View Full Version : The Divine Feminine

24th January 2011, 00:34
Here is a text about the femininity in Creation, actually taking its place in society, first into the consciousnesses, then into reality.

By Rebecca Smith Orleane Ph.D. and Cullen Baird Smith

It is December. We sit peacefully gazing into the deep quiet that has arrived with a winter snow in Ashland. Solstice approaches, the darkest night of the year. It has been six weeks since we returned from Sweden where we participated in taking responsibility for thoughts and actions that have caused suffering and separation between men and women for thousands of years. At the beginning of the gathering we were asked, "What is the purpose of your participation in this gathering?" Cullen answered for many of us, "I am here with one purpose: to end the patriarchy and to help bring back the Divine Feminine." And with that, we began our journey through a week-end of taking responsibility, seeking healing, and celebrating unity with all the others who had arrived to do the same thing.

According to the Mayan Calendar, November 3rd ushered in the energy of a new Day (360 days on our Gregorian calendar), bringing humanity unprecedented opportunities for a clearer vision of who we are and what we create. We chose to gather in Sweden on the week-end following this auspicious date, joining Mayan Calendar scholar Carl Calleman, Petter and Julie Barve, Pernilla Romare, Diana Johansson, Martin Andersson and Anira Moller, Marcus Engblad, Rebecka Hagerforsse, Erika Mikaelsson, and many others who became dear friends in a few short days of work to end patriarchy and lovingly invite the return of the Divine Feminine.

the rest here: http://www.treeoflifecelebration.com/index.php?view=article&catid=1%3Adiscussions&id=17%3Athe-magic-at-orenas-castle&format=pdf&option=com_content&Itemid=4&lang=en

Namaste, Steven

24th January 2011, 02:05
I understand the need to bring back the divine feminine, but I think the thing that is getting overlooked is that we also need to bring back the divine masculine. No one ever talks about this, and it seems like no one really understands it.

In these never views the masculine is almost demonized and the divine feminine is favoured. This, I believe, is due to people not thinking of masculinity in terms of divinity, they just relate to what they have experienced in the world they live in.

I beleive there are positive and negative aspects of both. To favour the feminine and overlook the masculine is a huge mistake and will create a whole new set of problems in my opinion.

Balance is the key.

24th January 2011, 05:20
This is entirely off the top of my head, and in no way is meant to be disrespectful.

My thoughts are that finding and embracing a balance between the masculine and the feminine in the world is more important than society singularly embracing one over the other...whether that is the old "male dominant" ways, or swinging completely towards "female dominant." As there is a very good balance between men and women on the planet, I would suspect that men need to practice being 'divinely masculine' and women 'divinely feminine' and both need to be aware, and respectful, of the other. We also need to be not afraid of the fact that we each carry both states within us - for men we need to be aware and unafraid of the feminine (which is usually less dominant), while embracing that which makes us masculine. The opposite of course for women. Then when a relationship is formed between a man and woman, the uninion of the two states can be fully embraced, and that carries forth into the world, and policy, and so on and so forth.

(I am certain too, that in a bisexual, or gay relationship, a certain embracing of the two states can also be achieved - different though as there is a somewhat mid-point embrace between both masculine and feminine aspects within each person - however, two compatible people together will usually work matter what. Sorry, went off on a tangent...)

24th January 2011, 06:28
I posted this in another thread , "The Key" in greater detail but men are now being encouraged( and have been for a long time) to not just embrace the divine female, or respect it and honor it or get in touch with it but ASSUME it. Without ever knowing what the divine male energy means to them, their birthright. They just emerged from the patriachal energy and were told to move right into the divine female and assume that. So wrong. No wonder we are all confused.

24th January 2011, 14:44
Personally I don't believe there is such thing as the 'divine masculine'.
There's nothing wrong with being masculine, it's natural, but I believe the divine is feminine.
Men can have the divine within them, and manifest divinity, but it's a feminine energy they are engaging.
I don't mean that men who engage the divine are becoming women. Women can be out of touch with the divine too, and quite un-feminine, but the divine, the creator, the mother who gave birth to all, Maat, whatever, is obviously feminine.

As I see it, when the divine incarnated into the physical world it would have first been unicellular lifeforms, etc. giving birth to it's own; making it a mother being.
As life evolved and survival became more demanding the idea of genders was introduced; the female, to continue giving birth as always, and then the male, as a sturdier, more aggressive beast, to serve and protect the female as it does it's divine thing.
Both have the divine within them, but the masculine is a byproduct of the need for survival in the physical realm, the opposite of divine.

The tragedy is the ego of the males getting away from them. Seeing themselves as the strongest they assumed dominance, just like the machines in Terminator, overthrowing their creators, and thus history is one of wars, etc.

