View Full Version : Is the Matrix going to implode ?

15th March 2011, 15:08
The year 2011 begins in a way that can have serious consequences for the matrix. All realities are attacked from all sides. Human consciousness, waking regain power to control their own reality and it universal is not the reality we live.

This is not possible. The matrix is ​​in the hands of an inferior race developed on principles of individual enrichment disconnected from any collective protection. This race has no empathy for humanity because it does not belong to him. She can dominate it because it can use all means to achieve its ends while the human, He dithers before the choice given to him: He must destroy everything around him to achieve his ends ? This can not be.

When we look at the matrix in action that one can not be subjugated by the dose of inhumanity it is making to control the reality of this world. It puts at the head of governement, structure, financial institutions, multinationals, pawns in his service devoid of humanity. The obsession of these pieces is to make the figure and if necessary create, because the figure is the source of all wealth. Wealth is counted, adds, multiplies. The matrix feeds the profusion of wealth it reinserted into the system it created.

All is number, number. Everything is measurable. Everything is quantifiable. Even worse. The matrix knows that its development involves mathematically eradication of humanity because there is not room for everyone. The figures tend to infinity always have more need of wealth accumulation. Either we eagerly seizes on the planet, or we take it to humanity and which feeds into the impoverished matrix. It's his raison d'être.

But, humanity gradually wakes up and realizes it is time to resume its place in the universal reality. The human is not a mathematical projection of the universe as the matrix. The human being has the innate ability to feel emotions that keep it out of control of the matrix because it can not therefore quantify the force in a space time determined and measured. The awakening of humanity is on the awareness that the matrix that has built this universal reality is not the world of humanity. Those involved are just pawns, puppets soulless. For them no Bonjour.

The awakening of human consciousness is a danger to the matrix which will seek to regain control. The matrix is ​​intelligent, organized and armed. She knows playing on the springs of humanity fails as fear, hatred and indifference. What better way to continue to control our reality as we go up against each other or being discouraged at the enormity of the task before us to free ourselves? You realize destroy the matrix ?

And yet he will if you will find our entire humanoid. It will reconcile the two hemispheres of our brain that are the key to the universal consciousness. We can not operate without one or the other without. The left is the rationality, the law is emotion. It is in this merger that we build a tangible reality universal because each human is involved. However, the matrix has conditioned us to separate our two brains, separating humans into two categories: The rational and the insane. There is no place for those who fight against this dichotomy imposed by the matrix. Either you are sound crazy or we can not be otherwise. It is the universal message conveyed by the matrix to force us to go into encrypted mathematical vision of the universe.

But we have the power within us. The power to achieve our right brain and connect us with empathy to the universal consciousness. It's empathy that makes us react against injustice, inequality, attacks on humanity. Without empathy we are only robots soulless morons and corrupted by the matrix. It is quite possible that we are at this point. We're reaching the door of our right brain to reconnect us to universal consciousness and activate our divine breath. Together because we are intolerable one of us lack anything or be left powerless to events. Humans can no longer tolerate this world in which he lives and then he wakes up. It will do damage in the matrix but we will not cry over his fate is not it ?

15th March 2011, 17:35
We will not get out of this with rebellion or seeking vengence again the darkness. We have tools now tools they have given humanity and humanity has used to keep itself in slavery. These tools can be used to better understand ourselves and creat a better world.. there are people are the turning the tide and putting us on a better path. the effort only goes back 60-70 years and it already is starting to turn humanity.

The answer is not peace on earth .. it is in the balancing of all our emotions balancing our right and left brain.. Our masculine and femanin energies. It is stepping into the role of co creating a better world. Focusing more on what we want in our world than trying to eliminate what we don't want. We will focus on purging our world of the pent up negative energies and having a much lighter world.

I think the awakening of humanity will take a lot longer than most people think.. we will be here long past 2012 ..i think 2012 is just when we turn the corner from destroying our world as a rule to creating a better one.