View Full Version : Intro to Timelines for Dummy's 101

13th June 2011, 08:48
Hi everyone,

many people are hearing talk about creating personal timelines and really don't understand what it means, so I thought I would give a good example that any of you can use to describe it to others and thought it might be an idea for helping Bill and Inelia share the concept with others in their training.

I'm polling this to see what you would do in the same situation, or what you think your spouse would do...

take the poll before my next post, just for the fun of it...

the choices are timelines. which will be explained...

One day I was driving home from the office with a big gorgeous bouquet of flowers beside me for an anniversary present, and the phone rang, my wife said you did remember my flowers didn't you?

I pulled over to the side of the road grabbed 2 dozen roses from the front seat and turned around and there was a little old lady walking towards me between me and the dumpster...

I handed them to her and tears poured down her cheeks...

she had always wanted her husband to buy her flowers but didn't want to ask...

She gave me a big hug waved and walked down the street smiling from ear to ear with her flowers...

I bent over and grabbed a handful of dandelions and hopped back in the car...

13th June 2011, 09:38
Hahaha. (the poll!!!) Okay, maybe I have had a example today of a changed timeline. Up until today, my family who are awake, aware and have been taught about timelines, have felt the Christchurch earthquakes (the major ones that is). Today, none of us felt the two Christchurch earthquakes even though those in the district felt them!! My granddaughter was in a stadium in Dunedin which was hastily evacuated. All the schoolgirls around her felt the earthquake, she didn't. She could see the swinging of lights etc, but couldnt feel a thing. Interesting! Is this a example of being on a different timeline?

13th June 2011, 10:03
Cool, yours sincerely, a timeline dummy :)

Carmen: WOW!! That is amazing.

13th June 2011, 10:16
Hahaha. (the poll!!!) Okay, maybe I have had a example today of a changed timeline. Up until today, my family who are awake, aware and have been taught about timelines, have felt the Christchurch earthquakes (the major ones that is). Today, none of us felt the two Christchurch earthquakes even though those in the district felt them!! My granddaughter was in a stadium in Dunedin which was hastily evacuated. All the schoolgirls around her felt the earthquake, she didn't. She could see the swinging of lights etc, but couldnt feel a thing. Interesting! Is this a example of being on a different timeline?

I can confirm that and the same thing has been happening to us for several years now, with only one exception, the most recent quake. We normally never feel a thing when people living all around us are really affected, in one case my husband had to rush out there and treat a heart attack.
I have started to explain it in terms of timelines. I decided long time ago that I wanted to get through the shift and live a long and happy life...and although I used to suffer from depression I can't remember when I had the last one.
It was a decision, an inner step, a willingness, to simply live and enjoy life.

13th June 2011, 10:18
Good on you ulli, I think your discision was a timeline shift. We certainly live in interesting times.

13th June 2011, 13:19

I have my doubts about all this.
With a change of understanding through experience, a change in perception can take place.

Is this what you call timeline? Is doing something different a timeline?

It sounds like NEW AGE to me. NEW AGE sounds like NEW WORLD ORDER.

If this is all about change in the physical or mental realm,
I smell 'common purpose'.

New Age seems like a watering down of actual experience.

Or have I got this wrong?


13th June 2011, 14:19
You've got it wrong. Trust me! ;)

13th June 2011, 14:40
Good on you ulli, I think your discision was a timeline shift. We certainly live in interesting times.

My decision actually meant giving up a lot of material goodies, jet set life style, amusing chit chat lunches with lovely bouquets of flowers in the center of the table, designer clothes, designer decor....
Then came the big surprise:
I can still fly when i have to and the cost has gone down, i still have my "stuff", although giving away some of it,
Although when I lunch alone I graze the fridge, but if i want flowers to decorate my dinner table, well, they grow like weeds all around me, orchids, bird of paradise, bougainvilla, etc,....
The designer clothes i find for $2 in the local second hand shops, that includes my doctor husband's Brooks Brothers shirts, and my own linen blouses, all new, still with the original Nordstrom price tag, and little spare button in the plastic bag,
We pay $350 rent for a 4000 sq ft property, our electric bill is $50 per month
My husband is a private GP, and charges $25 for a consultation and gives the medicines out for free as he receives so many free samples.
He doesn't need malpractise insurance...his patients love him so much there is not a day where he doesn't come home with
food that was given to him in gratitude...
I'm only sharing this to demonstrate what life is like when you put your inner compass in the right direction, stuff happens beyond your wildest dreams....
But you do have to shed those old programs and thinking patterns, be they status oriented in order to impress the "Haves" or goodiegoodie image oriented to impress the Christians, or social image oriented to impress the "Havenots".
When all that projection stuff is out of the way you are on your highway.
Or staircase to heaven....

13th June 2011, 15:19
You've got it wrong. Trust me! ;)

Have you been sucking Lord Sidious's pills again?

13th June 2011, 15:22
You've got it wrong. Trust me! ;)

Have you been sucking Lord Sidious's pills again?

I gave him some of mine....now he is hooked...

13th June 2011, 15:27

I have my doubts about all this.
With a change of understanding through experience, a change in perception can take place.

Is this what you call timeline? Is doing something different a timeline?

It sounds like NEW AGE to me. NEW AGE sounds like NEW WORLD ORDER.

If this is all about change in the physical or mental realm,
I smell 'common purpose'.

New Age seems like a watering down of actual experience.

Or have I got this wrong?


Hello again Pineal, from one of the "science/philosophy" ramblers as you called us, that popped briefly in one of your threads :)

Action >>> Reaction

Choice, with a following action, creates a reaction, or a new line of events that "wait" to happen. Think of it as a domino effect.

Each action, if it is not connected with all of the events that are on a "stack" and "wait" for themselves to "happen" or "occur", branches off to another line of events, with those that were "compatible" in the first time line, appearing in some part of the chronological order of the new timeline.

Maybe the tree analogy would be more comprehend able. Each choice/action we make creating a new branch with a line of events stacked on it.

Sometimes two timelines "collide" and merge in one, eliminating some events from happening, allowing others to proceed.

Say, you have two timelines, timeline 'a' and timeline 'b'. The timeline 'a' can be curved and form a tangential point 'A' with timeline 'b' briefly, the connection between the two timelines called 'A' being a singular event, that is more likely to occur then all others, and after it happens the two timelines divide again.

