View Full Version : Alex Collier's unfulfilled predictions. Why?

3rd April 2011, 12:32
Personally I find Alex Collier to be one of the worlds most fascinating people I've ever heard. When I saw the interview that he did in the mid 90s I was blown away by how on the money he was with respect to the things that he was talking about; everything we talk about now he mentioned in detail back then. Last night I started reading Alex's Defending Sacred Ground which was written in 97. In the first chapter Alex makes some predictions for the next 9 years (97 - 2006 I guess). He also makes other predictions about earth changes. Read these for yourself. Has Alex ever commented on these in recent years?

I want to share probable occurrence in the next nine years. These are things that they say are a 90-100% probability:
1. Scientific proof of dimensions and higher self consciousness is going to occur. We probably won't hear about it for 15-20 years unless we straighten things out now.

2. Reincarnation will be scientifically proven and demonstrated. This is all within the next nine years and are major consciousness shifts. Now when this happens, ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't mean you run to Hinduism and Buddhism and say, "this is the way, this is the way." That's not what it means.

3. Acknowledgement of life elsewhere in the universe. They are already starting to set you up for that.

4. We will have extraterrestrial contact with at least nine different races. If you don't think that is going to freak out the preachers, just watch. I want to hear what Billy Graham has to say about that.

5. Introduction of clean, free energy devices based on magnetic fields. This technology has already been developed. What they are saying that it is going to be introduced and be out there.

6. Knowledge that the earth is hollow and capable of sustaining life within, and knowledge of a city called Kalnigor that was originally built by Lyrans. Those are our human forefathers in the galaxy.

7. Knowledge of the lost lands of Atlantis. This has already occurred. It is off the coast of Portugal, but they have done a great job of keeping it hidden.

8. Discovery of a large temple complex in the Pacific, 150 miles southeast of Easter Island, that belonged to Lemuria. Morenae said the Russians already know its there.

9. The knowledge that what we see in the physical is a holographic imprint created and directed from a higher portion of ourselves. Now, if that's true, that means we've got nobody to blame. It means that responsibility rests right on your shoulders. And, you've got to own it, because you can't dump it off on someone else. Stop being a victim, because you're only in denial that you created the situation. If you created it, then you can un-create it, but you have to take responsibility and be clear on your intent.

10. Knowledge that human consciousness is not in the brain, but is located entirely in the energy fields that surrounds the body. That's who you are. You are not the body.

11. We shall have the realization on how our past and present educational processes have not prepared us to be creative, conscious thinkers.

12. That organic life exists on seven planets and fifteen moons in our solar system. Now, ladies and gentlemen, NASA wants to talk about microorganisms that they found on some rock they think came from Mars. You want to find life in this solar system? Get together and tell NASA to send a probe to Uranus. There is plant and animal life. I swear to you that it's there. As we speak. That's why they stay so far away from it. Their attitude is "pay the bill and shut up."

13. The general discovery that each of us is a part of the whole, and that we are a significant part of the idea of what we call "God", and that "God" is the idea called love.

14. That this accelerated self-discovery being experienced was created and activated by all of us.

15. That we, as a product of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, are possessors of a vast gene pool consisting of many different racial memory banks, also consisting of at least 22 different races. Because of our genetic heritage, and because we are spirit, the benevolent extraterrestrial races actually view us as being royalty. Now, that has to be the best-kept secret in the solar system. At least on this planet, anyway. They actually consider us royalty - all of us

Earth Changes from the Andromedan Perspective

Figuring in the Expulsion of ET Races by 2003:
[1] Between June and October 2003, there is a strong probability that we will wake up one morning and the moon will no longer be there. The moon is in fact an artificial satellite and there are many many bases on it.

[2] Between 2003 and 2007, the benevolent races are supposedly going to be all around us. We will see them, but they will not interfere. They want to see how we interact with each other without manipulation. They want to see if we continue the same behavior, because they do not want to come down here and compound the problem or baby-sit. We don't need a baby-sitter - we need the truth, and we have to have the guts to stand up and ask the questions, and keep asking them until we get the answer. We all have to do it, because if we all stand together, we can't lose. On the other hand, if they are successful in dividing us , we're toast. Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer. How many stories in history do you have to see? You can't be divided and expect to remain as One. It doesn't happen.

