View Full Version : Word "Must" and its meaning

Caterpillars Lens
3rd February 2011, 19:49
Hello to Everyone!
I consider myself alien to this world, but I must admit I'm in love with Earth:)
It is difficult for me to speak, my knowledge about the language is somehow limited I' d say, so please bare we me and forgive me all mistakes.
I decided to speak, because of the words - "Must" "Have to" and "Obligation"
I want to discuss their positive and negative meanings and I'd like to understand with which intention they are spoken. Those words were abused so many times in the past by association with a force which made you(us) do things against your true will, many time for so called "greater good".
As a child I had experience with catholic church, living in the same time under communist blanket. Both those worlds emphasized words "Must" and "Obligation"
for their own purpose to guide their own folks. Than I had my share in all kinds of alternative communities and I've noticed that the same words were abused once again...
I've learned like a pavlov's dog to turn my little red lamp every time somebody repeats those words to often..
Now I'm here sensing that we are already creating something so great, yet with sadness I see the same words popping out again and again..
So My questions are:
Do we need to use these words?
If so how we can "unlock" their true intention....
Or maybe before we use those words we should ask ourselves deep down for their true meaning?
I welcome All to this discussion: Human, Aliens and Machines,
I'm interested in your interpretations, your feelings and your experiences...

I'm not much of a speaker, but I ll try to drop some lines to this discussion - I hope it grows...
I'm glad to be aboard..
Thank You

3rd February 2011, 20:30
I am an NLP practitioner and I can tell you that these words such as should, ought, must, should not etc are called model operators. We see them psychologically as limiting our beliefs in our own abilities. The word 'should' for example suggests that we are not doing something that would be a better option than the one we have taken. These words also imply a condition operator. For example 'I would pass my exam, if I worked harder' The phrase suggests that we are not living up to the best potential because a condition has not been met. Modal operators and conditionals limit our potential futures.

The best way from a psychological and energetic point of view is to remove these modal operators and conditionals as much as possible. Speak positively into your future avoid setting implied conditions that will make you fail. 'I ought to meditate every day' Implies a failure (but I don't have the time)'

One issue about another important and dangerous word. INTENTION. I dislike this word. 'It's my intention to raise my awareness ...' etc... That phrase suggests that there is some forward 'tension' pulling you towards a goal, but it may not actually happen. The goal is in-tention. To make it happen you need to convert the tension into action, real movement towards the achievement.

Anyway, it could be called just semantics. I believe that all words carry actionable energy and we need to use them carefully.

3rd February 2011, 20:34
The only way to interpret these thought forms is to see them as choices, that when run through ones heart need to be validated. You are absolutely right in seeing how often we are told to do things as if they were consensus reality, when obviously they are not so cleverly disguised agendas of control...