While the event 'A' lasts, people are able through perception to (more or less) perceive phenomena that are not explainable through present logic.

Too many examples to mention. Some might see the World Trade Center still standing briefly, while the event 'A' lasts, other might see a person that its supposed to be dead walking around like nothing happened, again briefly, while event 'A' finishes its existence.

Nothing New World Order about it, you just have to experience it to know it.

13th June 2011, 15:35
I forgot to share one of my examples.

I had to write something one day, and I like using a specific pen that I have, that is a gift from somebody very close to me. So it had a sentimental value.

I couldn't find it where I usually put it back. Nor anywhere else in the house.

I decided that I would use something else for this and since I had no other pen at that moment, I decided to buy a new one.

When I got back I wanted to put the new pencil at the place where I put the old one, and there it was! Like it never left the place.

As I lifted up my old pen, I left the new one on my dining table. I just smiled and started writing. When I was done and ready to pick up the things, I couldn't find the new pen on the table! It was gone.

I was home alone the entire time. Nobody to mess around with my pens or any other things for that matter.

Strangely, even though my new pen was gone, the money I gave for it didn't suddenly reappear lol.

13th June 2011, 15:59
I forgot to share one of my examples.

I had to write something one day, and I like using a specific pen that I have, that is a gift from somebody very close to me. So it had a sentimental value.

I couldn't find it where I usually put it back. Nor anywhere else in the house.

I decided that I would use something else for this and since I had no other pen at that moment, I decided to buy a new one.

When I got back I wanted to put the new pencil at the place where I put the old one, and there it was! Like it never left the place.

As I lifted up my old pen, I left the new one on my dining table. I just smiled and started writing. When I was done and ready to pick up the things, I couldn't find the new pen on the table! It was gone.

I was home alone the entire time. Nobody to mess around with my pens or any other things for that matter.

Strangely, even though my new pen was gone, the money I gave for it didn't suddenly reappear lol.

What was it that you were writing? Not that I want to know, just suggesting that those kinds of incidences are trying to get your attention onto something.
Or maybe it meant to point to writing in general?? Pens write...hmmm....new pen, old pen...OnyxPen instead of OnyxKnight?
Shed the knight and become a pen...
hey, I'm doing your work for you, ...you are supposed to find the clues, not me...it's your life, after all....;)

13th June 2011, 16:02
Thanks OnyxKnight,
It still sounds fishy to me.
One is still walking around with the same luggage/mindset.
It's still Coke or Pepsi.

Shouldn't a timeline change, change ones life direction, gradually
Losing all that trivial luggage?


13th June 2011, 16:32
OK, so as the story continues, I don't need to tell everyone driving home, I was on a dangerous timeline...

in front of me I saw three choices

The first that popped to mind, was she is already mad so I might as well head to the bar and have a few drinks with my friends, when I get home I can tell her I left the door open and someone took them from the car...

weighing the timeline I see 3 problems with the first, 1 - spending time with friends on an anniversary without her... 2 no flowers... 3, lying and blaming it on others...

that option would scratch any good Karma from making that little old lady's day... Guaranteed disastrous outcome

so then the second option comes to mind, I have a grocery store on the way home that I could stop in quick to get more flowers, but I would need to stop at an ATM or use a card which would give her a time stamp proving I didn't buy them until after the phone call... Which means for the next 50 years I will be hearing about it...

Scratch that one too, another bad outcome...

looks like I'll have to go for the 3rd option... Wing it...

I look down at the scraggly bunch of flowers remembering the little ladies smile and laughed... not so much the thought of seeing her face when I walk in with Dandelions as much as I knew it was going to be all right.

I pull into the Garage hoping she doesn't swing open the door until everything is set...

again 2 timelines, one I'm busted, 2 still aiming for the perfect outcome...

the door didn't open so I scoop up the flowers and head inside...

13th June 2011, 16:42
once inside I head straight for the kitchen, thinking she must be upstairs still getting ready to go out...

I grab a small vase pop in the flowers and put them right on the Dining room table where she likes to keep her roses, so far so good, I head upstairs to change out of my suit quick and see her heading towards me, I give her a quick kiss and happy anniversary while I head to the bedroom and she wanders out to the kitchen...

2 timelines, one she gets furious, the other, she remembers I'm a joker...

I hear her sneaking around looking for the roses I toss my shirt on the bed quick, the change and receipt carefully facing the door to be seen...

I head out to the main room and she walks towards me looking sad and says she doesn't feel like going out...

perfect, I didn't either...

13th June 2011, 17:53
now for the next step, I pop open a bottle of her favorite wine pour two glasses and carry them over to the coffee table and settle back into the sofa waiting...

I see her walk out in a little teddy and I smile as she heads towards me grinning sitting down and looking up in my eyes and says "so where's my flowers"

this is mission critical, make or break moment right here...

so I say with a straight face, they are on the table and she busts out laughing and snuggles up closer...

ok here we go... deep breath...

brain is scrambling for words, but they just start flowing out...

"I pulled over to talk with you on the way home, and you know how I have a big heart... (diversion to keep her from remembering the conversation) she smiles and says "I'm still here aren't I"

"Well when I was standing talking with you I looked up and saw a little lady walking up the street and I'm not sure why, but I knew she needed something to cheer her up" at this moment I already know her mind is spinning... is he joking, are my flowers hidden somewhere... so I continued and told her how she cried explaining she had never received flowers from her husband when he was alive...

at that moment she melted not even caring any more that I had given away her flowers...

I reached down beside the sofa, picking up a single rose and handed it to her, suddenly tears filled her eyes, and she knew why I had given away her flowers, but this one meant more to her than 100 dozens...

you see when I first hopped in my car, reality hit me and good deed or not, looking at those scraggly little yellow flowers, I was toast...

