View Full Version : Is the Illuminati Waging War on Whites?

8th March 2011, 17:45
source: http://henrymakow.com/
written by "Molecule"
for henrymakow.com

Is the Illuminati Waging War on Whites?

March 7, 2011

On Feb. 13-14, 1945, less than three mos before VE Day, May 7, Dresden was destroyed by British & American bombers killing 100,000 civilians.

[Editor's Note: Although I cannot vouch for many of "Molecule's" historical references, his overall argument is compelling. After all, over 50 million mostly White Christians died in the last world war, yet our attention is almost exclusively focused on the Jewish holocaust. Notice, Hitler conflates the Illuminati bankers, who are mixed blood, with the "Jews," making Jews scapegoats for the bankers. This is because Hitler was Illuminati himself. The Warburg matriarch lived through the war years peacefully in Hamburg. The Illuminati are waging war against against all races (including Jews) and humanity in general.]

Here are two quotes that may interest you. One is by Hitler, another by a man named Lindemann, who was Churchill's chief adviser during the Second World War, and both saying the same thing. The goal of the war was extermination of the white race.
In a speech to the Reichstag in 1942 [below], Hitler says the "Jews" (aka the London bankers, aka the Illuminati) intend to exterminate the White race.


"It is clear to us that the war can only end with the destruction of the Germanic peoples or the disappearance of Jewry from Europe. On September 3, I already announced in the German Reichstag, and I am careful not to make rash prophecies, that this war would not develop as the Jews imagine, namely that the European-Aryan peoples will be destroyed. Instead, the result of this war will be the destruction of Jewry. For the first time! For the first time, others will not bleed alone! For the first time, the genuine old Jewish law will be applied: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!" And the more this war spreads, the more Anti-Semitism will spread. Anti-Semitism will be nourished in every prison camp, in every family which must be informed why they must sacrifice to the bitter end. And the hour will come when the most evil world enemy of all times will have played out its role for a thousand years."

While being fully aware of their plan, Hitler was also a stooge. For starters, to confuse their enemy, his Jewish-Illuminati controlled advisers had cooked up this smokescreen of Indo-Aryan theology. It proposed that white Europeans are a wandering transplant, like a weed that blew across Asia, from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tibet.

It's possible the whole Aryan thing was an intelligence operation designed by Goebbels to distract attention away from the plain and simple, original history of the white European people. As a distraction, it would keep the white European race confused and unaware of its own dignity, origins and history, including pyramids recently discovered in Serbia which are larger, predate, and are more precise, than the Egyptian ones.

The lluminati is planning yet another war to eradicate all memory of the White race.

The Khazarian hatred of White people began with the original war between Charlemagne and the Roman Catholic Church. From its beginning, the Roman Catholic Church has been a religious smokescreen for the Venetian bankers who controlled the "Holy Roman Empire."

At a grass roots level, Charlemagne continued the war that Mohammed's armies had waged. Both the Roman Catholic Church and its Anglican spin off have always been religious smokescreens and intelligence operations, controlled by Khazarian- Venetian- London bankers, and their opium pushing pharmacists.

This larger view of history cannot be suppressed any longer. A cabal of mongoloid rapists and child molesters (aka the Illuminati) intends to exterminate the white European race, and all memory of its contributions to science and human consciousness.

To review, the Roman Caesarians, including all of the Catholic Popes to follow, were nothing but a pack of wet sock-puppet perverts, appointed by their early Khazarian overlords, then operating from a banking outpost in Venice, from whence they financed the silk trade. (Try to pronounce the word "Caesarian" without the psy-ops effect of that soft and mellifluous-C ... see what happens when you try to say the word Caesarian with a hard-C instead!) The Caesarians (politicians with a soft-c) were sock puppets for the Khazarians (bankers with a hard one). As usurers, thieves, interlopers, rapists, murderers, driven only by the laws of jealousy and vengeance, they set together out to subsume and destroy the White race.

Continuing with the extermination of the white race by the Khazarian Illuminati, both sides of the American Civil War were run by drug dealing Illuminati, in London and Paris.

The white soldiers, both sides North and South, who weren't slaughtered outright, were made into heroin addicts. Upon their discharge, they were given a bag of heroin, a syringe, and a leather pouch to wear around their necks.

The Boar War and Crimean War were also run by the Khazarian Illuminati (again with dumb Brits as their stooges). Their goal was the same. Destroy the white races in South Africa and the Ukraine. World War One destroyed much the white populations in Europe.

