View Full Version : Liberal Arts University

28th April 2010, 23:58
I find it interesting that my university is teaching me in its classes the things I've been researching for quite some time about the "uglies" in the world. For example, genocides, economic hits, societal hierarchies, racism, injustice so on and so forth. The funny thing is everytime I explain that I've researched these things and its been going on for damn near 3000 years at least and history is written by the conquerors, then say I'm at the point where I think it's the illuminati.....they then say WELL, I wouldn't take it that far....uh duh???? Their validating everything about it and they don't even know it. There's a pretty huge paper trail to follow, which is what they are doing as academics by researching U.N. decisions, WTO and other organizations of the such...put the two and two together, they fit surprisingly nice.

Also, in my cultural diversity class which was basically conflict theory based I raised the question in class....If we are dealing with a system that is fundamentally corrupt, should we participate in it.....The number one response from the students was that we have no choice.....uh duuuuh!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Even though they all agreed that the system was Fudged.

I'm living in that Patton Oswalt Skit about us living in the crappy parallel reality.....cue circus music....SPINACH IS POISION AND GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT AHHHH!!!!!

I hope ya'll aren't counting on my generation cause from what I've seen we aren't gonna be of much help.

My conclusion: Personal Transcendence via knowledge...all I can do is plant seeds and hope they grow. Keep on planting all you green thumbs :)