[3] Between 2004 and 2007, all of our DNA coding which involves all the racial memory of 22 races our DNA is composed of, will unlock. By 2007, everyone will have full memory of who they are, where they came from and what you want to do. You will know what you soul-lesson is and your reason for being here.

[4] Between 2007 and 2012, we are supposed to see the birth of a galaxy in Vega, just before we move into 5th density.

[5] Between 2007 and 2009, if it is allowed to happen naturally, we are supposed to have a 17 degree pole shift. Saudi Arabia is supposed to become the new North Pole, which is great. Bury those oil fields nice and deep. We will have free energy by then, anyway. North America is supposed to be on the equator.

[6] By the year 2000, you are going to hear more and more reports of "ghosts", because what is happening is that the frequency which will be hitting the planet, which is God, will be raising the vibration. Third and Fourth density will be getting closer together as 3rd density starts to implode. What this means is that the molecules in our body will begin to speed up. You are not dead matter. You will be passing out of 3rd and into 4th, on our way to 5th, and passing all the consciousness that has not evolved or chooses not to.

[7] There is a possibility that between 1996 and 1997, one third of Japan is going to sink below the ocean. [Response from audience member: "I just got a report from a friend of mine who came back from India, that Sai Baba on his 70th birthday there advised a Japanese group there to leave Japan]. The Kobe earthquake was manufactured, because the Japanese government will not sell out its people to the New World Order. They will not make their people take an implant. They are being made an example of. Economically, the Japanese are tough, but they don't turn on their own people.

[8] There is a high probability that in July 2003, we will also have a magnetic pole shift, and it will be the first one in 4,671years. This will impact all electromagnetic devices on the planet. Animals will be lost. It will throw off everything.

[9] Between 1996 and 2012, some of us on the planet are going to be fluctuating between optically being visible and non-visible on a physical basis. Fluctuating between dimensions. There are five individuals on the planet who do this already. Many of them will be children, who will reveal what they have learned during their fluctuation in order to try and help their parents get there.

Many children born today already have 3 strands of DNA. I am told you don't need the other strands. All we need is one more, and its all happening. It's happening naturally. If you open yourself up and allow free movement of love in you life, it will happen within you. If you restrict yourself, hold yourself back and move into denial, you will be suppressing the energy that is coming in, and you will create disease. This is going to effect the men, more than the women.

The male thought pattern of being logical is past - it is time to try something different.
Q: Do you mean that the men are going to have to express their "womanhood?"

AC: Yes, that's exactly what I mean. They are going to have to move out of the masculine dominated world role and into a more nurturing role, not only with Self but with everyone else. It will be a tough lesson for men, because of all the out-of-balance role models that they have been exposed to and had to put up with. They need to be more in balance. We have to make the effort. Again, it comes down to intent.
[10] We are going to have to become more responsible and exercise our free will, because there are going to be earth changes. People that live on coastal areas have a problem. The oceans are going to rise at least 200 feet between 1996 and 2008. The ice cap at the South Pole is going to slip. The ocean will not reach Denver, but will get as far as Lake Mead in the West. Most of the East coast will be all right except for areas in Florida and an area in Georgia. The panhandle of Texas will be under water for two years.

[11] Around 2011, our Sun will undergo a 180 degree pole shift. It is literally going to turn on its axis.

[12] All of the continents which border the Pacific will be affected by tidal waves because of eruptions of volcanoes in the ocean. The French nuclear test in December created a seven mile long crack in the crust at the bottom of the ocean. These people are crazy, folks, absolutely crazy. We know how to destroy ourselves. We have that down to a science. We don't need to be testing these. We can't use them anyway.

[13] Within the next 10 years, the major cities in the United States will be under quarantine because of the spread of tuberculosis. The average life expectancy of men in the inner city will be 43 years of age. For women, it will be 55. You are going to see the end of welfare, free medical, county services, etc., because everybody will be bankrupt. Again, this is all be design.

Many people will be moving out to communities outside cities, growing their own food, and having their own private police forces. So, those of us who make these choices are going to be stepping back into the 1800's. Horse and buggies, and hopefully free energy.

3rd April 2011, 16:19
He is still doing it too ..predictions of the future don't work you can only see tends and guess at what they will turn into . By all predictions.. we should allready be using the us dollar as toilet paper. It will happen but most have been off at how soon.

