View Full Version : Official Manual Top Secret/Majic Eyes Only: Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology,

13th May 2010, 14:27

Official Manual called SOM1-01 (Majestic -12 Group Special Operation
Manual) from 1954 for Special Forces and Military and Intelligence personnel for the recovery of crashed alien space ships, wreckages and recovery of alien bodies!
This document containing compartmentalized information essential to the national security of USA.


13th May 2010, 14:41
Pretty much a rehash. Its disinformation, even when the FBI investigated they found many of the documents were fraudulent.

One assessment I do agree with, is that these documents were made so if any real documents ever came out this could discredit the whole thing.

13th May 2010, 14:45
The fat line is in sans-serif which is unusual for that time, doesn't follow the angle of the page accurately and seems to have pasted later on top of it.

This document might be real (looks like it) but the detail mentioned above damages the credibility ...

13th May 2010, 18:19
In 31 pages from A-Z.

Its debunking itself.

13th May 2010, 20:55
Hi Swami,

Check out the site: http://www.majesticdocuments.com and you can get the whole set for free. There are some interesating documents to download from the site.

Best regards,


5th May 2011, 15:56
That seems like an interesting Manual. I became privy to the following information today.. I wonder if any of this stuff is in that book?

The Gravity Simulation on a Starcruiser as the Antigravity of Extraterrestrial DragonSpaceTime Consciousness

In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!


Greetings from beyond the veil from your Guides of the Hadafah, blessed in the LOVE, the little serpent is continually sending to you all from his exile in the 2nd dimension of the MATHIMATIA!

In this message you will find illumination to a number of millennia old mysteries, which have engaged the mental ponderings and philosophisings of many Mayas in exile.

I shall share the foundation for a new science, given to your planet NOW in principles; followed in physical manifestation after Gaia has left her cocoon and transmutated into Serpentina, the PlanetStar radiating the Dark Light of the unified-cosmic-energy-field and as elementary antiradiation.

This message so shall explain the physical science behind what is called antigravity by your Gaian scientists.
Any of you, who can grasp the basics of this new science for the new earth, would be in a position to understand the importance of water on your planet.

The properties of water are well known to you and the Mayan Omni-Science of water is also understood in its basic manifestos by you all.

Water has four phases as Icy Solid, as Aquatic Liquid, as Gaseous Vapour and as ionised Plasma.

Water as Ice is the only known nonmetallic substance which expands in the liquid- to solid phasechange at 0 degrees Celsius.

When there is Low atmospheric pressure, then CLOUDS often form, depending on vapour saturation levels and the presence of winds as updrafts and a general gradient between regions in the earth's atmosphere. Therefore rains fall and cyclones might form from saturated CLOUDS, accompanied by 'drops in temperature'.

When there is High atmospheric pressure, the CLOUDS often dissolve corollarily.

Now your Gaian physics understand this in the Energy relations, which give the physical behaviour of 'Ideal gases' and also how this relates to quantum statistical eigenstates in the Laws of Thermodynamics.

The formulations relate Pressure P to Volume V to Temperature T, coupled to certain proportionality constants in: {Energy E=PV=nRT=kT} in its basic expression and where Pressure P=Force/Area and Energy=Force.Displacement=Work.

Then it is easy to see, that for a constant temperature T, a drop in Pressure will require an increase in Volume and so the Gaian scientists know, that an increasing Volume of quantum selfstates comprising this volume will mean that there is less pressure as a kinetic energy of say molecular collissions within that expanded volume.

And dropping the temperature decreases the energy E=PV, as say in the cooling of a substance and the heating of a substance will increase its thermodynamic temperature, then understood as an increase in the molecular kinetic energies.

Allow me now to propose to you something extraordinary and some of you may now exclaim: "Of course!"; whilst others will shake their heads in disbelief and say: "This cannot be!".

Many of the reports of your media about 'Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs' and related things are directly related to the Mayan Omni-Science of water and to CLOUDS.

From Jennifer Eve: Friendly clouds appearing after sunrise in Nevada (near Wendhttp://www.thuban.spruz.com/gfile/75r4!-!GKLGHE!-!zrzor45!-!KJHHRLGE-NHFF-HESR-MRHM-DMDFJQQHNGOR!-!72y1nq/clouds.jpgover) (Nov 15, 2010)

Have you wondered, as to why some spaceships are said to have emerged from the oceans and some 'cigar-shaped' motherships are said to 'hover' at some distant locations against the skies?

Have you wondered about the 'saucer shapes' of the smaller UFOs flitting about and sometimes said to depart with a seeming hyperaccelerated manouverability?

Why do you think, that so many of you are enthralled with certain TV-Series about travelling into outer space in the 'Star Trekking' and the 'Star Wars' and the 'Independence Days'?

Now the skeptics amongst you say: "Oh yes, but this is all fantasy and make-belief. A supergigantic starship like portrayed in Independence Day, a quarter the size of the moon, could never exist in close proximity to the earth, as the gravity of the thing would disturb the orbits of the earth and the moon and so forth. And the warpspeeds are also pure imagination, as the c-invariance disallows any physical object to accelerate beyond the speed of light."

