View Full Version : You are absolutely amazing

11th May 2011, 19:55
Anything the mind can conceive the body can achieve!
Anything the body can conceive the mind can achieve


1. If we use our minds properly we will never get sick
2. When we do get sick our mind has the ability to heal any illness
3. We have the power to move things effortlessly including ourselves, this combines simple mathematics with the power of the mind.
4. We have the power to communicate over great distances without ever opening our mouths only our minds.
5. We have the ability to move through space by simply using our mind
6. We have the ability to know about someone before we ever read a bio or speak with them. All we have to do is look at them
7. We have the ability to see things that do not appear to be there
8. We have the ability to have an out of body experience, (when the soul takes a short vacation)!
9. We have it within us to end all human suffering
10. We have the power to end all malnutrition and hunger
11. We have the ability to time travel
12. We have the ability to communicate with beings not of this world
13. We have the power to create endless free renewable energy by using our minds
The list goes on almost infinitely


One of the keys to unlocking this greatness (it really is not greatness it is really just normal) is to believe that we have these abilities. It is to understand and know in the depth of your soul that these realities belong to us and they are inherent to every soul that occupies a body! They come with the territory but we seem to be a society that lacks confidence, lacks the power to really know and believe in ourselves.

Every once in a while a soul comes along and says "I believe" such as a , Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Tesla, Einstein, Aristotle, Galileo, Shakespeare the list goes but there are countless millions that have never made headlines, the ones whose cancer disappears overnight, the ones who spoke without question to a deceased family member or an entity that is just passing through. We have all heard the stories and many of those stories have either happened to us or to a loved one but we still seem to have a hard time connecting the dots to firmly and adamantly believe that these abilities are within each one of us!

I firmly believe with every fiber in me that these abilities are real and each one of us has them. We already possess the key to unlocking these abilities and that is simply believing in yourself!

If anyone wants to share their story that would be great!

12th May 2011, 10:01
awesome post rgray!

I think that perhaps one of the keys to believing in ourselves is to first become aware that we are (as a species) wrapped up in layers of illusion and societal expectation, and then of course, even once we have remembered, we have to be able to balance our belief against the seemingly contradictory aspect of physical reality (or what many would have us believe is physical reality).

Yes, these abilities are very real, and each of us has them ingrained in our very beings. But even the concept of "I believe" can be a bit misleading, for it lends to the idea that we don't know for sure, but hope its true. No, what we need is to KNOW. To know in every fiber of our beings that we ARE capable of these things (and so much more).

Every skill or ability I have or that has manifested itself has come not when I believed that it it would, but when I was filled with that quiet knowning that can't be argued with (or proven), it simply happens. I know that this - or that can be done. Know, and act.