Fred Steeves
3rd April 2011, 21:20
I resonate with Alex Collier on many levels, and how many people can you think of that would be more interesting over a couple of drinks? The trouble does seem to come with the timing/occurence of predictions. He ain't the only one. With my sense of time distortions increasing the last couple of years, it would not surprise me in the least if there are already enough spiritually conscious people around for our overall intent to be affecting events in time and space, so as to render the visions of 'future' timelines a toss of dust to the four winds.

If that be the case, wouldn't that just be making those who like to control want to be pulling all their hair out? PRICELESS.

Fred S.

3rd April 2011, 22:17
I resonate with Alex Collier on many levels, and how many people can you think of that would be more interesting over a couple of drinks? The trouble does seem to come with the timing/occurence of predictions. He ain't the only one. With my sense of time distortions increasing the last couple of years, it would not surprise me in the least if there are already enough spiritually conscious people around for our overall intent to be affecting events in time and space, so as to render the visions of 'future' timelines a toss of dust to the four winds.

If that be the case, wouldn't that just be making those who like to control want to be pulling all their hair out? PRICELESS.

Fred S.

Precisely! Predictions have become a very tricky business of late.

I'll give you a very interesting example. There is a video (please, no one ask me which one) where James Gililland tells a true story. He and a group of his highly enlightened and highly vibrational friends were in a hotel in a foreign country. This small group were in a room where they were meditating. They were in this room for an hour or so. When they stepped out of that room, they heard and saw the people in the hotel running and screaming through the hotel halls. They asked one of them what was going on. The people looked at this small group like they were crazy, and said that there had just been a very severe earthquake.

James and his friends did not feel the quake nor did they notice the quake. Were they residing in a different density during that hour or were they jumping timelines?

We don't really know if these predictions have really occurred...somewhere...at some time.

3rd April 2011, 22:29
I didn't read all of his predictions, but a lot of them have come true. The disclosure of ET's has already happened with countries like Britain and Mexico releasing government footage of their jets chasing UFO's. Knowledge of Atlantis, well I've already seen threads on this forum about new information regarding newly discovered evidence. There is already much scientific evidence for reincarnations, mainly in the form of birth marks. Also the fact that children seem to remember with much ease who they were in past lives is proof enough. See a lot of these predictions have already come true, just not on the grand scale we imagine it to be.

Alien Ramone
3rd April 2011, 22:44
Thanks for posting all that information, Peaceviddie. Maybe many predictions have been incorrect because the timeline has changed. Boriska predicted a lot of disasters and flooding by now also. There were other predictions a long time ago about the Vatican being moved from Rome because of flooding around this time.

Dan Burisch has talked about the timeline being changed, because the artificial portals to the stargates have been decommissioned with the three major components being split up between the U.S., the U.N., and NATO. It had something to do with the portals intensifying the energy from the galactic plane. Burisch said that the portals would probably be assembled again around 2016 as the solar system moves out of the galactic plane.

I'm generally not very psychic in any way but approaching the 2008 elections I was feeling a strong sense of foreboding, which dissipated as the time passed. I couldn't help feeling that some of the disastrous things that had been predicted, happened in some other timelines. Enough things had changed in this timeline, that an October surprise wouldn't have been successful for those carrying it out. by "October surprise", I'm talking about the kinds of things that George Green has mentioned, such as nuclear explosions or dirty bombs in certain cites or an attack on Iran which would cause a crisis that would have allowed the President to declare martial law and stay in office.

A lot of what Collier said would happen that isn't related to disasters, is probably based on what he knows to exist, but he has guessed incorrectly on when certain events would happen.

I'll need to look up information about 3 strands of DNA. I've heard about that before, but haven't checked into it. I guess if there are people with 3 strands of DNA, there aren't enough of them that it would be discovered in the mainstream medical community and publicized.

Humble Janitor
4th April 2011, 01:21
Do people really need these 3 strands or do they need to raise their vibrations? Have you ever noticed that if/when you don't get any sleep, that you "slip" into a state of altered consciousness? Happens for me as the things I say/do aren't the usual in this state.

Anyway, Collier did predict some things that are happening. I can't help but wonder if he got the dates wrong solely because we switched timelines over the years?

