View Full Version : Kula's last thread: Engage your heart, not your mind

5th May 2010, 09:42
Dear all,

I should point out that this isnot my last post. In what passes for irony in this green and pleasant land, I'm just pointing out (with a sideways hoot at myself) that endings are never as firm as you think.

Life, my friends, is a circle...another reason why the world is not going to end anytime soon ;)

Well, this is it. I came across to Av2 and have been looking in now and again. It seems, fortunately for me, that I managed to break my daily addiction to reading and posting on the forum. 700 posts was not bad going on Av1 over nearly two years.

A help in that has for me seeing that none of this is urgent, even though it may seem life or death when you are reading the latest anxiety. What if it were true? You think...how awful. What are we going to do about that???

I've come to realise that the answer to this is the same as it has always been. You will do nothing, because largely speaking, it is all out of your control.

If your country decides to go to war for example, then , generally speaking, you do not get exempted by a note from your Mum. Equally, if they raise taxes, you are not exempt because you are, 'well-informed' of the illuminati world game.

Meanwhile, paying attention to these things, in spite of the feelings or tiredness, and irritability and anxiety, I have noticed a tiny voice inside of me. Like a seedling shouting for water.

It is a small voice. I have paid it no attention. My mind was too busy getting all the compost and nourishment and sunshine.

But a simple shift, to notice that I have a heart, and its needs are different from my mind's has paid dividends. I am now in a different place.

You might think this is all glib and you've heard it all before and you say, 'yes!! but what about 2012... what about survival? what about the aliens? What about the Illuminati, the FEMA camps, the police state ?? Are you just going to let it all happen ? '

I would contend that anyone who says that has no more control over whether it happens than I do. Sure, they may be 1 mile further down the rabbit hole, but that's where they are: in a hole. A dark hole.

I have turned around, and I see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's where I came in.

All of these things can still exist, but the one thing you can attend to, the only thing in my opinion, is your own life.

So that's where I'm headed. I urge anyone spending more than two hours a day in front of the computer to consider doing the same. But hey, who needs my advice??

A shame to say goodbye to some nice people here, but I hope to see some of you again in the flesh.

There is no more discussion for me, only action from now on.

That is the last and the best truth I can leave you with. It is my truth, I don't expect it to be anyone else's, but if it does resonate, then think about how you are spending your time, and how much you are nourishing your mind at the expense of your heart.

With love,

K x

5th May 2010, 10:08
I know exactly where you are. You could still stick around and contribute - help - it would be sad to see this wisdom float out the door.

5th May 2010, 10:16
I'm only here until I find love then I will be out living life much more :love:
(maybe some time yet)

Not here as much as I was now that the suns come out to play :dirol:

Kula you should come to Avebury in July. Would be great to see you again

5th May 2010, 10:44
Thankyou for the kind compliment John. Yep, forty posts.

Feel free to PM me anyone who wants to contact me or discuss anything, but I won't be posting after that.

I don't think I have anything new to add to Avalon, because the material itself here is circular. There is only so many times and ways you can say, 'Step away from the PC', go and find your true life... My wisdom (if I have any!) is already there in the posts I made. It's one of my frustrations that people are only interested in the new danger. All those old threads are like so many lost children, no one cares for them once they are out of sight.

And this is systemic of the human race. Samvado created a brilliant thread about the most popular themes for destruction (what is going to kill us - or some such) and it just disappears.. because people are uncomfortable about any reality that suggests what they are focusing on right now is perhaps not the right thing to be focusing on. People want to read bad news, people want to be afraid. We are so much like the MSM without even realising it. They deal in disaster and we deal in fear and hopelessness. Sure, throw in a spoonful of new age love here and there, but that is by no means the balance of the message at Avalon, because that is not what the majority of people want right now. Sure, that is changing. But largely we deal in the unknown here. And it really is a case of 'there be dragons'. So many maps with squiggles at the edges and no one has a clue if there really be monsters there or not.

The mind deals with ego and fear and plans, the heart with love and unity, self and consciousness. I am done bolstering one at the expense of the other.

This thread will also sink without trace within a matter of hours or days, after a few friends have said their bit, because really, this is not what this forum is about. People don't want to hear that actually, Life is Great. In fact it's BL***DY BRILLIANT ! Just look out of your window at that gorgeous Spring morning, feel the sap rising in your bones, your heart weeping with joy at the sheer beauty that is life. Life now, not tomorrow. Look at the millions of miracles outside your window, as you look up from this screen. Go and look closely at a blade of grass today. Does it have one leaf or two? What kind of bees are in your garden? Can you hear the birds singing from inside your house?

Can you really know what is going on in the world from behind this computer screen? Do you really believe that you know?

Then go outside and look at a tree in your garden that you have seen a thousand times before. Is it different? Of course it is, because you haven't looked at it recently. Not really.

