View Full Version : See no evil, Hear no evil, Say no evil........

26th April 2011, 07:10
Last week I was about to pull my hair out because I had come to a disagreement with my father about what's happening on the planet. If I tell friends and family about the serious problems in Japan that are not being reported by the general mainstream media they think I'm nuts. My father believes that mainstream news keeps him informed and if it's not reported, it's not important. If I say anything about chem trails, vaccinations or fluoride in the water they say I am paranoid or out to lunch.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am really tired of telling people who don't want to listen what's happening under their noses. I don't feel it's my job to go forth and report bad news but on the other hand I feel I have an obligation to impart important news that is being hidden from the general public especially to friends and family. But very few want to listen and I even have a cousin that if I'm not careful would probably phone in and give my name to the Walmart spy on your neighbor scam.

It's like almost everyone around me might as well be the walking dead because they believe in an illusion of what America once was. It's like they panic and react to different information instead of listening with an open mind. Pretty much they are like reactions waiting to happen and the open mind idea really is not an option.

Do any of you feel alone? Seriously there is literally no one to talk to. If I do talk to people they conveniently change the subject or excuse themselves. The common gossip or conversation does the same thing to me and I tend to avoid it if at all possible.

I like to talk about fun stuff so it's not like I'm doom and gloom all the time but I like to talk to informed people and it's a wake up call to find very few within my circle awake and aware.

So are you all feeling the same way as me? I'm not giving up perhaps just venting. :frusty:

Thanks and Bless all of you,


26th April 2011, 07:37
Ah Rainbow honey YES yes yes yes yes....
I have learned to be careful, patient, breathe, accept, nod, walk away and see the funny side much more than I ever used too. It's all a teaching if you want it to be...
I have had a very good friend tell me I'm crazy. She was SO SURE it was scary and it broke my heart, but it taught me to never assume that someone else, no matter how well you think you know them, is ready to hear this stuff... Some people will attack you if you do - it's that simple.
If it is appropriate (and safe for me) I may direct someone to something on youtube or a book and I figure they can do their own learning if there's a wish to.
I now don't see many of the old friends because they are just shallow and I don't resonate with them anymore. This I now accept and I wish them well.
Unfortunately we're not the majority. Yet...
Take care of yourself, I get where you're at.
You're not alone. x

26th April 2011, 07:39
Dear Rainbow44 - You are not alone! I have heard others on the forum express similar thoughts. I have very few people around me with whom to discuss these topics - some friends just think I am just exaggerating the situation, or crazy and most don't really want to listen. My sister is always open to new ideas until she goes away and discusses them with her friends who then tell her it is all too far fetched. Luckily I have a friend in the States who I skype/email regularly who has been in the picture for decades. Sadly now even he feels unable to express himself publicly for fear of losing his green card. Thankfully we still have Avalon. :)

26th April 2011, 07:54
The main function of places like Avalon, as I see it, is to have a safe place to bat this stuff around and to be and feel safe as we do it.
Reality bubbles are real things and the boundaries of them, whether they are our own or another's can only be found by exploration.
Some people are looking to expand theirs, others are looking to give theirs to others, sometimes forcibly. I still have to work at keeping my mouth shut and blessing them in my heart when I see them stop at the edge of their bubbles, it is hard but as I do this I acknowledge the fact that they have their own connection to the greater reality within them. If I argue I withdraw from that acknowlegdement as well as the source of the greater reality within myself. Godspeed in your learning!

26th April 2011, 07:54
I know exactly how you feel Rainbow, it is unbelievably frustrating for me also!

I wish i had some words of wisdom or advice to help you counter this problem... but sadly I fear that the vast majority of people out there are so brainwshed by MSM and society in general that it is almost impossible to wake them up at this time.

All you can do is put the information out there and hope that maybe... just maybe... some of it will sink in.

Don't let this get you down Rainbow, just be thankful that your own eyes are open and don't get discouraged.

A time will come, probably in the not too distant future, when when the people you are talking about will become very scared about what's happening in the world around them. When this time comes it will be the job of people like you and me and the rest of us here at Avalon to to help those people to understand what's REALLY been going on.

Until then just keep doing what you're doing and try not to let the closed-minded ones get you down!


26th April 2011, 08:25
it's so much easier to make right decisions when you stay informed

so keep it up stay alert and care rather than convince

26th April 2011, 08:47
I feel the same Rainbow. I try but they either laugh you away or aggressively argue back. There seems to be no open-mindedness. Luckily enough my best mate happens to be "awake" too so at least I have someone I can talk to about this stuff. Once, after arguing with my dad about it, I asked him why is it OK for people to believe that God exists but not that ETs are real. He didn't have an answer. I have a feeling that there soon will be plenty of evidence though.

26th April 2011, 12:09
Rainbow44, to think that here you are preaching to the choir. Stand firm but stay grounded. Tell your family and friends how much the Furor would be proud of America today. Tell them how millions of lives were lost and sacrificed only to see Hilter's Germany rise to power here in America. Tell them about project paperclip. Ask them how they feel when the cops stop them from traveling freely, without commiting any crimes and ask for thier papers (Drivers license, Insurance and Registration) before they can move freely about. But more importantly, work on yourself and continue your journey within. We tend to lose ourselves and our way while attempting to revive the sleeping dead. Don't fall in that trap.

king anthony
26th April 2011, 12:50
Do any of you feel alone? Seriously there is literally no one to talk to. If I do talk to people they conveniently change the subject or excuse themselves. The common gossip or conversation does the same thing to me and I tend to avoid it if at all possible.

I say, the "most" dream that they are - as for the remaining, "reality" is but a lonely journey to travel. Do I feel alone... I cannot recall when I didn't.

26th April 2011, 12:56
YOU ,we are not alone.

Lord Sidious
26th April 2011, 13:03
Last week I was about to pull my hair out because I had come to a disagreement with my father about what's happening on the planet. If I tell friends and family about the serious problems in Japan that are not being reported by the general mainstream media they think I'm nuts. My father believes that mainstream news keeps him informed and if it's not reported, it's not important. If I say anything about chem trails, vaccinations or fluoride in the water they say I am paranoid or out to lunch.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am really tired of telling people who don't want to listen what's happening under their noses. I don't feel it's my job to go forth and report bad news but on the other hand I feel I have an obligation to impart important news that is being hidden from the general public especially to friends and family. But very few want to listen and I even have a cousin that if I'm not careful would probably phone in and give my name to the Walmart spy on your neighbor scam.

It's like almost everyone around me might as well be the walking dead because they believe in an illusion of what America once was. It's like they panic and react to different information instead of listening with an open mind. Pretty much they are like reactions waiting to happen and the open mind idea really is not an option.

Do any of you feel alone? Seriously there is literally no one to talk to. If I do talk to people they conveniently change the subject or excuse themselves. The common gossip or conversation does the same thing to me and I tend to avoid it if at all possible.

I like to talk about fun stuff so it's not like I'm doom and gloom all the time but I like to talk to informed people and it's a wake up call to find very few within my circle awake and aware.

So are you all feeling the same way as me? I'm not giving up perhaps just venting. :frusty:

Thanks and Bless all of you,


I only have this problem with people who don't know me these days.
Those who do take my word for many things as I have been proved right in their eyes.
With people I don't know, they are usually not willing to debate me for long if I disagree with them as I can quote all sorts of stuff from memory.
What I have used before to get hold of peoples attention long enough is leading questions like ''If I knew that X was going to happen to you, you would want me to tell you, wouldn't you?'' and if they say no, then you know you won't succeed due to the nuggetry ratio in their brain being too high. :nod:

Rainbow44, to think that here you are preaching to the choir. Stand firm but stay grounded. Tell your family and friends how much the Furor would be proud of America today. Tell them how millions of lives were lost and sacrificed only to see Hilter's Germany rise to power here in America. Tell them about project paperclip. Ask them how they feel when the cops stop them from traveling freely, without commiting any crimes and ask for thier papers (Drivers license, Insurance and Registration) before they can move freely about. But more importantly, work on yourself and continue your journey within. We tend to lose ourselves and our way while attempting to revive the sleeping dead. Don't fall in that trap.

No offense to you, that would fall completely on deaf ears if you pulled that out on me.
I would suggest you try to avoid polarising info before you have their attention.
And also avoid it if it is not relevant.

26th April 2011, 13:32
Do any of you feel alone? Seriously there is literally no one to talk to. If I do talk to people they conveniently change the subject or excuse themselves. The common gossip or conversation does the same thing to me and I tend to avoid it if at all possible.

I say, the "most" dream that they are - as for the remaining, "reality" is but a lonely journey to travel. Do I feel alone... I cannot recall when I didn't.

I was born with Autism. As a result, I have some unusual behavious, that, as a child, lead to me being teased relentlessly and ostracised (sp?) for practically all of my life (tho to a lesser extent now, and I'm a lot more able to find people who are accepting of my differences, but I still have difficulty finding a connection with many people). I've actually found solace in my being different to others and loneliness doesn't bother me that much anymore, but it sure would be good to have a sympathetic ear and a good friend nearby at times....

That having been said, you are not alone. You have the rest of the Avalon community here, the majority of which would support you when you need it if you ask. We will have to draw strength from that community as time goes on and events start to unfold in earnest....

26th April 2011, 13:39
we are born alone, we die alone,

vortexes like birth and death canals are too narrow to fit more than one at a time...

before and after there are moments where someone can hold our hand...

there are many mini birth and death moments throughout life.

Right now I feel connected to all who wrote in this thread,
especially those who might be Aspies
(Asperger's syndrome)

26th April 2011, 14:19
Rainbow44 don't become discouraged. keep talking. it's the only way to catch somebody's attention. i go through the same thing everyday. some people just try to ignore it, others think i'm nuts, and still some are incensed that i have the nerve to speak of such things. but, there is at least one or two people every week or so, that pay attention. they ask me questions, ask me where they can go too find information. it is a slow dance. you have too keep moving, keep talking. there are going to be some that never wake up. and there are going to be some who will wake up, but won't talk about it out of fear, and there will be some that jump up onto your dance floor and take the dance with you. just keep talking.
warmest regards, corson

26th April 2011, 14:42
we are born alone, we die alone,
vortexed like birth and death are too narrow to fit more than one at a time...
before and after there are moments where someone can hold our hand...

there are many mini birth and death moments throughout life.

Right now I feel connected to all who wrote in this thread,

especially those who might be Aspies
(Asperger's syndrome)
who do think has Aspies

26th April 2011, 17:16
I have high-functioning autism. It's basically the same thing (some differences, but not many). I remember hearing somewhere that the natives of the world believe us aspies / autistics make good shamans. Personally, I've had many a card reading with "connection to the source" coming up. I take great solace in my spiritual beliefs, they're basically what have seen me through this life (that and my family, whom I love so much I couldn't put them through any pain deliberately.). I also want to see this through, I'm convicned we'll see the emergence of the new world in our lifetime, though whether we'll see it fully take hold is another matter. It's going to be a big learning curve for a lot of peoplr, but nowhere near as painful as a lot of previous events on this beautiful blue-green orb of ours....

26th April 2011, 19:26
What a lovely post you wrote there, Jcocks. And to express so much hope.
I'm a mild case, I learnt early to disguise it.
However, one might say that even going into the dress design world was part of my self protection strategy.
Finding a persona that fit both myself as well as the world in which I moved,
by inventing certain dress styles.

A lot of my arty friends from the 70s were also mildly affected.
I didn't realize it then, but now in retrospect I see the signs were there.
Artistic geniuses who had problems communicating.

Several of the big stars I met, Jimmy Page, Bryan Ferry, Dave Stewart,
Cat Stevens, and who several who played in lesser known bands.
We don't play the social game the way other people play it;
we just don't know how to fit in, and were lucky if our artistic expression touched a nerve with the public.
If there was wealth as a result it became useful to buy the protective lifestyle needed.
I still spend much of my time in solitude, except for my loving close family who understand me.
The few really close friends I have are all shy, childless, single, hermits, and very dedicated to their work.

26th April 2011, 20:46
In my journey, I have only 3 categories of participants.

My one and only - with whom I can discuss, share, debate, discourse; who sees the world as I see it, knows what I know, and seeks as I seek.

My associates - those in my immediate surroundings who I have exposed to some level of the type of disclosure I have, and who aren't resolved to one way or another but who also know that none of my findings are shaky, uninformed, or unsupported by facts and research. These are those who know that even if they do not, I take this subject matter seriously and if asked I won't hesitate to tell them what I have found and what I have concluded with a conviction and degree of certainty and honesty that, in some, is more the reason for any curiosity than the information it's self.

Them - Yeah, them. Rather, I refer to them as thems, simply because the mass of them is overwhelming and they seem so actively pursuant of being 'them'. It is not bad IMO to be a them, but it is usually adverse for me to be in contact with a them.

26th April 2011, 22:59
Last week I was about to pull my hair out because I had come to a disagreement with my father about what's happening on the planet. If I tell friends and family about the serious problems in Japan that are not being reported by the general mainstream media they think I'm nuts. My father believes that mainstream news keeps him informed and if it's not reported, it's not important. If I say anything about chem trails, vaccinations or fluoride in the water they say I am paranoid or out to lunch.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am really tired of telling people who don't want to listen what's happening under their noses. I don't feel it's my job to go forth and report bad news but on the other hand I feel I have an obligation to impart important news that is being hidden from the general public especially to friends and family. But very few want to listen and I even have a cousin that if I'm not careful would probably phone in and give my name to the Walmart spy on your neighbor scam.

It's like almost everyone around me might as well be the walking dead because they believe in an illusion of what America once was. It's like they panic and react to different information instead of listening with an open mind. Pretty much they are like reactions waiting to happen and the open mind idea really is not an option.