If I'm correct, the timeliness finally seem to be synching up, hence "proving" what he predicted.

4th April 2011, 01:51
Well my take is that in this last ten years prediction of the future are not possible . you can predict thinks that will probably happen based off of the trends you see. but making definite predictions will be tricky .. so much is happening at once . Giving hard date on when things will hapen ..give an easy way for people to discredit your information.

4th April 2011, 02:58
The New York will be reduced to ash and blamed on terrorists was a big one for me....

Think that was in the 96 interview with Rick O'Keefe?

I'm still waiting for the en massè Andromedan dream sequence they were thinking about giving us all - great idea - is it ever going to happen?

4th April 2011, 10:00
First of all, the future is constantly changing; it's not fix, that's why some very famous "predictors" made mistakes. When someone has a vision of the future, one sees what will come if nothing interferes in the course of events.
Actually, the Andromedans told Collier not to make the "predictions" public as we don't understand how the past, present and future work. As Albert Einstein said, "the past, present and future exist simultaneously." We are still infants in most domains & the process of learning has just begun.

Secondly, I think most of Collier's predictions took place, but our approach is not correct.

I'll take some examples: "acknowledging life in the Universe". Well, life on other planets has been officially acknowledged by the Vatican ("aliens are God's children too"), the army (Nuclear silos "visited" by alien UFOs story) and recently by NASA in a "dimmed" manner by saying that multiple Earth-like planets had been discovered relatively close (etc.). But if we want an official statement from our Governments that aliens exist, then it's possible that we will never received it.

Reincarnation: it has been proven many times. Again, if we want televised official statements, we will probably never receive them.
Articles on reincarnation with proofs:
1. Proofs that Reincarnation Exists! (Part One) (http://humansarefree.com/2011/02/proofs-that-reincarnation-exists-part.html);
2. Proofs that Reincarnation Exists! (Part Two) (http://humansarefree.com/2011/02/proofs-that-reincarnation-exists-part_12.html);

Scientific Proof of Higher Consciousness: Russian scientist: "Consciousness directly influences our world"
And tens of other articles and YouTube videos (ex: Gregg Braden);

Search for articles / videos on everything "peaceviddi" provided and you will find proof.

Love to all & peace to Earth! <3

5th April 2011, 17:21
Alex on Japan...


I don't know if the edits were part of the original or not.

5th April 2011, 20:14
I resonate with Alex Collier on many levels, and how many people can you think of that would be more interesting over a couple of drinks? The trouble does seem to come with the timing/occurence of predictions. He ain't the only one. With my sense of time distortions increasing the last couple of years, it would not surprise me in the least if there are already enough spiritually conscious people around for our overall intent to be affecting events in time and space, so as to render the visions of 'future' timelines a toss of dust to the four winds.

If that be the case, wouldn't that just be making those who like to control want to be pulling all their hair out? PRICELESS.

Fred S.

ironically, i seem to remember an interview Bill had with Collier where Collier was actually having a "couple of drinks" ;) or had clearly already had a "couple of drinks"-i can't quite remember. i cannot seem to find the interview anywhere. Bill, if you're reading this could you please comment. do you remember this? where can it be found?

these unfulfilled predictions tend to throw me too. i do subscribe to the Charles confirmed protocol of tptb ensuring predictions do not come true to mar the credibility of would be sooth-sayers, but you'd think Collier and those like him might be a bit more accurate. i do think Collier is sincere, however, and would love to hear him comment on this.

Fred Steeves
5th April 2011, 20:44
I resonate with Alex Collier on many levels, and how many people can you think of that would be more interesting over a couple of drinks? The trouble does seem to come with the timing/occurence of predictions. He ain't the only one. With my sense of time distortions increasing the last couple of years, it would not surprise me in the least if there are already enough spiritually conscious people around for our overall intent to be affecting events in time and space, so as to render the visions of 'future' timelines a toss of dust to the four winds.

If that be the case, wouldn't that just be making those who like to control want to be pulling all their hair out? PRICELESS.

Fred S.

ironically, i seem to remember an interview Bill had with Collier where Collier was actually having a "couple of drinks" ;) or had clearly already had a "couple of drinks"-i can't quite remember. i cannot seem to find the interview anywhere.