The unpayable debt frauds of the Versailles Treaty were then converted into assets, that funded the New York Illuminati bankers who then stole farmlands, and factories from productive white farmers and inventors in America.

(The Versailles Treaty also created a one-world Illuminati control of all opium trade. The Permanent Central [Opium] Control Board, is still housed in Lake Success, Long Island, New York. It is right across the East River from the UN building. The Secretary General of the UN comes under the thumb of the hidden Permanent Control Board. The Secretary is required to submit his report to the Permanent Control Board.)
(Lindemann right, & family)

To corroborate Hitler's statement above, and two millennia of history, we now have this quote from Churchill's chief aide, also an Illuminati Jew, Frederick Alexander Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell. (b. 5 Apr. 1886, Baden Baden; d. 3 Jul. 1957, England-?, son of Adolph Friedrich Lindemann and Olga Noble, widow of a wealthy Connecticut banker named Davidson.

How fake a name is that? "Olga Noble!" Reportedly, she was kinky, vivacious and lithe as well. Illuminati Jews will move into town and adopt any name, or they will just make one up. Words mean nothing to them ... especially the family name, the name of a father. The Windsors are not the Windsors. They are the Battenbergs.

It was the Illuminati Jew Lindemann who came up with the Allied plan for bombing the civilian populations of Europe during World War Two. He proposed saturation bombing for purposes of terrorism and not for military effect.

He argued that the primary targets should be the family homes, schools, churches and neighborhoods of the white European peoples. Terrorist bombing of the wives and children, and homes, schools and churches of the factory workers, he said, would frustrate military production more than direct bombing of factories would. The Holocaust of Dresden was the culmination of his Illuminati Jewish dream of humiliating, exterminating, and silencing of the white European race.

So, on top of Hitler's quote above, we now have Lindemann's quote that affirms that long-range goal as well. From "The Prof: A Personal Memoir of Lord Cherwell" by [Sir Roy Forbes] R.F. Harrod, Macmillan, 1959, pp.261-262, we have:

"Do you know," he [Lindemann] asked, "what the future historians will regard as the most important event of this age?" "Well, what is it?" [I, Sir Roy Harrod, asked.] "It will not be Hitler and the Second World War. ... It will not be the release of nuclear energy. ... It will not be the menace of Communism. ..." These negatives seemed very comprehensive. [And note that they are all the work of the Illuminati!] He put on an expression of extreme severity, and turned down the corners of his lips. "It will be the abdication of the White man." Then he nodded his head up and down several times to drive home his proposition."

The Illuminati will be remembered for their "abdication" of the White man.
Lindemann was extremely intelligent, and could have chosen the word extermination, to mean physical elimination. So, why did he choose "abdication," in the sense that he used it.

In its usual context, the word abdicate presumes a voluntary action ... a king abdicates a throne, for a woman for example.

But, Lindemann, who was known as "the Professor" and was clever with words, used it in an unusual involuntary sense. His meaning of "abdication" has to be derived from its roots.

The root word is "to speak," from a conjugation of Latin "dice." Thus, to give dictation, is to speak, with authority, and intention of preserving the words for history.

The prefix ab- requires total negation. To be abdicated, as used in the involuntarily context of Lindemann, the Illuminati Jew, is to have all authority to speak taken away from you.

For a population to be abdicated, it must suffer a fate that goes far beyond mere physical extermination. An exterminated population can still speak through the power and beauty of its contributions to human consciousness. But an abdicated population is a population that has been involuntarily deprived of all ability to speak. Not only has it been exterminated in a physical sense (we all die), but an abdicated population has also lost its ability to be even vaguely remembered, for the beauty of its contributions to ongoing advances of human consciousness.

Lindemann, the Illuminati Jew, says future historians will regard as the most important event of this age the "abdication of the White man."

If the last two centuries or last two millennia are any indication, the primary long range goal of the Khazarian-Illuminati-Jewish has always been "abdication" of the White race, meaning not only physical extermination, but also total abdication, including all memory of their contributions to science and consciousness.

source: http://henrymakow.com/

Make of the above what you will.


