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2nd May 2011, 20:43

Asking for forgiveness and being able to forgive
are the most miraculous and most powerful spiritual tools.

I ask you from your heart to look upon the words below with sensitive consideration.

Forgiveness is the key...

Accept what went before and let it become part of you,
love it like your only child, kiss each painful memory like your first lover and declare each gnarled and reviled blemish as beauty, love and the greatness of eternal being itself .

Then from the sulphurous
forgotten caves of pity and injustice forgive the devils that you and all humanity made and throw yourself at the feet of divine acceptance and universal compassion for all mankind to see just a glimmer of who you really are ...

It is time to love and accept all that you are,
were and everybody else who ever took a breathe from this magnificent world. What a grand promenade in space we are, sitting in the grandest of all designs and only ourselves to thank... Now sit on this thought and plan your next move.

Forgiveness is the key to love,
Love is the key,
Accepting to forgive yourself,
Is the key to being free,
What we release just filters back,
So love the phrase "to be,"
Love the word you,
just as much as me.

Greybeard, Jendayi, whitehaze, Mogs, goldenyears/vicki, An Caileach/Elva, Celine, Burke, Billy,
edina, harmonic, Hurrit enyeto, kindling, brianen, icecold, Dogon/Sepia, Paddle/buffski, waverider5469, BrianEN, Illuminate, Scott, Emma/buchanan561, Real Intent

I awoke stranded in a desert, amnesiac under a burning sun, empty horizon all around me with no clue which direction to follow to find water, food, a home. With nothing but death awaiting my indecision, I choose a path and started my journey.

On my way I run into others walking the dunes as well, each thirsty infected with a sense of urgency as if time seems to be running out as the sun penetrates all from above. Some of them I befriend for a while and some are angry and chastise me for my choice of direction. All have a different idea of home.

I come across many oasis, drink my fill but they canít sustain for long...becoming instead a way station to enrich my path. Others find a home there; they stand with each other arguing about how to divide the water with the growing numbers while some who have been there long get up to leave as I do, as if they suddenly see only a way point as well. The journey continues.

After a lifetime, I finally see trees on the horizon. As I get closer I see walls next to a river with birds circling above. Untended fields dot this landscape of plenty, and the walls surround an ancient abandoned city. A fulfilled smile breaks my broken lips. I take my fill and sleep. I awake alone and see this city; this home is nothing but stone, empty.

It is then that I realize that those people are my home, and always have been. The thousands of these people all thinking they are coming home; all arguing about how to shape home. I want to tell them it is time to stop the arguing, end the division, populate the paradise they have and realize they have always been home. You are the phenomenon.


I forgive and accept the past and the injustices that have harmed the ones I love. Friendship dishonored , led to choices made that went beyond the boundaries of respect. I forgive actions taken and words spoken under the duress of disconnection.

Friends, family.... In my attempt to clear the tangled webs, which I took part in weaving, I was unaware of the distance and intensity the ripples of my actions created. I am sorry for any hurt or disruption this may have caused.

I offer forgiveness to me for hatred directed at my heart and for the hatred I have directed at others. For looking to others to find self worth. I forgive myself for not recognizing in me, the same values I recognize in the people I love.

My heart to yours,

"There is no way to peace, peace is the way."
A. J. Muste

I have a question i would like to ask you all......how can we expect humanity to change if we continue to refuse to see that the path forward must be walked and not just looked at though a pair of binoculars? we wish for world peace and yet at the same time we continue to refuse to look within ourselves to acknowledge those dark places that are there in all of us, we are not enlightened beings yet! for peace to start however there has to be an understanding and an apology. we are sorry for the pain that has happened, we are truly, deeply sorry, its a hard thing to do walking on a tightrope, the balance between the truth and peace when the ego interface malfunctions. we are all here to find truths, understanding and for many to connect with others, but i believe peace can be found too, it doesn't mean to maintain silence within a conflict ìPeace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with itî, it means to be an integrated being, one of congruence, unconditional positive regard and empathy.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix

The way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart.....sammasati

Every thing that has happened and transpired so far.. has led us up to this topic a little at a time,through our conversations and recent experiences,
to carefully and gently enable us sufficient understanding to what unfolded before us...

We can sometimes be a mystery to one another and to ourselves as well....
The intriguing thing about mystery is that once we think we have solved one often produces another.

The invisible energy of vibration moves everything around us and we need to reconnect and resonate with
Harmonious Vibrations together once again....

When I am hurt and decide to leave but allow love to query that thought I know that I must indeed be surrounded by the energy of people who know the value of truth and love. I have now accepted with heart and mind that this new home for my heart has not split into a quarter, but has expanded to encompass all four forums and beyond. One community, many voices. I forgive us for at times being less than compassionate and I forgive myself for judging us for it. (Together in hearts and mind holding a space for those who still need to express their hurt... no judgments, just compassion.


