View Full Version : Local church has henge?

10th June 2011, 06:41
My daughter took me to a church just around the corner from where we live, where her and her husband found a grass circle they had discovered about a few months ago, so I had her take me tonight and we had discovered that they had stones to mark the pattern it made, we took some reading from my E.M.F. meter and it was registering between 2 to 3 millieguass.

I took some pix and videoed a bit but my night vision is not strong enough to get a good enough video. So sometime tomorrow I am going to take better pix in the light and do some video taping and take my meter again.:cool:

10th June 2011, 07:04
Wow. Sounds exciting, looking forward to see the video!


10th June 2011, 07:23
Wow. Sounds exciting, looking forward to see the video!


Just night pix for now, here you guys go.


10th June 2011, 08:11
thanks shadowstalker, thats pretty good coverage for night pics. i am looking forward to seeing your day clips. thanks, this is a very interesting topic for me.
regards, corson