I sat for a while finally starting the car and just before driving off, there was a knock on my window, I looked up and the little lady was standing there holding a single rose, the nicest of them all. She already looked 10 years younger than when we first met... as the window rolled down she handed it to me and said he told me to give you one, and said you'd know when to give it to her... I asked he? she looked up and said my husband, and he said he can't thank you enough... I watched as she almost skipped away...

and I knew at that moment everything would be ok...

and it was...

after that day, I used to buy a flower for any reason, but mostly when she needed cheering up, she worked long hard hours, and nothing helped it all disappear like walking in and finding it waiting for her.

my son watched the magic and as he was growing up, he would bring a flower home and hide it so she would find it and flash back to that moment of happiness...

so for my family it is now a tradition on how a single Rose is a beautiful thing...

it has now become a part of a spiritual bloodline secret for all generations to follow...

now I have shared it here in this forum, with worldwide viewers...

so you can say it has become a part of Global consciousness...

just a small nudge in the timeline can make huge changes through the world...

13th June 2011, 18:33
The lesson, wasn't just about the rose...

That day I changed a major timeline, her Anniversary became ours... ;)

13th June 2011, 19:00
wow....I'm stunned. Wonderful!

13th June 2011, 19:13
thanks Ulli,

stunned almost speechless, I guess it is a keeper then huh... :high5:

13th June 2011, 19:25
Hahaha. (the poll!!!) Okay, maybe I have had a example today of a changed timeline. Up until today, my family who are awake, aware and have been taught about timelines, have felt the Christchurch earthquakes (the major ones that is). Today, none of us felt the two Christchurch earthquakes even though those in the district felt them!! My granddaughter was in a stadium in Dunedin which was hastily evacuated. All the schoolgirls around her felt the earthquake, she didn't. She could see the swinging of lights etc, but couldnt feel a thing. Interesting! Is this a example of being on a different timeline?

well I was drawn here just before the quakes that hit 5 mins apart, you'll see it in the earthquake log...

on the first timeline, they hit as one at over 8.0, hopping to this timeline and tossing in a few angels...

your family didn't feel a thing...

there are personal timelines, and then group timelines...

once everyone joins to move away from a disastrous timeline, it puts us in the same "ship" of consciousness...

13th June 2011, 19:31

I have my doubts about all this.
With a change of understanding through experience, a change in perception can take place.

Is this what you call timeline? Is doing something different a timeline?

It sounds like NEW AGE to me. NEW AGE sounds like NEW WORLD ORDER.

If this is all about change in the physical or mental realm,
I smell 'common purpose'.

New Age seems like a watering down of actual experience.

Or have I got this wrong?


I think you have a little right in what you are describing, but I am only in one timeline and the one helping by steering the ship from danger...

dejavu... replay... however you would like to think of it, but timelines can be changed after an occurrence...

just think back to the Earthquakes this year that showed on instruments but after just disappeared...

for the 6.5 Billion whose timelines weren't ended by the disaster, they are all on the same ship...

13th June 2011, 22:05
Whew! I was starting to think the moral of the story was going to be "No good deed goes unpunished!"

Thanks, Rocky.

13th June 2011, 22:16
The deja vu thing IS connected with parallel timelines/realities.

It has to do with awareness.

13th June 2011, 22:20
back then I didn't understand energies like I do now, but imagine the energy between the little lady and I, passing this special gift back and forth,
both helping the other which created a wonderful event that followed...

all good deeds are worthwhile, greatest reward a smile...

13th June 2011, 22:47
The deja vu thing IS connected with parallel timelines/realities.

It has to do with awareness.

I noticed when flipping a timeline that I'm the only one with a deja vu feeling of been here done that, even though it is a new timeline.

once, through my connection to Skib, I heard his Whoa as the world started rocking, flipping to a new timeline his mind was at peace like he never experienced what happened in the other...

15th June 2011, 00:45
now for the real question, what would happen if I didn't bring everyone along to the new timeline and left some behind to face the disaster...

The left behind series comes to mind...

no sense hauling all these inbred frogs and Bankers along is there? ;)

15th June 2011, 00:52
Only if they ask for forgiveness forthwith and are able to be read internally to see if what they ask for is meritted. Otherwise, leave them. Frog gigging comes to mind.


15th June 2011, 19:04
anyone remember this song?


"Spinning minds of Toads..." ;)

It was playing on the way in and I laughed hearing it, makes much more sense now...

15th June 2011, 20:23
ooh, bankers are having another great day on the Markets...

they plunged right after I heard this song...

Van Morrison always had hidden messages in his music...

now I even understand them when sober... ;)

15th June 2011, 21:23
so what would it be like if a major change happened in a timeline switch...

like no more Fed Reserve or big banks, no military because there are no wars...

walking outside to your self charging electric vehicle, no one uses Gas...

no disastrous weather created through man's lack of caring...

no politicians...
no lawyers...

waking up to the perfect world...

15th June 2011, 21:30
No more chains or shackles on the minds of the masses. Each one able to learn what they wanted too. No fear of someone spying on you, no fear of forclosures. Stick my head in a lions mouth if I wanted too, no fear of it chomping on me. All the fishing one could handle in aday in fresh clean water. Happy families not divided by the subliminals feed to us through print and technology affecting our minds to cause lusts for what we don't have and disgust with what we do. Man a perfect world....let us get busy shifting that timeline aye?


15th June 2011, 21:45
I'm learning as quick as I can, not many experts to go ask for directions on this one...

but I am starting the process now...

imagine being a banker and waking up one morning to steal food from the mouths of children and realizing everyone is... gone...

would they walk to the office for a normal day at work, looking up into the sky at the monument to money...

finding the vault open, they go in and take a swim through a money pool...

standing at Burger King mad that no one is there to serve...

15th June 2011, 23:05
Everyone takes full and conscious responsibility for every thought, action, word and deed

Everyone lives in harmony with themselves

Everyone lives in harmony with their "other"-selves

Everyone lives in harmony with nature, the planet and all her creatures and kingdoms

Everyone looks around and sees the Creator

15th June 2011, 23:20
sounds like the world we all want to live in, how do we get from here to there?

16th June 2011, 00:13
sounds like the world we all want to live in, how do we get from here to there?