Then go and have a conversation with someone you know, only don't just have a conversation like you did a hundred times before. Do it differently. Tell them what you really feel, don't be afraid to tell them things that you never thought you could tell them.

We are not waiting for galactic beings !!! This is your life you are missing out on !! No one else can do it for you. No amount of reading or procrastinating will bring you the joy that you seek. You have to connect. You have to engage.

You have to step into the field. You have to be the change that you want to be. You cannot read about it, nor talk about it.

And if I could truly live that way for one week, one year or two years, or forty years, then I will know joy and I will not worry what dreams may come.

K x

Though I think one post for each year has a ring to it, so perhaps with only one new post a year, I will really think about what it is I want to say :0).

Yes Swanny, I hope to make it up for that, it's already in my diary. My initial draw to Avalon was about building sustainable communities, not debates of the intellect. Of course building requires doing, whereas discussing requires only a point of view. Hmmm....

5th May 2010, 11:31
Hi K
I have a lot of identification with what you are saying.
I get flat times -- dark nights of the soul too, but I accept that part of spiritual growth.
Can you not leave it open?
You might find at some point that there are things of value to share through your personal experience.
Even if you get one person to reaiize the are down the rabbit hole and look for the light at the end of the tunnel, then all the posts have not been wasted.
I got comfort from quite a few of your posts, so your efforts were and are appreciated by me.
You will never know the extent of the good you have done
With love

5th May 2010, 11:36
I do not think all of us here are in fear and despair trying to find a way to survive. I was at that point a few months ago but then something changed. Now I feel happy, at peace and I have no fear at all. I do not feel the need to 'act' anymore. In fact I suspect acting in this world is precisely what makes us actors here, attached to this reality. I also have realised how different each of our paths are, and I truly believe no single one is better than the others. I have opted to be out, to not act anymore. It has not been a conscious decision but the way I have changed in the past months. Perhaps it changes again in the future, I do not know.

Be happy with your new life :)

5th May 2010, 11:46
Chris, your words are always welcome to my ears. You are always welcome to write me. You are one voice of reason in a sea of endless debate.

But on the contrary, I do not feel flat, I feel positively radiant. As is my nature, I want to share that with you all. But I know it is not a path for everyone, but it is a simple path.

It is because I have changed that I must leave, this no longer feels like home, it feels like a dry and dusty library, where the sun does not reach. I have 'met' many wonderful people here and I respect you all. These are my last truths at Avalon. I am stepping into the field, for the first time, I am really taking my life in my hands and honouring the gift.

My heart does not want to sit in front of a screen. My mind tells me it's for my own good, for my own survival. But I now know my mind is wrong.

I could draw a picture instead, or paint my front door blue, or get in my car and drive somewhere, or go and meet a perfect stranger, or start an art class. Go somewhere I've never been before. Eat something I've never eaten. Or eat something I've always eaten and taste it this time. Use my senses. Taste that bread and jam with all my being.

My actions do not need to be magnificient or daring, or wild, they just need to be. And your mind will take you away from that. It has other 'plans' for you. It will numb your body and deaden your soul, till you think you know everything, but feel like you know nothing. So you keep looking and searching. And all the time, the very thing you are looking for, you cannot find. Because we need to listen, not talk.


P.S. Thanks Wood.. and I believe you are right no path is better, and many will take different paths. That is as it should be. I can only speak for my path, that will resonate with some, and others will think I'm off my chump :0)

5th May 2010, 12:16
Very happy for you K.
You are of course right.
Life is for living.
In the main I do, just get tired sometimes.
Im tempted to go to Avebury in July but the timing is not good.
I know that people that I have the greatest respect for will be there and it would be nice to meet people away from this unreal cyber world.
You know my thoughts and thoughts of many go with you on the next stage of your journey.
With love and respect

5th May 2010, 12:51
Kula, your truth is so simple that it could easily be overlooked. Eckart Tolle speaks about 'living in the now'. Pity you won't drop in from time to time to remind us or nudge us a tiny bit. I guess we can choose to view the 'glass half empty or the glass half full'. Operating from the heart turns each day into a new adventure . Thank you for your words of wisdom and inspiration.

5th May 2010, 12:54
You Know KP....You are right where I am...

there is nothing new under the pixels here...Let me go outside and let me see if there's something new under the bright sunshine.

As of all the hoopla....The Creator has a plan...I may be a very small part of it...


My part may end soon


I played a part

Peace Y'all

5th May 2010, 12:55
"I have turned around, and I see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's where I came in."


K, I hear you loud and clear.

I think many of us are struggling with how to make this cyber family more meaningful. For my part, I seem to have been drifting into critisicm. I think the main problem is that there is inevitably an etiquette handicap with having a group of strangers trying to 'talk' real on the net. The inertia of protecting a few thousand folks feelings to avoid a caotic flame fest is so much like 'part of the problem' that I can absolutely understand why you want to turn around and head for the way you came in. I wish I knew how to change that, but I don't.