Do any of you feel alone? Seriously there is literally no one to talk to. If I do talk to people they conveniently change the subject or excuse themselves. The common gossip or conversation does the same thing to me and I tend to avoid it if at all possible.

I like to talk about fun stuff so it's not like I'm doom and gloom all the time but I like to talk to informed people and it's a wake up call to find very few within my circle awake and aware.

So are you all feeling the same way as me? I'm not giving up perhaps just venting. :frusty:

Thanks and Bless all of you,


I only have this problem with people who don't know me these days.
Those who do take my word for many things as I have been proved right in their eyes.
With people I don't know, they are usually not willing to debate me for long if I disagree with them as I can quote all sorts of stuff from memory.
What I have used before to get hold of peoples attention long enough is leading questions like ''If I knew that X was going to happen to you, you would want me to tell you, wouldn't you?'' and if they say no, then you know you won't succeed due to the nuggetry ratio in their brain being too high. :nod:

Rainbow44, to think that here you are preaching to the choir. Stand firm but stay grounded. Tell your family and friends how much the Furor would be proud of America today. Tell them how millions of lives were lost and sacrificed only to see Hilter's Germany rise to power here in America. Tell them about project paperclip. Ask them how they feel when the cops stop them from traveling freely, without commiting any crimes and ask for thier papers (Drivers license, Insurance and Registration) before they can move freely about. But more importantly, work on yourself and continue your journey within. We tend to lose ourselves and our way while attempting to revive the sleeping dead. Don't fall in that trap.

No offense to you, that would fall completely on deaf ears if you pulled that out on me.
I would suggest you try to avoid polarising info before you have their attention.
And also avoid it if it is not relevant.

Lord Sidious, Obviously my words did not fall on blind eyes and struck a cord with you. My apologies if I offended you. What works for you may not work for all, as we whom have taken on this challege have learned. Some need shock treatment as opposed to those whom may already be in the know and therfore not much needs to be said. You are more then welcome to make you own suggestions as is every member and we should welcome them all here on this thread. I look forward to reading yours.


26th April 2011, 23:04
Ah Rainbow honey YES yes yes yes yes....
I have learned to be careful, patient, breathe, accept, nod, walk away and see the funny side much more than I ever used too. It's all a teaching if you want it to be...
I have had a very good friend tell me I'm crazy. She was SO SURE it was scary and it broke my heart, but it taught me to never assume that someone else, no matter how well you think you know them, is ready to hear this stuff... Some people will attack you if you do - it's that simple.
If it is appropriate (and safe for me) I may direct someone to something on youtube or a book and I figure they can do their own learning if there's a wish to.
I now don't see many of the old friends because they are just shallow and I don't resonate with them anymore. This I now accept and I wish them well.
Unfortunately we're not the majority. Yet...
Take care of yourself, I get where you're at.
You're not alone. x

Thank you Roseheart...........I wrote my little commentary late last night because I was feeling the changes in my world. And what is really sad is that as much as I want to be the change it breaks my heart that I can't just snap my fingers and make it all better. I understand we must all learn and grow as we become higher consious beings but I feel for the animals in the Gulf, the Japanese people and for us. Where do we drink fresh water now or good wholesome food.........let's not forget the air we breathe. Anyways I feel better now thanks to you and my friends here on Avalon.........thank God for you all!!

Hugs and Thanks,


26th April 2011, 23:09
Dear Rainbow44 - You are not alone! I have heard others on the forum express similar thoughts. I have very few people around me with whom to discuss these topics - some friends just think I am just exaggerating the situation, or crazy and most don't really want to listen. My sister is always open to new ideas until she goes away and discusses them with her friends who then tell her it is all too far fetched. Luckily I have a friend in the States who I skype/email regularly who has been in the picture for decades. Sadly now even he feels unable to express himself publicly for fear of losing his green card. Thankfully we still have Avalon. :)

Thank you Corncrake,
Yes, we have each other and I feel very fortunate to know all of you at least thru this forum.
If we can't express our individual freedom than to me we lose the greatest gift given to us which is the right to be who we want to be and express ourselves in the way that is individual to our souls. Here we can share our thoughts but I wonder who is watching this forum . None of us are paranoid about from what I can see but I wonder if even this wonderful and divine gift, this forum if it will remain for us. Only time can tell.

Blessings and Thanks,


26th April 2011, 23:12
If I say anything about chem trails, vaccinations or fluoride in the water they say I am paranoid or out to lunch.

And what I say to people like that is ...."That's your opinion. It's JUST an opinion. I have evidence of what I speak, of all sorts, and you only have your opinion. I can prove what I say....and you are left only with your opinion."

Because at the end of the day there's some pretty overwhelming evidence out there. But they can't substantiate where THEY are coming from.

And when my family tells me I'm nuts.

I leer back and remind them they are related to me so likely that crazy gene if lurking about in their veins as well.

Most of my rellies are on Prozac so the 'nuts' card doesn't go over as well as they'd like.

26th April 2011, 23:13
The main function of places like Avalon, as I see it, is to have a safe place to bat this stuff around and to be and feel safe as we do it.
Reality bubbles are real things and the boundaries of them, whether they are our own or another's can only be found by exploration.
Some people are looking to expand theirs, others are looking to give theirs to others, sometimes forcibly. I still have to work at keeping my mouth shut and blessing them in my heart when I see them stop at the edge of their bubbles, it is hard but as I do this I acknowledge the fact that they have their own connection to the greater reality within them. If I argue I withdraw from that acknowlegdement as well as the source of the greater reality within myself. Godspeed in your learning!

Thank you johnf,

I agree with you........sometimes opening my mouth is not the best thing to do. On the other hand I am finding that there is this part of me, this strong connection to mother earth and I want to speak out for her. Maybe it's foolish on my part but I am so tired of people just being ignorant by choice instead of doing some research and homework on their own. They sit and let the tube tell them the way reality is and they never question it. It's like walking into the Matrix and finding out that reality has been spoon fed to us and yet we are the only ones who can see it. Yet, they must wake on their own....I know this but when it's people you love.........well it's hard to watch them stay asleep.

Hugs and Thanks


26th April 2011, 23:24
I know exactly how you feel Rainbow, it is unbelievably frustrating for me also!

I wish i had some words of wisdom or advice to help you counter this problem... but sadly I fear that the vast majority of people out there are so brainwshed by MSM and society in general that it is almost impossible to wake them up at this time.

All you can do is put the information out there and hope that maybe... just maybe... some of it will sink in.

Don't let this get you down Rainbow, just be thankful that your own eyes are open and don't get discouraged.

A time will come, probably in the not too distant future, when when the people you are talking about will become very scared about what's happening in the world around them. When this time comes it will be the job of people like you and me and the rest of us here at Avalon to to help those people to understand what's REALLY been going on.

Until then just keep doing what you're doing and try not to let the closed-minded ones get you down!


Thank you Dan,

I appreciate your words.
A while ago I responded to someone who stated that the majority of the world was asleep and not ready. I guess last night I felt like that and still somewhat today. The only thing about being the one keeping up on things is the amount of responsibility those who don't want to listen place on our shoulders. Yes, when the $#!$ hits the fan they will listen but why, why does it have to come to that? If we all woke up together, which we have here think of what we can do.........at least be awake and aware together. Time will tell.

Blessings and Thanks,

26th April 2011, 23:33
If I say anything about chem trails, vaccinations or fluoride in the water they say I am paranoid or out to lunch.

And what I say to people like that is ...."That's your opinion. It's JUST an opinion. I have evidence of what I speak, of all sorts, and you only have your opinion. I can prove what I say....and you are left only with your opinion."

Because at the end of the day there's some pretty overwhelming evidence out there. But they can't substantiate where THEY are coming from.

And when my family tells me I'm nuts.

I leer back and remind them they are related to me so likely that crazy gene if lurking about in their veins as well.

Most of my rellies are on Prozac so the 'nuts' card doesn't go over as well as they'd like.

Thank you 9eagle9.........you always make me laugh!!! Just so you know you are one of my favorite people on this forum.........a true light!

Hugs and Thanks,


26th April 2011, 23:37
it's so much easier to make right decisions when you stay informed

so keep it up stay alert and care rather than convince

What a wonderful reminder to stay alert instead of convince!!
See, I knew you all would have the right words and RedeZra you are right on.
This forum is one of the most amazng blessings and gifts of my life........thank you for being apart of my lessons!!

Blessings and Hugs,


26th April 2011, 23:45
I feel the same Rainbow. I try but they either laugh you away or aggressively argue back. There seems to be no open-mindedness. Luckily enough my best mate happens to be "awake" too so at least I have someone I can talk to about this stuff. Once, after arguing with my dad about it, I asked him why is it OK for people to believe that God exists but not that ETs are real. He didn't have an answer. I have a feeling that there soon will be plenty of evidence though.

Hello quench,

I found that in debates or arguments my mind closes off because I was so busy trying to convince someone who just doesn't want to hear what I have to say. In this instance I was interrupted left and right to the point that I had to leave. There was no debate only a one sided view and I wasn't the one talking towards the end so there was no point in staying. I was flabborgasted that the mainstream media would be defended by family and friends to such a degree that I was looked at as a nutter and paranoid freak. Just goes to show me that sometimes even with the best of intentions things can go bonkers. I found that after I thought about it.......they were all just scared and what I brought to the table was more then they could handle. Sometimes it is for me too but I don't feel I have the luxury of sticking my head in the sand. But this is the way it is for now............

Blessings and Thanks,


Fred Steeves
26th April 2011, 23:55
Tell ya what, I was a staunch George W. supporter, thought war was the answer, swallowed the Bin Laden lie, thought info. on the internet couldn't be trusted,(only FOX News) the whole 9 yards. Suddenly it dawned that the inmates at the assylum might just be on to something. Next thing you know, devouring David Icke books, go figure. It's been a monumental battle not to forget from whence I came being surrounded by former me's every day.

One thing though, NO PERSON was going to convince me of sh**, I had to have my fragile eggshell mind crack open on it's own, then dive the rabbit hole.

Fred S.

27th April 2011, 01:09
Award goes to Fred for Most Improved Player. Monumental battle from day one.Been there. I used to adore the Clintons but I finally had to face reality. If their all **** heads then they are ALL ****heads and Bill and Hill were no different just because I wished it so.

Tell ya what, I was a staunch George W. supporter, thought war was the answer, swallowed the Bin Laden lie, thought info. on the internet couldn't be trusted,(only FOX News) the whole 9 yards. Suddenly it dawned that the inmates at the assylum might just be on to something. Next thing you know, devouring David Icke books, go figure. It's been a monumental battle not to forget from whence I came being surrounded by former me's every day.

One thing though, NO PERSON was going to convince me of sh**, I had to have my fragile eggshell mind crack open on it's own, then dive the rabbit hole.

Fred S.

27th April 2011, 01:15
Tell ya what, I was a staunch George W. supporter, thought war was the answer, swallowed the Bin Laden lie, thought info. on the internet couldn't be trusted,(only FOX News) the whole 9 yards. Suddenly it dawned that ...
Same here -- except that it was Rush Limbaugh, not Fox News, and the dawning was slow, not sudden.

I still have a couple of Bush/Cheney stickers on the bumper of my old car.

27th April 2011, 14:16
Last week I was about to pull my hair out because I had come to a disagreement with my father about what's happening on the planet. If I tell friends and family about the serious problems in Japan that are not being reported by the general mainstream media they think I'm nuts. My father believes that mainstream news keeps him informed and if it's not reported, it's not important. If I say anything about chem trails, vaccinations or fluoride in the water they say I am paranoid or out to lunch.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am really tired of telling people who don't want to listen what's happening under their noses. I don't feel it's my job to go forth and report bad news but on the other hand I feel I have an obligation to impart important news that is being hidden from the general public especially to friends and family. But very few want to listen and I even have a cousin that if I'm not careful would probably phone in and give my name to the Walmart spy on your neighbor scam.

It's like almost everyone around me might as well be the walking dead because they believe in an illusion of what America once was. It's like they panic and react to different information instead of listening with an open mind. Pretty much they are like reactions waiting to happen and the open mind idea really is not an option.

Do any of you feel alone? Seriously there is literally no one to talk to. If I do talk to people they conveniently change the subject or excuse themselves. The common gossip or conversation does the same thing to me and I tend to avoid it if at all possible.

I like to talk about fun stuff so it's not like I'm doom and gloom all the time but I like to talk to informed people and it's a wake up call to find very few within my circle awake and aware.

So are you all feeling the same way as me? I'm not giving up perhaps just venting. :frusty:

Thanks and Bless all of you,


Sorry, only just tapped in to this topic after someone mentioned it in another thread ('Anger', started by myself).


And now I'm going to read the replies, hihi (I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone)

Fred Steeves
27th April 2011, 14:52
There was actually a part-2 that I wanted to add to this thread Rainbow because this is such a fundemental dilemma that so many of us face after awakening. I told the extremely condensed version of my own formerly stubborn, delusional self and the seeming miraculous breaking out of it just to point out that it is possible for anyone, especially these days, and to not lose heart because people scoff of don't listen. I say this to myself as much as to anyone else here.

What I wanted to add was that because of my bizarre experience, this is how I have settled so far, after much trial and error, on relaying this information to other people without alienating them or pissing them off.

Once my little psyche was shocked to crack open, I still remembered the people I had considered crackpots before, and I went back to take another look at what they were saying. With this in mind, I now just toss out little nuggets of the nature of reality as I have come to understand it, subject depending on current circumstances and conversation. If they then want to know more I'll elaborate more, if there is no interest at all I drop it. The way I figure it is if/when the time comes when the said person comes to that breaking point and their world view begins to crumble whether they like it or not, they may just be inclined to have a second listen to what that crackpot Fred was saying a ways back.