Well, it doesnt hurt to simply hold the intent and visualize the outcome as if it had already happened once or more times a day ;)

Maia Gabrial
16th June 2011, 01:38
I have a problem with this timeline thing. It doesn't make sense to me because the motion of Linear time goes in one direction. I agree that we can go off on many tangents, but we still move in one direction.
You say if you change up something from what you've been doing that you've changed your timeline? How? IMO that's still the same timeline.....you've only changed your routine or thinking. I think I could accept it, if say, you're a walk-in/walk-out. Then you're not on your own timeline.....
I'm of the belief that there really isn't free will. We're experiencing life for our Higher Selves. THEY'RE the ones that know what will happen next.
Take this into consideration: That what you've changed in your life might have ALWAYS been destined to happen that way.
Sorry, this was not meant to offend anyone. It's just what I believe...

16th June 2011, 01:45
Time is not linear. Its just that we have all agreed that it is. When we live in the now time does all sorts of things, slows down, speeds up. We can go back in time and change it also. Quantum physics agrees with this. Linear time is a 3D construct. Timeline jumping, changing timelines, going back into the past and changing it. All these are possible and I have experienced some of this as I have understood it and applied it. Much more interesting and freeing than boring old 3D limited linear time!!!

16th June 2011, 02:15
well it has really come in handy this year, for all of us...

from someone's comment not on this thread today, I had a chuckle, because they believe timelines are a fairy tale. The truth is I really prefer most feel that way, the only ones that really should know are the ones directing this world through the raging white waters. When you first experience a timeshift, it is amazing, and not really something you can describe to others. The only person that needs to believe, is you, the person involved.

Everything I have shared over the years, wasn't to convince anyone of anything... except myself...

I glance back at threads long forgotten, and still go wow remembering the moment.

All of us can see what type of responses are coming back "at" Inelia, it is much easier just letting the skeptics go to concentrate on what is important and those who want to listen.

it is like trying to explain to someone you cast more knowledge away in a fingernail clipping than they will know in a lifetime...

It is far wiser to just sit back and smile.

16th June 2011, 02:57
I have been giving this timeline shifting some very serious thought while trying to learn the art of discerning subtle energies. I believe now that I have changed timelines at least 3 times in order to experience what I had decided/wanted to do in this life. One thing which I believe is of major importance here is conscious choice and accepting the responsibility for that choice fully. After all, since we are sovereign beings to begin with, do we not have the freedom to choose what it is we desire to experience? If we didn't have at least some choice, what would be the point of coming into duality at all?

There are some excellent pointers here on this thread about optimal conditions prevailing on timelines one wishes to join up with and methinks I'll be including them in my choice too! You guys are doing great so far, please keep it up!

16th June 2011, 03:03
I have a problem with this timeline thing. It doesn't make sense to me because the motion of Linear time goes in one direction. I agree that we can go off on many tangents, but we still move in one direction.
You say if you change up something from what you've been doing that you've changed your timeline? How? IMO that's still the same timeline.....you've only changed your routine or thinking. I think I could accept it, if say, you're a walk-in/walk-out. Then you're not on your own timeline.....
I'm of the belief that there really isn't free will. We're experiencing life for our Higher Selves. THEY'RE the ones that know what will happen next.
Take this into consideration: That what you've changed in your life might have ALWAYS been destined to happen that way.
Sorry, this was not meant to offend anyone. It's just what I believe...

wow now I feel bad about the joke I wrote before seeing your post, sorry...

what I experience can be replayed without a disastrous result... When the Massive earthquake hit the Mediterranean this year, a Tsunami formed and wiped out all the coastal cities, ancient ruins 1000s of miles away crumbled... The moment I saw it hit I thought Oh no and time froze!!! and it replayed without the disaster... a location in the area registered an 8.4 but it was far bigger than that, and then... reports the equipment must have malfunctioned... I saw a discussion of it appear in the forum, I wasn't sleeping...

so to me, it seems linear, with replay... but the replay is a hop to a timeline without the disaster...

but then, I saw it a different way, if I'm on a timeline where it never happened, then how did a machine in that timeline register the quake... which would make it completely linear with choices and miracles...

16th June 2011, 03:13
I have been giving this timeline shifting some very serious thought while trying to learn the art of discerning subtle energies. I believe now that I have changed timelines at least 3 times in order to experience what I had decided/wanted to do in this life. One thing which I believe is of major importance here is conscious choice and accepting the responsibility for that choice fully. After all, since we are sovereign beings to begin with, do we not have the freedom to choose what it is we desire to experience? If we didn't have at least some choice, what would be the point of coming into duality at all?

There are some excellent pointers here on this thread about optimal conditions prevailing on timelines one wishes to join up with and methinks I'll be including them in my choice too! You guys are doing great so far, please keep it up!

That is great to hear, personal shifts are simple bringing money your way, or a better job, a promotion...

You decide when it is time and make it happen.

If you are a nurse or a doctor and Know you will heal someone it will happen on that timeline, it is everywhere in our lives understanding and combining timelines with others with the same vision, makes it happen...

I like to think of it as positive thought, not thinking. thinking has multiple options bouncing around, thought is locked in...

16th June 2011, 03:22
Well something is different now. I have been listening to the same Moody Blues Greatest Hits CD for months and yesterday songs 2 & 3 and 10 & 11 have traded places. Keeping my eye for anything else that has changed.

16th June 2011, 03:28
so then if a large enough group used positive thought together towards a new time line, could/would that group dissapear from physical sight in perspective of those that were still within the old time line? Is this the underlying message for the world to seriously consider?

16th June 2011, 03:30
Well something is different now. I have been listening to the same Moody Blues Greatest Hits CD for months and yesterday songs 2 & 3 and 10 & 11 have traded places. Keeping my eye for anything else that has changed.

uh oh, should we hop again to see if they can get switched back?

17th June 2011, 01:10
so then if a large enough group used positive thought together towards a new time line, could/would that group dissapear from physical sight in perspective of those that were still within the old time line? Is this the underlying message for the world to seriously consider?

out of site out of mind...

for anyone that hasn't seen or read the left behind series, it shows exactly what would happen if a combined shift happened leaving the LLH in MMS

"Lower Level Humans in Mortal Mind Spins"

for those who shift most have no recognition any of the LLHs ever existed...

Where they shifted out of, remember who is missing...

that way the higher dimensional beings aren't dragged down from memories of the LLHs that were in their life and left behind.

Maia Gabrial
17th June 2011, 22:11
The concept of timelines is new to me. Everything that you guys have described sounds like a "shift in consciousness." Unless the two concepts are the same thing, I don't see the difference...

