View Full Version : The beauty of now

11th April 2011, 08:51
Hello brothers and sisters. How are you feeling right now. Stop for a moment, stop whatever it is you are doing, stop whatever though processes have been dominant and take a moment to assess exactly what your focus has been on for the past while. Has it been on something that satisfies and relaxes you. Or has it been on something you are anticipating or dreading. In other words, are you looking to the future for satisfaction or are you enjoying the satisfaction that can only ever be found in the moment, right here and right now. There is no amount of information necessary to be satisfied with the now.

The accumulation of information can often times feel like an endeavour that we trick ourselves into believing will some day give us peace of mind, as if , ahhh now i know enough, now i am prepared, now i can relax. This is the egoic mind, trying its best to hold onto the power that it has held over the human race for thousands of years, trying to figure things out in a logical analytical way in order try and think its way to satisfaction. You can never be more prepared then that which comes from being in a place of peace and heightened awareness. That will be our shelter in the times to come, and it is a shelter that is impervious to any of the dangers that the physical world can bring.

You can stop for a moment and ask yourself, does the individual bird in a flock have to think its every move, to analyse what the other birds are doing in order to understand where they are moving next and when to move with them. The answer to that will come easy, of course not. They are in touch with that part of themselves that does not need to think, they are in a constant state of relaxed heightened awareness which lies outside the realms of thought and as a result are connected with the rest of the flock. No thinking is necessary, reactions are autonomous and beautiful and they move gracefully in alignment with the rest of the flock. They are living from the heart, they are living from a place of peace and awareness and as a result automatically make the best decision which 'feels right' and serves the best interest for the entire flock.

This is our destiny as human beings, this is where we are going. Let go of the need to think, let go of the need to analyse, and be at peace in the knowledge that you are loved and protected every moment by a higher loving force which can be accessed evermore when you are at a place of peace and thoughtless awareness. This is living from the heart.


I see in you what resides in me.