I often don't log on here for lengthy periods. I do have other things to do. I hope you will also return periodically and the 'fresher' the better.

Best wishes K.


5th May 2010, 14:06
Thanks Kula
This is the first thread in along time that i can relate to . I could not agree more
have not been on here much just found it all empty words ( no insult to anyone just how I have been feeling )
I need to put what I have learnt into action
I need to get my hands dirty
get the dirt under my nails ( doing alot of gardening lately ! )
Long may your happiness blossom

5th May 2010, 14:59
Greetings everyone!

I've only had a few posts (less than 5) at av1 and this is my first real post here and I have to say...Wow, Kula there was Nothing wasted within the words you posted on this thread...very powerful vibration! There is so much that is so simple and Very profound IMHO...Thank You!


5th May 2010, 16:18
dear Kula...

good for you! we've been waiting...
I've been hanging out with our mother since the fall of AV1 and it has
been so incredibly wonderful and magical. I have discovered that the
trees have all the knowledge, they know everything! all you have to
do is acknowledge them and they will tell you all the stories of man.

come join me and your mother, you can find us everywhere...
on an island, on top of a mountain, on a beach, or in a forest...

you can find ALL the answers in nature, I know this first hand.
she's waiting for YOU and your embrace!

love in you!

5th May 2010, 16:37
Dear Kula.

To live from the heart is probably the best advice anyone can give, so thank you. However, you and I both know how terrible British weather can be, so on those rainy days, why don't you pop in and tell us how you are getting on.

Also if you want to you could create and maintain your own thread, that won't disappear because you won't let it. Just a thought.

You have a great sense of humour, and for me, thats half the battle.

Take care.



5th May 2010, 23:23
Well, I am overwhelmed with joy and heartened at your responses.

See? Love breeds love.

Like a tuning fork, an earnest and loving vibration brings out the love in us all.

What resonates in me resonates in you.

I am so happy that those who posted feel as they do.

I could let my ego get swamped, with the warm mushy feel of it all, I could stick around and wait for some more of that good ole fashioned lovin'

My heart brightens to see Illuminate after so long (you are so right, nature has all the answers, why re-invent the wheel?) ,
and I laugh when I see Norman's type setting of my own words. Inspired, eh?!

My heart also warms to see Viking's good wishes. I am happy that there can be warmth there, even though I have commented freely on your time is short thread. I do really wish you the best speed in your research.

We are all one, one soul family, I am not afraid of where we are headed. Life is not like a box of chocolates, it's like a giant box of Fruit and Fibre, and as you shake it up and down, so the almonds, raisins, hazelnuts and oat flakes all separate out to be with one another. So we will find each other.

But we must act, not talk.

Much as I laugh, watching the life of Brian and the 'committee meeting' about what to do about the Roman's - in the end for me, it is blissfully simple.

I have to take responsibility for everything in my life. Didn't Jesus say, 'which of you by anxious thought can add a foot to your height?'

Now I'm not a bible thumper, but that cat knew his onions ! For me, that's true.

Sure I'm pleased to know there is a world within the world. I feel better informed. Sure I raise my eyebrows when they say the volcano is at it again (just why do we need the skies clear again???), or a plane crashes. But I'm happy to know that I'll never know the truth. I have learned this much.

I don't even believe the shock-horror polish crash video. It might just as well be the alien spaceship chasing a trawler... because it shows a plausible effect that makes a good story....Those zooms ? who's seen a camera zoom like that ? What kind of camera even has that kind of resolution ?? Why is anyone who finds themself in such a postition not get caught by the super assassinators? And why are they so bad at filming??? Why are they not even putting a tree between them and the would be assassins??? Have they never watched a movie ???? Even James Bond makes some attempt to duck under and behind things...Why does the evidence always seem to be so....questionable ? ? I guess because if it was impeccable (nice telephoto lens from behind a tree, zooming in slowly to reveal the face of an assassin looming over a dignitary with a revolver) then the guys would already be in prison. But we never get that bit... no, we get the dots that look like they join together to make an elephant... but in fact what you have is a picture of a sewing machine.

But I digress..

The truth of my heart I can come to know, and this gives me great joy. I am excited to find out. I have found out more about myself in the last 8 weeks, than I really found out about the world in the past two years. Well, anything I could prove to a complete stranger at least. I wish that you may all come to know yourselves too. We think we know ourselves... but I invite you to look again.

Take care, with much love and peace to you all.

K xxx

5th May 2010, 23:26
well you know, your next post is going to be a tough one being your last, maybe 400 was the magic number 40 plus 0 more.... ;)

6th May 2010, 05:26
Hey Kula,

Don't know you, but your words ring true. What can we do when such huge events are to come? Prepare? How can we really know what to expect? I hope I can do my best, I have some ideas and I will act on them, but in the end, will it even be enough?