17th June 2011, 22:16
just imagine the shift in consciousness we have been through over the last few weeks...

when Pandora's Box opened, they unleashed everything they had at us...

maybe they were just testing us to see if any of the 18 burst into flames from attacking us... ;)

many stepped forward and started creating a new timeline that has a peaceful ending for Avalon...

20th June 2011, 03:07
so then if a large enough group used positive thought together towards a new time line, could/would that group dissapear from physical sight in perspective of those that were still within the old time line? Is this the underlying message for the world to seriously consider?

out of site out of mind...

for anyone that hasn't seen or read the left behind series, it shows exactly what would happen if a combined shift happened leaving the LLH in MMS

"Lower Level Humans in Mortal Mind Spins"

for those who shift most have no recognition any of the LLHs ever existed...

Where they shifted out of, remember who is missing...

that way the higher dimensional beings aren't dragged down from memories of the LLHs that were in their life and left behind.

Rocky, you mean I won't even remember my ex-husband ever existed?:cool: Sorry, stupid joke but I could not resist. lol

But, if it were the case, how would I explain my beautiful lovely daughter? Or would the ex had become good?

20th June 2011, 16:18
well let me do a quick translation for understanding...

10th Dimensional Being = Earth Angel

many surround those meant to be a potato on the couch... ;)

we know an earth angel here, that at 7 years old had a shock so extreme, she remembered...

I think just knowing this little bit will help all understand what she is trying to do...

she's teaching other angels how to spread their wings... ;)

20th June 2011, 16:49
Time is a construct. Period. That includes any perception of linear time or 'timelines' or any other name that a person wants to give to the illusion of things happening in a specific order through cause and effect.

Everthing that has happened or will happen IS happening right now. It's called a quantum soup. All possibilities. All probabilities. Everything. All mixed up together in the great moment of now sloshing around and making waves which are known as probabilitiy waves.

These waves collapse when we observe a particular wave.

When the wave collapses we experience that particular grouping of probable (physical) circumstances.

If we allow that wave to play out we will experience the events that are 'probable' for that wave and experience them in linear time. However, this does NOT make them more or less real than the wave that has been collapsed and is being experienced by any other individual, and - now here is the kicker - these probability waves only affect the physical experiences of the body.

Experiencing a different collapsed probability wave (especially a different wave than others areound you are experiencing) does NOT equal spiritual awareness or higher consciousness, it simply means that you have 'mastered' the physical/mental skills necessary to create your own physical reality, which commendable, but it is just one more layer in the illusion that makes up our physical existence (yay quantum physics!)

Spiritual awareness and higher consciousness realizes that it doesn't matter what 'timeline' you're in, what probability wave you've collapsed, what events you are choosing to experience. None of it matters because ALL of it is an illusion a labyrinth of an illusion that needs to be travesed and unraveled in order to understand the true nature of who and what we really are.

20th June 2011, 16:57
Time is a construct. Period. That includes any perception of linear time or 'timelines' or any other name that a person wants to give to the illusion of things happening in a specific order through cause and effect.

Everthing that has happened or will happen IS happening right now. It's called a quantum soup. All possibilities. All probabilities. Everything. All mixed up together in the great moment of now sloshing around and making waves which are known as probabilitiy waves.

These waves collapse when we observe a particular wave.

When the wave collapses we experience that particular grouping of probable (physical) circumstances.

If we allow that wave to play out we will experience the events that are 'probable' for that wave and experience them in linear time. However, this does NOT make them more or less real than the wave that has been collapsed and is being experienced by any other individual, and - now here is the kicker - these probability waves only affect the physical experiences of the body.

Experiencing a different collapsed probability wave (especially a different wave than others areound you are experiencing) does NOT equal spiritual awareness or higher consciousness, it simply means that you have 'mastered' the physical/mental skills necessary to create your own physical reality, which commendable, but it is just one more layer in the illusion that makes up our physical existence (yay quantum physics!)

Spiritual awareness and higher consciousness realizes that it doesn't matter what 'timeline' you're in, what probability wave you've collapsed, what events you are choosing to experience. None of it matters because ALL of it is an illusion a labyrinth of an illusion that needs to be travesed and unraveled in order to understand the true nature of who and what we really are.

I totally enjoyed that, thank you.
All the best

20th June 2011, 17:02
now, imagine the truth of what we just went through...

The Alternative Media was created to spin fears and lies to actually control those who are following, then Avalon appeared, stories tossed out to be dissected, the truths were being revealed one by one...

Fear is critical in the PTB control, they decided to go right after the heart of the community by choosing to take on Bill

They threw their best psyops against us, and lost their top 3 to jellied brains...

They threw Wizards at us, and we tied their arms and took away the powers of the Staff...

they know how we will react to fear and its consequences, but their spins can no longer touch us...

Destiny = The timeline we are meant to be on...

There are no coincidences in Destiny...

20th June 2011, 17:23
I see influencing your personal timeline as an empowering choice, quite the opposite of the New World Order.

Here is my timeline story:
My husband was hit while riding his bike and left for dead. His injuries were severe and required constant care at home. I took care of him for months. My heart and shoulder had passing pains which I of course blew off because I'm smart like that. After his conditioned plateau'd I thought I would go ahead and get a check just in case. Stress test with EKG was positive. State of the art imaging was very positive. They clearly saw a blockage. Next step was the cardiac cath. I had plenty of time to wait in the hospital in a lovely gown since real life and death emergencies kept coming in (all made it Yeay!).

I had no fear but was tired of waiting. I decided to meditate. I was quite out of my body, experiencing everyone as 2D players in a play. BTW no drugs involved. Then I had the idea to negotiate with my Higher Self. "Hey, if it's all the same to you, I am aware I have not been taking care of myself and loving myself as I should. Lesson learned. Can I have a pass on this? Yes, I am all better now."

So very interesting the outcome. My heart was fine. Perfect. The doctor was vexed and said she looked extra hard because of the imaging results, but there was nothing.
Maybe two tests were wrong. Maybe the cath procedure itself cleared the blockage. I don't think so, though. I think my timeline changed.

Lynne McTaggert's The Conciousness Experiment offers some scientific evidence for the effect of consciousness on reality.

20th June 2011, 17:50
timelines are consistently changing through miracles most so subtle they aren't even known...