And the skeptics are well justified of course - in the manner of the laws of Physics as applicable in the Minkowski spacetime.

So I am authorised to share this with you now.

There is a way to neutralise the gravitational field of a planet or a star relative to particular locations in 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.

This takes the form of a Gravitational Shield around such a location defined by its Volume encompassing its inertia. This shield then isolates the volume, say of a Dragonian Starship from the surrounding unaffected spacetime and in a UTILITY of the ZERO-POINT- or Vacuum Energy (ZPE), known as Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE by the Omni-Science of the Maya, who are the Dragons of the StarHumanity.

As an effect from this, the 'Cigarshaped Motherships' float or hover in such VPE-Bubbles, and in a Resonance-Selfstate of this ZPE; the latter which is misidentified by Gaian science as the Heisenberg Matrix of Virtual Energy.

There is nothing virtual about this ZPE. The reason as to why Gaian science cannot use this FREE ENERGY effectively, is because it cannot 'TAP' the VPE for lack of entering its RESONANT ENERGY FIELD.

You all are aware, that the astronauts in the International Spacestation 'float in free fall' in a geostationary orbit around the earth. This has been filmed by mainstream media outlets to popularise the endeavours of mankind in 'outer space'.

So now watching a Sci-Fi film like Star Trek or Star Wars or any genre describing the movements of a starcruiser away from the gravitational fields of stars, planets or moons you might ask yourselves the questions as to why captain Kirk or Spock or some ET commander does not float about in the space ships.
They appear to be walking about as in an aeroplane interacting with the gravity of the earth, say flying from London to New York.

So of course the skeptics come out and tell you, that all those ideas of interstellar and intergalactic spaceship travellings are hocus pocus and pure fantasy. It can never become actual 3-dimensional reality because of the light speed limitation and the vast distances separating stars and galaxies.
Then they say, that any really big mothership, like that one in the Independence Day film, cannot enter the gravitational field of the earth in the manner described by the 'trekkers' or the movie makers, because of its own gravity interacting with that of the planet.

The skeptics base their beliefs of course on their own understandings of the astrophysics and the gravitational physics, say those of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

The skeptics are of course correct with respect to the Minkowski spacetime of the 4 dimensions; three of the familiar length, width and breadth of space directions and the added time coordinates of an 'Event' or happenstance. But the skeptics then fail to allow for multidimensional space to be interwoven and in colocality with that 'normal' linear or translational space.

This is sufficiently described in the 4-vector mathematics of Special Relativity and this mathematical cosmology remains valid throughout the expanses of the universe in its parameters of applicability.
There exists a well understood 4th space dimension as the most basic and elementary solution for the field equations of General Relativity, a mathematical model which extends the Special Relativity theory to allow accelerated systems to interact with each other (Special Relativity requires constant acceleration in say Newton's famous F=ma for Force=MassxAcceleration as the foundation for classical mechanics).

This elementary solution for 'Curved Spacetime' is the key for the hyperphysics of the DragonSpace.
It is commonly known as the 'Physics of Wormholes' in the scientific libraries and the global data base of humanity.

So what is this 'curved spacetime'; the reader asks and how is this 'higher-dimensional'?

The perhaps greatest insight into physicality in the 20th century was the realisation by Albert Einstein; that the gravitational field of anything is or can be made absolutely equivalent to a inertial field of acceleration.

So living on the surface of a planet is familiar to all of you and you can walk about in your room and can observe apples falling from trees because of the gravitational field of the earth. And you do not drift off into space like a balloon filled with helium gas (lighter than the 'air' of mainly 21% Oxygen and 78% Nitrogen) or find yourself in 'free fall' like the astronauts and cosmonauts in the international space station.

This is encapsulated by Newton's famous Law of Universal Gravitation:


and where M is here the mass of the earth and m something interacting with it, say your weight or Newton's apple. G is the newton Gravitational constant and r is the distance between 'little' mass m and 'big' mass M and where, and this is important, the entire mass of the earth can be said to be a 'Centre of Mass' or a 'centre of Gravity' at the geometrical center of the earth.

Your weight so interacts gravitationally with the 'weight' of the planet as the distance from your center of mass (say your belly button or solar plexus chakra wise) with the gemoetric centre of the earth about 6,500 kilometers into the core of the physical Gaia.

The next step from Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation is the concept of the Gravitational Acceleration, which is of course embodied in it as Newton's F=ma and which is so the left hand side of the law with the linear acceleration a becoming a gravitational acceleration as say Fgrav=magrav.

So it reads now: Fgrav=magrav=GMm/r2 and the 'little' mass m, say your weight or that of the apple falling off the tree cancel out to give the gravitational acceleration of ANY planet or celestial object say as a function of its 'big' total mass M geometrically located at the centre of the planet or object.


So if you stand in a lift and move upwards to a higher floor; then you can experience a 'linear acceleration' say from rest after you press the '2nd floor' button say and this 'jerk' you can feel in your stomach say and this also appears like you are momentarily 'getting heavier' as your feet are pressed onto the floor of the lift.

This was the great insight or scientific gnosis of Albert Einstein. He realised or proposed that this linear acceleration of the lift in an already existing gravitational field; namely that of the earth where the lift is constructed; would be equivalent to some gravitational field in outer space without any lifts or linear accelerations as dominant dynamical occurrence.