I think what we should really be doing is focusing on ourselves, our conscious being and get comfortable that our immortal souls are only biding their time in these conduits we call bodies, until we can be freed from our chains and return to our real home. Easier said than done, but I think that is a better path to prepare for than any sorta of disaster or end of the world even that MAY occur.

May your life be lofty and lovely. Peace

6th May 2010, 16:59
Dear all,

Well, this is it. I came across to Av2 and have been looking in now and again. It seems, fortunately for me, that I managed to break my daily addiction to reading and posting on the forum. 700 posts was not bad going on Av1 over nearly two years.

A help in that has for me seeing that none of this is urgent, even though it may seem life or death when you are reading the latest anxiety. What if it were true? You think...how awful. What are we going to do about that???

I've come to realise that the answer to this is the same as it has always been. You will do nothing, because largely speaking, it is all out of your control.

If your country decides to go to war for example, then , generally speaking, you do not get exempted by a note from your Mum. Equally, if they raise taxes, you are not exempt because you are, 'well-informed' of the illuminati world game.

Meanwhile, paying attention to these things, in spite of the feelings or tiredness, and irritability and anxiety, I have noticed a tiny voice inside of me. Like a seedling shouting for water.

It is a small voice. I have paid it no attention. My mind was too busy getting all the compost and nourishment and sunshine.

But a simple shift, to notice that I have a heart, and its needs are different from my mind's has paid dividends. I am now in a different place.

You might think this is all glib and you've heard it all before and you say, 'yes!! but what about 2012... what about survival? what about the aliens? What about the Illuminati, the FEMA camps, the police state ?? Are you just going to let it all happen ? '

I would contend that anyone who says that has no more control over whether it happens than I do. Sure, they may be 1 mile further down the rabbit hole, but that's where they are: in a hole. A dark hole.

I have turned around, and I see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's where I came in.

All of these things can still exist, but the one thing you can attend to, the only thing in my opinion, is your own life.

So that's where I'm headed. I urge anyone spending more than two hours a day in front of the computer to consider doing the same. But hey, who needs my advice??

A shame to say goodbye to some nice people here, but I hope to see some of you again in the flesh.

There is no more discussion for me, only action from now on.

That is the last and the best truth I can leave you with. It is my truth, I don't expect it to be anyone else's, but if it does resonate, then think about how you are spending your time, and how much you are nourishing your mind at the expense of your heart.

With love,

K x
what a great heart felt thread ... so loverly to come home to
tanks coool .. your the best ... :o;)

Jan Rodrigo
6th May 2010, 17:58
thanks k
I think this is happening to many shifting from the head to heart it all so matchs the energy tread that gita posted but i mean it's clear to me that all of us can not spend too much time in fornt of the computer

sorry about spelling love jan

6th May 2010, 18:14
You know I love your posts Kula but I ain't saying adios - time for the three stooges to get together me thinketh!


27th May 2010, 23:15
The Journey

One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice --
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
"Mend my life!"
each voice cried.
But you didn't stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do --
determined to save
the only life you could save.

~ Mary Oliver ~

27th May 2010, 23:26
must you leave kula :drama: ?

i know the weather turned for the better, but why not just leave it open - in case you reconsider...just a thought...best wishes if you say you must....:wink: l

27th May 2010, 23:30
Oh.. I'm not leaving Blue... haven't you noticed ??

I'm just not posting anymore. Ahem.

27th May 2010, 23:38
oh good...lets not let the number dwindle...i also appreciate your summary care register thread...:cool: l

what's ahem?

27th May 2010, 23:43
oh good...lets not let the number dwindle...i also appreciate your summary care register thread...:cool: l

what's ahem?

Ahem means he is lying to you
Im glad you reconsidered K
We can both get into trouble together. ---------------again.

27th May 2010, 23:47
Ahem is the sound you make when you cough in an embarrased fashion.

Then again.. it might be a secret codeword... in an ancient language.... who knows ??

27th May 2010, 23:50
Ahem means he is lying to you

in what language?
thanks :twitch: l

27th May 2010, 23:56
i thought for a moment you mispelled aham from one of the ancient languages... thanks for clarifying... :yu:l

28th May 2010, 00:02
now how did I know that ?!


P>S> If any Mod's are reading this... perhaps you could remove the word 'last' from this thread title...?

Maybe when you've got a moment... like for example when you're removing the word 'short' from the Ashtar thread title ;0)

Amazing how important one little word can be !