20th June 2011, 18:22
Dear Rocky,

Thanks for that wonderful example of "timelines"........I guess it is just about making choices each day about what is right for us and listening for that "small Voice,

Love & Light,

Tarka the Duck
20th June 2011, 19:10
Dear Rocky

Thanks for starting this thread in an attempt to clarify for those of us unfamiliar with the word "timeline".

I wonder...is this just a new way to speak of karma? Please could someone explain -
A) how it is different from the idea of karma and
B) why there is a need to come up with a new theory, when the law of karma has made sense to most of us for centuries?

Many thanks

20th June 2011, 19:17
that is a really good question, but I see outcomes of timeline choices...

racing through the white waters in a craft, left a rock, right a waterfall, a sliver of a path that would take a miracle to stay on in safety.

we all know it so that is the path we choose

every time we make it through, we are all thankful and preparing for the next "moment" of choice.

20th June 2011, 19:21
Those of us who understand the truth of this get along well with one another even though we got here via different routes and dependent on background use different vocabulary as terms, be it the language of quantum physics, or Buddhist, or Christian mystics, or Kabbalah, or Shamanism.
The discovery of this miraculous nature of reality comes about by first accepting total responsibility for all events that occur in one's life and secondly by dumping all negative and ugly imagery from our inner slide projector.

The skeptics can get there too, but must first ask themselves what is there to be gained from remaining in a fixed skeptical attitude.
There are answers there, which might surprise them.

20th June 2011, 19:30
Dear Rocky

Thanks for starting this thread in an attempt to clarify for those of us unfamiliar with the word "timeline".

I wonder...is this just a new way to speak of karma? Please could someone explain -
A) how it is different from the idea of karma and
B) why there is a need to come up with a new theory, when the law of karma has made sense to most of us for centuries?

Many thanks

Ask yourself why are you needing for anything to "make sense"?

I understand as I was once there myself, but when the good stuff started to happen nothing made sense anymore....

I dumped the old cup of Karma along with the bottle of Sense,

and both were refilled with the wine of astonishment.

20th June 2011, 19:35
Karma says be good do good and your return will be good...

so why do only the good die young?

how rotten does someone have to be to live 5000 years... ;)

how much pain have they poured out on others...

a timeline change leaves the dust where it is meant to be...

Tarka the Duck
20th June 2011, 19:50
Dear Rocky

Thanks for starting this thread in an attempt to clarify for those of us unfamiliar with the word "timeline".

I wonder...is this just a new way to speak of karma? Please could someone explain -
A) how it is different from the idea of karma and
B) why there is a need to come up with a new theory, when the law of karma has made sense to most of us for centuries?

Many thanks

Ask yourself why are you needing for anything to "make sense"?

I understand as I was once there myself, but when the good stuff started to happen nothing made sense anymore....

I dumped the old cup of Karma along with the bottle of Sense,

and both were refilled with the wine of astonishment.

Thanks for that, Ulli!

As I am still at the stage of still needing things to make sense, could I ask you to elaborate a little?

Do you mean you have exhausted all your karma? Or do you consider there is no such law as karma?

What do you mean by "when the good stuff started to happen..."?

And what happens for you when the bad stuff comes along?

Many thanks

20th June 2011, 20:21
By the good stuff happening I mean unexpected smooth unstressed sailing through life, with lots of love, fun, laughter, happiness, joy, creativity, abundance.

When things get difficult it's because a state of imbalance on my part attracted it, I had been either too cocky, or else too fearful.

Once while thinking about all the problems I was having it came to me that consciously and subconsciously I enjoyed solving problems, hence they kept coming.
I believed in the problem-solution paradigm.

The idea of Karma is based on ripple effect, or a cause and effect paradigm, if I did anything drastic I would most likely get a wallop, but I've been making sure that I don't do anything drastic.

If I could just press a button to make others happy in a permanent manner I would.
I can't give it to them other than suggest to follow a few simple steps of advice.

Find out who you are, through self observation.

Work on yourself.

If you notice a feeling of aversion towards someone else's behavior check carefully in case it exists in you but you never noticed it. Pluck it out.

Find an occupation that fascinates you, using your hands and body as much as possible.

Take note of coincidences, think about them.

Choose your friends carefully.

Welcome bad stuff that comes your way as an opportunity or gift.

Develop virtues.

20th June 2011, 21:13
Thanks Rocky and ulli for this thread and your insights.
It really lightened up my evening!


20th June 2011, 22:32
For me the concept of karma is fallacious unless one is referring strictly to the unawakened. To be unaware of ones lessons, of acausal causes, then one continues to be subject to them. Then, Ah-HA! One gets it, the karma metabolizes and one is on the fast track to learning new lessons, with the potential to recognize how one chooses them with the very thoughts one thinks. Hence the sudden choice of miracle vs disaster. Ones understanding of fundamental laws beyond mere karmic law, such as the law of grace, which I would sum up as the understanding that as we move our own perspective closer to what would be a reflection of the creator's perspective, then the more the infinite smiles upon us. Understanding with the heart that the infinite does indeed know each and every one of us, and cares, then we can in turn make it our own sense of love for others. Which brings me to what I consider the most salient point in any discussion of timelines, namely that when one is using this intention solely to the benefit of others, not concerned for the condition of self, this is where the true power lies in affecting change upon the timeline. Until one sees clearly the truth and reason for that, then ones ability is severely limited. We can't all be king of the world, nor really should we ever want to be. It's a closer reflection of the infinite perspective when the avatar is just an avatar and the work is to be done to assist the other beings in the other avatars, and the whole universe will bend over backwards to help one who works it this way. Basically, the law of three fold return should replace the notion of ever attempting to benefit directly by changing a timeline.

20th June 2011, 22:50
well PTB have controlled all of us by the timelines... creating disasters, wars and diseases that aren't natural, they are man made.

the world is being run by lunatics, but all pain could pass with acceptance of Destiny.

it sounds so simple, but it is like stepping off into an abyss of the unknown...

20th June 2011, 22:58
Dear Rocky,

Thanks for that wonderful example of "timelines"........I guess it is just about making choices each day about what is right for us and listening for that "small Voice,

Love & Light,

I'm proud of everyone that tossed aside ego to get by the title of this thread and explore what was inside... ;)

21st June 2011, 00:20
I've had difficulty understanding timelines. A 'coincidence' today changed that for me.