Not saying this is THE WAY because everybody is different, but it certainly seems to be gentler for all concerned, and it is far easier to lead the horse to water when it's thirsty.

Fred S.

27th April 2011, 15:04
to what that crackpot Fred was saying
There is a key bit of humor there, in my experience.

What threatens people is when they figure you're a crackpot, but don't feel comfortable saying as much.

If you're quite willing to joke about your own crazy notions, taking amusement in your own crackpot ideas, then others won't mind laughing along with you.

27th April 2011, 15:25
I still have a couple of Bush/Cheney stickers on the bumper of my old car.

And you didn't SELL that car?????
(Juice kid-DING)

Fred Steeves
27th April 2011, 15:30
to what that crackpot Fred was saying
There is a key bit of humor there, in my experience.

What threatens people is when they figure you're a crackpot, but don't feel comfortable saying as much.

If you're quite willing to joke about your own crazy notions, taking amusement in your own crackpot ideas, then others won't mind laughing along with you.

Excellent observation Paul! If you're destiny is to be a crackpot, ya may as well be an amusing one. That reminds me of something important. The first time I dared to watch a video by that "crackpot" David Icke, it was the short one where he is watching the reporters waiting to be "briefed' outside of Parlaiment. I had always pictured him as a really angry guy, but he was funny as hell talking about them as "repeaters", while describing something very serious at the same time. It was the perfect introduction and made me want to see more.

It's a fine line it seems, between being too silly and too bleak. Still working on that one.

Fred S.

27th April 2011, 16:21
You are so not alone. When I bring this stuff up, my soul sister looks at me as if I'm nuts, and my husband yells at me if I bring out the wrong tidbit lol. And its a bloody minefield and I don't know where the mines are. An example would be that my husband knows about ETs and UFOs because he has seen one. I think I am safe to bring up the subject of five mile long or 2,000 mile long UFOs around the sun or Saturn. I think we can have a civil conversation because we are talking about UFOs. Well no. UFOs are of a certain size that fit the paradigm of what we have seen on earth, but 2,000 mile long UFOs and then I am being hammered lol ...

I am lucky in my family. Most of my immediate family has always known that life is a spiritual path. We had family therapy with Virginia Satir's group, one sister attended the Berkeley Psychic Institute, another lived at Esalen (evil watch out), we did Synanon Games in SF, lots of visits to Tassahara, belonged to various spiritual organizations over the years, learning and moving on.

Life is a funny old coot. Hang in there sweetie, you found Avalon :)

P.S. 9Eagle9, you caused me to burst out laughing with your comment:

And when my family tells me I'm nuts.

I leer back and remind them they are related to me so likely that crazy gene if lurking about in their veins as well.

27th April 2011, 21:59
Tell ya what, I was a staunch George W. supporter, thought war was the answer, swallowed the Bin Laden lie, thought info. on the internet couldn't be trusted,(only FOX News) the whole 9 yards. Suddenly it dawned that the inmates at the assylum might just be on to something. Next thing you know, devouring David Icke books, go figure. It's been a monumental battle not to forget from whence I came being surrounded by former me's every day.

One thing though, NO PERSON was going to convince me of sh**, I had to have my fragile eggshell mind crack open on it's own, then dive the rabbit hole.

Fred S.

Hello Fred S.,l

Interestingly enough I was having a conversation with my father and out of the blue the $#!% hit the fan with no warning. Even in normal circumstances people seem to be as you said fragile so that the slightest of course remark sends them into the deep end of insanity.

It became the battle of the titans and the sad thing is that slowly day by day the news that I shared with him is being filtered through slowly so that he hears from friends similar news to what I told him. This I heard through my mother. But the truth has to be from some one in his mind who is either on a pedistal or a CEO of a company. It can't come from little ole me.
Go figure.........

Blessings and Thanks,


27th April 2011, 22:10
You are so not alone. When I bring this stuff up, my soul sister looks at me as if I'm nuts, and my husband yells at me if I bring out the wrong tidbit lol. And its a bloody minefield and I don't know where the mines are. An example would be that my husband knows about ETs and UFOs because he has seen one. I think I am safe to bring up the subject of five mile long or 2,000 mile long UFOs around the sun or Saturn. I think we can have a civil conversation because we are talking about UFOs. Well no. UFOs are of a certain size that fit the paradigm of what we have seen on earth, but 2,000 mile long UFOs and then I am being hammered lol ...

I am lucky in my family. Most of my immediate family has always known that life is a spiritual path. We had family therapy with Virginia Satir's group, one sister attended the Berkeley Psychic Institute, another lived at Esalen (evil watch out), we did Synanon Games in SF, lots of visits to Tassahara, belonged to various spiritual organizations over the years, learning and moving on.

Life is a funny old coot. Hang in there sweetie, you found Avalon :)

P.S. 9Eagle9, you caused me to burst out laughing with your comment:

And when my family tells me I'm nuts.

I leer back and remind them they are related to me so likely that crazy gene if lurking about in their veins as well.

Thank you Sierra,

Most in my family are scared and when things get weird I tend to be the person they come to but if things are normal in their lives or they are preoccupied, I'm the crazy one.
Funny how they all secretly come to me if they need help but otherwise don't pay any attention to what I have to say that really does impact their lives.

Like David Icke says, if people wake up and the sky is blue and the car in in the garage they feel save. It's not about feeling safe but knowing what to do when things change around us and we keep our sanity. I guess I'm just tired of people givng themselves luxery to be mindless and asleep when they know full well it's an illusion. What will happen when people find there is no way to ignore the obvious. One day all that they hide from will be knocking on their doors and I for one won't be answering because heeded the warnings and knew when it was time to leave.

We are all awake here and I am grateful for this, I just wish we all could create a community to actually go to and stand together.....now that is a glorious dream!!!

Thanks and Blessings,


27th April 2011, 22:41
I was very fortunate to have a Dad who was wide awake way back when...unfortunately my mom's head was buried so deep in the sand we could not speak when she was around. To open my brother and I up to other possibilities, he started a "what if" game...ie what if everything they tell you in the bible that is supposedly from God is really from the devil...then what? And what if the moon was artificially made...who or what do you think made it and why? Mom could take games...she didn't consider them serious.

I learned the value of a one-liner from him...I used one when I was at work on 9/11, the day the twin towers were taken down. There we were, all around the tv watching with mouths hung open, not believing what was being seen. Someone made an angry comment repeating the propaganda expoused by a news reporter...all I said was, "say goodbye to the last of our so-called freedoms." Of course, no one really listened to the "nutcase". I no longer work there, but ran into a former co-worker a few years later...he had remembered what I said as the Patriot Act passed and told me it changed his world view.

27th April 2011, 22:47
i think most here have probably felt this way, given we are the minority on the planet. i really related to what ulli said,

"We don't play the social game the way other people play it;
we just don't know how to fit in, and were lucky if our artistic expression touched a nerve with the public.
If there was wealth as a result it became useful to buy the protective lifestyle needed.
I still spend much of my time in solitude..." ulli

i'm an artist and definitely do not play the social game, really at all. unless forced to at my kids schools events. i rarely go out. i am in relationship with a like-minded kindred spirit, that helps a lot. i think part of the reason i left my marriage (two kids) is partly due to my growing spiritually and waking up to what is really going on around us. and i seriously have two close close friends who share similar views and are openminded and that's pretty much my social scene. i am from the south and my mom and sister are bible thumpers. so, as you can well imagine, i do not even entertain the thought of discussing MANY TOPICS with them anymore, i found that that is the only way to have a relationship with them. and, i too, as someone said earlier, am always the one they come to when they need advice about serious and heavy things. but when it's all "fine" in their lives, it's like i am clearly the black sheep and they have no idea what i am doing with my self / my life... i.e. you just need to meet a nice, wealthy man... then it would be "where does he go to church? where's he from? what's he doooooo???? and as i hinted (did not really come out with it fully) to my mom, i was dating a much younger guy.... she said well that's a waste of time. does he go to church??? so, ufosaliensmultidimensionalrealitiesshapeshifters etc. well you can guess, she might not be ready. HA.

anyhow sometimes you just have to laugh. we are all on our on path. each one being alike and also very unlike. for people who are a bit more open i will share a video or book. and recently, i have seen a very close friend coming down the path. last time i saw her she said she was reading david icke... i was shocked! i guess i am happy where i am now being a hermit as much as possible and reading and researching and being with my kids, when i do brave the world, i just listen to intuition and i am guided who to share things with and more importantly who not!

thanks for the thread!!

27th April 2011, 22:52
I'm convinced it's vibrational... IMHO...
People respond to your vibration and, if you just take care of you and work on expanding your awareness spiritually then your vibration will rise and this is only a good thing for all concerned... This is how we are the change we want to see. The people that don't stick around can't handle the vibe... Those that do move more into alignment with it. We're all transmitting and receiving. This, I think more than words is the key and if I'm doing the work on me that brings me more into awakening then, I am contributing without having to strive, exert and 'inform' etc...

27th April 2011, 23:20
I look at people as the elements...makes it easier to respect the balance between the crazy ones and the not so crazy ones. Even when the time comes that all people are willing to except that we were right, (when truth slaps them in the face) There will still be a few of Them wishing it had stayed the other way, swimming against the tide and disagreeing with the changes. Our world is made of opposite extremes..It's kind of our trademark :)

That's my opinion anyways...who knows, maybe the conflict starters won't last into the new era...true peace would be pretty neat too

27th April 2011, 23:28
Such a great thread...I just love reading all of your contributions here...
Thank you, everyone.
with time something will begin to gel,
don't know what yet, but there will be pleasant surprises...I can feel it.

27th April 2011, 23:44
LOL - This is a common theme for me in my chats with the two awake people I daily converse with via the net (outside of avalon)

While it is frustrating, I see it as a catalyst for my own growth. I do not try to overwhelm people with information, but an opportunity arises I may sort of blurt out what I believe to be reality (altough I do not believe this is always the best thing to do - recently it is becoming reflexive - so I can't quite control it)

Another way to look at it is to realize and accept that you are in the Avant Garde - pretty sexy huh?

One of my blog posts http://tracking2012.blogspot.com/2011_03_01_archive.html
has the following info from 11:11 What does it all mean? What is it all about?

The Correcting Time will be a time when orthodoxy fails,
and folks will be looking for answers. And they will be fearful. They
will need reassurance.

You may thus be the leading edge - the early
adopters of new paradigms.

So I guess I am saying - Embrace it - the time is coming - soon. peace.

28th April 2011, 00:01
This Thread is both Relevant and Beautiful with its Honesty and Sincerity. Thank you all! As you all see my Avatar is Paul Revere. The man who rushed around to get out the word that trouble is coming and in his time it was the British Redcoats (probably sponsored by the Rothschild’s?). But, he was a man of action and took a chance to awaken his fellow countrymen. I chose it because I saw a parallel to this very topic to help awaken our fellow humans as you all do as well.

Yes, there are times were I am discouraged by a lack of comprehension. But, things are changing. I see people agree with more and more issues. Yes, maybe only inch by inch but it is an inch. There is a great awakening going on at many levels. Many will not agree with you out of fear. The ramifications and implications are mind shattering to many so they protect themselves with denial. But, trust me they know something is a foot and all is not quite right. Fred S. I think you may be a beautiful example of such a case in point.

I do not argue with them that includes way too many ego issues, especially with those you have been wrestling with on these topics for a long time. You want to change the game. Make sure your motivation is always out of love. It shines through, always. Gently probe your recipient and find there soft spots and I promise you will know things that will make them curious in those areas. Do not over handle them because the art of persuasion is not a boxing match. It is a balancing act of your logic and credibility plus their respect for you and the congruence of how they perceive that you feel about what you are saying. If any of these items are out of balance, your chances are not good and you must change their perception of those items.

Listen and understand where their concerns lie these are opportunities for thought provoking statements. Always know when to stop. This information is like staring at the sun. Too much information all at once can have negative effects for moving forward later. Leave them curious and wanting more when you get an interest. Leave them motivated by their own curiosity. Always leave your ego at home and lead out of genuine concern for them and humanity. Good luck!


28th April 2011, 00:04
Tell ya what, I was a staunch George W. supporter, thought war was the answer, swallowed the Bin Laden lie, thought info. on the internet couldn't be trusted,(only FOX News) the whole 9 yards. Suddenly it dawned that ...
Same here -- except that it was Rush Limbaugh, not Fox News, and the dawning was slow, not sudden.

I still have a couple of Bush/Cheney stickers on the bumper of my old car.

Might have to make Paul the most improved - Bush Cheney stickers -------> Avalon Admin - Whoa Nelly!

Fred Steeves
28th April 2011, 00:10
I saved one that I peeled off the back of my truck when things turned around that said "I think, Therefore I Vote Republican". But it's true Sidious, I'm not in admin., Paul's got me there.;)

Fred S.

28th April 2011, 00:33
I learned the value of a one-liner from him...I used one when I was at work on 9/11, the day the twin towers were taken down. There we were, all around the tv watching with mouths hung open, not believing what was being seen. Someone made an angry comment repeating the propaganda expoused by a news reporter...all I said was, "say goodbye to the last of our so-called freedoms." Of course, no one really listened to the "nutcase". I no longer work there, but ran into a former co-worker a few years later...he had remembered what I said as the Patriot Act passed and told me it changed his world view.

Thank you Belle. That gave goosebumps to read - and there is so much truth in that.