28th May 2010, 00:09
now that's music to my ears - do stay...why not 'round robin the mods? i noticed they modified some ominous therad titles - to my delight... means, of course they'd be happy...:yes2: l

28th May 2010, 00:35
ok, not only is this MY LAST POST on the wrong thread...
I'm going to blow the whistle on ASHTAR as well,
according to MY alien command center, which is the ONLY one that is certified and authentic
has been triple tested in a double blind study...

time is indeed NOT short at all...
oh they've been pulling your legs and arms folks...

because, according to my "official" super secret AI team,
time is indeed INFINITE
hold onto your hats folks, especially Bill...

time is also, on YOUR side too...
oh man, when the certified physics told me that,
for $8 a minute,
I said to myself, that sounded like a song...
like I said, seeing as this is almost my last post,
I want to make it count...
i'd like to thank GOD
for always being on my side
and all the Avalonians
who without,
would make coming here REAL boring :p

but seriously folks...
it really is your choice now isn't it?

try to laugh every single day!!!

28th May 2010, 00:46

i choose a piece of cake... :secret: l

28th May 2010, 01:22
Thank you for this thread, Kulapops. Even on your way out, you have inspired me. :)

28th May 2010, 01:27
but seriously folks...
it really is your choice now isn't it?

Thank you for giving me a reason to post this... :yes4:

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/rZVjKlBCvhg&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/rZVjKlBCvhg&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Jan Rodrigo
28th May 2010, 02:25
love this keep it real lol

28th May 2010, 09:52
Cake or Death ?!

Hilarious...thanks pilotsimone... I choose Cake... of course....


Thanks too, Illuminate... you've got the right Rhumba.

Actually, I've re-read this thread and I don't think it's worth editing the title...it's not an ongoing thread, it's one about leaving. People are such magpies here... they only look wonderously at whichever sparkly thread is on top.

This thread would have disappeared if I had not dug it up, and it will disappear again if I don't bump it at some point. And I ask, why? There's no need.

This is why, in my opinion you get a continuous cycle of new posts, new attractions, new earthquakes, new dates to worry about and then , like mayflies, they disappear. Only to be replaced with the same theme in a new shiny wrapper.

Unless of course there's a bit of bickering going on, or contest of egos which keeps them alight ad nauseum...

So we'll just put this thread down... it was a wonderful moment for me...and I may need to reread it from time to time to prevent me from coming here too much. Maybe that can work for you too..


Eric J (Viking)
28th May 2010, 10:04
My heart also warms to see Viking's good wishes. I am happy that there can be warmth there, even though I have commented freely on your time is short thread. I do really wish you the best speed in your research.

But we must act, not talk.

K xxx

Hey Kula you will always have my good wishes...we are all here trying to do the same...seeking answers...some of our input doesn't resonate with all, but in time we will find we were all right somewhere along the line...

And I know exactly how you feel, I really do...

Blessings to you Kula and enjoy the rest of your journey...much love.

Thank you for your wishes.

And I agree...no point in waffling.... ACT!!!


28th May 2010, 10:26
And I agree...no point in waffling.... ACT!!!


So you see my dilemma, Viking ???

My very presence here is hypocritical !!!!

And I think you're right...we are all right, we all have an important piece of the puzzle.


28th May 2010, 10:42
Cake or Death ?! K

I choose Death by Cake!:blink::becky:

28th May 2010, 10:47
Thank you for giving me a reason to post this... :yes4:

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/rZVjKlBCvhg&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/rZVjKlBCvhg&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

I love this video :laugh::pound:

Connecting with Sauce
28th May 2010, 11:07
Kula you should come to Avebury in July. Would be great to see you again

Let me know when this event is happening in July and I may make a trip down for it... It would be good to meet the avalonian's there...


edit: Maybe there may be some cake involved :) My Girlfriend would be interested then too :)...

28th May 2010, 11:12
Let me know when this event is happening in July and I may make a trip down for it... It would be good to meet the avalonian's there...


You'll find the details here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/group.php?do=discuss&discussionid=83). The more the merrier. :)

28th May 2010, 11:24
Ahem means he is lying to you
Im glad you reconsidered K
We can both get into trouble together. ---------------again.

I was only fooling.
Ahem is just a sound made while partly covering mouth and embarrassment.
Its implied that something was said or done and meant at that time but not followed through as promised or stated.
An apology is implied.

28th May 2010, 11:32
Ahem is also the sound mums use to stop a child from doing or saying something they shouldn’t.:nono: That or we growl – grrrrr. So much quicker than actually talking to the little rascals. :laugh:

28th May 2010, 12:48
It's also the bottom of a dress

28th May 2010, 13:34
It's also the bottom of a dress

Yes thats the bottom line my friend.
A--hem did I get you attention you naughty boy -- paraprasing the gita.

I seem to be in jovial form.
Dont no why!!
Im suffering terribly trying to stop smoking.
Thats a fortnight now and yesterday I would have killed for one laughing.
staying in the NOW to the best of my ability.
Well strike a light.
You are never alone with a strand.
Only the older ones will get that,

28th May 2010, 13:40
Addiction's no joke Grey... what the heck am I doing here ? This is not a good sign either my friend .... :0)

Sure, you'll be grouchy for a bit, and then you'll get fat, but you can look forward to the day when you'll be more anti-smoking than any non-smoker you know



Meanwhile have you checked out my Eddie Izzard Star Trek vid on Rhythm's Laugh thread? That should make you giggle.. I love the bit between Spock and Uhura and the Twix !

