View Full Version : How does it feel to be human and ascend in Christ consciousness: transition is now.

Victoria Tintagel
9th February 2011, 20:00
Hey Avaloneans, for those interested in change of consciousness and ascension, I start a discussion here about the transition at this turning point in time: an ever recurring process, in a different form, always. When a cycle of almost 26.000 years is completed there's a shift in the way we may look at "things", our reality, at ourselves, you and me.

There's lightcoded knowledge on it's way, through our Sun, traveling from the Central Sun of our Galaxy and we align in a most beautiful and magical way. It's like a tube that has been sliced in small rings, becoming whole and aligned again.....flowing prana...or manna.
All eyes are on this blue planet, because we are angels performing an act of ultimate heroism: merging heaven and earth within the physical body, assisting in transforming all karma. What a ride!

I am on an expedition myself, all my life, as I am very much human and woman.....learning. I am in fast forward transition since the first of Jan. 2010, when I vowed to surrender to life and express my truth in all aspects of my body and soul. No masks, no illusions anymore. At that time I didn't know about Pluto, reigning in Capricorn, for the period of 2010 and 2011: a "hell and heaven" of transformation. I am curious to hear the other goats :) here, about their capricious jumps in these 2 years and also I love to hear your experiences and views on this process and "shift" if you like.. being human and experiencing the ascension process, which feels to me more like a descension, because this planet, lady Gaia, welcomes me tremendously. As above...so below...I guess.

To my life and love for it, one issue is becoming very important, in making this transition smoothly and that is the discovery that duality-thinking is becoming a major mind-control and manipulation, if you allow that to happen in the coming days and years.
Look, for example, how religions teach this belief system, to control the herd, even beyond the veil between our physical and spiritual world. You better be good...or else! Commerce is thriving on it too. And look closer: how your thoughts and feelings shape the way you view and create your reality. IF you allow that mind-control, that trap of duality-thinking, catching you: SNAP!

Some new age terms like "Oneness", "Awakening" and "Universal love" refer to this transition and change of consciousness, but WHAT IS IT, that can be practically used and focused on in daily life? Pragmatically?

It's so very close to our sacred space in the heart, within, and so clearly demonstrated by nature, without. In nature, everything IS, period. No lion kills on purpose, it's survival: killing for life or be killed. Creation is an expression of love to me and the truth of love is so very simple. We humans, including myself, need to complicate it with our mind first, before returning to that simplicity, freeing ourselves from this trap of duality-thinking.

When I witness the colors of the rainbow and when I project them on moods and emotions, it's all part of my human condition and played out by the physical senses, when not transcended, while my higher self is sleeping.

In my nsho, there is another reality, a higher dimensional level, part of our "planet and life" ascension process. And that, to me, is the Christ Consciousness: all that exists, all that happens, is exactly right, as it should be. No holy incense whirling, no hierarchy in being and living it. It's the solution to break free from the trap of duality-thinking. We can continue moaning and groaning....as if nothing will ever change. No, nothing will ever change unless you yourself change. This world and reality is the creation of our free will, a huge array of experiments, however twisted, in trying to free itself from exactly THAT: duality-thinking. We invented war and shopping bags for love!

Our true nature, merged with our divine spark, doesn't know "right and wrong". It simply IS and that is the nature of the Christ-consciousness on Earth, among many beings, expressed within Jesus, the "Son of God" By the use of compassion and surrender to the Divine Will, this fire quality of love was a spark-seed that has become a fire at the start of our second millenium, germinating at an appropriate speed, within our divine heart chakra. Becoming a blazing purifying fire and inviting you and me in a most tender, yet powerful loving and respectful way, in utmost freedom.

Because there is no other way: love is freedom and freedom is love. I chose my new name Victoria, because I experience this truth, lately. Most important, at this point in time, is the acceptance of being human, within this transition around the year2012. To accept yourself as you are, forgive your past and love your present moment and human nature :) making mistakes on the way.

Freedom and love are all including, offering you and me an opportunity to discern and choose our intentions. Focussing on grounding ourselves, as it feels sometimes, to me at least, as if I am hanging in mid-air, between two leaps or steps, while running :) The old world is familiar and the brave new world is excitingly and invitingly near, but unknown for the time being :) as we are in cold turkey, from leaving the duality-thinking trap, shaking off this mind-control.

And so, the invitation card for this "ultimate freedom and love party" :) back to the hippy sixties :) lies on your doorstep and it's you that decides to pick it up. Welcome :)
Be in grace, Victoria Tintagel.

9th February 2011, 20:20
Thank You for this post -- I very much enjoyed it.

Peace to you~

9th February 2011, 21:08
It does feel divine!

10th February 2011, 01:33
Great information, thank you for sharing. This is definitely an exciting time to be here on Earth.

10th February 2011, 01:59
HUMAN - HUMANITY means kindness. A true human is a kind loving person. There is a chant that raises your vibration, it is called the HU.
Hu is a love song to God. Expressing thanks for the kindess and beauty of this world. We have forgotten to thank the creators for this beautiful world..
Hence the word Human came from the word Hu. Hu - more. To laugh. To be human is to laugh, raises the frequency of vibration. To mean the meaning of human is a being capable of love, to be able to laugh and be kind to all creatures. Time to reclaim our human form. Thank you for this post. Hu to you all........love and light