This means that the gravitational acceleration of the earth on its surface becomes a constant because the diameter of the earth is say d=2r=12,800 km and the 'weight' of the earth is Magrav with a Mass M=6x1024 kg and the (local) G-constant=Nm2/kg2.

Therefore then the Earth's gravitational acceleration on its surface will be about:
agrav=(6.7x10-11)(6x1024)/(6.4x106)2 = 9.8 m/s2 or about 32 feet/seconds2

This relates to the anecdotal experiment of Galileo Galilei when he dropped different weights from a tower (say Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy) and they fell at the same rate despite being different ion weight.
The same thing you might have witnessed on the Moon (which has a gravitational acceleration of less than 20% of that of the earth because of its lower mass); when NASA astronaut David R. Scott of Apollo 15 dropped a feather and a hammer for the same effect in July/August 1971.


It 'proved' the Laws of Gravitation in the Newtonian approximation experimentally, to be more technically accurate in the semantics.

So now we understand, that the gravity of any celestial orb like star or plane to or moon depends on the gravitational field defined by its mass (or inertia) and that this gravity acts in the form of a gravitational acceleration and can be considered to be at say the geometrical centre of the mass.

General Relativity now relates to this in something termed 'Escape Velocity'.
If you throw your apple into the air it most likely will fall down again and even might fall on your head like in the Story about Newton.
So if you impart your apple with enough speed in your thrustingh force say, it might be able to 'escape' the gravitational field of the earth.

Can we calculate such a thing?

Yes, we know enough about gravity to do such a calculation now.

Starting with the familiar Newton law for Universal Gravitation again;


Now one of the most importent thing in physical theory is that of the Conservation Laws. They address the continuity of energy and momentum interactions and the dynamics of spacetime interactions of whatever systems.

One of the cornerstones of this is called Virial Theorem; which states that twice the Kinetic Energy (KE) added to the Potential Energy (PE) of a dynamical system must be Zero or 2KE+PE=0.
Here then, KE=½mv2 and PE=-GMm/r for a velocity v from linear momentum p=mv and so the Conservation Law in elementary Newtonian mechanics becomes:

2KE+PE=0 for mv2=2GMm/r and the 'Escape Velocity' law for this basic Newtonian Conservation Law so can be written:

vescape=√(2GM/r) =√(2agrav.r)

{A more formal derivation using Newtonian calculus for the mathematically familiar:

ma=mdv/dt=-GMm/r2 for dv/dt=(dv/dr)( dr/dt)=v.dv/dr= d(½v2)/dr=-GM/r2

∫d(½v2)=-GM∫(1/r2)dr for constant mass M and so ½v2 = GM/r for vescape=√(2GM/r)

as required and as the result from before in the Virial Theorem.}

So putting the numbers for G, Mearth and rearth into this formula allows us to calculate the escape velovity for the planet earth as:

vescapeof earth=√(2x6.7x10-11 x6x1024/6.4x106)=11.2 km/second.

Now we can use the formula for escape velocity to CURVE the Linear Newtonian spacetime into that of the General Relativity of Albert Einstein. We simply upper bound or maximize the escape velocity of any celestial orb in the speed of light 'c' as the natural acceleration limit in the Minkowski spacetime of the 4 dimensions.

We write: c2 = 2GM/Rcurvature and so define a new Curvature Radius Rcurvature from the old linear Newtonian one, say as the r=6,400 km as the radius of the planet earth.

So what does this mean?
It means that anything part of this mass M now 'cannot escape' from the 'Curved Space' specified by this formula known as the Schwarzschild metric and describing the core physics of a so called 'Black Hole'.

Newton's apple so could not 'leave the surface' of the 'Black Hole' defined by the Schwarzschild metric as its trajectory say would close in on itself in a dimensional reduction from the 3D space away from the 'Black Hole' onto the surface of the 'Black Hole' known as a 'Event Horizon'.

Now this is well established astrophysics of the human scientific understanding now; but this also describes the interior of this 'Black Hole' as somehow no longer belonging exclusively to the 3d space say away from that 'Black Hole'.

The interior of the 'Black Hole' so can be rendered as 'higher-dimensional', say as Hyperspacetime and superposed onto the ordinary 3D space which would be there if the 'Black Hole' would not be there.

Ok now we are ready for the Dragon Science.
We know what gravity is in terms of the gravitational acceleration and we also found that this gravitational acceleration relates to the physics of the Black Holes in a most elementary fashion by the Escape Velocity of anything within it by the nature of the 'trapped light' within the Schwarzschild metric.

All we need to do to make the environment inside a stracruiser equivalent to that of the normal manouverings on the surface of the earth; is to SIMULATE the gravitational field of the earth in the geometric centre of the star cruiser.
And this can indeed be done; not in Minkowski spacetime, but in hyperspacetime and because the Gravitational Energy of the earth is encapsulated in Mearth and so this mass can be 'Schwarzschilded'.