28th May 2010, 13:45
Yes thats the bottom line my friend.
A--hem did I get you attention you naughty boy -- paraprasing the gita.

I seem to be in jovial form.
Dont no why!!
Im suffering terribly trying to stop smoking.
Thats a fortnight now and yesterday I would have killed for one laughing.
staying in the NOW to the best of my ability.
Well strike a light.
You are never alone with a strand.
Only the older ones will get that,

Time to give up then, I gave up cheese three days ago when I learned it has opiates :eek:

When I gave up smoking many years ago I went cold turkey and what worked for me was altering my habits so if I had a cigarrette with a coffee I will drink a herbal tea instead and then have a coffee on another non conventional time. I gave up coffee and that was the thoughest for me!

I am now on raw chocolate and all things raw as much as I can :nod: no more gluten free:pizza: for me :laugh:

Good luck Chris, it is worth it, you will feel so much more alive in 30 days! it is incredible


28th May 2010, 14:17
Time to give up then, I gave up cheese three days ago when I learned it has opiates :eek:

When I gave up smoking many years ago I went cold turkey and what worked for me was altering my habits so if I had a cigarrette with a coffee I will drink a herbal tea instead and then have a coffee on another non conventional time. I gave up coffee and that was the thoughest for me!

I am now on raw chocolate and all things raw as much as I can :nod: no more gluten free:pizza: for me :laugh:

Good luck Chris, it is worth it, you will feel so much more alive in 30 days! it is incredible


Thanks for the advice Stardust well received.
I had stopped smoking for about fifteen years then a friend got me smoking an occasional cigar -- next of course came the roll ups and the occasional cigar
Of course I con my self by saying there are no chemicals in roll ups or cigars. I dont even know if thats true but it suits me to believe it.
Coffee would be a hard one for me too.
As a retired Hypnotherapist I know well the workings of the addictive mind, trigger trigger trigger. Pavlovian.
Problem is genuinely enjoy smoking and I am very healthy for my age.
What works for me is the thought "I will not have one just now." no big deal
Anyway that another few smoke free hours gone.
Thanks Stardust

28th May 2010, 14:31
Addiction's no joke Grey... what the heck am I doing here ? This is not a good sign either my friend .... :0)

Sure, you'll be grouchy for a bit, and then you'll get fat, but you can look forward to the day when you'll be more anti-smoking than any non-smoker you know



Meanwhile have you checked out my Eddie Izzard Star Trek vid on Rhythm's Laugh thread? That should make you giggle.. I love the bit between Spock and Uhura and the Twix !

Yes Ive checked out Eddie.
I like cake. Ive put on 4lb in a fortnight.
The video reminds me of the Goons.
"Convict Eccles fell in a bucket of wet cement and looks like becoming a hardened criminal."
Only the Engish bless them could come up with this kind of great humor.

Disclaimer -- Im Scottish an entirely different breed.
Thanks for the smile K

28th May 2010, 14:34
Hey Chris, smoking is not good for the development of the ego... :laugh:

Sorry, could not resist, no offense. :wave:

28th May 2010, 14:47
Hey Chris, smoking is not good for the development of the ego... :laugh:

Sorry, could not resist, no offense. :wave:

yes thats why Nasargadatta smoked like a chimney and sold cigarettes Lol

Thats what "en light it up" meant is I thought you knew.
Look its easy, ascension is--- we all disappear in a puff of smoke.
I have been doing my best Puff Puff, but your still all here.
Where did I go wrong. Oh woe is me --- sucking thumb -- ahem well no cigarette,

Did anyone watch Rodger Rabbit?
He was hand cuffed to the private eye. all of a sudden the detective was aware that they were no longer cuffed to gether.
He said could you have done it any time? AHEM Only when it was funny.

Love to you Dan
from fat and grumpy

28th May 2010, 14:57
yes thats why Nasargadatta smoked like a chimney and sold cigarettes Lol

Thats what "en light it up" meant is I thought you knew.
Look its easy, ascension is--- we all disappear in a puff of smoke.
I have been doing my best Puff Puff, but your still all here.
Where did I go wrong. Oh woe is me --- sucking thumb -- ahem well no cigarette,

Did anyone watch Rodger Rabbit?
He was hand cuffed to the private eye. all of a sudden the detective was aware that they were no longer cuffed to gether.
He said could you have done it any time? AHEM Only when it was funny.