I was partially awake to at least portions of what occurred on 9/11 due my deep knowledge (university studies as well as life experience) of Middle East stuff. I was living downtown NY when 9/11 occurred. I was a witness so you can forget about those hologram theories - lol. Anyway - I was talking about an initial theory of the conspiracy (neocons + that small country on the eastern portion of the mediteranean sea) within 15 minutes based on my knowledge of Israeli involvement in the 1983 Barracks bombing and other things. Years later, this is not very surprising to the awake - but within the first hours of 9/11 I was WAAAAAAAY too far ahead of the curve.

Although there were other factors - this did contribute to the end of my 5 year relationship. That said - she was big enough to tell me years later - Wow - you were right!

Our world did indeed change that day in many ways - and being the unthinking Avant Garde type at the time I did not perceive that they were massively tightening the screws on truth telling(particularly as against their theatrical version) - and I managed to find and step on a huge anti-tank mine within MINUTES. LOL.

All that said - next time I'll be much more thoughtful and stick to the quiet one liner program - thanks for that insight - instead of laying the whole mess out onto peoples heads in the wake of the disaster while sitting in the disaster area.


Lord Sidious
28th April 2011, 02:25
I no longer work there, but ran into a former co-worker a few years later...he had remembered what I said as the Patriot Act passed and told me it changed his world view.

You remember seeing those mastercard ads with the ending where things are priceless?
When someone tells you how you have changed their life in a positive way that feeling is priceless.
It is one reason that I post and have done radio, so that I can get people to think.

Unified Serenity
28th April 2011, 02:41
You know it is frustrating to try to share the information you have discovered only to have them cock their head and you realize they think you are one of those "tin hat wearing" wackos. My partner was not as clued in when we first met. But, as I am a persistent lil investigator and very good at connecting the dots, she has definately come around to seeing what's happening in our world. My dad, mom (recently passed in February), sister and her husband all think I am pretty well nuts. Oh, I will still say what I think, but I've never had the pleasure of having a semi-captive audience with them unlike my partner. :D

My partner can only handle so much though, and occaisionally she will get pretty irked and finally tell me to stop!!!!! It's just too much info sometimes, but I can dig for weeks. I want to look at all sides of a given thought / argument. I put aside all previously held ideas and really dig into it from every angle. Then after I am done, I put everything together and come to my own conclusion. This can take weeks sometimes, and I have to tread lightly, wear headphones often, and not talk about it much until my digging is done. Then I get to share the info. Avalon is great because we have so many excellent investigators, thinkers, and "bull****" callers here. My partner of course calls "bull****" immediately whereas I have to dig it out and not just do a gut reaction, "Oh this is Bull****" comment.

So, feel free to pull up a chair, start a thread, share your musings, and never worry that we will call you a weirdo. I do have a lovely set of tin caps though if you are interested ;)

28th April 2011, 02:49
Hi Rainbow, I know how you feel ! I think I've always felt alone, and these days I mostly keep my views to myself. We're all different and I personally can't be bothered with trying to communicate to the willfully ignorant. Other people (David Icke for example) keep on plugging away, and I admire them (him) for it ! One of the reasons I joined Avalon (or the universe brought me here) is to be able to start communicating with people, to be able to share my views, my experience, and to meet new and interesting people, of which there are many here !
So I encourage you to open your heart and speak your truth here, we'll all be listening !
Love, Philip :thumb:

Fred Steeves
28th April 2011, 09:59
My partner can only handle so much though, and occaisionally she will get pretty irked and finally tell me to stop!!!!! It's just too much info sometimes,

I can sure relate to that, that was the first and biggest land mine I stepped on, trying to convince my wife of every little thing I was discovering, until I would get that shrill and sudden "STOP IT! JUST STOP!" Ouch, live and learn.

Fred S

28th April 2011, 12:24
Being "Awakened" is much like what religious people would call being "born again". Much like what christians say when they teach Christ said "You must be born again". We must realize we are walking, talking, seeing and interacting with dead people (mentally dead). Thier spirit for life and thier zeal for experiance is dim. Think of how we feel when someone tries to wake us up at 3 in the morning. The same here. These are growing pains for the newly awakened because now they will realize how normal looking people whom think they are awake and living are really dead mentally. We must learn to communicate with the dead to bring them back to life. We must make them rise from the depths of death as Christ did Lazarus. Re-member, the force is within you.

30th April 2011, 17:08
i think most here have probably felt this way, given we are the minority on the planet. i really related to what ulli said,

"We don't play the social game the way other people play it;
we just don't know how to fit in, and were lucky if our artistic expression touched a nerve with the public.
If there was wealth as a result it became useful to buy the protective lifestyle needed.
I still spend much of my time in solitude..." ulli

i'm an artist and definitely do not play the social game, really at all. unless forced to at my kids schools events. i rarely go out. i am in relationship with a like-minded kindred spirit, that helps a lot. i think part of the reason i left my marriage (two kids) is partly due to my growing spiritually and waking up to what is really going on around us. and i seriously have two close close friends who share similar views and are openminded and that's pretty much my social scene. i am from the south and my mom and sister are bible thumpers. so, as you can well imagine, i do not even entertain the thought of discussing MANY TOPICS with them anymore, i found that that is the only way to have a relationship with them. and, i too, as someone said earlier, am always the one they come to when they need advice about serious and heavy things. but when it's all "fine" in their lives, it's like i am clearly the black sheep and they have no idea what i am doing with my self / my life... i.e. you just need to meet a nice, wealthy man... then it would be "where does he go to church? where's he from? what's he doooooo???? and as i hinted (did not really come out with it fully) to my mom, i was dating a much younger guy.... she said well that's a waste of time. does he go to church??? so, ufosaliensmultidimensionalrealitiesshapeshifters etc. well you can guess, she might not be ready. HA.

anyhow sometimes you just have to laugh. we are all on our on path. each one being alike and also very unlike. for people who are a bit more open i will share a video or book. and recently, i have seen a very close friend coming down the path. last time i saw her she said she was reading david icke... i was shocked! i guess i am happy where i am now being a hermit as much as possible and reading and researching and being with my kids, when i do brave the world, i just listen to intuition and i am guided who to share things with and more importantly who not!

thanks for the thread!!

Thank you slim11,

It seems to me that there is a definite difference between the mind sets of how "we" think and the people who buy into the misinfo that is being spoon fed to them. I don't even think they know the difference between what they believe and what is being told to them. The two are morphed into each other so that they are a borg....something that the gov't can control. The beiefs and misinfo can become muddy and in a way they don't even know they are are drinking their own bath water. It's not so much keeping their minds from knowing the truth, it seems to be about making sure they do everything possible so as not to awaken and see clearly. The illusion that everything is alright is easier to swallow then the reality of what they are drinking.

Blessings and Hugs,


1st May 2011, 04:07
Being "Awakened" is much like what religious people would call being "born again". Much like what christians say when they teach Christ said "You must be born again". We must realize we are walking, talking, seeing and interacting with dead people (mentally dead). Thier spirit for life and thier zeal for experiance is dim. Think of how we feel when someone tries to wake us up at 3 in the morning. The same here. These are growing pains for the newly awakened because now they will realize how normal looking people whom think they are awake and living are really dead mentally. We must learn to communicate with the dead to bring them back to life. We must make them rise from the depths of death as Christ did Lazarus. Re-member, the force is within you.

Wow a good way of looking at things Pharaoh,

I think for me I tend to look at it as each person is on a journey and the learning process has to be apart of understanding the different destinations that each of us come to. It's important to be supportive to all but it's also important for our family and friends to become awake on their own so they can appreciate the lessons of life.

A good example is if I give my students a chance to perform without them earning the privilege then they don't understand or appreciate what I have given them. They tend to take a mile within the inch of opportunity that I gave them. Those who earned their place usually had better experiences and appreciated the chance to perform. You can't give someone what they don't understand or appreciate. They don't seem to understand that it's a gift or in our case important information based on our concern for humanities welfare.

People will keep the blinders on because it's more comfortable to see only what's habitual and normal. They seem to adjust to the abnormality of their skewed vision and after awhile people don't even know they aren't seeing the world in a way that allows for the freedom to see things the way they really are. To me it seems until the blinders come off not much can be done.

Blessings and Thanks,


1st May 2011, 04:18
Hi Rainbow, I know how you feel ! I think I've always felt alone, and these days I mostly keep my views to myself. We're all different and I personally can't be bothered with trying to communicate to the willfully ignorant. Other people (David Icke for example) keep on plugging away, and I admire them (him) for it ! One of the reasons I joined Avalon (or the universe brought me here) is to be able to start communicating with people, to be able to share my views, my experience, and to meet new and interesting people, of which there are many here !
So I encourage you to open your heart and speak your truth here, we'll all be listening !
Love, Philip :thumb:

Hello Philip,

Thanks for your encouragement and for commenting.
I'm finding with all the comments that we are all going through the same thing and I had a feeling that this was the case.
I was listening to Kerry's last guest the guy who was an expert on becoming invisible and I was appalled at his remark that Kerry was stating ridiculous situations especially with the fact that he was being interviewed by her and didn't really read up on what Project Camelot is all about. He was a closed minded person with a selfish intent on staying that way. Sometimes I think there are people who will do what's best for themselves which includes assuming the world is still flat. He was one of the few interviewees that really irritated me because he was so arrogant and full of his own ideology. So we don't just have the blinder group, we have people like that guy who are so sure that their view of the world is the way it is. The one thing all of you and Project Camelot and Avalon have done for me is to constantly change my view on a daily basis.

Blessings and Hugs,


1st May 2011, 04:39
This Thread is both Relevant and Beautiful with its Honesty and Sincerity. Thank you all! As you all see my Avatar is Paul Revere. The man who rushed around to get out the word that trouble is coming and in his time it was the British Redcoats (probably sponsored by the Rothschild’s?). But, he was a man of action and took a chance to awaken his fellow countrymen. I chose it because I saw a parallel to this very topic to help awaken our fellow humans as you all do as well.

Yes, there are times were I am discouraged by a lack of comprehension. But, things are changing. I see people agree with more and more issues. Yes, maybe only inch by inch but it is an inch. There is a great awakening going on at many levels. Many will not agree with you out of fear. The ramifications and implications are mind shattering to many so they protect themselves with denial. But, trust me they know something is a foot and all is not quite right. Fred S. I think you may be a beautiful example of such a case in point.

I do not argue with them that includes way too many ego issues, especially with those you have been wrestling with on these topics for a long time. You want to change the game. Make sure your motivation is always out of love. It shines through, always. Gently probe your recipient and find there soft spots and I promise you will know things that will make them curious in those areas. Do not over handle them because the art of persuasion is not a boxing match. It is a balancing act of your logic and credibility plus their respect for you and the congruence of how they perceive that you feel about what you are saying. If any of these items are out of balance, your chances are not good and you must change their perception of those items.

Listen and understand where their concerns lie these are opportunities for thought provoking statements. Always know when to stop. This information is like staring at the sun. Too much information all at once can have negative effects for moving forward later. Leave them curious and wanting more when you get an interest. Leave them motivated by their own curiosity. Always leave your ego at home and lead out of genuine concern for them and humanity. Good luck!


Thank you Revere,

One thing that I wanted to add was that I don't spew out all kinds of information, I will usually talk to my family in normal family get togethers or having lunch with friends in a relaxed setting. So it's not an erruption of information, I am finding that even comments or tidbits of info are not welcome. People don't want to think about their bubble bursting. When I do listen to conversations they go in many directions. Talks of childhood, fashion, football, gossip, tv news and conversations based on the controled media, family issues.....need I go on?

It's not that all these topics bore me, it's that the topics are usually based on the blinder epidemic that makes the conversations flat and sometimes pointless because if it's based on mass media on what's allowed to be reported I find it all quite hard to swallow. I don't want to watch golf and I've heard childhood stores told for years till I'm blue in the face. I find that if I want to talk about solutions or ideas on preparing for the future, they think, "Here she goes again. My idiosyncrasies usually become a target so I sit and listen to work complaints or conversations but with a drink in my hand. Yes, a vodka/7 or Margarita can usually make any conversation bearable and that much more lively!!

Blessings and Hugs,


1st May 2011, 04:44
LOL - This is a common theme for me in my chats with the two awake people I daily converse with via the net (outside of avalon)

While it is frustrating, I see it as a catalyst for my own growth. I do not try to overwhelm people with information, but an opportunity arises I may sort of blurt out what I believe to be reality (altough I do not believe this is always the best thing to do - recently it is becoming reflexive - so I can't quite control it)

Another way to look at it is to realize and accept that you are in the Avant Garde - pretty sexy huh?

One of my blog posts http://tracking2012.blogspot.com/2011_03_01_archive.html
has the following info from 11:11 What does it all mean? What is it all about?

The Correcting Time will be a time when orthodoxy fails,
and folks will be looking for answers. And they will be fearful. They
will need reassurance.

You may thus be the leading edge - the early
adopters of new paradigms.

So I guess I am saying - Embrace it - the time is coming - soon. peace.


I will take Avant Garde any day of the week over being asleep!!!

Thanks and Blessings,


1st May 2011, 04:55
I'm convinced it's vibrational... IMHO...
People respond to your vibration and, if you just take care of you and work on expanding your awareness spiritually then your vibration will rise and this is only a good thing for all concerned... This is how we are the change we want to see. The people that don't stick around can't handle the vibe... Those that do move more into alignment with it. We're all transmitting and receiving. This, I think more than words is the key and if I'm doing the work on me that brings me more into awakening then, I am contributing without having to strive, exert and 'inform' etc...

Thank you Roseheart,

I started laughing when I read your comment because if it is vibrational then I must be wonky and out of alignment!!