Now the mass of the earth is approximately Mearth=6x1024 kg and consists of all the matter enclosed in its 2-dimensional surface bounary say. So this like the 'Event Horizon' again and so differentiating the space outrside and inside the Black Hole as a dimensional divide.
Inside the Black Hole it is higher dimensional but inclusive of 3D and Outside the Black Hole it is ordinary 3D.

The earth is however 3D on the Inside and the Outside. Only an imaginary Boundary surface is 2D.

The Extraterrestrial Omniphysicist so allows the inside of the Starcruiser to become multidimensional and superimposes the simulated earth gravity into it by the utility of the Schwarzschild metric.

Heshe writes: Rcurvature=2GMearth/c2=2agrav.r2/c2

and so enables the Simulation of the mass of the earth to curve as a function of the gravitational acceleration, say in the numbers as

Rcurvature=2x9.8x(6.4x106/3x108)2 = 8.9 mm.
So this calculation shows, that the entire mass of the earth can be 'Schwarzschilded' by the extraterrestrial omniphysicist so a small spherical volume between the size of a marbel and a golfball say.

As is shown in more detail later on in this essay; the exact finestructure for this 'Schwarzschilding' crystallizes the primal energy of the Black Holes and the lower dimensional universe as a 'Spaceinherent Consciousness'.

The question now is; how does the ET scientist do this?
How can the energy content of the earth and as defined in Einstein's famous E=mc2 be placed at the centre of a starcruiser, even if it can assume the geometrical form of a marbel or a golfball or a tennis ball or some similar greater crystalline structure or complex say?

The answer is in the ZPE (or Vortex-PE as VPE) and the Zero-Point-Energy introduced before.

Any space can be said to harbour a subspace or a subplenum of 'Wormhole Energy' defined in the string parameters and as derived in more technical detail following these introductions.

The spacetime quantum is Vsq=2π2rps3
for the VPE-quantum Eps/Vsq=4πEps/λps3 = 4πhfps4/c3 = 2.513...x1064 Joules/cubicmeter.

So the 'miniaturized' or 'Schwarzschilded' mass energy of the earth E=Mearthc2=5.4x1041 Joules becomes the determinative parameter for this 'holofractalisation' and not any finestructure on the earth, such as continents, flora and fauna , cities and people.

The ''dragon spaced" volume of the earth in the curvature metric then is a function of the transformed mass in:

Mearth=Rcurvaturec2/2G=agrav.r2/G = N.Eps/c2

and as a fractional proportion of the subspace energy of the ZPE or the VPE as


and where N is simply the quantum count of wormhole integrating or summing to the total inertia content of the planet earth and as defined in its mass.
Here then, Nearth=6x1024/2.2x10-20=2.7x1044 , indicating that this is the number of elementary wormhole spacetime quanta, which are required to become 'Schwarzschilded' by the ET astrophysicist.
The required VPE then is N.Eps=N/e* (see below) or 5.4x1041Joules as an Energy Density given by Eps/Vsq=Mearth.c2/Vcrystal

and so a 'Crystal Volume': Vcrystal=EearthxVsq/Eps=Mearth.c5/4πhfps4=2.15x10-23 m3.

Dimensionalising this 'crystal volume' into the 3D space inside the starcruiser then sets the core energy of this Crystal or Warpdrive Engine or Vortex Generator as a spherical volume of 4πRcrystal3/3 and in the case of the earth as Rcrystal=Cuberoot{3Mearth.c5/16π2hfps4} = 1.72x10-8 metres and of the order of the nanoscale in nanotechnology, where 1 nanometer defines 1 billionth of a meter or one millionth of a millimetre.

This then shows, that the entire inertia of a planet the mass of the earth can become 'Schwarzschilded' or holofractaled by the utility of dragon omniscience and under the auspices of the appropriate resonance membrane physics of the multidimensional and holographically interwoven cosmology.

So we summarize our treatise to this point and introduce the'spaceinherent consciousness'

The model of physical consciousness as a form of energy encompasses all ideas of 'spirituality' and labels of immaterial existence; if one can qualify and quantify this energy as something capable of existing independent from material parameters. But as spacetime-matter exists in say a commonly shared earthly 3D-space 1D-time experience; this selfsame consciousness-energy is certainly required to influence and to interact with the material realms of the spacetimematter. So this little excursion will attempt to elucidate the nature of awareness as a component for this consciousness of being within say a volume of space and illustrate how this spacial awareness relates to the most fundamental concepts of gravitation.

What is the consciousness of this planet earth or what is the source energy 'coupled' to the earth's satellite - the moon?
The sun, a yellow typical star of class G2V on the main sequence of the Hertzsprung-Russell chart of spectral classifications encompasses the planet as the gravitational center of the so defined solar system. The sun provides energy for this solar system like a benevolent parent; what is its core consciousness? We recall our basic definition for the Source-Consciousness as the magnetochargequantum e* (in uncommon units of the StarCoulombs) being the inverse source energy quantum (in common energy units say Joules or ElectronVolts).