A friend just returned a book I had lent her..."The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden (subtitled, 'Bridging time, space, miracles and belief'). Been a while since I read it, but had a flash of insight when she handed me the book. I couldn't 'think' my way through that book to understanding, like I hadn't been able to 'think' my way through timelines to understanding. Once I let go and allowed it to 'sink in', it became a part of me. Opening my 'view' of timelines with my 'understanding' of "The Divine Matrix", I had a "Eureka!" moment...it makes perfect sense.

The difficulty functioning as I do is words are never enough. If I were to try to explain it to others, it would be like trying to explain 'colors' to a person who was blind.

Thank you Rocky, ulli, and all who have contributed to this thread, for sharing so openly and guiding me to understanding. I am grateful.

21st June 2011, 07:35
Timelines do not exist, it's just a foggy concept!!!!!! There I've sad it.
Your present was created by your past. If you do not evolve your understanding, your future will be the same as the past - going round in circles. The past does not exist. the future does not exist. And get this...NOW does not exist. Find now? When people tell you to rest in the now, you are holding now as a state. It is mental gymnastics. Change takes place after a great deal of practise and training. Choosing to go left instead of right is only a geographical event, that is all.

Change takes place when consciousness is aware of its true nature... emptiness. Once that is realised there is only one way to go - where it will benefit others!
So they too can stand on their own two...minds! They have understood the unity of the two truths, relative and absolute.

Do not let anyone put you to sleep!


21st June 2011, 17:09
I've had difficulty understanding timelines. A 'coincidence' today changed that for me.

The difficulty functioning as I do is words are never enough. If I were to try to explain it to others, it would be like trying to explain 'colors' to a person who was blind.

Thank you Rocky, ulli, and all who have contributed to this thread, for sharing so openly and guiding me to understanding. I am grateful.

why is it I feel you would have no problem describing colors to the blind?

many times to grasp a concept it needs to be explained in terms we understand, and I prefer adding a little humor to make it fun.

I would explain what happened to Inelia very differently than the words she uses to allow for a wider audience to go now I get it.

remember the clumsy little angel balancing on a beach ball juggling 3 hourglasses? Well, when it was time for Inelia to be born, she was the angel on assignment and she slipped and inserted her spirit to the conscious instead of subconscious... before she could change it, Inelia was born...

being a fully awake Spirit comes with many amazing gifts and understandings that a normal conscious being has trouble understanding...

she has a Saint watching over her...

to Christians, I want you to look at this image because there are billions of you looking for a sign of the beyond...


When I described meeting Woodward, I told of a shimmering Circle around him, the gateway to heaven.

He can turn at any moment and walk through but instead wants to stay to help his people, miracles have happened all over Chile from his presence and Inelia he realized at a very young age she was special. you would be looking at a child, but hear responses of those of an adult. The tragedy hit her at the same age my daughter was when her best friend was kidnapped and murdered. I understand the pain she went through, and why it locked in her resolve to change the world.

now Bill, you are sharing this moment in a Language most don't understand, but the real story you have is one of a Miracle that could be shared with the world.

Tarka the Duck
21st June 2011, 18:05
Quotation from a response by Ulli to a question from Tarka the Duck:

"Ask yourself why are you needing for anything to "make sense"?
I understand as I was once there myself, but when the good stuff started to happen nothing made sense anymore."

I have been pondering this, Ulli - and to be honest, I have been feeling a little bewildered by it.
But, after much reflection, I am proud to stand up and say "YES! I DO NEED THINGS TO MAKE SENSE!!!"
To make any claims that I have 'gone beyond' that need would be a complete lie...and so I embrace my powers of intelligence (limited as they may be)!!

Even practised teachers such as the Dalai Lama are constantly asking questions and seeking internal and external clarification: the journey is extremely subtle, and not as simplistic (as opposed to simple) as we are sometimes lead to believe.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.


21st June 2011, 18:21
One has to be very clear where one is going. It's like knowing the end of a book, to see if it is worth reading. Going in hope does not work....I've tried it, with the wool pulled over their eyes,trying to pull wool over mine. Our paths are individual, one does not have to follow the flock.

Free will is good as long as you know the choices available.


21st June 2011, 23:40
I see Timelines as a pile of books, flipping through each until I find the one with a Happily Ever After ending...

the PTB sees the book I chose, and they continuously toss obstacles up to get the whole grid to shift away from the timeline we desire...

all subconscious at a spiritual level, they can't grab the timeline and change it on us, it has to be our choice as a group collective in where we will go...

individuals are all flowing down the main timeline tugging right and left but going with the flow

Free Will has nothing to do with timelines if you understand what they are...

Free will is your EGO saying you matter... ;)

22nd June 2011, 00:13
Dear Rocky

Thanks for starting this thread in an attempt to clarify for those of us unfamiliar with the word "timeline".

I wonder...is this just a new way to speak of karma? Please could someone explain -
A) how it is different from the idea of karma and
B) why there is a need to come up with a new theory, when the law of karma has made sense to most of us for centuries?

Many thanks

This is due to the need to have 'science' re-converge with the heart of the worthwhile aspects of 'religion'.

Essentially, the linear mind needs an answer as well, if balance is going to be achieved.

22nd June 2011, 00:29
Quotation from a response by Ulli to a question from Tarka the Duck:

"Ask yourself why are you needing for anything to "make sense"?
I understand as I was once there myself, but when the good stuff started to happen nothing made sense anymore."

I have been pondering this, Ulli - and to be honest, I have been feeling a little bewildered by it.
But, after much reflection, I am proud to stand up and say "YES! I DO NEED THINGS TO MAKE SENSE!!!"
To make any claims that I have 'gone beyond' that need would be a complete lie...and so I embrace my powers of intelligence (limited as they may be)!!

Even practised teachers such as the Dalai Lama are constantly asking questions and seeking internal and external clarification: the journey is extremely subtle, and not as simplistic (as opposed to simple) as we are sometimes lead to believe.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.


Hello Tarka,

You don't have to be intelligent all day long...there are moments and there are moments...