Lord Sidious
8th March 2011, 19:01
Interesting, but not quite correct.
Hitler did indeed start out as one of ''them'' as he figured that he would never get into any position of power if he wasn't.
However, it all changed when he openly went against them.
Look at how he was treated by the media and other statesmen of the time, one minute he was a man of the ages, next minute the lowest dog.
One of the problems for Germany, was that you can't make a distinction between the bad jews and the little jews who did nothing at a time when you are at war.
How do you know which ones are the bad ones? Some are easy, the international bankers, but are they the only ones?
So they put the ones they had in camps, like the allies did with German, Italian and Japanese civilians.
Speaking of khazars from Venice, google guelph, see what you get.
The British government and the monarchy have made heaps of money through the drug trade, google opium wars.
I would say yes, there is a war against the descendants of the Aryans.
I have my theory why, I will post that later.

8th March 2011, 19:08
Hmm I think they are waging war on EVERYone ..

Lord Sidious
8th March 2011, 19:58
Hmm I think they are waging war on EVERYone ..

They are, some more than others.
But they have specific goals, from what I can see.

8th March 2011, 20:30
Here are the definitions of abdication, following English and Latin dictionaries,

As you can see, it does not quite fit Mr Makow's definition. Abdication is not not letting someone or a group speak, but giving up power. The white race would be submitted, giving up power.

Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia Download this dictionary

Abdication (babylon dictionary)

Abdication (from the Latin abdicatio, disowning, renouncing, from ab, away from, and dicare, to declare, to proclaim as not belonging to one) is the act of renouncing and resigning from a formal office, especially from the supreme office of state. In Roman law the term was also applied to the disowning of a family member, as the disinheriting of a son. The term commonly applies to monarchs, or those who have been formally crowned. A similar term for an elected or appointed official is resignation.

Latin to English dictionary
abdico : to renounce, reject / abdicate / disapprove of.


From Circe post on Henry Makow quotes

"It will be the abdication of the White man." Then he nodded his head up and down several times to drive home his proposition."

The Illuminati will be remembered for their "abdication" of the White man.
Lindemann was extremely intelligent, and could have chosen the word extermination, to mean physical elimination. So, why did he choose "abdication," in the sense that he used it.

In its usual context, the word abdicate presumes a voluntary action ... a king abdicates a throne, for a woman for example.

But, Lindemann, who was known as "the Professor" and was clever with words, used it in an unusual involuntary sense. His meaning of "abdication" has to be derived from its roots.

The root word is "to speak," from a conjugation of Latin "dice." Thus, to give dictation, is to speak, with authority, and intention of preserving the words for history.

The prefix ab- requires total negation. To be abdicated, as used in the involuntarily context of Lindemann, the Illuminati Jew, is to have all authority to speak taken away from you.

For a population to be abdicated, it must suffer a fate that goes far beyond mere physical extermination. An exterminated population can still speak through the power and beauty of its contributions to human consciousness. But an abdicated population is a population that has been involuntarily deprived of all ability to speak. Not only has it been exterminated in a physical sense (we all die), but an abdicated population has also lost its ability to be even vaguely remembered, for the beauty of its contributions to ongoing advances of human consciousness

To me it is quite obvious that Mr Makow is pushing the story quite a bit too much to be keeping his credibility. Searching in Latin dicitonaries took me 5 minutes on the Web. He could have done the same.
If he had concluded on saying the white race will be put into slavery (therefore has to abdicate all powers), it would have made more sense.

He lost his credibility in my eyes.

However, Ace, I would be quite interested in understanding your line of thinking about the elimination of the Aryans' descendants.

Lord Sidious
9th March 2011, 01:51
That is a good observation Flash.
They are going on the same concept others have when they say that ‘’Whitey’’ ruined the world.
They assume that is who runs the system.
Ad so they keep this racism madness going.

9th March 2011, 02:22
Interesting, but not quite correct.
Speaking of khazars from Venice, google guelph, see what you get.
I have my theory why, I will post that later.

I can rarely pass up a google challenge, lol. :)

"Who is John Galt?"

Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guelph)

Guelph was selected as the headquarters of the Canada Company, a British development firm, by its Canadian superintendent John Galt, a popular Scottish novelist who designed the town to attract settlers to it and to the surrounding countryside.[6]

Galt designed the town to resemble a European city centre, complete with squares, broad main streets and narrow side streets, resulting in a variety of block sizes and shapes which is still in place today.[7] The street plan was designed to resemble a lady's fan, many of the streets forming triangles (the segments of the fan)[citation needed]. This technique had been used in other planned towns such as Buffalo, New York.[6] Guelph was founded on St. George's Day, April 23, 1827, the feast day of the patron saint of England.[7] The town was named to honour Britain's royal family, the Hanoverians, who were descended from the Guelfs, the ancestral family of George IV, the reigning British monarch; thus the nickname The Royal City. The directors of the Canada Company had actually wanted the city to be named Goderich, but reluctantly accepted the fait accompli.