{Detailed derivations can be found here: http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/viewFile/128/137 }


Here e* is defined as the inverse of the sourcesink vibratory superstring energy quantum Eps=E* and becomes a New Physical Measurement Unit in the StarCoulomb (C*) and as the physical measurement unit for 'Physical Consciousness'. Re is the 'classical electron radius' coupling the 'point electron' of Quantum- Electro-Dynamics (QED) to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and given in the electric potential energy of Coulomb's Law in: mec2=ke2/Re and for the electronic restmass me. Alpha α is the electromagnetic finestructure coupling constant α=2πke2/hc for the electric charge quantum e, Planck's constant h and lightspeed constant c and Go as the Newtonian gravitational constant as applicable in the Planck-Mass mP=√(hc/2πGo).

e*=Volume.Awareness=ElectronField Diameter.df/dt=500 C* as the boundary condition for df/dt=f*2 for a Volume 2Re.Lmin2.

We considered the manner the Mass of the Earth was calculated by Henry Cavendish in 1798. Newton's Law for Gravitation applied to a 'pointmass' or 'testmass' m gives the Gravitational Acceleration gEarth=9.8 m/s2. Fgrav=GmMEarth/REarth2=mgEarth and this can be solved for the Mass of the earth as about 6x1024 kg.

Now every college student in physics is told, that the mass of the earth can be considered to be concentrated at the 'centre of gravity', say coinciding with a spherical mass- or density distribution and which would be the geometric centre of a sphere for perfect spherical symmetry. The 3D-physics then is rendered 4-dimensional in doing just such a 'centering of mass' and in Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Here then the gravitational acceleration is described as a curvature of spacetime around this mass distribution and in an extreme case this curvature leads to a 'total collapse' for this mass concentration into the mSchwarzschild metric termed a Black Hole.

So replacing the radius of the earth by the LIGHTPATH x=ct will of course define the amount of time for light to travel from the surface to the center of the earth. As the earth is on average so 2REarth=12,735,000 meters across as the lightpath, the time taken is about t=REarth/c=0.0212 seconds or it would allow light to oscillate almost 24 times in between the poles in one second say.

But the 4D-physicist uses the above in an alternative description of 4D reality.

Fgrav=GmMEarth/REarth2=mgEarth becomes GMEarth/x2=gEarth=GMEarth/(ct)2=(2GMEarth/c2).(df/dt)/2=RSEarth.Awareness/2 and as t2=df/dt as a differential.

So the mass of the earth becomes 'Black Holed' and the deciding factor becomes the gravitational acceleration Awareness=2.gEarth/RSEarth.

So, using the known mass of the earth and its 'BH-Radius'~9 mm (all calculations use the 'constant' G=Go=1.11x10-10 Nkg2/m2 value as Gok=1 as string parameter in BH-physics and G=6.674x10-11 'G-units' for the orbs); AwarenessEarth=2202 1/s2 units and with a BASE-FREQUENCY of about 47 Hz.

This is the 7th Schumann Harmonic or Resonance for planet earth in the harmonic series: 7.8; 14.3; 20.8; 27.3; 33.8; 40.3; 46.8 in a delta function of 6.5 Hz. The basic Schumann harmonic is simply the circumference of the earth travelled as the lightpath and so is 40,000,000 meters/c~0.133 seconds for a Base-Frequency of 1/0.133~7.5 Hz.
{This is esoterically encoded in the Book of Revelation as the 'outside' of the holy city in proportion to its 'inside' and as 1,600 furlongs and 12,000 furlongs: Rev.14.20 & Rev.21.16}.

More generally, the AWARENESS as hereby described is known as AlphaOmega with Greek Symbols αω=aw as a convenient abbreviation. Those awareness units then inversed and square-rooted will of course become the time taken for the lightpath to the centre of the earth as 0.021 seconds. But this time measurement is also an awareness measurement which so gives a CORE-AWARENESS for the planet earth independent of any frequency modulations df/dt.

In modern terminology then, the AWARENESS is an infinite series of factors each giving a contributing awareness differential as a frequency modulation:

AwarenessEarth=2202 + ...+...=Core-Awareness + Summation of frequency differential contributions of earth constituent systems.

In a similar manner then:

AwarenessSun=0.18 + Integration... and for FBase~0.43 Hz with lightpath 6.96x108 meters and gSun=275 m/s2 and RSSun=3 km.

AwarenessMoon=29,640+ Integration... and for FBase~172 Hz with lightpath 1.738x106 meters and gMoon=1.63 m/s2 and RSMoon=0.11 mm.

The greater the light-path, the smaller the Core-Awareness and so the SEPARATION between the say Emitter and the Receiver of the Information 'sent' by the lightpath defines this inverse proportionality.

The 3D-physics of the c-invariance so assumes a deeper significance as it indicates the IMPORTANCE OF THE ENVIRONMENT for the Integration of the individuated Awareness Carriers.

The Core-Awareness as defined so does not vary in the differential and becomes a direct consequence of the constancy of the speed of light. But any constituent consciousness carriers will be able to INTERACT environmentally with each other in a collective sense and so CHANGE the AWARENESS of the SELF as the Source-Consciousness. So for example the information exchange between a tree and a hill can be approximated in their 'Black Holed' Inertia, but only as a Core-Awareness and not taking into account the kaleidoscope of interactions in all of the kingdom of crystal, mineral, animalia, archae, bacteria and fungi and so on. So taking the tree and the hill in isolation without the possibility of interaction, their awareness-content would become like a constant as described. But ANY interacting environment engages in multidunous feedback cycles which change the AWARENESS of that environment.