The goal of enlightened civilisation has always been to do away with the need for beast minded thinking and behaviour. So as civilisation progresses males become less and less necessary for the divine to prosper in the physical realm - to the point where they are no longer even necessary for procreation once again, thanks to stem cell research, etc.

24th January 2011, 14:59
To me, it would seem that concepts such as the "Divine Feminine" and the "Divine Masculine" are spiritual attributes, or as I commonly refer to them as, spiritual emotions.

Consider a concept such as love. Can one bottle love, then ship it to their significant other? Love, like all other spiritual emotions, are experienced; and quite often shared in a meaningful way. This doesn't make them any less real than something we can all touch, physically. We simply use our hearts, instead of our hands.

And with any spiritual emotion, as Tea pointed out in an above post, balance is key. One can most certainly find themselves a bit staggered with love!

24th January 2011, 15:14
Divine Female...
Divine Male...

Sounds like two sides of a divine coin. I believe there is another term for this, duality. Hence:
Oxymoron. :)


24th January 2011, 15:18
From a woman's pov the difference between masculine and divine masculine would be the difference between patriachal energy and masculine energy. One is 'macho' and the other isn't forced, its natural assuming there isn't some rigid conditioning in there.

Patriachal masculinity is associated with domineering. But it also expresses itself as different kinds of co dependency. Its based more in insecurity than authority. Basically there's wound there that needs to be addressed.

There's skewed vision about divine female principle too. Its not really about running through fields of flowers in a ball gown and blessing everyone....lol That sort of perception is based on woundedness too.

Both principles are based in authenticity.

Take a man who is out with his buddies. He stands up and says its time to go home and take care of the wife and kids. There he is expressing his divine masculinity. Providing, protecting ready to go assume his energetic role. Not a big deal right? He's not getting on a white horse and riding out to battle. But then his buddies start jeering that he has to go home cause he's p*ssy whipped. There's the expression of the patriarchal masculinity. Some men experience a great deal of pressure in these contexts.

24th January 2011, 17:43
Divine Female...
Divine Male...

Sounds like two sides of a divine coin. I believe there is another term for this, duality. Hence:
Oxymoron. :)


Yes, it is duality indeed. The danger is to see it contrasted as male and female. The reality is more subtle, it is more like: the yin in the YANG/ the yang in the YIN.

Since a very long time, according the the mayan pyramid of evolution since the beggining of our Galaxy, the masculine aspect of Creation is predominant. In the masculine aspect we see: exploration/discoveries and domination (control) of its (human) environment. It is natural and essential in evolution. The feminine aspect was all of this time present in Creation, but not predominant. In the feminine aspect we see: Love/Compassion, Faith/hope, which counter balance the masculine aspect when it is too prevalent.

Both aspects are present in male and female, but in the overall, each aspect is predominant in its counterpart in materiality.

The old Olmec knowledge kept by the Mayans says Ethic is actually bringing in the world this balance by feminity taking as much room as masculinity in the world. Balance in all things.

And this is exactly what I see occuring in the world at this moment, among other things. That's why I find this old knowledge very interesting, it is observable in reality.

Namaste, Steven

24th January 2011, 17:55
The goal of enlightened civilisation has always been to do away with the need for beast minded thinking and behaviour. So as civilisation progresses males become less and less necessary for the divine to prosper in the physical realm - to the point where they are no longer even necessary for procreation once again, thanks to stem cell research, etc.
Where's the fun in that? lol Seriously though, has anyone ever read the book "The Gate to Women's Country"? Fascinating story that I think addresses what is being discussed here. I'm at work now but if anyone is interested I can elaborate later on. :)

24th January 2011, 18:29
This is an interesting conversation. .

Many males present with inate femine principles and it has all to do with spiritual evolution not the type of body you were born into nor social conditioning.
If there is masculine/femine balance no amount of conditioning can repress it very well.
The soul will be drawn to the body that can hold the type and level of energy that it is.

Femine energy is the dark, mysterious , deep intuitive place where conception of reality originates. It is the deep dream, the swirling mists of the primal constructs of creation.
It is where woman goes when the forces of nature are creating through her or when she seeks to find answers, answers to anything.
study shamanism long enough and you will understand this

Putting information into books is a male task.

Masculine is the outgoing dynamic energy to transform that egg of creation into manefestation. It fertilizes the egg with
expressive energy. It is expressive.

Neither has to do with love independently, but when in balance love results and is known and creatively expressed

Because woman tend to be more developed in the femine nature they have surcombed to repression of their male expressiveness
merely from the presence of expressive male energy in the world. It is easy for this to occur for the feminie is retracted, internal.
the masculine is expressive, external. Male genitalia is outside, womans is inside... another symbol of whats happening

This is why men have dominated until now.
Now women are focusing on developing their masuline powers, and for many women it doesn't really get
there unil in their 40's when those mists of intuition and creation that are forefront in child bearing years start to recede.
It corresponds with the opening of the throat chakra and leaning how to speak one's truth.. Many women are not good at
speaking their truth until the 40's as the feminie power is so myserious and introverted that much of it cannot until
then be backed by enough masucline energy to formulate enought to linear thinking to speak it.. Note that is also in the 40's
that women start to have a stronger testosterone ratio to estrogen in their bodies.