Canada Company (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Company)
The Canada Company was a large private chartered British land development company, incorporated by an act of British parliament on July 27, 1825, to aid the colonization of Upper Canada. Canada Company assisted emigrants by providing good ships, low fares, implements and tools,and inexpensive land.

Scottish novelist, John Galt, was the company's first Canadian superintendent. The government of Upper Canada sold the company 10,000 km² of land for 341 000 pounds. Slightly less than half of the land that was purchased comprised what would become the Huron Tract, located on the eastern shore of Lake Huron, the remainder, located in other areas of Upper Canada, became Clergy reserves under the control of the Clergy Corporation. Galt selected Guelph, Ontario as the company's headquarters. The company surveyed and subdivided this massive area, built roads, mills, and schools and advertised it to buyers in Europe. The company then assisted in the migration of new settlers, bringing them to the area by means of a boat, which the company also owned, on Lake Ontario.

The company's mismanagement and corruption, and its close alliance with the Tory elites, known as the Family Compact was an important contributing factor to the Upper Canada Rebellion in 1837. The company was dissolved on December 18, 1953.

Lord Sidious
9th March 2011, 02:53
Ok, so the name Guelph is connected to the royal family.
Now google black nobility.

9th March 2011, 03:14
Black Nobility (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Nobility)

The Black Nobility (Italian: aristocrazìa nera) are Roman aristocratic families who sided with the Papacy under Pope Pius IX after the Savoy family-led army of the Kingdom of Italy entered Rome on September 20, 1870, overthrew the Pope and the Papal States, and took over the Apostolic Palace

Famous members of Black Nobility families include Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII. Black Nobility families (in this instance families whose ancestors included Popes) still in existence include notably the Colonna, Massimo, Orsini, Pallavicini, Borghese, Odescalchi, and Boncompagni-Ludovisi. Major extinct papal families include the Savelli, Caetani, the Aldobrandini family and Conti.

9th March 2011, 04:01
Scientific investigations of the site show that there is no pyramid there.[2][3][4] Additionally, scientists have criticised the Bosnian authorities for supporting the pyramid claim saying, "This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science."[5]


Lord Sidious
9th March 2011, 04:12

Check that link about the black nobility.

Scientific investigations of the site show that there is no pyramid there.[2][3][4] Additionally, scientists have criticised the Bosnian authorities for supporting the pyramid claim saying, "This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science."[5]


Why did you post this in this thread?

9th March 2011, 04:24
I also picked up the John Galt reference - Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shruggged - and the British royalty connection - town named to honour the Gelfs, the family of King George IV.

The 2001 census indicates 114,943 people residing in Guelph, of whom 49.1% were male and 50.9% were female. Children under five accounted for approximately 6.2% of the resident population of Guelph, whereas 12.2% of the resident population in Guelph were of retirement age. The average age is 35.7 years of age. In the five years between 1996 and 2001, the population of Guelph grew by 10.7%. Population density of Guelph averaged 310.1 people per square kilometre.
Ethnic Origin Population Percent
English 36,975 31.93%
Canadian 36,845 31.82%
Scottish 27,875 24.07%
Irish 24,445 21.11%
German 14,505 12.52%
Italian 11,135 9.61%

Historically, Guelph's population has been principally British in origin, with 92% in 1880 and 87% in 1921.[6]


Now, some 10 percent of the resident population described themselves as visible minorities, predominantly South Asian mostly of Afghan, Indian and Pakistani origin: 2.43%, Chinese: 2.42%, Black Canadian/African Canadians: 1.25%, and many others including Filipino and Vietnamese. The city is mostly Christian: 74.17%, almost evenly split among Protestants and Roman Catholics. The largest non-Christian religion is Buddhism: 1.45%, followed by Hinduism.[12]

Education system heavily Catholic

Black Nobility are Roman aristocracy who sided with the Pope against the Savoy family who invaded Rome and overthrew the Papal States in 1870. They are descendants of the Khazars.

That any use?