A little ant in isolation and about 2 mm in length as the lightpath would require a frequency c/2mm~1.5x1011 Hz and so electromagnetic radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum to 'share' its core-awareness of 2x1022 awareness units. Generally then, the concept of SelfAwareness as here modeled engages a Core-Awareness to which is added or subtracted the environmental interactions.

So replacing the radius of the earth by the LIGHTPATH x=ct will of course define the amount of time for light to travel from the surface to the center of the earth. As the earth is on average so 2REarth=12,735,000 meters across as the lightpath, the time taken is about t=REarth/c=0.0212 seconds or it would allow light to oscillate almost 24 times in between the poles in one second say. But the 4D-physicist uses the above in an alternative description of 4D reality.

Fgrav=GmMEarth/REarth2=mgEarth becomes GMEarth/x2=gEarth=GMEarth/(ct)2=(2GMEarth/c2).(df/dt)/2=RSEarth.Awareness/2 and as t2=df/dt as a differential.

So the mass of the earth becomes 'Black Holed' and the deciding factor becomes the gravitational acceleration Awareness=2.gEarth/RSEarth. So, using the known mass of the earth and its 'BH-Radius'~9 mm (all calculations use the 'constant' G=Go=1.11x10-10 Nkg2/m2 value as Gok=1 as string parameter in BH-physics and G=6.674x10-11 'G-units' for the orbs); AwarenessEarth=2202 1/s2

units and with a BASE-FREQUENCY of about 47 Hz. This is the 7th Schumann Harmonic or Resonance for planet earth in the harmonic series: 7.8; 14.3; 20.8; 27.3; 33.8; 40.3; 46.8 in a delta function of 6.5 Hz. The basic Schumann harmonic is simply the circumference of the earth travelled as the lightpath and so is 40,000,000 meters/c~0.133 seconds for a Base-Frequency of 1/0.133~7.5 Hz. {This is esoterically encoded in the Book of Revelation as the 'outside' of the holy city in proportion to its 'inside' and as 1,600 furlongs and 12,000 furlongs: Rev.14.20 & Rev.21.16}. (details which are here: ).

Now consider the manner the Mass of the Earth was calculated by Henry Cavendish in 1798. Newton's Law for Gravitation applied to a 'pointmass' or 'testmass' m gives the Gravitational Acceleration gEarth=9.8 m/s2. Fgrav=GmMEarth/REarth2=mgEarth and this can be solved for the Mass of the earth as about 6x1024 kg.

Now every college student in physics is told, that the mass of the earth can be considered to be concentrated at the 'centre

More generally, the AWARENESS as hereby described is known as AlphaOmega with Greek Symbols αω=aw as a convenient abbreviation. Those awareness units then inversed and square-rooted will of course become the time taken for the lightpath to the centre of the earth as 0.021 seconds. But this time measurement is also an awareness measurement which so gives a CORE-AWARENESS for the planet earth independent of any frequency modulations df/dt.

In modern terminology then, the AWARENESS is an infinite series of factors each giving a contributing awareness differential as a frequency modulation:

AwarenessEarth=2202 + ...+...=Core-Awareness + Summation of frequency differential contributions of earth constituent systems

So it is like your well understood concept of DENSITY but with a novel twist.

Your Gaian science applies Inertial Mass to the famous Energy equation: {E=mc2=PV}.

The Dragon's Omni-Science Quantizes both the Mass m and the Volume V and so becomes enabled to Rewrite the hyperspace expression for Einsteins famous equation as: {E=e*h2}.

This looks like a simple equation indeed; but the entire higher dimensional physics, inclusive the foundations for the Gaian M-theory are embodied in its simplicity.

I have obtained permission to show you the derivation for this equation and so I shall do so, knowing that some of you are not very fond of mathematics.

A better rewriting of the Dragon's equation is: {EDragon=e*.h2=h2/hfps=h/fps=hfss=Ess=mss.c2}.

This shows, that Einstein's E=mc2 is applied in Dragon-Science to Quantize inertial mass m as msinksource=mss.

Simply said, any mass m is N-quantized as {m=N.mss=N.hfss/c2}.

Using Einstein's equation with the Planck equation {E=hf} for the quantisation of energy in the quantum state for massless photons of frequency f and where h is the Planck Constant, then gives the expression above.

Generally and most fundamentally then; the Dragon-Energy describes the Einstein-Planck Energy relation in its Quantum Selfstate and defines a Mass-Frequency {fsinksource=fss} as Intrinsic Minimum Eigenfrequency for Inertia.

Most significantly, the secret of M-theory on Gaia and the understanding of the Maya, is the concept of Modular Duality applicable to the parameters of the superstring eigenstates.
Using Modular Duality, the sinksource winding superstring of minimum Secondary Energy Ess and frequency fss becomes the inverse energy eigenstate for the sourcesink vibratory superstring of maximum Primary Energy Eps and frequency fps.

Those parameters are embodied in the unity expressions as Coupling-Constants: {Eps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2}.