I think with life journeys it's more then just vibration, it's understanding and appreciation for each other. If we forget that we are all in the same boat the tendency to rock it can cause it to flip over...........we have to understand we all inhabit this planet and that everything effects all of us the same way. Sometimes the preference for staying asleep puts a huge responsibility on the shoulders of those who choose to be awake. We can all only carry so much before we feel the burden of responsibility. The illusion that the gov't has everything under control and in our best interests is the hypnotic drug for those asleep. Perhaps the vibration we share with each other will help awaken those asleep..........one can only hope!

Thanks and Blessings,


7th May 2011, 10:26
HI fellow avalonians..
what a wonderful thread you have started rainbow44!
wow.. i can really relate to what folks are sharing here...
To be on a path of truth can be very lonely indeed.. due to my travelings, i have had to sacrifice many friendships, i no longer see my relatives, broke up with my soulmate, (something i am at peace with, as we were not that compatible as partners, very good friends though) and had to sacrifice being with my beautiful 2 yr old son, over the course of two years i have seen him for a total of perhaps 4 to 5 weeks..
both him and his mother, like me, have gone underground/off the grid... not because we want to but because we know we have to.. we are located far from eachother, for safety reasons and to prevent them from becoming a distraction to me and my mission.. which is hard enough as it is..

over the last 5 years i have lost everything i held dear on more than one occasion, on a material level, i lost my job, my car, my house, my income and social security.. i have left behind many friends.. people i love(d) would declare me insane, and this includes some pretty awake people..

Many mediums, so called "sages" and guru's have crossed my path and i have confronted many of the m with their own B.S. resulting in them trying to frustrate my work by spreading lies and rumours about me amongst the few friends i had left.. (something an enlightened teacher would never do)

I have been threatened with imprisonment, been psychically attacked, both during the day and in my dreams, i have been tempted and challenged by many weird events, people and entities.. all trying to break my faith and trust in what i am doing..
I can be very lonely indeed.. i sometimes miss the presence of a strong woman at my side.. as only she would be able to guide me through certain challenges as i could for her.. in my experience the one thing that is really unstoppable is the love of a man and a woman who share the same mind, path and challenges, who help and support each other, pushing each others limits... i have been fortunate to have been with a woman or two who felt like i did.. like a dynamic duo we soared to new heights.. however something would always happen to frustrate our being together.. almost always from an external source...
Also with groups of people who shared a common purpose, i have experienced many freaky incidents.. people shifting to almost demon like tendencies whenever i came to close to uncovering truth about certain topics, people or events..

Especially regarding "new age" falsehoods and the tearing down of so called spiritual Hierarchies (my specialty) i would meet with a lot of resistance from my fellow humans and non-corporeal entities alike... a lot of resistance indeed.....

After years of being challenged, badgered, ridiculed and outright attacked, i am still here, still going strong..
i have learned to become more silent, more camouflaged and more cunning due to all of this... and as i sit on my own private rock, i watch for people who pass me by, observing and waiting for the right moment to make myself known... many times i remain quiet... for they are not ready to hear what i have to say... such is life... such is destiny...
love and truth will prevail.. and it might be sooner than you think..

p.s. especially the so called "awakened", new age/mayan calendar minded people would become frantic and really aggressive if and when their beliefs were challenged.. quite disturbing..... reminded me of other groups of "loving" people who believed their "way" was the only one... organized religion anyone?

7th May 2011, 10:47
Felt your heart in that post Jendayi. Thanks and love now in mine. x

7th May 2011, 11:17

When I read your story I can relate.

And when people who are struggling with becoming better into themselves read our accounts , because its not a trip up the flower path (as some promise) they get scared. One one hand I want to honor your journey and your honest expression and on the other hand I want to ask us who have taken the low, swampy, rock road to get to the higher road...why? Why did we do this. As if life were not problemic before we end up with problems we never knew existed during that time of travel.

But in attempting to mentor people to come into themselves...

Not a whole lot of people are tempted into a place where they are psychically attacked by things seen unseen, divorce, losing kids ,separation sacrifice , sacrifice, torment.

And it does seem that way the moment we decide to transform ourselves every negative thing in the universe finds us, strangely, in a way that we were never noticed before. But there's a reason for that.

We shouldn't be dishonest about our experiences and enlightenment is not achieved without a struggle. And once one is on this path we can't get off of it.

I seldom relate the onerous parts of my path because no matter how I express it I'm victimized and whiney sounding . And I may have a heads up that other people don't get. It was all written out for me how things would occur during my inner struggle. All of it. The self traps I'd fall into I was warned of straight from the horses mouth before I even stepped on this path. No I went trip trapping through them any way, because I didn't take the note from the universe as a cautionary note, but direct order to be as miserable as I could make myself and then plaster a strained grin on my face and say "I'm happy. I'm on a path of enlightenment. "

And people are not all that blind. They'd say ,you don't look spiritual or happy, you are the most imposed upon saddest person I've ever met. ' I wasn't in a good place to impress upon others that they should attempt to know themselves better.

And they were right. Because I was taught it was all sacrifice. My little note from the universe (which was an 300 page instruction booklet) said that I would fall into the trap of just thinking it was giving away the house.

But I seldom ever hear people speak of what occurs when that struggle ends. Which is the real temptation.. Where do we arrive at that we can express to people 'this is worth it' and all that crap that we endured was the result of our own confusion about who we are. WHAT happens exactly on a mental, emotional, spiritual--all levels of our existence--that will make it worth it for other people to attempt.

Where's the good stuff at?

Because on one hand we offer transformation, making all levels of existence better. But then we are offering of our own experience is trials, hardships and sacrifices and then 'but I learned to cope with it and I'm happy' people stop and say, "But wait" what happened to all the really great stuff? I have trials I can cope with now, is that all you are teaching is bringing in even more negative ****, and then teaching how to cope with EVEN more negative ****? ""

So what exactly are we offering people? Most will think they are way better off than we are before coming near this path. A lot of people say that to me "you should have ended up in a mental home, are you suggesting I should take a journey like that. No, thanks."

Because it does occur that place without sacrifice. That brass ring. Opening my eyes made me realize it was there the entire time. That I didn't have to wade through the sewer to get there I thought wading through the sewer was expected of me. I was ready to be a victim.

So where's the good stuff at? When do we express something that people can look forward to. Or better teach them a way to understand and avoid that external pressure? Or rather than internal pressure that 'appears' to be external.

What has made this worth it to you, on a material, emotional,mental--all levels of your existence. For YOU. For all the sacrifice you've given one gets it back ten fold in spades. So what is it?

7th May 2011, 12:28
Last week I was about to pull my hair out because I had come to a disagreement with my father about what's happening on the planet. If I tell friends and family about the serious problems in Japan that are not being reported by the general mainstream media they think I'm nuts. My father believes that mainstream news keeps him informed and if it's not reported, it's not important. If I say anything about chem trails, vaccinations or fluoride in the water they say I am paranoid or out to lunch.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am really tired of telling people who don't want to listen what's happening under their noses. I don't feel it's my job to go forth and report bad news but on the other hand I feel I have an obligation to impart important news that is being hidden from the general public especially to friends and family. But very few want to listen and I even have a cousin that if I'm not careful would probably phone in and give my name to the Walmart spy on your neighbor scam.

It's like almost everyone around me might as well be the walking dead because they believe in an illusion of what America once was. It's like they panic and react to different information instead of listening with an open mind. Pretty much they are like reactions waiting to happen and the open mind idea really is not an option.

Do any of you feel alone? Seriously there is literally no one to talk to. If I do talk to people they conveniently change the subject or excuse themselves. The common gossip or conversation does the same thing to me and I tend to avoid it if at all possible.

I like to talk about fun stuff so it's not like I'm doom and gloom all the time but I like to talk to informed people and it's a wake up call to find very few within my circle awake and aware.

So are you all feeling the same way as me? I'm not giving up perhaps just venting. :frusty:

Thanks and Bless all of you,


Hi Rainbow, I totally understand.

From what i have experenced, due to the nature of the subject/s it has attracted an ocean of BS, so much so that it takes effort and time to sift through it to get to the gold.

Unless you are driven by that internal yearning it would be very easy to throw the subject/s into the bin and close your mind, or even mock the subject/s. Which is what alot of people do.

All I know is there is no way back from here. I know to much to go back to sleep and I will continue to search for the truth untill the day I die.

7th May 2011, 12:39

When I read your story I can relate.

And when people who are struggling with becoming better into themselves read our accounts , because its not a trip up the flower path (as some promise) they get scared. One one hand I want to honor your journey and your honest expression and on the other hand I want to ask us who have taken the low, swampy, rock road to get to the higher road...why? Why did we do this. As if life were not problemic before we end up with problems we never knew existed during that time of travel.

I can only speak for myself when i say that it has been worth it... i love a good adventure! I got to wrestle with orks and demons, dance with elves and fairies, sit around the fire with my fellow rainbow warriors, shared love with women who were angels, guided lost souls to the here-after, waged battle with unknown dark forces and became allies with certain non-terrestrial beings.. i have had visions that blow away any hq 3d movie production hollywood can throw at us.. it has been quite a ride and on a soul level i have loved every step of the way!!! (my ego might have a slightly different opinion though, but then again... who is writing this???)[/QUOTE]

But in attempting to mentor people to come into themselves...

Not a whole lot of people are tempted into a place where they are psychically attacked by things seen unseen, divorce, losing kids ,separation sacrifice , sacrifice, torment.

For me, it has never been a temptation... it has been a conscious endeavor for the most part..
I simply knew i had to venture into darkness and face my/the "dark side" so i could understand and transcend it...(one of my alltime favorite journeys into darkness was watching the first 3 "Hellraiser" movies on mushrooms and at the end felt nothing but compassion and a fatherly love for all things demonic.. i understood the pain and sorrow which leads so many people to a path of evil, they just wish to be loved.. it changed my life)

whenever something or someone would be "sacrificed" and disappear from my life, i would go through a very short period of grief and "letting go", releasing myself from any emotional chains that held me down, and knowing that what was released benefited both me and the "other".. some of us are here specifically for that task...

And it does seem that way the moment we decide to transform ourselves every negative thing in the universe finds us, strangely, in a way that we were never noticed before. But there's a reason for that.

and it's a beautiful reason at that... when you turn on your light.. "mosquitos" and other nuisances are bound to be drawn to you, that's ok.. they can't generate their own light (yet) so they need some of yours.. high vibrations are like a commodity to some.. something to consume and trade at their own whim..
someday.. they too will reach higher states of being.. life and consciousness are eternal, so don't worry about anyone else.. we all make it to the "other side" at some point..

We shouldn't be dishonest about our experiences and enlightenment is not achieved without a struggle. And once one is on this path we can't get off of it.
I seldom relate the onerous parts of my path because no matter how I express it I'm victimized and whiney sounding . And I may have a heads up that other people don't get.

I am always open about what i "endure"... I have to be honest, no sugar coatings whatsoever.. i do tell my stories with a genuine sense of adventure and a big smile on my face.. even regarding the hard and more difficult parts of my journey... i am no victim of circumstances.. i chose them myself.. i am not sad about not seeing my son.. i know it is in both his interest and that of others.. i gladly sacrifice being with him if that means i am more free to do what i came here to do.. when i miss a woman at my side i am not sad about it.. it's more like a serene acceptance of that which is not present.. a melancholic sense of knowing that whoever or where ever she is, she is living her life and doing what she needs to do.. to have a smile on your face while a tear rolls over your cheek is the ultimate human expression of balanced emotion.. an allowance of duality without judging it.. one of the greatest gift the human experience can offer imho...
Yes.. to walk the path of truth and evolution is not an easy thing.. you will experience pain, sadness and heartache, but you will also experience Bliss, love, peace, brotherhood and adventure.. the heavy side of things will only weigh on you if you refuse to let go.. it takes a lot of effort to hold on to that which is heavy...
however, the beauty will always remain with you and grows every day.. it takes no effort to carry that with you as it "floats" by itself..
You will learn to let go.. to be... to accept... to love....
for me, it has been worth every step of the way so far! it's exciting!

It was all written out for me how things would occur during my inner struggle. All of it. The self traps I'd fall into I was warned of straight from the horses mouth before I even stepped on this path. No I went trip trapping through them any way, because I didn't take the note from the universe as a cautionary note, but direct order to be as miserable as I could make myself and then plaster a strained grin on my face and say "I'm happy. I'm on a path of enlightenment. "

And people are not all that blind. They'd say ,you don't look spiritual or happy, you are the most imposed upon saddest person I've ever met. ' I wasn't in a good place to impress upon others that they should attempt to know themselves better.

And they were right. Because I was taught it was all sacrifice. My little note from the universe (which was an 300 page instruction booklet) said that I would fall into the trap of just thinking it was giving away the house.

To find out who and what you "are", within the confines of this "3d/4d/5d" or whatever reality, you will have to experience that which you "are not".. it gives contrast and perspective to know all sides of the coin (ever checked the 'edge' of the metaphorical 'coin' that is your life?) once you are aware of this you are able to experience much more "nastiness" in a day than the "average Joe" could in a life time... you no longer see it as negative but more as a "cut scene" out of a video game that was needed to clarify the interactive experience you chose to be a part of.. it has no emotional hold on you.. any drama will become neutral information whereas it used to be emotionally charged with suspense, sadness and stress... you become an observer instead of a victim..

But I seldom ever hear people speak of what occurs when that struggle ends. Which is the real temptation.. Where do we arrive at that we can express to people 'this is worth it' and all that crap that we endured was the result of our own confusion about who we are. WHAT happens exactly on a mental, emotional, spiritual--all levels of our existence--that will make it worth it for other people to attempt.

Where's the good stuff at?