Maria Stade
9th March 2011, 04:26
Scientific investigations of the site show that there is no pyramid there.[2][3][4] Additionally, scientists have criticised the Bosnian authorities for supporting the pyramid claim saying, "This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science."[5]


The pyramid is there, lots of films on Youtube !


Lord Sidious
9th March 2011, 04:45
I also picked up the John Galt reference - Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shruggged - and the British royalty connection - town named to honour the Gelfs, the family of King George IV.

The 2001 census indicates 114,943 people residing in Guelph, of whom 49.1% were male and 50.9% were female. Children under five accounted for approximately 6.2% of the resident population of Guelph, whereas 12.2% of the resident population in Guelph were of retirement age. The average age is 35.7 years of age. In the five years between 1996 and 2001, the population of Guelph grew by 10.7%. Population density of Guelph averaged 310.1 people per square kilometre.
Ethnic Origin Population Percent
English 36,975 31.93%
Canadian 36,845 31.82%
Scottish 27,875 24.07%
Irish 24,445 21.11%
German 14,505 12.52%
Italian 11,135 9.61%

Historically, Guelph's population has been principally British in origin, with 92% in 1880 and 87% in 1921.[6]


Now, some 10 percent of the resident population described themselves as visible minorities, predominantly South Asian mostly of Afghan, Indian and Pakistani origin: 2.43%, Chinese: 2.42%, Black Canadian/African Canadians: 1.25%, and many others including Filipino and Vietnamese. The city is mostly Christian: 74.17%, almost evenly split among Protestants and Roman Catholics. The largest non-Christian religion is Buddhism: 1.45%, followed by Hinduism.[12]

Education system heavily Catholic

Black Nobility are Roman aristocracy who sided with the Pope against the Savoy family who invaded Rome and overthrew the Papal States in 1870. They are descendants of the Khazars.

That any use?


So what is the connection between guelph and the black nobility?

Please keep the pyramid stuff out of the thread.
Why that is here I don't know.

9th March 2011, 05:26
Well, it looks like the guelphs are the black nobility & they run the world. but what happened to the Ghibellines?

Lord Sidious
9th March 2011, 05:35
Well, it looks like the guelphs are the black nobility & they run the world. but what happened to the Ghibellines?

They lost, as they aren't at the number one spot.
They won the war in Italy, but lost overall.
Wanna take a guess who the public head of the guelphs is now?

9th March 2011, 05:41
seems all roads lead to Khazar

Lord Sidious
9th March 2011, 05:50
seems all roads lead to Khazar

A lot or most, but there are a lot of non khazars doing stuff too.

9th March 2011, 05:56
Well, it looks like the guelphs are the black nobility & they run the world. but what happened to the Ghibellines?

They lost, as they aren't at the number one spot.
They won the war in Italy, but lost overall.
Wanna take a guess who the public head of the guelphs is now?

Well, the obvious answer would be the Queen, no? 'the public head' but who really has the power?

btw, You cracked me up a minute ago "they lost". Right...duh. :)

Lord Sidious
9th March 2011, 06:00
Well, it looks like the guelphs are the black nobility & they run the world. but what happened to the Ghibellines?

They lost, as they aren't at the number one spot.
They won the war in Italy, but lost overall.
Wanna take a guess who the public head of the guelphs is now?

Well, the obvious answer would be the Queen, no? 'the public head' but who really has the power?

btw, You cracked me up a minute ago "they lost". Right...duh. :)

Yeah, she is the public head and possibly the private one too.

9th March 2011, 08:31
Off with the head

9th March 2011, 18:33
can lizards grow heads back as well as tails?

10th March 2011, 12:58
Here are the definitions of abdication, following English and Latin dictionaries,

As you can see, it does not quite fit Mr Makow's definition. Abdication is not not letting someone or a group speak, but giving up power. The white race would be submitted, giving up power.

Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia Download this dictionary

Abdication (babylon dictionary)

Abdication (from the Latin abdicatio, disowning, renouncing, from ab, away from, and dicare, to declare, to proclaim as not belonging to one) is the act of renouncing and resigning from a formal office, especially from the supreme office of state. In Roman law the term was also applied to the disowning of a family member, as the disinheriting of a son. The term commonly applies to monarchs, or those who have been formally crowned. A similar term for an elected or appointed official is resignation.

Latin to English dictionary
abdico : to renounce, reject / abdicate / disapprove of.


