View Full Version : (Rense & Celente) - People Don't Want To Know

27th May 2011, 08:24
I thought I'd post this one here for General Discussion...

Somehow I think this may open up a real...


But worthy of Discussion...


Regards to you All,



27th May 2011, 08:36
sorry jack, i can't watch the vid., keeps making my computer crash. however, i would like too add that i think gerald celente is a very smart and talented man. he is very emotional about his views on the trends that are occurring and what will occur in the future. this is truly a gateway to keep our eyes open to the future. rense, hmmm., i'm not so sure that i follow him. i've listened to him in the past and never came away with anything of any scope and magnitude that made me want to go back for more. thanks for the thread though, if i knew what the contents of the video were, i would definitely help to open up that can of worms for you.
smiles, corson

27th May 2011, 09:06
If your gonna open a can of worms, lets go fishing!


Mad Hatter
27th May 2011, 15:00
Problem: Sheeple discovers it's been conned. :flock:

Reaction: Employ lack of courage self respect and dignity to justify sticking head in the sand.:lalala:

Solution: Join team Unicorn!! :flypig:

Fishing indeed... :tape2:

Ilie Pandia
27th May 2011, 15:40
This could be a very interesting discussion:

What is the difference between "focused positive intent" and "denial of current reality" ?

Mad Hatter
27th May 2011, 16:06
Seems we have a master fly fisher in the pond...

This could be a very interesting discussion:

What is the difference between "focused positive intent" and "denial of current reality" ?

Much Respekt Ilie...thats on old head on some young shoulders...

To my mind "focused positive intent" is probably one of the more useful tools we have available to us. However one can only really start to apply it from the perspective of what one percieves as reality.
Thus we have the glorious array of perceptions presented for our discernement making any judgement call on "denial of current reality" fraught with difficulty to say the least.

By the same token a lack of agreement on "current reality" sees the potential impact of the use of the tool "focused positive intent" considerably watered down in my view.


Fred Steeves
27th May 2011, 18:50
I love Gerald Celente, he's on my list to have a couple of evening totties and chat. He's right on that people don't want to know they've been conned, so instead they either make things up, make excuses, or ignore. I used to do it with Bush Jr., and now I see it being done with Obama. It was really brought home for me how it works about a year ago in a brief e-mail exchange with my dad who thinks Obama walks on water. During the W. years he was all about illegal wars of aggression, but when I mentioned to him in the e-mail last year that nothing has changed and even gotten more widespread, the curt response was that the United States has responsibilities around the world that cannot simply be ignored.

That was a holy s**t, look in the mirror moment for me. That was the exact same hypocritical tap dance I had always unconscioussly employed, but from the zombie right, rather than the zombie left.

These people Rense and Celente are scoffing at are mind controlled, straight up, they can't see it and they can't help it. I don't know how each of us here happened to catch our first WTF peak behind the curtain, but I for one am preparing my ass off to be a life boat for the sleepy late comers when they see the big ship of state going down like the Titanic.


27th May 2011, 19:16
well said Fred. I too am preparing a ship the best I can.

Mind controll is a sneaky deal. even most of us here are controlled and we really know it not. to various degrees... if not directly then by anger, resentment, frustration, fear, lack of knowledge.

Freedom is a struggle.

whether the control comes from parents programing, schools, media, church, work. on and on.
People believe what they want to believe according to their ability to confront themselves...not another.

27th May 2011, 19:24
I'll give you all my take on this...

You can Never find a Solution until you Identify & Acknowledge the Problem 1st!

27th May 2011, 20:12
I'll give you all my take on this...

You can Never find a Solution until you Identify & Acknowledge the Problem 1st!

identifying and acknowledging the problem is where we all have the problem. there are so many things going on at the same time, that we cannot focus any positive intent that would have a lasting affect. so finding any solution would be almost impossible. if it were just one problem, everyone could react, with positive intent, and perhaps a positive outcome would prevail. not to make light of the situation, but, i think that we spend so much time sending the love and light message, that we forget to what end it will reach. let's face it, the ptw have made this world complicated. and they have done that with negative intent. could it be that they are more focused? or is that negative intent over rules positive intent? any thoughts?
regards, corson

27th May 2011, 21:01
Ugh! I am reading this thread on my iPhone and I cannot see any video!

I guess the site hasn't updated for iPhones and iPads? Is this going to happen anytime in the near future?