Love to you Dan
from fat and grumpy

Hey Chris, in order to trim the fat and improve moodiness get outdoors and enjoy the nature by taking at least short walks.
It works on me so it should work on you too. JMHO :)

With love,


28th May 2010, 15:08
wow, just found this thread...
Kulapops, yesterday I read something about the united nations invading america with russian military. I sat in front of my computer and realized that this stories are always the same.....AND I realized that I`m....NO I was addicted to this stories. Somehow I always wanted people to understand that conspiray-theorists are right! That there is a shadow goverment, there are aliens, goverment ufos, "illuminati", greys, reptilians, plf`s etc... In the back of my head there was this voice that told me: someday everybody will see it....and then they will say, hey you conspiracy-guys were right.

Kulapops, you made realize that it is not important if this day will ever come. Sitting in front of my computer and just waiting for something that changes the whole world is not only a waste of time but also really a WASTE OF MY LIFE. I`m a psychotherapist since two months, I could have done so much things to start my business, but I was addicted to this horror-stories and addicted to reading unimportant post from people whom I never met in my life. Bizarre. I`m sure I`m not the only one who suffers from internet-horror-stories-forum-addiction.
Here is some useful info on addiction:

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6BkI8LD24y0&hl=de_DE&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6BkI8LD24y0&hl=de_DE&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Yesterday, when I realized that this conspiarcy-stories are always repeating I asked myself: What should I do?
A clear voice told me: Get away from your computer. (This is not "channeled" information, I don`t know how to do that. :p )
When I returned today to the forum and found this thread it is a sign for me to start my life. I will go out now and start jogging again.
The world will not be a better place with more conspiracy-theorist, the world will not be a better place with more people starring into their computer monitor, the world can only be a better place if more people live their lifes without fear and full of love.
What The World Needs Now Is Love

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/u7uh15s23nQ&hl=de_DE&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/u7uh15s23nQ&hl=de_DE&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

thank you so much Kulapops

28th May 2010, 15:35
The world will not be a better place with more conspiracy-theorist, the world will not be a better place with more people starring into their computer monitor, the world can only be a better place if more people live their lifes without fear and full of love.
What The World Needs Now Is Love

Hi Manifestor

Thank God you got it.
Now we need the rest to.

A story I recently told.

The dragon slayer a magician of Merlin stature was dying. The villagers whom he had protected all these years were naturally concerned.
They pleaded with him to use his magic to stay alive and confessed their great fears to him.
He said with his dying breath.
"I think you will find when I have gone so will the the dragon have gone"

Energy atoms in movement is all everything is in this world.
Who is creating the illusion of bondage?
Why we are till we dont.
The Wizard is dead.
The Dragon is dead.

This was the story years ago
The reds under the bed HA HA.
The enemy has changed thats all but same story.

There is no enemy there is no dragon except of our own making.

I am free of fear there fore free of entrapment -- bondage.
i dont believe in the Illuminati or any of the rest of it, they hve no place in my world because I exercised free will and just dont go into that illusion.
I stopped playing the game in the recent words of David Icke years ago.

Why do I come to this forum then?

To have fun with my friends, like minded people, to joke and share strength, hope and freedom. The hope is that more get off, it not get off on it.
Then we will see a new world.

love C

28th May 2010, 16:34
yes thats why Nasargadatta smoked like a chimney and sold cigarettes Lol

Thats what "en light it up" meant is I thought you knew.
Look its easy, ascension is--- we all disappear in a puff of smoke.
I have been doing my best Puff Puff, but your still all here.
Where did I go wrong. Oh woe is me --- sucking thumb -- ahem well no cigarette,

Love to you Dan
from fat and grumpy

Well Chris, I'm not really saying that you shouldn't do it. But is it helpful? I personally like to go by this scripture verse that resonates with my understanding:
Some of you say, "We can do anything we want to." But I tell you that not everything is good for us. So I refuse to let anything have power over me. 1 Corinthians 6:12 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Cor.%206:12&version=CEV)

Cheers my friend, :wub:

Dan :)

28th May 2010, 16:51
Hi Dan Im only fooling
Im over two weeks now without the dreaded weed.
I go to the gym, I walk miles.
I dont have a car.
I sing and play probably about 8 hours a week.
Singing is very good for the lungs.
Check out the link on my signature
The song Human has great words.
Disclaimer for the singing
A man of my age has no business singing that high lol

I dident smoke all that much ahem.
I wind people up - they think im being serious when im not.
Thats fine face to face I guess but I will have to stop poking fun on line.

With love Chris

28th May 2010, 18:10
Great thread Kula. I also think people have to act instead of just informed themselves. The knowledge won't serve anything good if the action isn't done to change. It is good to inform yourself about the new things etc but not if you are only doing that. Real change needs to happen so we have to move and DO something. We shape our future so lets do something. It is important to ACT. Anyway, I am acting and i will act. Would be great if everyone was doing the same thing. How a big change that would be. :) People have to take opportunities that come to them. Even if mistakes will happen along the way, trusting life and continuying to take opportunities and do our best is what life is. We are here to experience and remember. Not just inform ourselves and not do anything. :)

28th May 2010, 23:16
The dragon slayer a magician of Merlin stature was dying. The villagers whom he had protected all these years were naturally concerned.
They pleaded with him to use his magic to stay alive and confessed their great fears to him.
He said with his dying breath.
"I think you will find when I have gone so will the the dragon have gone"

love C

I will keep this story always in my heart, thanks. I`ll be a better magician now....