From Circe post on Henry Makow quotes

"It will be the abdication of the White man." Then he nodded his head up and down several times to drive home his proposition."

The Illuminati will be remembered for their "abdication" of the White man.
Lindemann was extremely intelligent, and could have chosen the word extermination, to mean physical elimination. So, why did he choose "abdication," in the sense that he used it.

In its usual context, the word abdicate presumes a voluntary action ... a king abdicates a throne, for a woman for example.

But, Lindemann, who was known as "the Professor" and was clever with words, used it in an unusual involuntary sense. His meaning of "abdication" has to be derived from its roots.

The root word is "to speak," from a conjugation of Latin "dice." Thus, to give dictation, is to speak, with authority, and intention of preserving the words for history.

The prefix ab- requires total negation. To be abdicated, as used in the involuntarily context of Lindemann, the Illuminati Jew, is to have all authority to speak taken away from you.

For a population to be abdicated, it must suffer a fate that goes far beyond mere physical extermination. An exterminated population can still speak through the power and beauty of its contributions to human consciousness. But an abdicated population is a population that has been involuntarily deprived of all ability to speak. Not only has it been exterminated in a physical sense (we all die), but an abdicated population has also lost its ability to be even vaguely remembered, for the beauty of its contributions to ongoing advances of human consciousness

To me it is quite obvious that Mr Makow is pushing the story quite a bit too much to be keeping his credibility. Searching in Latin dicitonaries took me 5 minutes on the Web. He could have done the same.
If he had concluded on saying the white race will be put into slavery (therefore has to abdicate all powers), it would have made more sense.

He lost his credibility in my eyes.

However, Ace, I would be quite interested in understanding your line of thinking about the elimination of the Aryans' descendants.

I'm not feeling too well at the moment but I needed to post this reply in defence of Mr.Makow who is being wrongly quoted in some of the replies in this thread.
I just want to make it clear that the author of this article is "Molecule" who is a guest writer for the Henry Makow website, this article was not written by Henry Makow. Please make sure you quote the author of this article rather than Mr.Makow himself.

Mr Makow did make a statement on the article in question: His words are below and also they are in the original post [post #1]

[ Although I cannot vouch for many of "Molecule's" historical references, his overall argument is compelling.


10th March 2011, 13:29
Here are the definitions of abdication, following English and Latin dictionaries,

As you can see, it does not quite fit Mr Makow's definition. Abdication is not not letting someone or a group speak, but giving up power. The white race would be submitted, giving up power.


I'm not feeling too well at the moment but I needed to post this reply in defence of Mr.Makow who is being wrongly quoted in some of the replies in this thread.
I just want to make it clear that the author of this article is "Molecule" who is a guest writer for the Henry Makow website, this article was not written by Henry Makow. Please make sure you quote the author of this article rather than Mr.Makow himself.

Mr Makow did make a statement on the article in question: His words are below and also they are in the original post [post #1]

[ Although I cannot vouch for many of "Molecule's" historical references, his overall argument is compelling.


Really sorry, I really misled the reader with the sources, genuine mistake of inattention. Thanks for correcting it.

I wish your health back soon.


10th March 2011, 13:53
Ok, now that sources are corrected, I still do not understand the link between Guelph, Ontario, the balck nobility and the Khazars. Please help.

KhazarsFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Khazar)
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"Kazar" redirects here. For the Marvel Comics character, see Ka-Zar. For the village in Azerbaijan, see Xəzər.

The Khazars (Turkish: Hazar Kağanlığı) were semi-nomadic Turkic people who established Khazaria or Khazar Empire starting from the second half of the 6th century until the early 11th century.[3] They were one of the largest polities of medieval Eurasia, with a capital in Atil and territory comprising much of modern-day Russia, western Kazakhstan, eastern Ukraine, Azerbaijan, large portions of the Northern Caucasus (Circassia, Dagestan), parts of Georgia, the Crimea, and Northeastern Turkey.[4] A successor state of the Western Turks, Khazaria was a polyethnic state with a population of Turkic, Iranian, Finno-Ugric, Slavic, and Palaeo-Caucasian peoples.[5] Khazaria was the first feudal state to be established in Eastern Europe.[6] During the 9th and 10th centuries, Khazaria was one of the major arteries of commerce between Northern Europe and the Middle East, as well as a connection to the Silk Road. The name "Khazar" is found in numerous languages[7] and seems to be tied to a Turkic verb form meaning "wandering" (Modern Turkish: Gezer)[8]