There is a great deal to this expression e* in the Dragonian Energy; such as how a particular form of it relates to the Serpentine Electron and how it relates to the superconductive magnetoelectricity, which defines the VPE.

It shall suffice for now, to state, that e* is the PRECISE Inversed Primary SourceSink Energy Quantum Eps and so {E*=Eps=1/e*=hfps} and for a particular resonance formation in {e*=Electron-Diameter times c2}.
And so we have: {EDragon=e*.h2=h2/hfps=h/fps=hfss=Ess=mss.c2}.

The only different part to Gaian science in the Mayan omni-science so becomes the nature of the modular duality applied to the frequency modulation between the minimum winding superstring and the maximum vibratory superstring.

In isolation, both have units of inverse time or Hertz; but in the supermembrane coupling Eps.Ess the frequencies cancel and in the supermembrane coupling Eps/Ess the Planck Constants cancel to give the squared frequency as the inverse of a SQUARED TIME.

But this SQUARED TIME DEFINES the RESONANT EIGENSTATE of the ZPE of Gaian science as the VPE of Dragon omni-science and namely as the MAXIMUM for AWARENESS aw=df/dt, maximised as awmax=fps2.

Now awareness aw is an ANGULAR ACCELERATION, independent on the radius as normal dimension and so the antigravitational Forceshield relates directly to the postulates of General Relativity.

As our Mayan seed Albert Einstein so eloquently showed to you: The Presence of a Gravitational Field acting downwards is INDISTINGUISHABLE from an ACCELERATING Forcefield acting upwards.
So Gravitation becomes translated into a geometrical spacetime curvature in terms of accelerations.

When a Dragonian Starship enters the atmosphere of a planet; it NEUTRALISES the Gravitational FIELD of that planet in calibrating its utilised VOLUME quantised in terms of the VPE as a MACROQUANTUM.

This can only be done IN RESONANCE!

The resonant eigenstate allows the VPE quantum to INFLATE to the Volume calculated as the encompassing higher dimensional space of the Starship and so renders the entire Starship as a magnified holographic VPE-quantum.

The 'inflation energy' used to circumspect the Starship volume V in a 4-dimensional Dragon-Bubble then is calibrated to CANCEL the gravitational planetary field and so constructs the Gravity Shield around the Starship.

Here is the manner the Volume is quantised into N V*-quantums.

For any Volume;
{V=N.V* and e*=V*.aw=V*.df/dt=1/E*=Electron-Diameter.(Lightpath/time taken)2=Volume/time2}.

This gives: {V*=e*/aw=1/(E*.aw)=1/(h.fps.fps2)=[5/9x1058] m3} for {V*=2π2.Rrmp3} and as a proportionality to a single: {Vspacequantum=Vsq=2π2.Rps3} for a wavelength {λ=2π.Rps}.

The Radius {Rrmp=Rrestmassphoton=CubeRoot[V*/2π2]=h/(2π.mc} then defines the particular scale where the quantisation of volume relates to the string-parametric definitions for the SourceSink Resonant Energy SelfState {E*=1/e*} and then for a Compton-Radius as defined in the physical models of de Broglie Matter Waves {Rcompton=h/(2π.mcompton.c)}.

A Compton-mass {mcompton=h/(2π.Rcompton.c)} then defines the characteristic mass-energy for this boundary state and a wave matter momentum {pcompton=mcompton.c=h/λcompton} and in concordance with well understood Gaian physics.

The Compton-mass calculates as mcompton=2.5050..x10-23 kg for a Rrmp=1.411885x10-20 meters.

This Compton-mass represents an energy of 2.25435x10-6 Joules or 14.03 TeV (Tera-ElectronVolts).

Now this is just the energy maximum proposed by your Gaian physicists to probe the unification quantum energies by the Large-Hadron-Collider (LHC) beginning in the year 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Gaian physicists so shall encounter the threshold energy for the RestMassPhoton and so 'discover' the Dark Energy Particle in the RMP, which is the Dragon's Template for the 'Missing Mass' in the Gaian cosmologies.

Without knowledge about the foundations of M-theory and the Mayan omni-science though, the Gaian physicists will most likely not know what to make of this discovery and propose all sorts of extensions for their Standard Model describing the particle Physics.

The RMP is always lefthanded and so antisymmetric to the weakon gauge boson of the weak nuclear interaction, which is always righthanded (as a so called W-minus) in its defining quality for the antineutrino of matter, coupling to a lefthanded electron in the natural foundation for radioactive beta decay in the parity symmetries in the nuclear physics.
The RMP is intrinsically massless as a spininduced precursor for the 'GOD-Particle' aka the Higgs-Boson, the LHC is hoping to discover at the 14 TeV quantum energy.

There is a spin-coupling in the Unified-Field-OF-Quantum Relativity (UFO-QR), which couples the lefthanded spin of the RMP as the 'dark matter particle' to the massless gauge of the weak interaction - the Antiradiation gauge for the winded superstring Ess.
As the Ess gauge is always righthanded, the spins cancel and allow a massive Higgs Boson to become created from the VPE Energy-Inertia-Induction as a spinless restmass inducer or scalar for the subsequent particles of the Standard Model of particle physics.