I have never known a group of people so passionate about finding the truth of our existence
I have never been so passionate about a group of people as I am about this community
I have tried to leave Avalon and Nexus because i lost hope and didn't want to stay to watch a ship-wreck. I lost hope, but found it again because of what is happening right now
I am here with my heart in my hands, asking that this community takes it and uses the qualities within it to help them in anyway possible.. but be careful with it, it's strong, but fragile.
I have limited knowledge and next-to-no spiritual capabilities, but I am real, and I care, and if you think I can help you in any way, please ask and I will do my best to help.
I offer this as a woman who has struggled for so long to find what feels right.. and it feels right being here with this community.. with each and every one of you.

An Caileach/Elva

I remember reading a story about the Japanese people after the bombing of Hiroshima, that carried a graphic image for me of the numbness of grief and loss, and how we try to hold onto to any part of us that helps us feel real.

The people suffered greatly, they lost everything, their family, their friends, their belongings, and eventually they even began to lose their hair and skin. They were in shock, beyond words in their suffering. They became amnesiac to who they were. They began to gather up their lost skin in bags that they carried on their shoulders which may have been where the phrase, "carrying your baggage", originated. Their identity was tied up in those bags of skin. It was how they held on to themselves.

Someone recently shared with me a story by someone called "Old Soul". It is linked in the David Icke forum, I don't belong there, so if someone reading this belongs there, perhaps you can find it, and link it here for me. I would much appreciate this.

In Old Soul's story, humanity has won a great battle. However...now... we are faced with the task of healing from the trauma of this battle. For millennia we have been tortured, we have suffered beyond our imagination.

The difficult task ahead of us is that as we begin to remember who we are, as we become conscious of our True Self, the buried memories of these traumas will begin to surface.

The ongoing concern is how will we help each other and ourselves heal from the memories of these great traumas.

How do we resolve the irreconcilable?

A few years ago, I almost divorced my husband, not because I don't love him, but because I didn't know how to be heard without hurting. We tend to want to block, or suppress, to push down the feelings inside of us that cause us pain. He was in pain, too. We had reached an impasse and we simply did not know how to bridge it. I think many people can relate to this.

It takes two years to recover from the trauma of a divorce, or death. To become severed from our loved ones is not only emotionally traumatic, it is physical, we wear it in our bodies, and it is visceral, when we feel a sense of belonging, there are energetic strings of energy that begin to build a bond in the spaces in between us. Bonding is simply the feeling of belonging.

What few people may realize is that the severing of a bond in friendships, in work relationships, in community ties, is also like feeling a death.

If you do not feel a sense of belonging, genuine friendship, and relating with the people of these forums, you will not relate to this, it will feel foreign to you.

However, if you do, this will feel very resonant.

In learning how to heal my bond with my husband, I learned that all people have irreconcilable differences. All of us have places inside of us in which we have not yet resolved our pain, and trauma.

And, I learned that the relationships that work, the marriages that last, the successful friendships, all have one thing in common. They recognize the small subtle signals of apology and forgiveness, the attempts to make peace. And they honor these attempts, no matter how imperfect they may appear to be.

They accept accept the apologies, they forgive, they repair and reconcile. Extending grace over the irreconcilable. Unconditional acceptance, unconditional love.

We have been conditioned to think that we are weak if we feel suffering, these are miscreations from the traumas we experienced in our vast war.

Where we once had the Art of War, I'd like to introduce the Art of Peace. Morihei Ueshiba, whose name means "Abundant Peace", was a master martial artist, considered by many to be one of the greatest. Morihei understood that, "continued fighting...with others, with ourselves, and with the environment...will ruin the earth."

"The world will continue to change dramatically, but fighting and war can destroy us utterly. What we need now are techniques of harmony, not those of contention. The Art of Peace is required, not the Art of War."

"To practice the Art of Peace, you must:

* Calm the spirit and return to the source.
* Cleanse the body and spirit by removing all malice, selfishness and desire.
* Be ever grateful for the gifts received from the universe, your family, Mother Nature, and your fellow human beings."

"The Art of Peace is based on the Four Great Virtues: Bravery, Wisdom, Love and Friendship, symbolized by Fire, Heaven, Earth, and Water."

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth,... now we know why. The only way out is through, and the only way through is together, in the arms of our friends, and families.

I'm sorry, and I love you!!! Thank you for being you!!! grace, and deep, abundant peace,
your friend,

There is only one reason for all of us to be here and now...
"To make known the unknown" & to shine our light on any and all..
All will be revealed.... It is wise to reveal yourselves before it is done for you..
Give freely... It will be the only manner of exchange very soon, better start getting used to it now...
Pay it forward... what you give freely WILL come back to you... Please trust that process..
Forgive, start walking the talk... I love you..."
Robert Jendayi

"I want to express my gratitude to all members of Project Camelot, Project Avalon, The Mists of Avalon, and now Nexus. I have learned so much from all of you in the past few years ñ first as an observer/researcher and recently as a more active participant. Meeting and getting to know many of you personally has been a huge blessing in my life. The divisions I have witnessed have been disturbing and heart-breaking.

