View Full Version : Popular, nerd or fat

9th April 2011, 20:15
This post is especially for people of the United States of America. Some years ago I spent a year living in Michigan, and I found it odd how adolescents and young adults get classified there in 3 general categories: popular, nerd or fat.

Today I was having a walk, and the following occurred to me. What if this is not so much by chance, but rather a result of eugenics? Or, in other words, say you would like to encourage beautiful/athletic people, and scientist/intellectual personas? There you have the first two categories. The third is for the undesirable human beings. By eating unhealthily, your life span is reduced, your are more prone to illnesses, and so on.

Isn't this sick? :(

Get off your knees human race!

9th April 2011, 20:17

9th April 2011, 20:50
well that is a pretty broad stroke of that brush. There is much more involved then saying "stop eating unhealthy". As people's income is reduced, there is a need to shop for food which people can afford. Unfortunatly, it is the wrong foods that are lower priced. It is probably cheaper to feed a family at McDonalds then it is to put a healthy meal on the table. That is the reality of economics and it tells us that our values are askew to what they should be. Food mass produced in the USA is full of steroids etc in the meat. Animals such as cows are being feed corn instead of grass as the corn is cheaper and again loaded with unhealthy product which fattens a cow or grow a chicken at a unnatural rate. GMO food and the lack of funds makes it near impossible for a family of lower income to eat healthy. The option isn't there. I do want to point out that when I say "our values are askew", that is reffering to corporations such as Mosanto and the like who are the same people that also get the positions on the FDA. So now you have the wolf tending the flock and the same wolf who police their own actions. Big business, money and politics is creating the huge problems. This situation is much deeper than many realize. So what does the FDA think healthy prepared food is? Let's just look at one huge contributor to political campaigns. Go to McD's (as they are worldwide_. Buy a hamburger and let it sit on your counter. The thing can sit there for a month and will not grow mold. Mold that doesn't grow on food. One has to ask themselves what exactly are the people being allowed to eat because it certainly can't be something made from nature's ingredients. Again, a much deeper situation then a broad brush stroke can do justice to.

Have a great day

9th April 2011, 21:11
After growing up in small town Pennslyvainia and then moving out to California you could say that I experienced a culture shock. Friends had already been created and trust was not given lightly to people outside the clique. I was labeled an outsider and a nerd. Slowly after awhile I was allowed into the clique and nearly immediately started my own ridicule as I was still a teenager and couldn't see myself for who I was...a brainwashed sheep. After moving again to a town in North Carolina and seeing the same thing exist I can only say that people live in a comfort zone. They are over there and we are over here. People think that labels give them power and they feed on it. Any form of egocentric thinking becomes immediately recognized by people who are the outsiders. Most of them are self-aware enough to not buy the bull**** fed to them by the in-crowd. The most humble forms of life on this planet do the most incredible things on a day to day basis and no one gives credit to anyone but the shining hero with their tailored namebrand clothes and designer shoes. I would think that its a lonely life to never look down and admire the hard-working backs of the people they stepped on to get where they are at.

9th April 2011, 21:30
It's not America, per say.....I do KNOW its Michigan. Michigan is weird that way. You picked the wrong state to live in....lol. I had no idea and thought everyone in the world was so nasty, callous, fearful, and hawg-ignorant until I got out and about and traveled a little. Not very long ago someone told me that Michigan had a reputation for having a nasty ass bunch of citizenry and I have no idea how to explain it....and I live here. Or just plain stooopid. The rest of America...well I've seen little pockets of it but here there's seems to be nasty in the water in Michigan. There is something here that reminds you of New York City where they'll step around the dying in the street although most of the state is rural. Ive traveled the US and seen ignorant people but they were nice folks. Here its bad all put together. The melting pot of nasty. Mind you I wouldn't have known any better till I got out and about in the world. People 'out there' were so much nicer I almost didn't trust them because when someone is nice in Michigan they're up to something. People from other states say they hove down when they see a Michigan license plate coming at them.. Nasty rude arrogant. Not good tourists, demanding, rude etc. Don't know why, we were at one time just a state of blue collar workers. Maybe its cause everything was unionized. My family is from Kentucky and they talk about how we go north and turn into nasty godless yanks. That's my own family talking.

Couldn't tell you. I'm thinking of moving actually now that this knowledge has been presented to me. AZ or NM. If things are the same all over I may as well be warm while putting up with it.

Oddly didn't have the caste system in highschool , the cliques and categories.

Had to say it although I'm sure I've pissed off the rest of the Michigan contingency that may be in the forum.

We do drive better than the rest of the nation though.... (had to say something nice)

This post is especially for people of the United States of America. Some years ago I spent a year living in Michigan, and I found it odd how adolescents and young adults get classified there in 3 general categories: popular, nerd or fat.

