View Full Version : Global Meditation for the Transition to the Universal Plane, February 10, 2011

21st January 2011, 07:17
Someone asked me to post this. Thank you.

Global Meditation for the Transition to the Universal Plane

Welcome to the year 2011, dear beacons of light. A year that holds the potential for many adventures and for the manifestation of all our miracles. Healing on all levels wants to take place and even in the Mayan Calendar, the year 2011 has a very special meaning.

On 10.02.2011, we will be entering a new cycle together with Mother Earth, the Universal Plane.


For this occasion, I was invited to create a global meditation, as I experienced a moment of „spontaneous heart-opening“. This originally German text is also translated into Russian, Bulgarian and French. (Further translations are very welcome if you like to do so).

Please help to spread this information, so that as many beings as possible can join consciously in this event.

If you want to be part of this meditation, please take about 30 minutes of your time on 10. 02. 2011 at 19:00 (CET). No matter where you are on this planet, choose 19:00, ensuring that the collective energy of love is being released for a certain length of time on this day. If 19:00 (CET) is not suitable for you, then just tune in with the beings who are currentlymeditating when you have time.

Take a crystal that has been cleaned the day before and placed outside for 24 hours. This crystal is a gift for Mother Earth, so choose one that you are prepared to return to Her.

The energetic potential of the Universal Plane will remind humanity of its connection to Mother Earth and return us to a life in unity.

Mother Earth has served humanity patiently and devotedly for a long time. She gave us nourishment, She gave us our bodies, and She was there for us so that we were able to experience ourselves as human beings at all.

Now it is time to thank Mother Earth and to pursue a new path, a joint path in harmony and unison with the heartbeat of the Mother. It is time to show our Mother that we are ready for it and return something to Her as a token of our gratitude for Her generous gifts. Your chosen crystal is the symbol for your willingness.

The meditation is very simple:
Sit down comfortably and mentally count to 7, while inhaling slowly trough your nose. Visualise how light enters through your base- and crown-chakras, brushing along your spine and collecting in your heart-chakra.
Then count to 7 again, holding your breath. Become aware of the ball of light in your heart-chakra.

Mentally count to 7 once more, exhaling through your mouth, visualising how the light spreads out in all directions thorough your energy-field, cleaning and removing all that is stale and spent.

Now count to 7, holding your breath and observe what happens.
Repeat this breathing-technique 7 times and then simply allow the energy to move around. Often one feels so light, as if the wind could carry one away. Experience this feeling of freedom.

Let a few minutes pass before entering into the conscious connection with Mother Earth and Father Heaven. Allow a ball of love for Mother Earth to develop in your heart-centre, by simply reminding yourself of all the wonderful places She has already shown you and send this ball of light into the centre of Mother Earth. Then just simply wait, wait until She answers you and answer She will, because She loves you. Let all Her love flow into your body and move in your energy-field.
Now allow a ball of love for Father Heaven to develop in your heart-centre, love for everything that exists outside planet earth.

You may want to remind yourself of a starry, clear night-sky and send all your love to Father Heaven. Wait until He answers you. He sends you his love. Let it flow into your body and move in your energy-field.

You are now connected in love with Mother Earth and Father Heaven.
Enjoy this connection for about 10 minutes.

Then imagine yourself floating in the universe, above the earth, together with all other beings who are meditating right now. You are forming a circle around Mother Earth, holding hands.

Now think of everything you want to thank Mother Earth for. Voice it silently or mentally:
„Mother Earth, I thank you for my physical body, I thank you for your beauty, I thank you for all that nourishes us, I thank you for your patience with us, your children. Etc.“Stay with this image of connectedness and thankfulness for about 10 minutes. Should no more things to thank for enter your mind, start from the beginning.

Then return to your body and take the crystal, you have lain out and hold it to your heart-centre.

Breathe deeply into your heart and imagine a bright sun there. This sun is now charged with all the love and thankfulness you feel for Mother Earth. Breathe in deeply for another 10 minutes and experience the sun shining brighter and brighter, exhaling allow all the love and thankfulness to flow into the crystal. Charge it with love and thankfulness from your heart.

Then slowly return to the here and now.
If you wish, you can download a 30-minute piece of meditation music, which stops every 10 minutes here:


As a last step, you return the crystal to Mother Earth, now or in the next few days. Choose a stretch of water near you, a river, a stream, a lake or the sea, if you live nearby. Throw the crystal into the water and allow the love and thankfulness to be carried around the earth by the power of the water, so that all other beings will be reached, who are still caught in the deep dream of forgetting.

If you receive an impulse to repeat this ritual with other crystals, please do.
We thank you for your support, we thank you for your BEING. Together we will bring the love for Mother Earth back into human consciousness. The time is NOW.

Greetings from our hearts
Shari and Anna