Khazaria had an ongoing entente with Byzantium, serving as its partner in wars against the Arabian Caliphate. After fighting the Arabs to a standstill in the North Caucasus, Khazars became increasingly interested in replacing their Tengri shamanism with a state religion that would give them equal religious standing with their Abrahamic neighbors. During the 8th century, Khazar royalty and much of the aristocracy converted to Judaism.[9]

Is that what it is about?
If so, i have a cute little story to tell you, has to do with tatars and khazars conversion but not with black nobility to my knowledge

Still do not understand the true relationship with Guelph except for the name of the town maybe. You know, all Canada was under the British Crown at one time. Guelph is not different to my knowledge.

Lord Sidious
10th March 2011, 14:36
Ok, now that sources are corrected, I still do not understand the link between Guelph, Ontario, the balck nobility and the Khazars. Please help.

KhazarsFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Khazar)
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"Kazar" redirects here. For the Marvel Comics character, see Ka-Zar. For the village in Azerbaijan, see Xəzər.

The Khazars (Turkish: Hazar Kağanlığı) were semi-nomadic Turkic people who established Khazaria or Khazar Empire starting from the second half of the 6th century until the early 11th century.[3] They were one of the largest polities of medieval Eurasia, with a capital in Atil and territory comprising much of modern-day Russia, western Kazakhstan, eastern Ukraine, Azerbaijan, large portions of the Northern Caucasus (Circassia, Dagestan), parts of Georgia, the Crimea, and Northeastern Turkey.[4] A successor state of the Western Turks, Khazaria was a polyethnic state with a population of Turkic, Iranian, Finno-Ugric, Slavic, and Palaeo-Caucasian peoples.[5] Khazaria was the first feudal state to be established in Eastern Europe.[6] During the 9th and 10th centuries, Khazaria was one of the major arteries of commerce between Northern Europe and the Middle East, as well as a connection to the Silk Road. The name "Khazar" is found in numerous languages[7] and seems to be tied to a Turkic verb form meaning "wandering" (Modern Turkish: Gezer)[8]

Khazaria had an ongoing entente with Byzantium, serving as its partner in wars against the Arabian Caliphate. After fighting the Arabs to a standstill in the North Caucasus, Khazars became increasingly interested in replacing their Tengri shamanism with a state religion that would give them equal religious standing with their Abrahamic neighbors. During the 8th century, Khazar royalty and much of the aristocracy converted to Judaism.[9]

Is that what it is about?
If so, i have a cute little story to tell you, has to do with tatars and khazars conversion but not with black nobility to my knowledge

Still do not understand the true relationship with Guelph except for the name of the town maybe. You know, all Canada was under the British Crown at one time. Guelph is not different to my knowledge.

Guelph is the real name of the actor on the throne in London right now.
She is descended from a family that was elevated to the nobility by amassing a fortune through criminal behaviour.
They lost the war against the Ghibbelines.
They were, before that, khazars.

They are in reality, a form of organised crime that Italians would call mafioso.

10th March 2011, 15:58
Guelph is the real name of the actor on the throne in London right now.
She is descended from a family that was elevated to the nobility by amassing a fortune through criminal behaviour.
They lost the war against the Ghibbelines.
They were, before that, khazars.

They are in reality, a form of organised crime that Italians would call mafioso.

So effectively, there could be a potential blood or race relationship between the throne and askhenaze jews!? The Khazars are from central Asia, a mix of Asians and Caucasians. They were fierce fighters. Some Turkic tribes (Khazars amongst them) were almost half of Ghensis Khan army by the way.

My little story: I was in Crimea with my boyfriend at the time (who became my ex-husband) visiting Crimean Tatars. We went around for a week with a Tatar driver and Tatar translator to Russian (a student paid peanuts but it made his school year). This was very very nice, Crimea is a fairy paradise if it were not for the dictatorships that went through it (I heard a lot about deportations, mass genocide of Tatars, Siberia for reluctant Tatars, etc)

One day we are going ot visit Bachiserai, Serai meaning castle in Turkic languages, to look at the fountain of Bachiseray. The story goes as follows:
There was a Khan (which means king) who had this castle and lost his 25 years old wife with whom he was entirely enamoured. The pain was so intense that he had a fountain carved on 5 levels, water coming from the top, reappearing on the fourth level, ect down to the firs level, symbolising the constantly renewed pain of his loss.