I ask for forgiveness from the community (which I see as the combined members of all groups ñ all stemming originally from Project Camelot) for anything I have done to contribute to the problems and also for anything I have failed to do to.

Last, but not least, I forgive myself for any negative feelings or words I have thought or expressed that caused this beautiful community to separate. Combined, there are thousands of us who came together to explore and celebrate a new level of knowing and being. That is very exciting!

Love and hugs


"This is a chance to make peace. Don't miss your chance."


We have a choice. Please use this space to manifest your forgiveness. Let us stand united in an attempt to heal the alternative community. Help bring us together in the name of love , harmony and the energy that awoke us. Let us defy the history of our species and rise above what is expected of us and simply share.


Well here we are fellow humans, aliens, any other critters that may read this. This thread is about a peaceful solution to heal pain and anger, especially in light of the recent and on going inter forum disputes. This is truly a microcosm, we are all one in the same just inhabiting different areas of the web. Without the pyramid of leadership the group consciousness is the rule rather than the exception. And if the majority wish peace then peace it will be. Think about it.

The Choir

2nd May 2011, 21:12
Every moment of every day, what you feel in your heart is a command in the Mind of God. The Mind of God interprets our feelings very, very literally. Gregg Braden

The world needs dreamers. And the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. Sarah Ban Brethnach

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. Tennyson

Sepia, beautiful soul that you are thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this here.

To everyone else, please join us in a song of celebration, of healing, and co-creation....

2nd May 2011, 21:12
Hi Mods can I suggest this is given a sticky before it disappears from sight.


2nd May 2011, 21:19
Hi Mods can I suggest this is given a sticky before it disappears from sight.


Can I second that what a great post.

2nd May 2011, 21:19
Hi Mods can I suggest this is given a sticky before it disappears from sight.

Good idea. Thanks. Done. This thread is now "sticky" (will remain at the top of its forum listing, even if not recently posted to.)

2nd May 2011, 21:20
Magnificent beings we are..

Seldom great is known.. but when it makes its presence.. we all come clear.

Thank you so much for moving in this direction.

I bow to you all.. floored by your grace and inner light.

2nd May 2011, 21:25

These people are great. (I was just the messenger.)

Asking for forgiveness and forgiving with an open and honest heart changes the frequency -

and we find ourselves in a completely different 'Universe' -

a Universe of friendship, tolerance and peace.


2nd May 2011, 21:34
lovely, ~ I would like to add a comment,
Pickup your ugly pieces and make them useful, and they be ugly pieces no more.

finally there!!!
2nd May 2011, 21:48
Man I love this place!!!
That post was some of the best soul food I ever tasted
Thanks for the grub.

Love and Respect

2nd May 2011, 21:59
Healing Choir...an internet gathering of hearts singing the same song of love and forgiveness.

It reminded me of another internet choir...


Sepia, you are more than a messenger...you are the conductor, taking separate voices and bringing them together in beautiful harmony. Thank you.

2nd May 2011, 22:51

Asking for forgiveness and being able to forgive
are the most miraculous and most powerful spiritual tools.

I ask you from your heart to look upon the words below with sensitive consideration.

Well here we are fellow humans, aliens, any other critters that may read this. This thread is about a peaceful solution to heal pain and anger, especially in light of the recent and on going inter forum disputes. This is truly a microcosm, we are all one in the same just inhabiting different areas of the web. Without the pyramid of leadership the group consciousness is the rule rather than the exception. And if the majority wish peace then peace it will be. Think about it.

The Choir

I ask forgiveness.

I forgive.

I once again re-learn the importance of forgiving myself.

I choose Peace.


Dennis Leahy
2nd May 2011, 23:14
Wow, this is wonderful, and I really hope this is sincere. Can you please remove all of the poisonous things that have been said about Project Avalon, Bill Ryan, and Inelia Benz from the Nexus forum, and then let's pass the peace pipe around.

(I'll close the thread at this point.)


3rd May 2011, 02:05
Apologies are essential, but they must be firmly based in action.

There presently resides, in public view, on the nexus.2012info.ca website, defamation (slander and libel) of Bill Ryan, Inelia Benz, and Project Avalon.

These individuals and this website value their public reputation, and rightfully so.

This defamation needs to be removed from public view.

Apologies without remedy of the ongoing and underlying injustice are not meaningful. Instead they serve best as a distraction, so as to enable the underlying injustice to continue (in this case, the defamation to remain in public view in perpetuity.)

Once such defamation has been removed from public view, then it will make sense to re-open these threads of apology.

Meanwhile, this and any other such threads on this site are closed.