View Full Version : Mayan Calender 2012: Not an End but an Opportunity

The One
13th June 2011, 08:43

It might appear as if the wheels are falling off the world. It may even be that we are presently bringing about our own demise through environmental destruction.

But according to one expert on the Mayan Calander, the Mayans never meant for 2012 to be looked at as the end.

See Also




To moderns in Western culture, we see things as having a beginning and an end. We see polarities. But to the ancient traditional minds, they generally saw things in terms of cycles. The pattern of existence could be found in circles.

Susan L. Wallace , a professor with doctorates in education and history and who once worked as the curator of Vizcaya in Miami, says that the Mayan Calander date of 2012 simply marked an end of a cycle.

According to Wallace, the speculation on the end of time comes from published findings on Mayan culture and specifically the ancients’ three-part calendar.

Ancient peoples thought of time as cyclical, she said. In Western cultures we believe in a linear concept of time and Newtonian physics. It turns out the Mayan calendar is a little more accurate than ours. It’s based on the cycles they observed in the sky.

Their secret of time, called precession, was based on the physical anomaly of a slow wobble of the Earth on its axis. They delineated a circle in the sky tracing the track of the Earth. It took 26,000 years to do this and that is what the calendar is based on. They divided it into great ages of 5,000 years. This is also seen in Asian cultures , Thais, Chinese, Buddhists.

Wallace said the Mayan calendar predicts a great alignment of the solar system occurring within the center of our galaxy, marking the end of the fifth age.

It is an opportunity for mankind to make a huge leap in consciousness,she said.

Walace says she looks on 2o12 as a chance for humanity to raise their consciousness and move beyond the wars and eco-destruction.

The galactic alignment of 2012 should be looked on as an opportunity for humanity to create the type of reality that they want to see.

It is an opportunity for mankind to make a huge leap in consciousness,she said. We may take a great step ahead in evolution. Humanity must combine the mental with the intuitive,” Wallace says.

The Mahayanist Buddhists call this type of unity between the heart and the mind--Bodhicitta. It is the wisdom heart/mind. Living a life in Bodhicitta combines the mental with the intuitive. It is a state of being that we can raise our consciousness to usher in this new age. But first we must have the desire and the intent so that we can help make it a reality.

Bring on 2013

13th June 2011, 09:24
The alignment in 2012 is very important astronomically. It involves our sun aligning with the arc of the Milky Way at a crossroads (a Maya creation place) where it hasn’t been for +/-26,000 years. It is a marker of a period of transition and change that is worthy of recognition, understanding and celebration. It is not the end of the world… it is a planetary-wide opportunity to help re-create it. There will be an international push towards aligning human intent towards manifesting a better world for ourselves with a focus towards raising our collective consciousness.

We are all co-creators with the gods. Honour the divine within you; create your own cosmic connection. But be forewarned, no matter if you celebrate the Maya Long Count calendar end date at a Maya site or not, wherever you are on 21/12/2012, take along some strong UV sunglasses and use some strong sun-block. Future generations are depending on you! Have a great 2012!


13th June 2011, 13:58
Do you guys really think mankind is awake enough to even realize what is happening? Yes more people are waking up but its not even 5% ... maybe less. The mass control is so heavy that humans spend all their lives for just survival or war or petty difference. I am sure that even if we have HUGE ET motherships orbiting the sun ... even creating small eclipses and at the same time Opra does something weird MOST the westernworld will see opra on the news. Dont know about the east but i dont think people there are that much awakened so something else can keep their attention to hide the big issues.

The only way to actually see a possible change in humans is to change their way of life ... suddenly and alot. We humans (frogs) have been boiling for so long we think this temperature is normal even if we starting to see or flesh burning...

13th June 2011, 14:08
Good article on the Mayan codes and DNA:


and some ascension info:


Yes I do think a lot of people are waking up, and I think it is all happening now. More powerful energies I'd imagine on 15 June with total lunar eclipse and solstice on 21 June.

13th June 2011, 14:30
The Precession cycle is only a viewpoint from earth based on a long wobble of the earth. This is a VISUAL EFFECT ONLY. The earth or the solar system in general doesn't PHYSICALLY line up with anything on december 21st 2012... It only appears that the sun will line up in galactic center, This is only significant from the viewpoint of the earth and it is based on the wobble of the earth. It's purely visual and not physical. Nothing coming from the center of the galaxy will hit earth at all, since it's only a visual effect.