View Full Version : Naval bases in the gulf of Aden

3rd May 2010, 21:35
Back in January I was quite interested about the stargate supposedly opening in the Gulf of Aden but there are no news of that so far (that I am aware of).

Today I've read about Japan opening a naval base in the area, the first one abroad since WWII, even when their constitution forbids them to create naval bases for the purpose of war. Two links:


This is quite weird when you remember about China 'mulling naval base in Gulf of Aden', back in december, also their first naval base abroad ever. They have no naval tradition although I've read news recently about them wanting to strengthen their navy.


Might this be related to the alleged stargate or it is just a movement to be relevant in a war in the area (Iran)?

3rd May 2010, 22:14
well you also need to remember the pirate battles going on right now any country that exports through the area is moving ships in to protect vessels including Iran

Imagine the economic impact on Japan of 30,000 Lexus or Toyota automobiles disappearing, or an oil tanker for Iran...

more than enough to cover the cost of a local naval bases protecting the shipments through the area...

3rd May 2010, 22:27
I think it is far more effective to have a few soldiers / mercenaries per ship. AFAIK the pirates are not heavily armed.

4th May 2010, 00:04
Hi and thanks WOOD for posting here as I too came across this peculiarity in the Gulf of Aden and have found much difficulty finding info. I considered the pirate aspect and take the comments on board re the pirate situation -- but like you I believe it is something else. The location for instance is smack in the middle of access to a whole clutter of areas including Somalia, etc and I find all this a bit odd to say the least - protecting oil reserves, protecting cargo - probably. But when there is already so much going on in other places why is there such a huge contingency of forces there - unusual. Yes. Nothing is what it seems is my philosophy. I am about to read your links. Cheers.

4th May 2010, 00:21
Well WOOD I read the links and it is as I figured. Nothing on the surface is what it seems. The Japanese link is extremely informative, well written and such an eye opener from a political point of view. (Maybe you could post that on youtube so more people have access to that). And as for the the one on China well what can I say - they are on the move 'to protect their interests' - the thing is so many countries are now in debt to China as well. Thankyou. I am going to read these again to get a full sense of these documents. Cheers.

5th May 2010, 12:06
I have a feeling this whole Gulf of Aden stargate is the real thing. Things just don't add up. For example, do you really need literally thousands of trained military personnel and special teams like VBSS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visit,_Board,_Search,_and_Seizure and the likes among them boarded on hundreds of destroyers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piracy_in_Somalia#Anti-piracy_measures to fight 1000 poorly armed Somali fishermen and local gang members http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Somali_Pirates.jpg.
And why is it so difficult to find any information on what's going on there?!!!

5th May 2010, 13:17
I have a feeling this whole Gulf of Aden stargate is the real thing. Things just don't add up. For example, do you really need literally thousands of trained military personnel and special teams like VBSS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visit,_Board,_Search,_and_Seizure and the likes among them boarded on hundreds of destroyers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piracy_in_Somalia#Anti-piracy_measures to fight 1000 poorly armed Somali fishermen and local gang members http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Somali_Pirates.jpg.
And why is it so difficult to find any information on what's going on there?!!!

Holcaul i agree with you , Its a coverup Black Op going on at the gulf, all these big power countries with their warship , strange they can't stop these poor somalian so called pirates, Maybe the stargate exist,

5th May 2010, 14:03
Good point holcaul.

9th May 2010, 05:48
You have to ask yourselves who is the super power in the region. Egypt is and has much to gain to secure these waters as they lead to and from the Sues Canal. What are they doing about it? Nothing, why? Egypt GDP depends heavily on the profits gained by the Canal and is doing nothing about it. They should at least play a leading role don't you think to secure their entryways. They don't want to go in guns blazing because they would wipe those so called Somali gangs out in no time at all and there would be no more menace. You don't go after speed boats with nuclear powered ships, Something else is going on for sure. What we have to understand is that the pirates are real and armed, but on a global scale they are not very menacing certainly not to any nation and if this was the real deal first world nations would bolster the regional power to deal with it.
There has to be more to this, the picture we are presented with doesn't make sense.

9th May 2010, 07:11
Although a Stargate situation would be a far better explanation for me, of why all these warships are there from all different parts of the world.
The thought that maybe the war machine is being geared up for an Iran offensive comes in to play.
And all the players are there so they can assure a piece of the oil pie after the smoke clears.
Not to mention if they have found oil in the gulf itself.
You guys are right, something strange is going on there.
I hope it is a stargate because my other options mean more people will die for oil.
We shall see.

Peace of Mind
10th May 2010, 19:32
Well, the fact that there is a no fly zone over there says a lot...


10th May 2010, 20:17
Well, the fact that there is a no fly zone over there says a lot...

That's very interesting. Do you have a source for that?

Peace of Mind
11th May 2010, 04:04
The Gulf of Aden is in the middle of Somalia and Yemen…both have been called terrorist nations; I’ve heard the news issue no fly zones over there numerous times. I just wish we can hear more of their side to the story, most of the nations/people that have been called terrorist never get to speak on a true stage/platform to discuss their side of the story. It’s of great interest to me because these terrorist all seem to reside in regions that inspire most of the spiritual talk going on around here and abroad. I find it suspicious when none of these radicals have anything to say…none, other then the fake Bin Laden and his toilet bowl clan.
