View Full Version : Best evidence of government cover-up

2nd May 2010, 13:31
Hi all,

I just wanted to share this with everyone. It's not exactly 'new' - in fact I'm unsure of when this was produced.
I'm sure some of you have already seen it.
But for those that haven't, it's a VERY good docu with very credible witness accounts and facts. Jeepers, even tidbits of info even I have never heard of. Hehe..


2nd May 2010, 20:28
wow , can't believe I'd never seen that one before ... thanks for posting it . Definitely one of the best docs out there !

3rd May 2010, 07:46
My own thoughts exactly :D

5th May 2010, 14:58
There is a huge cover up and it goes very deep. Here is some of the research I have done over the past 5 years. I investigate NASA's own satellite images that have been released for public viewing.

Anyone can do the same as I have done here. I have used Google Mars to present evidence that is right in front of our faces.

#1. I create a tour using Google Mars.
#2. The tour consists of just some of the many hundreds of proofs that show civilizations currently living on the Planet Mars.
#3. Many of the objects seen here depict shelters, underground facilities, Structures, Buildings, Transportation, Saucer shaped craft, Long craft, Cigar shaped craft, Plant life, Trees, Shrubs, vegetation, Animals, and yes Humans.

To see more of my videos please visit me on YouTube my user Name is Ufoevidence101.


Below is taken from the Apollo 11 Footage and shows many UFO flying up to the Command Module.