Because on one hand we offer transformation, making all levels of existence better. But then we are offering of our own experience is trials, hardships and sacrifices and then 'but I learned to cope with it and I'm happy' people stop and say, "But wait" what happened to all the really great stuff? I have trials I can cope with now, is that all you are teaching is bringing in even more negative ****, and then teaching how to cope with EVEN more negative ****? ""

The "good stuff" is all around us! whenever we make a sacrifice, reduce suffering or heal wounds.. small nuggets (hi Sidious!) of truth and beauty are given to us every single time we have undergone any heartship.. adding to our being... (whether we wish to accept them or not) there's no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.. and why should it? it makes you forget to watch and marvel at the beauty of the rainbow itself.. and i would take walking on a rainbow over a pot of gold anytime! many small things can lead to greatness...

So what exactly are we offering people? Most will think they are way better off than we are before coming near this path. A lot of people say that to me "you should have ended up in a mental home, are you suggesting I should take a journey like that. No, thanks."

Because it does occur that place without sacrifice. That brass ring. Opening my eyes made me realize it was there the entire time. That I didn't have to wade through the sewer to get there I thought wading through the sewer was expected of me. I was ready to be a victim.

So where's the good stuff at? When do we express something that people can look forward to. Or better teach them a way to understand and avoid that external pressure? Or rather than internal pressure that 'appears' to be external.

What has made this worth it to you, on a material, emotional,mental--all levels of your existence. For YOU. For all the sacrifice you've given one gets it back ten fold in spades. So what is it?

Like ourselves.. we can't prevent others from going through negative experiences.. like us at the time, they don't listen to others who are trying to help them and prevent them from suffering.. we didn't either... the insight you share in the last words of your post about the brass ring could only have been gained by you experiencing what you did... even if it was there all the time.. you where not ready for it yet.. so again.. the good stuff is all around us.. ;)

we will eventually all become aware of the brass ring.. each of us in our own due time.. and be careful with giving advice to people.. some personal insights are exactly that, "personal".... so always double check what it is that triggers an impulse to help another.. is it for their, or your benefit? or both? are you sharing insight... or are you giving advice? there is a difference..

thank you so much for your post and giving me an opportunity to express this part of my experience..
and for those who might wonder.. i am typing all of this with a genuine smile on my face and joy in my heart as i am walking down memory lane with all of you..
ahhhh, sweet nostalgia indeed...

7th May 2011, 13:00
Found this article posted yesterday at Natural News entitled "The Gullible Mind Explained".

"(NaturalNews) In light of the string of the blatant falsehoods being announced by the U.S. government these days (FDA, DHS, White House, etc.) it's interesting that so many people still believe whatever they are told by "official" sources. It brings up the question of the functioning of their brains: How could a person swallow official information so gullibly and so completely without even asking commonsense questions about the reliability or factual basis of that information?

These people, it turns out, are operating from what I called The Gullible Mind. It is a psychological processing malfunction that filters out information based on its source rather than its integrity. People who operate from The Gullible Mind tend to have misplaced trust in governments, institutions, mainstream news networks, doctors, scientists or anyone who wears the garb of apparent authority.

Whereas a normal, intelligent person would raise commonsense questions about information they receive from all sources, the Gullible Mind wholly accepts virtually any information from sources that occupy the role of apparent authority in society."

More at: http://www.naturalnews.com/032293_gullible_minds.html#ixzz1Lff2wz00

8th May 2011, 14:13
What is "evil"?

8th May 2011, 15:04
What is "evil"?

Good question. The fact we think we are battling evil is a mind trap, and what keeps us in the game. You engage in battle, you engage in the game.

10th May 2011, 14:13
HI fellow avalonians..
what a wonderful thread you have started rainbow44!
wow.. i can really relate to what folks are sharing here...
To be on a path of truth can be very lonely indeed.. due to my travelings, i have had to sacrifice many friendships, i no longer see my relatives, broke up with my soulmate, (something i am at peace with, as we were not that compatible as partners, very good friends though) and had to sacrifice being with my beautiful 2 yr old son, over the course of two years i have seen him for a total of perhaps 4 to 5 weeks..
both him and his mother, like me, have gone underground/off the grid... not because we want to but because we know we have to.. we are located far from eachother, for safety reasons and to prevent them from becoming a distraction to me and my mission.. which is hard enough as it is..

over the last 5 years i have lost everything i held dear on more than one occasion, on a material level, i lost my job, my car, my house, my income and social security.. i have left behind many friends.. people i love(d) would declare me insane, and this includes some pretty awake people..

Many mediums, so called "sages" and guru's have crossed my path and i have confronted many of the m with their own B.S. resulting in them trying to frustrate my work by spreading lies and rumours about me amongst the few friends i had left.. (something an enlightened teacher would never do)

I have been threatened with imprisonment, been psychically attacked, both during the day and in my dreams, i have been tempted and challenged by many weird events, people and entities.. all trying to break my faith and trust in what i am doing..
I can be very lonely indeed.. i sometimes miss the presence of a strong woman at my side.. as only she would be able to guide me through certain challenges as i could for her.. in my experience the one thing that is really unstoppable is the love of a man and a woman who share the same mind, path and challenges, who help and support each other, pushing each others limits... i have been fortunate to have been with a woman or two who felt like i did.. like a dynamic duo we soared to new heights.. however something would always happen to frustrate our being together.. almost always from an external source...
Also with groups of people who shared a common purpose, i have experienced many freaky incidents.. people shifting to almost demon like tendencies whenever i came to close to uncovering truth about certain topics, people or events..

Especially regarding "new age" falsehoods and the tearing down of so called spiritual Hierarchies (my specialty) i would meet with a lot of resistance from my fellow humans and non-corporeal entities alike... a lot of resistance indeed.....

After years of being challenged, badgered, ridiculed and outright attacked, i am still here, still going strong..
i have learned to become more silent, more camouflaged and more cunning due to all of this... and as i sit on my own private rock, i watch for people who pass me by, observing and waiting for the right moment to make myself known... many times i remain quiet... for they are not ready to hear what i have to say... such is life... such is destiny...
love and truth will prevail.. and it might be sooner than you think..

p.s. especially the so called "awakened", new age/mayan calendar minded people would become frantic and really aggressive if and when their beliefs were challenged.. quite disturbing..... reminded me of other groups of "loving" people who believed their "way" was the only one... organized religion anyone?

Thank you Jendayi,

The work and quest of the enlightened few always seems to be an epic novel in trials and tribulations. With all that we have around us, isn't it crazy that people would only choose to see what is only in front of them. A bought and sold society can't afford to have people like yourself in their company because when the blinders come off , the realization of what they never saw would be apocolyptic in drama, stress and shock. As souls on this beautiful planet, we were handed the right and privilage to be here the day we were born but many view themselves as sinners with a mark of imperfection staining their existence. If people could see how truly beautiful they are, our world would be a different place. Tolerance for war, famine, economic collapse and community rage would be a thing of the past. A distant memory of how distant and isolated we were.................from ourselves and each other.

Blessings and Hugs,


10th May 2011, 14:22
Last week I was about to pull my hair out because I had come to a disagreement with my father about what's happening on the planet. If I tell friends and family about the serious problems in Japan that are not being reported by the general mainstream media they think I'm nuts. My father believes that mainstream news keeps him informed and if it's not reported, it's not important. If I say anything about chem trails, vaccinations or fluoride in the water they say I am paranoid or out to lunch.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am really tired of telling people who don't want to listen what's happening under their noses. I don't feel it's my job to go forth and report bad news but on the other hand I feel I have an obligation to impart important news that is being hidden from the general public especially to friends and family. But very few want to listen and I even have a cousin that if I'm not careful would probably phone in and give my name to the Walmart spy on your neighbor scam.

It's like almost everyone around me might as well be the walking dead because they believe in an illusion of what America once was. It's like they panic and react to different information instead of listening with an open mind. Pretty much they are like reactions waiting to happen and the open mind idea really is not an option.

Do any of you feel alone? Seriously there is literally no one to talk to. If I do talk to people they conveniently change the subject or excuse themselves. The common gossip or conversation does the same thing to me and I tend to avoid it if at all possible.

I like to talk about fun stuff so it's not like I'm doom and gloom all the time but I like to talk to informed people and it's a wake up call to find very few within my circle awake and aware.

So are you all feeling the same way as me? I'm not giving up perhaps just venting. :frusty:

Thanks and Bless all of you,


Hi Rainbow, I totally understand.

From what i have experenced, due to the nature of the subject/s it has attracted an ocean of BS, so much so that it takes effort and time to sift through it to get to the gold.

Unless you are driven by that internal yearning it would be very easy to throw the subject/s into the bin and close your mind, or even mock the subject/s. Which is what alot of people do.

All I know is there is no way back from here. I know to much to go back to sleep and I will continue to search for the truth untill the day I die.

Hello Enquiring,

The truth is always the guide that leads us to those who are similar in thoughts and ideas. My path came here and I am grateful. Your words as well as everyone elses lets me know that we are all searching for similar answers relating to relationships, inner peace and world issues and the untold story of so much secrecy.

May our journeys always lead us on a path paralleling each other. The quest for knowledge is always more enjoyable with like minded souls!

Blessings and Hugs,


10th May 2011, 14:26
What is "evil"?

Evil is whatever a person thinks it is. Or it may not exist at all depending on a persons viewpoint.

It can as in this case by me be used symbolically instead of a literal meaning. I was just stating a common term that most people have heard to relate my frustration of the moment.

10th May 2011, 16:59
What is "evil"?

Evil is whatever a person thinks it is. Or it may not exist at all depending on a persons viewpoint.

It can as in this case by me be used symbolically instead of a literal meaning. I was just stating a common term that most people have heard to relate my frustration of the moment.

Sifu always said "ignorance is the only evil"

11th May 2011, 04:09
What is "evil"?

Evil is whatever a person thinks it is. Or it may not exist at all depending on a persons viewpoint.

It can as in this case by me be used symbolically instead of a literal meaning. I was just stating a common term that most people have heard to relate my frustration of the moment.

Sifu always said "ignorance is the only evil"

As with evil there are many forms of ignorance which basically means it can be anything a person sees or thinks it to be.
It's all in the mind of the beholder!

11th May 2011, 06:02
The people will not follow you. For sure they will not. The truth is different as you step in next/upper level. This means that you will not accept the truth from the above. Therefore you will remain in ignorance, so to speak.

So, if you want to know more don’t spend your time on others, ....such a waist....

11th May 2011, 18:46
The people will not follow you. For sure they will not. The truth is different as you step in next/upper level. This means that you will not accept the truth from the above. Therefore you will remain in ignorance, so to speak.

So, if you want to know more don’t spend your time on others, ....such a waist....

Hello FrankoL,

I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about. I mean there is always someone with a greater understanding of life than ourselves and I don't agree to stay in ignorance just because the truth might be hard to take or unbelievable. There is no waste of time if you care about people...........the waste is really in your own state of mind. If helping others or looking for answers is a waste of time...........then you and I differ greatly here!



11th May 2011, 20:36
Yes, you are.

You cant help others to understand if they don't want to. Meaning, they are not yet prepared. As you may not accept the truth from upper level. And as the matter of fact you are not.

You are just a step forward, not more than that....Besides are you sure...what you know is true? If not, how you can teach others? It is not only waist of time but also misleading your love ones,.. Are you aware of damage you can cause? I am sure you are not...

This has nothing to do with love and taking care of the people (in fact it is, but is right opposite of your way of thinking). They are just fine with their believes and nothing is wrong with that (to be ignorant). What are you trying to do is so disturbing in their perspective, see...no wonder about their reaction. Just the same as I am right now. The difference is you asked for it...they have not (your family).

Your believes suddenly changed,... you know why? What are you going to do next? Teach others? Please be serious.

12th May 2011, 04:25
Yes, you are.

You cant help others to understand if they don't want to. Meaning, they are not yet prepared. As you may not accept the truth from upper level. And as the matter of fact you are not.

You are just a step forward, not more than that....Besides are you sure...what you know is true? If not, how you can teach others? It is not only waist of time but also misleading your love ones,.. Are you aware of damage you can cause? I am sure you are not...

This has nothing to do with love and taking care of the people (in fact it is, but is right opposite of your way of thinking). They are just fine with their believes and nothing is wrong with that (to be ignorant). What are you trying to do is so disturbing in their perspective, see...no wonder about their reaction. Just the same as I am right now. The difference is you asked for it...they have not (your family).

Your believes suddenly changed,... you know why? What are you going to do next? Teach others? Please be serious.

Yes your are what??? What a bizarre way of commenting!

Look.......... don't tell me to be serious...........this is my thread.
You can have your view point and I am "allowed" to have mine.

Give up, go be isolated and by yourself. Care about no one and think only of yourself.

Are you sure you know what is true? Please what a typical question. The bottom line for all of us is to look for what feels like the truth and go from there. Trial and error maybe but with searching for the answers one of us might find the truth.

The only person here misleading themselves is a pessimistic mind such as yourself..........

And disturbing in who's perspective, your own???!! Damage you say.......with your negativism what makes you any different???

The only damage that can be done is if the intent is to hurt people............when it's all said and done people listen when they are ready and I will be there for them and with them.

And don't tell me what "YOU" think love is because you dont' know me and I don't really care to read about what you think love is or isn't. You really haven't added anything useful to this thread.

What is disturbing is you putting words in peoples mouths that you don't know, what is disturbing is you trying to push your brand of thinking onto my ideology. What is really sad is that you sound way off base, maybe a few quarts low and you are trying to justify your own state of being.

Fine..... think the way you want but seriously get a grip. If you don't agree with me get off this thread and push your views some place else. I don't need you telling me I need to be serious. Get serious yourself and while your at it, get some compassion for humanity.

12th May 2011, 05:18
Hi Rainbow,
Long time ago, you would be one of mine Paranoid schizophrenic patient.
I would give you prescription immediately. There is still out there or here some of PSs but I, now, strongly believe people have witnessed , is witnessing .
This summer I and a dozen collegiate will have an informal meeting at Europe and will have think tank against to Association's block.