Centuries later, Pushkin, the russian poet, saw this fountain and wrote a poem of the story, naming the nameless princess Maria, with a caractere named Zarema in the poem, and he also wrote a novel where Zarema and Maria are interacting, Zarema being the witty one.

My boy friend being racially a Tatar had heard of that story from childhood and we went to visit. The castle was closed we had to bribe the guard to get in.

The castle really looked Central Asian (not occidental), there was a harem (at the time the king was muslim) but what amazed me a lot was all the Stars of David I noticed everywhere, carved in stone. They were still more plentifull in the cemetery. I asked my boyfriend how come (I am North American - means illiterate about those cultures) and he told me that a lot of Khan's advisers where Jewish, many had converted to Judaism to balance the religions of the time and that Judaism had always been well tolerated withing the Turkic cultures. So out east, Jews were advisers to the Royalties, be Caucasian (the Tsar of Russia) or Asians Royalties. Part of the Khazars (Tatars being descendant of them) did not convert to Judaism, part did. Tatars (descendents of Khazars) did serve the Tsar Army often as high rank officers. (did have a Kuran around for some time with Catherine of Russia signature in it - a gift she made to an ancestor of my ex)

I don't know where could be the link with London, I would have to learn more. I do see a link with the Rotchilds though.

I also had a vision while there, but his is a story for another thread.

Lord Sidious
10th March 2011, 16:13
The khazars were an interesting tribe.
They sat astride the trade routes east-west and arabia-europe.
Their main income was tax on the traders and the slave trade.
They were animist in religion till the kagan and the kagan bek decided to adopt a religion that was more ''mainstream.''
What they did was invite the muslims, christians and the jews to send delegates to speak of their systems.
So, they asked each one why they should adopt that system.
Then, after that, they asked them if they did not adopt their system, which one should they adopt?
The jews said islam and the muslims and christians both said judaism, so the elites of the khazars adopted judiasm.
Not the whole population, but the elites.
They ended up getting into conflict with the Rus, who were relatives of some of my ancestors, the Norseman.
Big mistake!
The Rus and the Norse destroyed their empire.
Check this out, but turn up the volume.


This song is very historically correct.
Oh, and bolt yourselves to the chair and put on a helmet before you hit play.

10th March 2011, 20:46
So, can we talk about the Jesuits? gee two?

They existed prior to the black nobility...were they already khazar? I'm getting confused.

Lord Sidious
10th March 2011, 20:52
So, can we talk about the Jesuits? gee two?

They existed prior to the black nobility...were they already khazar? I'm getting confused.

Good question.
I am not sure about the society of jesus, other than they are a military order and their leader is known as the black pope.
They have been behind many dirty deals through history.
Whether the khazars are involved I don't know, but I would say it is possible, their cunning is part of the jesuit modus operandi.

10th March 2011, 21:09
Who do you think showed the SS how to go about it?

...and by default later the CIA.



Lord Sidious
10th March 2011, 21:37
Who do you think showed the SS how to go about it?

...and by default later the CIA.



Define ''it'' and I can answer.

10th March 2011, 21:39
Who do you think showed the SS how to go about it?

...and by default later the CIA.



Define ''it'' and I can answer.

You make me giggle you're so defensive on this topic. :p



Lord Sidious
10th March 2011, 21:43
Who do you think showed the SS how to go about it?

...and by default later the CIA.



Define ''it'' and I can answer.

You make me giggle you're so defensive on this topic. :p



Laugh it up fuzzball.
Get it?
Anyways, I am not sure what ''it'' is and so I ask.

11th March 2011, 04:40
So, can we talk about the Jesuits? gee two?

They existed prior to the black nobility...were they already khazar? I'm getting confused.

May be it depends where you place the birth of the black nobility. If you place it in the 16-17th century, in Germany as per some writings on illuminatis, then Jesuits precedes them.

If you place the black nobility bloodline 2,000 - 100,000 years ago, as some pretend, and as I have read on some posts, forums or esoteric articles, then illuminatis/black nobility precede the Jesuits, and are concurrent to the Khazar tribal expansion. Khazars date way back to Ghensis Khan and before.

Jesuits are related to the Pope and the catholics, they may be a branch of the powers that be, somewhat unrelated to the original Khasars.

11th March 2011, 05:01
Canaan according to sources i have read.