Today I was having a walk, and the following occurred to me. What if this is not so much by chance, but rather a result of eugenics? Or, in other words, say you would like to encourage beautiful/athletic people, and scientist/intellectual personas? There you have the first two categories. The third is for the undesirable human beings. By eating unhealthily, your life span is reduced, your are more prone to illnesses, and so on.

Isn't this sick? :(

Get off your knees human race!

James Cook
23rd April 2011, 07:17
I wasn't exactly the stereotypical popular guy in high school but I was friends with just about every group. When the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off came out, a few years after I graduated, high school friends, and I had a lot of them, would call me up or see me on the street and say "I saw a movie that they made about you in high school". To this day I have a state trooper friend that still calls me Ferris.
At any rate... I found it amusing and a little annoying every time I would hear each group say to me... "Why do you hang out with those people. They're jerks". The jocks would say it about the geeks. The geeks would say it about the punks. The punks would say it about the nerds.
It taught me a lot about perception and perceived "coolness". They were all too busy trying to define their place in their different groups to consider that just because someone else was different, it didn't mean that they weren't decent people. I found them all to be pretty decent people, other than their prejudice. I think its a natural occurrence and high school is where we get the first real chance to realize it for what it is... stupid.
Of course, I was always too busy dealing with the constraints of institutional scholastics and devising ways around, over, under them, to be worrying about the social ramifications of who it was I was hanging out with. If you were a decent person, I hung out with you.
Those lessons have served me well in life and I try to pass them on to my daughter. And she seems to be getting it.

I used to think adults were above that. Beyond such petty concerns. As I got older I realized that far too may people didn't. I remember thinking that there is scarcely such a thing as an adult, just older people better at masks and persuasion. However, I have also witnessed many who I thought were mean and petty at times, come to realize the merits of difference. There is hope!

I think that if you teach your child love and respect they will see these things for what they are... ridiculous.

Cigan Mojia
15th June 2011, 01:12
It's not America, per say.....I do KNOW its Michigan. Michigan is weird that way. You picked the wrong state to live in....lol. I had no idea and thought everyone in the world was so nasty, callous, fearful, and hawg-ignorant until I got out and about and traveled a little. Not very long ago someone told me that Michigan had a reputation for having a nasty ass bunch of citizenry and I have no idea how to explain it....and I live here. Or just plain stooopid. The rest of America...well I've seen little pockets of it but here there's seems to be nasty in the water in Michigan. There is something here that reminds you of New York City where they'll step around the dying in the street although most of the state is rural. Ive traveled the US and seen ignorant people but they were nice folks. Here its bad all put together. The melting pot of nasty. Mind you I wouldn't have known any better till I got out and about in the world. People 'out there' were so much nicer I almost didn't trust them because when someone is nice in Michigan they're up to something. People from other states say they hove down when they see a Michigan license plate coming at them.. Nasty rude arrogant. Not good tourists, demanding, rude etc. Don't know why, we were at one time just a state of blue collar workers. Maybe its cause everything was unionized. My family is from Kentucky and they talk about how we go north and turn into nasty godless yanks. That's my own family talking.

Couldn't tell you. I'm thinking of moving actually now that this knowledge has been presented to me. AZ or NM. If things are the same all over I may as well be warm while putting up with it.

Oddly didn't have the caste system in highschool , the cliques and categories.

Had to say it although I'm sure I've pissed off the rest of the Michigan contingency that may be in the forum.

We do drive better than the rest of the nation though.... (had to say something nice)

Michigan has the reputation of also being a "dark state" Energetically speaking, that is. Being peninsula'd would likely keep that energetic flowing, so to speak. And having done my time in the mitten as well I would go out on a limb to say the vortex affect of the state is grating on the spirit's "nerves" Habitual high school mentality mixed with misery loves company. Add to that economic kaputz and well... it's forgivable when you pull the knives from your back.

Nerd, Popular, and such, these are roles we find ourselves in, however the true struggle seems to involve recognizing the reality... it's all a play, chose your role wisely, it takes a Long time to reinvent oneself.

15th June 2011, 01:50
I think its a dark state in a conciousness sense. The natural energy as far as earth related things is fantastic. Many pockets of vortex .The water things like that. It must be created by the people. Not all people of course but ...you know.

15th June 2011, 02:01
I wonder, not having a background in sociology, if we aren't trying to find a tribe or pack to belong to.

It's difficult at any age feel attachment to the world or a country or locality. We define ourselves by who we associate with and then carry an identifying banner of sorts.

Adolescents can be out rightly mean to each other. Adults are more sophisticated, they join churches, political parties etc and insult each other.

15th June 2011, 02:14
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