Love and Peace

12th May 2011, 07:00
Re-read my post 10 times....maybe you will get the message from it. I wanted to help you …to understand why people won’t listen to you. Funny thing is that you are exactly the same (see your response).

I will not reply any more, you don’t deserve it.

Darla Ken Pearce
12th May 2011, 09:36
What a wonderful sharing thread this one is... Thanks for the honest and spirit here. We are so lucky to have found each other on Avalon. There are many spiritual groups and all offer something special but Avalon has the most open and alert folks you can find. It was a most wonderful surprise to be able to rub shoulders with so many fabulously enlightened people in one place. Kind of like a hangout of some old spiritual hierarchy that heard some quiet call and are gathering to make the big shift together. It's surprising, amazing, and quite wonderful.

Our spirits are ageless and we knew each other prior and during this Earth experience, and of that you may be certain. Do any others feel this pull of destiny as strongly as I do?

As for converting and alerting others about TPTB, it is much too late for that now. Those old warriors and dark powers have finished their reign over the Earth and no longer pose a threat. Let me repeat that, once again, those old dark warriors have lost their powers rendering everything moot at this point in time. I used to beat my head against the wall, too, and felt this great urgency to awaken others. Then, I found out that if we each work within our own hearts, and change things there, the rest of the world will fall into step with us. Now, I don't mean in 3D but through development of our own heart centers, we ascend out of this darkness which then, can no longer threaten, take action against us, nor cause anything that effects our lives anymore. We have always been the ones to create this 3D paradigm and we can also end the illusion whenever we so desire.

In one of the latest updates, we are told to concentrate on creating the world we wish to inhabit and let the old one fall away. If we resist and if we continue to support it through speech, writing, seeking, it only makes these old systems stick around longer and get darker still. We cannot feed the illusion any longer, it's too late for it. Where all our seeking and striving and sorting will come in handy is now, as we create this new vista, a new Earth and Heaven combined, it is necessary to release and let go of all things that anchor it into place in 3D by ascending to a higher vibration within our own heart and then outwardly in concentric circles over the Earth. And in this mannerm bring Heaven to Earth ourselves.

The 4th dimension has open arms for us and we must go there if only in spirit for a short time to find respite from the storms that soon will overtake these old falling systems and until ascension is completed. Others who are unaware of all that has transpired will be very lost, and that's where we can come in as Lightworkers and Wayshowers for them when asked. For a time, a feeling of devastation may overcome them. They will feel as if their whole foundations has been overturned but this not be long lasting. They may ask for our guidance and we need to be ready to give it when called upon.

We can no longer jump in there and attempt to "save" anyone or anything. It's not needed or desired and will work against us if we try. Free will is operative and a very real focus to keep in mind at all times. All is in good hands now ~ as we drop the old and pick up the new wonders open to us all now.

These others in our families and social groups even strangers are about to lose their entire religious foundation. It ain't going to be pretty. They are about to lose their ideology and belief in the idea of America ~ land of the free and find out that all they believed was a complete lie. And then there is our DNA codes and origins.

There is no hope for a different happy outcome until we release the 3D illusions and begin creating a fabulous new vista of abundance, peace, unconditional love for each and every being on Earth and within it. This is the narrow path between these two different worlds and dimensions and they include the fact that there needs to be space to come forth properly. Until the old is released, there will be no space to allow the New Golden Age to exist and come forth bringing us fully into the light of a new day.

So ~ an attitude adjustment is to be asked for and granted. As World Servers, I believe we are on Avalon to strength and fortify ourselves for the panic that is about to reach the masses. Each person is valuable and precious and it is Earth and all the celestial being's greatest desire that as many as can choose, desire, and ask to ascend, a way might be found to assist them in reaching the 5th dimension to ascend along side our beloved Mother Earth. Make no mistake this is what we came here to do. We have just forgotten.

Once when I had researched the government and all the betrayals available to find, I finally found the last piece of the puzzle. I took a deep breath and fell back onto my bed in utter astonishment and utter shock at the absolute betrayal put upon our people. It was too much to endure at first. I had to catch myself and get my thoughts and body back into some balance. To put it mildly it was too much for anyone to absorb and I had to manually put one foot in front of the other to get out of that dark place.

It took some time to adjust. Now, add that all religions will be revealed and fall to the ground along side the entire financial structure and the shock that will be to the others who believed in these false prophets. Many will not be able to adjust to the new truth that is coming forth and can't be stopped. Many will leave, many will not be able to endure the change of attitude necessary to go forth. Many will choose not to go and not to ascend through free will choice open to all of us.

Meanwhile, those old solar winds just keep blowing in....and with them, all consciousness rises. No stone will remain unturned and all will be known. Here is where we have an opportunity to become, "Physical Angels" and our assistance if called for, will need to be strong, and ready to serve in whatever capacity we find our circumstance put us into. We are each in different areas of the world and are to become anchors of light and love for these others. We will have the assistance of all the Galactics and the Agarthans from Inner Earth. We will need to ~ if we so desire ~ become celestial liaisons for the Galactics and help make this new transition possible with the gentlest hand of love possible.

Are you ready to begin now? Well, please think about it. Because those days and this calling is upon us now. Much love! xoxoxoxoxox

12th May 2011, 10:09
Your words resonate deep to the core of my being. Everytime I start to feel the saddness in the world, I now turn to your words of wisdom and beauty. It give me strength and reassurance to leave that sadness behind me and travel light. Thank you so much Darla for being here at Avalon. You bring joy and happiness.

Lily de Cuir
12th May 2011, 11:09
Dear Rainbow 44 and Everyone,

You are not alone. However 3 years ago I was one of those people who thought my best friend had seriously lost her mind. I just didn't get it, until I started a bit of exploration to prove her wrong. Lol...the rest is history. Once one casts away blinkers and dares to go down the bunny hole, you never return the same again.

Now I've started to gently introduce my 13 year old son to some things, very gently I might add. But of course I'm branded a 'conspiracy theorist', a nutter with nothing better to do with my life except follow 'doom and gloom'. It frustrates me to be put into this box. I'm not doom and gloom at all! I understand what it's like to be there. Now I just choose to seek the truth. I feel an obligation to filter some of those truths (very gently) to my son.

And of course he tells his Dad what I tell him, and he has his own opinion and that is re-inforced to my son that I'm a nutter. Sigh...

My advice is not to talk with everyone about your own truth seeking. Be discerning with whom you speak with and choose your words carefully about disseminating information. Just plant little 'thought seeds'. You don't have to blurt out the whole manifesto in one go. If people are intelligent and curious they will take a little bait on the hook. Just give them small bits they can handle.

For instance the other day I was having my hair done and was reading the book 'Big Brother, the Orwellian Nightmare Come True', by Mike Dice. (Just released). Hairdresser asked me what I was reading and gave her a small dose, before long the whole salon was talking about all the new technology and how it was/is/to be affecting their lives....that's a small seed to plant that doesn't upset anyone, but gets them thinking. If they get curious; they go online to learn more.

If I ever get too in-depth with people regarding this stuff, I just tell them, google the 'new world order' and not to take my word for it.

Final statement? You can't force anyone to accept what you know. It's up to them. Just give them a tasty, small, little morsal that's easy to digest. The rest is up to them.

Not your responsibility from then on. You've done your duty without harming friendships.

Love Lily:yo:
PS: I'm a Hat Woman, love a good hat! Always wear one, cheers to Bill, but Darling you need a new one!:wave:

12th May 2011, 15:04
Re-read my post 10 times....maybe you will get the message from it. I wanted to help you …to understand why people won’t listen to you. Funny thing is that you are exactly the same (see your response).

I will not reply any more, you don’t deserve it.


The only person here who feels judgemental is you.................and the price you will always pay is isolation which is exactly what has happened.
No one here asked you to help them..................If you would have read my first comment, I asked if anyone had been going thru the same thing..........perhaps you can reread what I wrote 10 times................. But Good bye............have to say it's about time!!

12th May 2011, 15:11
Dear Rainbow 44 and Everyone,

You are not alone. However 3 years ago I was one of those people who thought my best friend had seriously lost her mind. I just didn't get it, until I started a bit of exploration to prove her wrong. Lol...the rest is history. Once one casts away blinkers and dares to go down the bunny hole, you never return the same again.

Now I've started to gently introduce my 13 year old son to some things, very gently I might add. But of course I'm branded a 'conspiracy theorist', a nutter with nothing better to do with my life except follow 'doom and gloom'. It frustrates me to be put into this box. I'm not doom and gloom at all! I understand what it's like to be there. Now I just choose to seek the truth. I feel an obligation to filter some of those truths (very gently) to my son.

And of course he tells his Dad what I tell him, and he has his own opinion and that is re-inforced to my son that I'm a nutter. Sigh...

My advice is not to talk with everyone about your own truth seeking. Be discerning with whom you speak with and choose your words carefully about disseminating information. Just plant little 'thought seeds'. You don't have to blurt out the whole manifesto in one go. If people are intelligent and curious they will take a little bait on the hook. Just give them small bits they can handle.

For instance the other day I was having my hair done and was reading the book 'Big Brother, the Orwellian Nightmare Come True', by Mike Dice. (Just released). Hairdresser asked me what I was reading and gave her a small dose, before long the whole salon was talking about all the new technology and how it was/is/to be affecting their lives....that's a small seed to plant that doesn't upset anyone, but gets them thinking. If they get curious; they go online to learn more.

If I ever get too in-depth with people regarding this stuff, I just tell them, google the 'new world order' and not to take my word for it.

Final statement? You can't force anyone to accept what you know. It's up to them. Just give them a tasty, small, little morsal that's easy to digest. The rest is up to them.

Not your responsibility from then on. You've done your duty without harming friendships.

Love Lily:yo:

PS: I'm a Hat Woman, love a good hat! Always wear one, cheers to Bill, but Darling you need a new one!:wave:

Thank you Lily,

One statement I would like to make here is that I don't force anyone to listen to me if they don't want to. It's not up to me to make them listen but if they ask for my opinion I will give it.
My father is old school and believes what the TV tells him and he doesn't question it. I on the other hand listen with caution and then go research for myself what I feel doesn't add up. His generation never learned or thought to do this. They are the status quo and they never rock the boat.

My generation constantly rocks the boat and I think eventually we will all make a difference for our childeren and grandchildren. But my feelings awhile back regarding my frustration was from the fact that he and his friends back up information that is half truths. Isn't this what the PTB want...........families that argue over the facts. And we will never have all the facts but one thing that I do have is my gut and I listen to it more and more. If I can strengthen my connection to God then I know that he will give me the "real" answers when I'm ready to hear them.

Blessings and HUgs,


12th May 2011, 15:19
Sometimes and with a funny way of teaching us...............we learn the truth even in our own writing.

Lord Sidious
12th May 2011, 15:30
Sometimes and with a funny way of teaching us...............we learn the truth even in our own writing.

Sometimes with pain attached as well.
Remember, when a child is born, it is a very bloody, painful thing, but look 1 minute after, mum has the child in her arms and is happy.
See not the pain, look to the goal.

13th May 2011, 04:00
The people will not follow you. For sure they will not. The truth is different as you step in next/upper level. This means that you will not accept the truth from the above. Therefore you will remain in ignorance, so to speak.

So, if you want to know more don’t spend your time on others, ....such a waist....

If I did not follow,/wathced the people who is at level above my level I would not see my way today. go step up and pull one more soul with you. Going up and no care for the rest left is not fair for me.

13th May 2011, 05:03
The people will not follow you. For sure they will not. The truth is different as you step in next/upper level. This means that you will not accept the truth from the above. Therefore you will remain in ignorance, so to speak.

So, if you want to know more don’t spend your time on others, ....such a waist....

If I did not follow,/wathced the people who is at level above my level I would not see my way today. go step up and pull one more soul with you. Going up and no care for the rest left is not fair for me.

With the permission of OP :mad2:
The point is that there are no shortcuts. Thats how it is. You have to feel the force within you, to guide you through the steps, so to say.

Helping others will not work, full stop. Why do you think we are here ... to live and die? To help others or help ourselves?

If you don't understand what is good and bad, it is not my fault. Blackbow is dark and she sees her as multicolor. Ego is black, catch my drift...

Do you think to pull someone without interest into higher realms, because you feel sorry for them? You don't die and there are infinite possibilities for everyone... to step once in a time forward.

This video explains what I mean (listen carefully what is he saying about normal loving people):


I am not into Kabbalah.

13th May 2011, 05:16
The people will not follow you. For sure they will not. The truth is different as you step in next/upper level. This means that you will not accept the truth from the above. Therefore you will remain in ignorance, so to speak.

So, if you want to know more don’t spend your time on others, ....such a waist....

If I did not follow,/wathced the people who is at level above my level I would not see my way today. go step up and pull one more soul with you. Going up and no care for the rest left is not fair for me.

With the permission of OP :mad2:
The point is that there are no shortcuts. Thats how it is. You have to feel the force within you, to guide you through the steps, so to say.

Helping others will not work, full stop. Why do you think we are here ... to live and die? To help others or help ourselves?

If you don't understand what is good and bad, it is not my fault. Blackbow is dark and she sees her as multicolor. Ego is black, catch my drift...

Do you think to pull someone without interest into higher realms, because you feel sorry for them? You don't die and there are infinite possibilities for everyone... to step once in a time forward.