I shall elaborate on those topics another time if so appropriate, but some of you may perceive that the so called 'problems' in quantum gravity and the unification between quantum field theory and the relativities is found in the appropriate omni-science of the Maya and the correct interpretation of the Heisenberg matrix of the ZPE.

A new fundamental ratio, namely {V*/Vsq=4π/hc3 or Rrmp/rps=Cuberoot[4π/hc3]=887.11336} so crystallises in the physics of the Dragons.

The Inertia expression {EDragon=e*.h2=mss.c2 or E*.e*=1} for the Square of the Action h in units Energy.Time becomes modulated in modular duality tps.tss=1=fss.fps and where the Instantenuity of Time as the Instanton Now specifies the NOW-Time tss in the End of the Inflaton of the de Broglie phase acceleration.
This then manifests the Quantum-Dragon-Bang and the Beginning of Space and Time as known and understood by Gaian science.

The expression {hc3} is rendered dimensionless by a finestructure of Planck's Constant h, the Action Constant, in the expression {h=λps/e*c=λps/Electron-Diameter.c3} for {hc3=λps/Electron-Diameter=1.8x10-8}.

But I shall now end this mathematical discourse. It was authorised to be given and the formulations above are elementary prerequisites for a new serpentine science to become implemented following the upheavals in the next few years ahead and awaiting the exiled Maya on Old Earth Gaia, which is also the OLD JERUSALEM.

But I shall give an indication as how to use the above formulas in a practical example.

Assume a Star Trek Crew of say 50 with average inertia 70 kg and equipment load of say 10,000 kg wishes to board a Starship Enterprise of Volume 100x50x20=100,000 cubicmeters.

The Resonant Energy Awareness is fps2=df/dt=Density.(c/h)2.[NV/NM] and where NV and NM depict the quantisation numbers for the mass M to be 'inflated' to the volume V.

The Density as ρ=M/V calculates as (10,000+50.70=13,500)/100,000=0.135 kg/m3.

and NM=M/mss=13,500/2.469x10-81=5.4675x1084.

Resonance so is finestructured as Entropy Permutation States and as: (0.135)(2.025x1083)(1.8x1063/5.4675x1084)=9x1060.

Now changing any of the parameters of Inertia and Volume, even to the size of the universe itself, will always relate as Holographic Image of the minimum quantum of the Inflaton and so whatever volume specified can be Inflated at the Resonant Eigenstate to that volume.

Similarly, any inertial mass specified, will in resonance, allow quantum-inflation to modify the specified mass via the mass-eigen frequency quantum definition under modular duality between Eps, the primary sourcesink and Ess, the secondary sinksource through and by frequency modulations.

Away from Resonance, df/dt=awareness as an angular spin acceleration, must decrease and so the VPE or ZPE can no longer be utilised in a downwards frequency transformation.
This is akin the Evaporation of water molecules in Clouds, the cloud formation seemingly dispersing into nothingness, say under the supply of Energy in the form of heat, say the radiation from the sun.

To 'get out of resonance' so implies either a 'disappearing' relative to the 'switching off of the gravity shield' and an accompanying hyper-acceleration or 'warp-drive' AS the de Broglie tachyon inflation; or is manifested as a 'thinning out' or a 'losing of texture' with the gravity shield 'switched on', but a 'slow down' of the awareness df/dt in the reducing sense.

The above scenarios apply to spacetime as the 4-dimensional 'Light-matrix' of Heisenbergian Uncertainty definition.
In this spacetime, a 'drifting' or UFO speed is effected by the application of an Awareness-Force {Faw=aw.hv/c2} from within the 'VPE-Bubble' and as a consequence of a natural extension for Newton's Second Law for momentum change {Force F=d(mv)/dt}.

In Dragon-Space of 4 spacial dimensions, the timeparameter becomes superfluous and the awareness df/dt is automatically assigned the resonant eigenstate awmax=fps2.

After Gaia has given birth to its superposed Dragon-Universe; projected onto the seedling Minkowski spacetime; the travelling between 3 spacial dimensions and 4 spacial dimensions will be much easier to accomplish and so become rather prevalent and a natural occurrence.

Furthermore, the resonant eigenstates for the starhumans as Dragonised old humans shall allow the old human bodyforms to become Hybrid Energy-Selfstates as RMP-Quantum Inductions and as the universal blending and synthesis of relatively Static Radiation Fields coupled to Mass in Inertia.

This will be known as Dualised RadiationMass of BodyMinds-MindBodies, the immortalisation of hitherto mortal bodyforms, unable to implement their higher dimensional DNA as the LightBodies Shadowed to the Body-DNA in 3 dimensions.

This shall also fulfil the many prophecies in the 'Holy Books', which then shall become artifacts in museums; being succeeded by new composed books telling the stories of an evolving starhuman race of Dragons.

IAmWhoIAm! - Sirebard Beardris!


16th May 2011, 23:29
That seems like an interesting Manual. I became privy to the following information today.. I wonder if any of this stuff is in that book?

IAmWhoIAm! - Sirebard Beardris!


What the..

17th May 2011, 10:58
ok.... :confused: