dr. Fauci was mentioned in the book as part of cover up and trying to sabotage of her work. She gets into minute detail about her work and names everyone involved.

Many thanks for this thread and recommendation of book....

I've just bought it off ebay... and started to read it - it's going to take a while :) , especially as it's easy to get out of the habit of reading now we have the internet / videos etc that fill the space that non fiction books used to occupy..

I'd never heard of the mouse retrovirus XMRV before (xenotropic murine leukemia virus - related virus)... and I suppose (suspect after only just hearing about it) that it's the connection to childhood vaccines and XMRV that all the panic is about from the CDC et al... ie the panic about being exposed...

It looks like it's extremely educational book regarding the situation we find ourselves in and linking it in with the history of retroviruses and the attack? (deliberate and accidental?) on the natural immune system - and at the end of the day ONLY our immune system functioning at it's optimum level can keep us safe and healthy... and therefore happy...

I wonder (in passing after reading this thread).... if Long Haul Covid Syndrome could be connected to all the 'regular' flu vaccines that have been given to people in the past...?..... that the flu vaccines were primers, so to speak, for the release of Covid 19...

I now think of SARS-CoV-2 and the mRNA 'vaccine' as a two part bio weapon for depopulation and the first major step towards Transhumanism..... but maybe it's a 3 part bio weapon beginning with the 'regular' flu vaccines pushed heavily over the last few years...?..... that has already weakened the natural immune system of those who took it...

Thanks for sharing your own story about how CFS has affected your life... it's a harrowing story but one that needs to be told...

One of the bits that sticks in my mind from the book so far is how CFS / ME suffers managed in desperation to get to a conference about the subject and many had to lie down in the corridors because all their energy was spent just getting there... (will look back for the exact quote later)

It's a cruel and horrendous situation when the Immune System is damaged by modern medicine ( deliberately or accidently) and it's not a good situation for all the poor animals involved either... tortured by experimentation..

26th June 2021, 06:51
One of the bits that sticks in my mind from the book so far is how CFS / ME suffers managed in desperation to get to a conference about the subject and many had to lie down in the corridors because all their energy was spent just getting there... (will look back for the exact quote later)

Here's the quote... in the foreword by Hillary Johnson - page xix...

"...... a constant at their scientific conferences* were ashen faced patients, mostly women, lying in fetal positions on the carpeted corridors outside the hotel ballrooms, blankets pulled up to their necks; somehow they had made their way there but the effort had cost them everything..."

* ... the beleaguered ME clinicians and researchers of past decades, a stalwart if tiny fraternity in perpetual need of funds...

From the book 'Plague' by Kent Heckenlively / Judy Mikovits, PHD...

10th July 2021, 04:03

After Black Fungus, now ‘Bone Death’ Scare Emerges: New Post Covid Complication Explained

After Mucormycosis, a new disease that causes the death of bone tissues is posing new threats for Covid-19 survivors. Three confirmed cases of ‘Bone Death’ have already been reported in Mumbai’s Hinduja Hospital. The 3 patients, under the age of 40, developed the disease 2 months after they were treated for Covid-19.

What is bone death? What are the symptoms of ‘bone death’? How is COVID-19 triggering ‘death of bone tissues’? Doctor explains.

12th July 2021, 05:57
This interesting article, entitled "COVID-19: A methyl-group assault?" (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030698772100061X?fbclid=IwAR3IwxCmCabinJGw9gZy-rzKSjuo7Tni3h9MtH8SAxez9YQcHU7irVHCkxw) was shared in a Pernicious Anaemia/B12 Deficiency Facebook group. I have not yet managed to read all of it thoroughly (it's pretty complex!), but it shows how in both CFS/ME and 'Long Covid' patients the methylation cycle, one of the body's most important metabolic mechanisms for detoxification and energy production (amongst many other things), has been affected. B12 seems to get wiped out, and as a result homocysteine levels soar.

I've wondered for a while now if some of the 'vaccine' damage is related to the same mechanism, and if B12 might be an important key in the current health crisis.
How this low cost yet vital supplement (dare I say antidote?) is being withheld (or reduced) from many who really need it, rendering them more susceptible to both the 'problem' and the 'solution', seems more than slightly fishy to me.

14th July 2021, 03:24
This video is about the symptoms of the delta variant and how Regina Meredith from Gia TV and husband dealt with it. It is very interesting that they used Ivermectin that is an anti parasitic drug and hyperbaric oxygen. Lyme which supposed to be caused by a bacteria can leave the immune system damaged and thus vulnerable to parasites. the article below discusses the long term tx of Lyme is to address parasites. Like HIV many of these bio weapon viruses seem to destroys the immune system and then leave you vulnerable to viruses' and parasites humans would normally fight off.



13th August 2021, 13:46
Please See Exomatrix link about Ivermectin, I post it here because I suspect, I'm not an MD but the dots are lining up, that doctors first logically use antivirals and then antibiotics on theses viruses (bioweapons). They may never suspect what the government has labelled or identified it as is actually deceiving or possibly only partly correct. What we may be dealing with are parasitic diseases and virus. However its also possible like AIDS that it starts out as a virus and then leaves the body unable to fight harmless levels of parasites we all carry around every day. What ever the explanation, theses drugs work on COVID and on CFS as well.. If we have therapeutics the US cant mandate the vaccine. Thus the suppression of the therapeutics IMO. Ivermetic is by prescription a slightly less effective , but OTC Pro Pyrantel Pamoate Oral is only 29.75 and Fenbendazol on Amazon . I have it in my cabinet, just in case. I suspect those in the control system have it as well.




https://www.amazon.com/Fenbendazol-Fenben-Lab-Third-Party-Laboratory/dp/B082PHQRFK/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=panacur&qid=1628862497&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzVjVMUURRNDkxRE5aJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTA3NjE0M0EyTzgxR1I2NDc3JmVuY3J 5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA4OTQxMDQzN0hMUUFOTUZYWjRIJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm9 0TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

13th August 2021, 14:17
Is it cancer or is it parasites? Is it a virus that is longer there that effects our ability to fight parasites that gives us what they termed cancer.