29th May 2010, 20:47
Manifestor... what a great post ! (well, only because in fact it makes my ego feel very warm indeed... but you know what I mean)

If resurrecting this thread means that at least you got 'the message' then I'm happy.

Action is what it's all about. Not stories. Well, unless you like stories. We all like stories, don't we? We got read them as a kid... and now we read them as adults!

Not Magicians and Dragons per se... but yes, substitute the two words and you can have any bedtime story you like.

Yes.. Step away from the PC... it's all here...


started 13th Dec..2008... so yes, you might say I'm a bit slow on the uptake... :0)

What we need now . Correction, what I need now is action. Not placard waving , but simple action. Like cleaning my fridge, my toilet, changing my sheets a bit more regularly...dusting some corners.

But also... writing that great script... learning to play the piano better... asking someone out on a date that you normally wouldn't dare....

Go on...

Live your Life

I challenge you all.

And if a big Tsunami sweeeps you away in the middle of it all (that hot date perhaps).... well, what a way to go! And at least... like some Viking Warrior dying in battle, you will go in the prime of realising your potential. Not doing a checklist rotation of which tins of pineapple you now need to sling out...

Remember..we're not here forever anyway.

So what are you going to do about that time you DO have ???

This is the greatest lesson I have learned through all the time wasting of the last two years.

I share that freely with anyone who will listen.

K x

6th June 2010, 10:05
...all the rest is

bedtime stories

...to help you get to sleep at night...


10th November 2010, 17:18
I just dug up this old thread of mine to remind Viking that in the words of Hotel California....

"You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"

I've given up saying 'I'm going'. An announced retirement is never a good idea. Look at Status Quo !


10th November 2010, 18:08
Kula I could not agree with you more.....................while some of the ideas discussed here are intriguing of course, there is no substitute for living the real life you have been blessed with and virtual communities are supportive but do not have the flesh and blood that sustains life. It all comes down to our own lives and how we live them with others, in real communities. Debate and discussion have their place - but disproportionate time and energy devoted to these Forums detracts from the opportunities to take meaningful action as a full dimensional being in real life where it counts. That is where the rubber hits the road. And, I agree with you about the eliptical nature of the discussions................they are vortex-like and may be a trap. When people are busily engaged in virtual debate and exchange the energy they might otherwise devote to their families and communities - say in planting a garden, or preparating a celebratory feast - is leached off. Needless to say, our energies must be focused in order to be effective - if people are chatting it up they certainly will not have the time or inclination to take meaningful political action, will they? That takes time, dedication, and hard work in the 3-dimensional world.

Best wishes Kula. I feel that your decision was the right thing, and inevitable. God Speed.

10th November 2010, 18:29
I did subsequently ask that if anyone spotted me on Avalon to tell me to clear off !

But I think it's just fine to pop in occasionally, and leave the am-dram stuff.

It did shift my reality though.. and I can't now read much of what is posted thread wise... especially if it has a date in it, or some horrible foretelling. But posts like Viking's last I find much more revealing.. and those others who comment there, because these are from the heart.

Community is what it's about. Humans understanding each other and themselves. I'm always ears for that kind of discussion. Oh.. and laughter. Cause animals can't do that.. though some can smile...

Best wishes to you all


10th November 2010, 18:43
It seems as if AV2 is becoming the doom and gloom club, or beyond the knowable now club - very draining. I think we could all use a good reality shift!


10th November 2010, 18:49
Kula please don't forget the importance of chocolate!

10th November 2010, 22:47

I know what you mean about the recent doom and gloom - I noticed it too, I even wondered if some of the people I thought were over this were disinfo agents posting crap to get the doom and gloom vibe back into PA2. Whatever the motive, for the moment it seems to be working. A good test of discernment - it needent be draining though and if it is, your doing it wrong. Its like healing - if healing is draining then you are doing it wrong as well.

I think we could all use a good reality shift!

You do that yourself - got nothing to do with PA2 :)

Your posts are great - the ideas and intent behind them each contribute to the reality shift. Forums wont save the world, but in this small microcosm of a forum that we spend some time in there are some interesting opportunities for co-ordination and sharing.


10th November 2010, 23:05
I agree John that maybe, just maybe there has been some monkey-business of a negative nature going on in here lately.....and while I think robust differences of opinion are important features of this Forum, incivility is not helpful and in fact is retrograde. Without civility we are actually worse and much more dangerous than beings related to us that are walking around on their knuckles. At least nature has put clear limits on animals' ability to be destructive. I guess for certain so-called humans the sky is the limit.....................................but there is hope!