Working in art is a feminie experience and hence you will see that there are equally male and females who
can work the energy this way.. be it dance, music, painting etc., design... etc

The energy to work a business or corporate world situation is dynamically male.. and until recently you did not see women
engaging in this mode for two reasons, the nature of procreation and the many years involved in bearing children and serving them
had been now greatly reduced, and the planetary opening of the throat chakra, especially in women of the western type culture has propelled them out of their repression or stagnation
of male energy.

For men, the throat chakra is of easier access. They have not had the countless centuries of repression of moving their energy though this system.
They are not told to shut up and do what they are told. They have not been beaten by their spouses for speaking. Because their energy is expressively creative they can take the idea, which very often comes from the woman in their lives or their own contact with the femine and create it into physical reality.

Always understand that these two energies work in all people at all times. You cannot get up and make yourself breakfast in the morning without
the two energies working together.

As men develop their femine they come to integrate a much deeper understanding of the depth of life, and its profound interconnection.
And it will be because of this that they suddenly are capable of expressing greater love.

Because women tend to have this understanding naturally, love, and its depth is more easily known

this is how I have come to see it anyway.

jorr lundstrom
24th January 2011, 18:47
I live with a Divine Feminine since seven years. Most of the time things work out very smooth and sometimes it like living with an invisible rattlesnake. Really gotta pay attention.
We certainly live in interesting tjmes.

24th January 2011, 18:50
Hi Steven;
And yes I agree in that they key lies in the balance, and blending.

The contrast of the two is part of the fun/illusion of this existence. Something which I sum up with the following observation:
Men speak of things in terms of what they did.
Women, in terms of what happened.

Sorry, no blinding truth in that, merely an observation, and limited in its realm.

Where I jump off the train, in discussions like these is where folk want to flannel on about the grand and glorious eternal divine mystery that is the feminine, and then treat the male side of creation like it is nothing more than a "universal sperm donor". A one-sided duality, so to speak.

Creation exists not within either pole of the yin/yang magnet, but lies and has its being within the synergy, and is a thing of its own.

and with that, I head for more coffee,

¤=[Post Update]=¤

I live with a Divine Feminine since seven years. Most of the time things work out very smooth and sometimes it like living with an invisible rattlesnake. Really gotta pay attention.
We certainly live in interesting tjmes.

http://fredsitelive.com/fun/rofl.gif http://fredsitelive.com/fun/rofl.gif http://fredsitelive.com/fun/rofl.gif

Ain't it the truth? ;)

24th January 2011, 18:59
Lol. This is interesting. Can you expand on this a little more this, Fredkc? My first inclination is to state that neither indicate a state of being in present time, then again I may not be entirely absorbing your point of view.

The contrast of the two is part of the fun/illusion of this existence.
Something which I sum up with the following observation:
Men speak of things in terms of what they did.
Women, in terms of what happened.

24th January 2011, 19:15
A few funny quotes about women *maybe a bit off topic But always good to smile*

A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s – That’s because she changes it more often.

Woman is a miracle of divine contradictions.

Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.

Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good? Luckily, this is not difficult.

Men are from earth, Women are from earth, deal with it!

Women are like telephones they like to be held and talked to but if you push the wrong buttons you could be disconnected :]

The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once

24th January 2011, 19:41
"The contrast of the two is part of the fun/illusion of this existence."
In more secular terms, drinkin' beer and watching sports is great fun! But who'd want to do that for eternity, when there's women, next door?

Put another way, the scariest, and most exciting thing a man can do is look her straight in the eyes, talk to a woman, telling the absolute truth. And it ain't about either one of you, but the magic that happens between you (Though both sides get to enjoy the ride). As to what women want? A book unwritten from my side of the wall. ;)

"Men speak of things in terms of what they did.
Women, in terms of what happened."
This was merely an observation of mine, having to do with plain ol' humans, and how they seem to be hard-wired to react to the world around them.

On a more esoteric level,
"Divine male" is the universal, boundless energy, a creative 'push', the eternal, indiscriminate "Yes!".
"Divine female" like the universal weaver. She accepts it all, and finds a place for it to have it's being.

But the 'fun/existence' is a thing of its own. Forever 'fed' (hence the term "fore-given"), for ever re-born (re-woven).

One half of source is as useless as the other.
Nothing to weave is no better or poorer than no weaver.

Ok, might've over-done the coffee thing,