Yes Chinaski, I saw the interview recently that you are referring to, bourbon and coke I think it was, and he definately had a couple of them. That's partly why I mentioned it, but I'm also a succor for the proverbial Zen master who loves his saki. Alan Watts would be more than welcome to join our little chit chat being a vodka man. Must have the video camera rolling for that one.

Fred S.

5th April 2011, 21:36
ironically, i seem to remember an interview Bill had with Collier where Collier was actually having a "couple of drinks" ;) or had clearly already had a "couple of drinks"-i can't quite remember. i cannot seem to find the interview anywhere. Bill, if you're reading this could you please comment. do you remember this? where can it be found?

these unfulfilled predictions tend to throw me too. i do subscribe to the Charles confirmed protocol of tptb ensuring predictions do not come true to mar the credibility of would be sooth-sayers, but you'd think Collier and those like him might be a bit more accurate. I do think Collier is sincere, however, and would love to hear him comment on this.

I agree with this. If all the dates from predictions from the likes of Collier, Wilcock etc were bang on that would cause a lot of trouble for TPTB - It would be full proof our governments have been lying to us all this time. They couldn't let that happen. What Alex said about Japan resonated with me. The Prime Minister of Japan looked truly deverstated just after the Earthquake took place, quite a contrast to Bush's performance on 911. There has also been much speculation in the alternative media about Japan's non compliance, pushing free energy, cars that run on water etc.

6th April 2011, 00:20
hi Fred-being the moderately informed man that i am, i was not aware of alan watts or his work until about an hour ago when i googled him. i may have a new hero.

i also have a soft spot for the alcohol guzzling philosopher(see: writer/poet/philosopher/drunkard Charles Bukowski)

can you tell me where to find that Collier interview? thanks.

6th April 2011, 00:29
hey alex-are you reading this? can you say hi to the andromedans and invite them to join the discussion too-thanks!
here's a more recent interview-i wonder,can someone show me a more recent one-this guy's interesting alright-
i'm watching this one at the moment:


6th April 2011, 01:05
it appears the years have not been kind too poor old alex and myself! but we're still here!
good to be here!

Noble Hops
6th April 2011, 01:05
ironically, i seem to remember an interview Bill had with Collier where Collier was actually having a "couple of drinks" ;) or had clearly already had a "couple of drinks"-i can't quite remember. i cannot seem to find the interview anywhere. Bill, if you're reading this could you please comment. do you remember this? where can it be found?

The only one I know of where Alex is buzzed and acting silly is this one, but it's not Bill doing the interview:


I don't think Bill has ever done a formal sit-down interview with Alex, has he?

6th April 2011, 02:26
I was told by my contacts they peppered him with predictions to discredit him. Not originating from Andromedans though. Just the order that takes place in being able to do such contacts. All major agendas are catered to to some degree to give people outs for disbelief etc. Least this is what my situation is I observe. I see it as likely for his too...

6th April 2011, 03:01
he was one of the first to show great stuff on the moon and he's inspired many of us who love this media.

Shakespeare's Foot.
6th April 2011, 09:08
I resonate with Alex Collier on many levels, and how many people can you think of that would be more interesting over a couple of drinks? The trouble does seem to come with the timing/occurence of predictions. He ain't the only one. With my sense of time distortions increasing the last couple of years, it would not surprise me in the least if there are already enough spiritually conscious people around for our overall intent to be affecting events in time and space, so as to render the visions of 'future' timelines a toss of dust to the four winds.

If that be the case, wouldn't that just be making those who like to control want to be pulling all their hair out? PRICELESS.

Fred S.

ironically, i seem to remember an interview Bill had with Collier where Collier was actually having a "couple of drinks" ;) or had clearly already had a "couple of drinks"-i can't quite remember. i cannot seem to find the interview anywhere. Bill, if you're reading this could you please comment. do you remember this? where can it be found?

Is that the interview where he says "the more you drink, the more aliens you see"? Its on youtube, interview dated April 9, 2009 - ufohypotheses. He looks like he's really been through something, to me.

I don't recall Bill ever interviewing him. I'd love to see it if he has.

6th April 2011, 17:05
thanks Noble Hops for posting that. i'm quite certain that this was the interview i saw a couple years back. somehow i thought it was a Bill interview or a Camelot interview, which likely explains why i couldn't find it despite all my searching:o