This video explains what I mean (listen carefully what is he saying about normal loving people):


I am not into Kabbalah.
You have meet a Lovely people, have you not?
Without sparkle from above you are here to stay

Listen again and again 9.19 to 9.27 please . This is your link not mine

13th May 2011, 05:41
the way starters think is like our colleague does. I offered myself (I already knew what reaction will be) and challenge her, in the notion that she is just like her parents. Voila, ... she is indeed. I have nothing against her, despite insults she made. Hopefully we can learn something ...

Just as an example how minds are closed ....Thinking they are enlightened, able to teach others.

-----> response to your repost:

Helping others is when they ask you for that (you should learn more to know what he meant in that vid).... you are no "saint"... to force others to change....are you sure, you know it all? Are others willing to listen?

Nevertheless, it was only my opinion, forum is for that...isn't it? You may read or not. I dont care. Do you expect me to say...o dear Rainbow, I had same problems, I so understand you, I love you for sharing your experience, try harder .... with blessing, love.....love....love....

No go. No way.


13th May 2011, 05:45
YOU CANT DO THAT!!!! For one thing, if a person has NO background in this stuff; its TOO much information. People have to be able to run things through their brain cells. Give new information in bytes. That might provoke interest and even questions. Sometimes even a facial expression will do it. Before you can give information to people you have to have their attention. Nothing wrong with being mysterious either...more intriguing.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

If anyone tells you that you are a conspiracy theorist; tell THEM to go back to their rose garden.

And speak calmly; provide information quietly and firmly as a fact; not as something you recently discovered and are all excited about. The first time I saw a UFO I told people like it was new and exciting information. No one could digest this. That's because I hadn't digested it. However, once I started just saying there are UFOs around the area I live; people react much differently. They might not believe it; but they don't deny it. Eventually, the information will be absorbed.

Cynacism sometimes works too. Instead of arguing with people about a subject...say Libya, for instance, just give them a link to some war stocks and tell them to speak to their investment advisor.

13th May 2011, 09:44
Hi Rainbow44

The fact that so many people feel this way if you flip it over has to be a positive thing if you think about it. There are soooo many of us awakening not so much a drip drip but becoming a steady stream :welcome:

13th May 2011, 15:59
The people will not follow you. For sure they will not. The truth is different as you step in next/upper level. This means that you will not accept the truth from the above. Therefore you will remain in ignorance, so to speak.

So, if you want to know more don’t spend your time on others, ....such a waist....

are you wasting your time then?

13th May 2011, 16:48
The people will not follow you. For sure they will not. The truth is different as you step in next/upper level. This means that you will not accept the truth from the above. Therefore you will remain in ignorance, so to speak.

So, if you want to know more don’t spend your time on others, ....such a waist....

are you wasting your time then?

you are sarcastic...but, answer is yes. It is so obvious, isn't it? BTW, you are wasting yours too, you are too much online and life is other than that...

13th May 2011, 17:01
It's not always a matter of trying to convince others, but instead of being accepted for what you know to be the truth for you. Not feeling like you should be walking on eggshells when around your family, especially. No one should stop speaking their truth just because it makes others roll their eyes. (sorry, FrankoL, I must agree to disagree with you)

It's difficult to be with people like that, but in life, we must sometimes be with them. So, you can come here where there are many of us who do get it and we will support you so you can have the strength to go back out amongst the non-awakened.

Soon enough, all will be revealed and you will be considered a sage! Until then, do not think you need to cover your truth around anyone!! Better that they hear it in small chunks now from you than be hit in the face with it all in a few months or years when it will be revealed. That could cause them to go insane! If you are saying it now, they will have some frame of reference later and won't go nutty.

This is our job now. It's why we are here. We live in a time of 'revelation' and 'apocalypse' both meaning, to uncover. All truth is being revealed now and we are a part of the unveiling.

We are with you, Rainbow.

Darla Ken Pearce
13th May 2011, 17:31
loveandgratitiude ~ that's exactly what I have for you. Thanks for your kindness and much love to all.

Incidentally, we are getting to and being rewarded for our quests ~ one way or another. Those who have become perfect Messiahs are free to be happy and take a break ~ you did good guys and especially gals! Now that we are into ~ the Age of Aquarius ~ and are able to become and demonstrate, "Christ Consciousness" in the world, our lights shine so brightly now and make no mistake ~ that time is upon us. It requires only a small attitude adjustment in our hearts.

For instance, yesterday I heard that Earth doesn't need our help and all is well with her. Like us, she is self-healing, self-efficient, self-governing and we are only required to keep our own vibes as high as possible for her ascension, as well as ours. Whew! What a relief! It's not that I won't still bless her and all beings, it's just that all the pressure is off.

This, I didn't know. I've been spending a lot of energy blessing her and all beings within and without, above and below, and all around her. I even have a small crystal sphere to make these blessings easier to send out into the etheric and spiritual realms. Now I find out this is no longer necessary.

This news is just in time because I've been tired lately and could sure use a break from all this "saving work." It's totally exhausting ~ what with changing of our bodies over from Carbon to Crystalline. I understand we can become Physical Angels for the first time. Now who wants to miss that gig? Not I.

I'd like to make sure that I have enough JuJu left to enjoy these new states of being ~ so maybe this is a signal for me to lay low and smell the roses while my body makes these new transitions. I don't know about you, but it's so exciting, some of the tasks I thought necessary may have to go into the dustbin of old timelines while we write a new, happier one for Earth. I don't know, what do you think? Time for a hiatus?

All is well, All is well, All is well. xoxoxoxox

13th May 2011, 22:58
The people will not follow you. For sure they will not. The truth is different as you step in next/upper level. This means that you will not accept the truth from the above. Therefore you will remain in ignorance, so to speak.

So, if you want to know more don’t spend your time on others, ....such a waist....

are you wasting your time then?
I seconded

20th June 2011, 09:50

Last week I was about to pull my hair out because I had come to a disagreement with my father about what's happening on the planet. If I tell friends and family about the serious problems in Japan that are not being reported by the general mainstream media they think I'm nuts. My father believes that mainstream news keeps him informed and if it's not reported, it's not important. If I say anything about chem trails, vaccinations or fluoride in the water they say I am paranoid or out to lunch.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am really tired of telling people who don't want to listen what's happening under their noses. I don't feel it's my job to go forth and report bad news but on the other hand I feel I have an obligation to impart important news that is being hidden from the general public especially to friends and family. But very few want to listen and I even have a cousin that if I'm not careful would probably phone in and give my name to the Walmart spy on your neighbor scam.

It's like almost everyone around me might as well be the walking dead because they believe in an illusion of what America once was. It's like they panic and react to different information instead of listening with an open mind. Pretty much they are like reactions waiting to happen and the open mind idea really is not an option.

Do any of you feel alone? Seriously there is literally no one to talk to. If I do talk to people they conveniently change the subject or excuse themselves. The common gossip or conversation does the same thing to me and I tend to avoid it if at all possible.

I like to talk about fun stuff so it's not like I'm doom and gloom all the time but I like to talk to informed people and it's a wake up call to find very few within my circle awake and aware.

So are you all feeling the same way as me? I'm not giving up perhaps just venting. :frusty:

Thanks and Bless all of you,


Hi Rainbow, I totally understand.

From what i have experenced, due to the nature of the subject/s it has attracted an ocean of BS, so much so that it takes effort and time to sift through it to get to the gold.

Unless you are driven by that internal yearning it would be very easy to throw the subject/s into the bin and close your mind, or even mock the subject/s. Which is what alot of people do.

All I know is there is no way back from here. I know to much to go back to sleep and I will continue to search for the truth untill the day I die.

Hello Enquiring,

The truth is always the guide that leads us to those who are similar in thoughts and ideas. My path came here and I am grateful. Your words as well as everyone elses lets me know that we are all searching for similar answers relating to relationships, inner peace and world issues and the untold story of so much secrecy.

May our journeys always lead us on a path paralleling each other. The quest for knowledge is always more enjoyable with like minded souls!

Blessings and Hugs,


A big Cheers to that Rainbow!

Darla Ken Pearce
20th June 2011, 18:53
Surprisingly ~ my dear Mom loved the three frogs of "See, Hear, and Speak ~ No Evil" it was a true sign of the times. She had those various frogs scattered all over her home and yard. Prior to her death in 2004 she was awake and interested in all that was happening in the world around us and she was the first to protest the new trends that have led us to where we are today as a country and in the world.

The best thing that has come from knowing the truth about all these matters has been in our budding ability to locate others like us, the thinkers, the other way showers, the light workers, the seekers, the finders, the Shamans and as you may have noticed, we are beginning to gather together to put our efforts into something of value with a unity of purpose.

We are also gathering here on Avalon to find our own light and learn to step into our own power. We are doing this together one thread at a time and we're doing it well.

We usually take two steps forward and then one backwards into the darkness again. But then faithfully two steps forward out of the pits created in our own minds which is being manifested on Earth at the present moment.

We are no longer part of the larger cookin' pot where frogs can be boiled by small increments. We've hopped away from the heat and left behind all those cheering unwashed crowds who sit American Idle/Idol-like in front of blazing commercials and the brain dead who watch Television. Now it seems we are waiting around for certificates of merit that we got here first. Well, that's not going to happen! So get over it...

It's part of the illusion while we should have none of these illusions left. It kind of makes us crazy to see that nothing else is happening to those blind, deaf, and dumb ones who have all their faculties but are not using them according to our vision for them. We love to roll our eyes when we think about their ignorance it's just so vast a black hole that needs fixing ~ I mean where to begin? We are almost disappointed when they are not struck by lightning or something else for their blindness, fear and especially for their lack of interest.

We get absolutely no joy out of seeing their brains rot in front of us (especially when they are related to us as it's a sign that this could happen to us by chance, too) and they certainly refuse to listen. You know for enlightened ones, this is not always a healthy thing for a human alive today to notice regarding our loved ones. We must not feed the darkness with our own fear and that's where the hardest part comes into play. We can't do it for them and JUDGMENTS ARE 3D and must go bye-bye. Like Evil they are a construct of the past.

In fact, the most important part is not in attempting to enlighten others. We are not needed for that ~ they have the power to do this for themselves and only will begin to wake up when we stop trying to convert them. They have plenty of reason to be suspicious of everything and we know this.

It's a free will Planet and we each insist on doing things our way or the highway ~ even or especially when this plays right into the hands of the dark forces. This is something even those unenlightened ones insist upon. It's not just us who desire to be free to choose in our own right.

Wild horses can't force anyone to drink of enlightened waters. Poison in our food and flouride in our water? Well, that's different. Pour me a cup, will you please. I'd like a taste if it's sugarfree.

Watch all the volunteers line up to drink then. Another war? No problem! Sip, sip, sip. Take me, I'm out of work! Not everyone is going to make it out of here alive. No matter how much we wish it were otherwise.

This is by individual choice and in the end not by dark design. Where our focus lies, there is our heart. No getting around this law of the universe. Most of the dark is a construction of our own imaginations being given new life each day fed by our own fear. We are the ones giving them legs to walk about causing bloodshed and tears.

These others who happen to be family and friends ~ they have no interest in things that are free and open for all. And they must be allowed to march to their own drummer and drum beat of their own hearts. We each have angels and guides by our sides but not everyone wants to hear their counsel. For sure, they don't want to hear yours either. It's got to be okay and alright for them to make this choice under their own steam.

What does it mean to save someone anyway? From what? We are infinite! From death and destruction? From what? Flouride toothpaste. Poison sweetners, Chem-trails? Good and Evil? It's going away like living in the 3D, we want to be uplifted and to take them with us. While they are capable of getting to the same space by whatever route they see fit. If you die today you get the express route. What is our deal about saving?

Where is our understanding and compassion then?

If you don't get to create a new Earth here and now, so what? All will be reunited. Where's the beef? We each get to pick. I will sure be relieved and glad when duality ends though.

Wow, what a ride and let me off the very idea of it while I can still walk straight and see with clarity all the rainbows instead of only the black and the white perspective of things...gosh that was such a drag into hell and back and over and over and over....we must move along now with nary a backward glance.

Pick through all of your experiences retaining only the essence of beauty and letting all the other dross fall away like flower petals in the wind. Let it go. Just let it go. Going away now on the breeze. Say goodbye and transform those old thoughts.

And know this: Greater and higher powers are at work upon the Earth and in the Heavens on our behalf. Watch those Solar flares and all the Celestials helping out there. They are working on our behalf! Blowing in the perfect amount of Adamantine particles of consciousness over all the Earth. Everyday they are posted on Youtube. Wow. All you have to do is breath deeply and have a little faith in yourself and in us and in these higher beings who watch over us.

We are the ones responsible for blazing a trail in the weeds of our own minds and locating the heart of the Earth ~ the heart of our purpose in being here ~ so that others might find their way there when they do wake up and attempt to look for it. Meanwhile those Solar winds just keep blowing in both night and day. (Woo Woo!) Soon there will be no place to hide.

All that is necessary is to kick back and take deep breaths. Then it will all come to you, babe! And them, too.

Now that we have become the new creators at a time when we are choosing day by day for love to prevail over all the Earth and in our own lives as well. Let the greatest joy come upon you now like those Adamantine consciousness winds of love. Let us share our own light and go forth. With much love! xoxoxoxoxo

21st June 2011, 07:04
There is one young lady at work whom I can speak to about these things. She is twenty-seven and is one of the most intelligent persons I have ever met.
Trouble is, we both know we can only speak when no one else is around, and that rarely happens.
We worked alone one day and spoke of these things for about 3 hours, between work, and it was just intellectual bliss.
Now I'm not an educated person, in the higher education kind of way, but I do know what I know, so don't get me wrong when I say "intellectual bliss". I just mean we are on the same wavelength, like people are here.
Anyway, I get to work alone with her next week, and I'm sure looking forward to it.
But it is true that you must prepared to be called a loon when speaking about subjects that are discussed here at Avalon