I have no further thoughts on the matter, as neither thought nor explanation will clarify this...only the discovery.
I didn't make the universe, but I can certainly appreciate it's wondrousness.

22nd June 2011, 17:51
Dear Rocky,

Thanks for that wonderful example of "timelines"........I guess it is just about making choices each day about what is right for us and listening for that "small Voice,

Love & Light,

now let me share the difference between new age and Christianity

New Age teaches you to find your inner light and make it grow, once you are shining share it outward...

what happens when you reach the pedestal and are the Brightest spot-light in the universe and shine it on another light bulb?

it makes that light bulb dim...

thus the lesson in Love and Light...

now Christians on the other hand see a different answer, we share love, peace and laughter with the light bulbs around us, each shining brighter because there is no fear when you are surrounded by all III... our goal is to light up everyone...

22nd June 2011, 17:54
I see Timelines as a pile of books, flipping through each until I find the one with a Happily Ever After ending...

the PTB sees the book I chose, and they continuously toss obstacles up to get the whole grid to shift away from the timeline we desire...

all subconscious at a spiritual level, they can't grab the timeline and change it on us, it has to be our choice as a group collective in where we will go...

individuals are all flowing down the main timeline tugging right and left but going with the flow

Free Will has nothing to do with timelines if you understand what they are...

Free will is your EGO saying you matter... ;)

now for all of you that sat thinking of this all night, let me continue...

what is wrong with having an Ego? Without Ego we are slaves...

listen to your Ego, it isn't always wrong... ;)

22nd June 2011, 21:31
now for all of you that sat thinking of this all night, let me continue...

what is wrong with having an Ego? Without Ego we are slaves...

listen to your Ego, it isn't always wrong... ;)

I agree, the ego will always be there. The very fact that you incarnated is already a proof of that.
So why fighting it? By fighting you will give it power.

Its much better to step back and watch it, get to know it. There is nothing to fear. After all it has also brought you to where you are.
Just pay attention that his continuous judgement does not takes precedence over your heart.

22nd June 2011, 21:35
the good news is, Ego doesn't direct your timeline, your spirit does...

22nd June 2011, 21:51
For the serious spiritual aspirant Ego is like whiskey to the alcoholic.
They are both addictions.
They are both mistakenly seen as a support when the opposite is true.
If you want to come back here for another lifetime just let the ego direct your life.

Every enlightened sage without exception is an ego less state.
You cant have unconditional love and ego.


22nd June 2011, 22:08
For the serious spiritual aspirant Ego is like whiskey to the alcoholic.
They are both addictions.
They are both mistakenly seen as a support when the opposite is true.
If you want to come back here for another lifetime just let the ego direct your life.

Every enlightened sage without exception is an ego less state.
You cant have unconditional love and ego.


I agree greybeard, ego is like alcohol, but you know, I do intend to come back. And why not?
My time of no return is not yet there. I am too much enjoying this.

During 8 years living as a monc I tried to become enlightened, only to realize at one stage, that I have to let go any trying, even that.
That I have to let go any aversion or attraction. Even the attraction towards enlightenment and the aversion towards living in in this world.
Nothing you can do or aspire can make you enlightened anyway. Let go and be, and don't judge your being.
Since I realized that, I kind of feel free and most of all, I feel normal and more at peace with myself. The search before that was like a fever.
I do not want to become enlightened anymore because, we all are enlightened anyway, we just forgot.

So I really enjoy the love and ego in its boundaries, but I am aware of them.
And nonetheless, I think everyone got some unconditional love inside him, those moments when the ego drops completely, just because at some moments everyone of us remembers his true being as an enlightened soul.

And I wouldn't dare to measure that as either complete or uncomplete, serious or unserious.

22nd June 2011, 22:25
For the serious spiritual aspirant Ego is like whiskey to the alcoholic.

Every enlightened sage without exception is an ego less state.
You cant have unconditional love and ego.


lucky I'm not spiritual aspirant... I'm capable of unconditional love without crushing my Ego...

so leggo my Eggo... ;)

22nd June 2011, 22:35
I don't know why I keep thinking about stew...maybe it's because it's dinnertime and I'm hungry.

There's nothing like a big bowl of hearty stew to satisfy your hunger. I love munching on the fresh veggies and meat...reminds me of the mind/ego. Give it food (thoughts, ideas, reactions) and it will munch away for hours and hours, thinking of things this way and that way...how shall I approach this...what is the best way to make it happen.

But the best part is at the end of the bowl when nothing but the gravy is left. I like to take a big hunk of fresh baked bread and sop up every last bit of the flavorful juices...reminds me of the spirit. Spirit drinks in every bit of the 'essence' of the food, is filled with understanding and new possibilities.

Some things cannot be understood with the mind/ego...it must be absorbed by the spirit.

It requires a 'letting go', a release of thoughts and questions and judgments...frightening to the mind/ego, but welcomed by the spirit.

There's a line from the old book "God Calling" that has remained with me for the better part of 30 years..."Jesus said, 'Be ye, therefore, perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect.' He did not say do perfect things. Just be."

Sometimes enlightenment comes when you have given up working toward it and when you least expect it. That is the way of the spirit.

22nd June 2011, 22:36
For the serious spiritual aspirant Ego is like whiskey to the alcoholic.

Every enlightened sage without exception is an ego less state.
You cant have unconditional love and ego.


lucky I'm not spiritual aspirant... I'm capable of unconditional love without crushing my Ego...

so leggo my Eggo... ;)

Unconditional love is not something you do or are capable of.
Its what you are as an enlightened being--- a bit like gravity -- powerful but just being itself-- constant it does not come and go.
We can all love very deeply but there seems an element of choice in it -- or a relationship.

Taming the ego is very beneficial.

Time lines can only apply when you are unenlightened--- the enlightened is in a timeless state.

Anyway it is as it is, we all do our best to make our way through the world.

Love to you Rocky.


22nd June 2011, 22:44
imo, unconditional love is what we are. Feels like a vulnerability. Just let go and be unconditional love. It is our nature and our strength.

It enters into hiding when we are children learning to function in this world. Let go of the 'learning'. Trust spirit. Be love.

Sometimes the simplest things are the most difficult to achieve.

22nd June 2011, 22:49
Unconditional love is not something you do or are capable of.

Love to you Rocky.


if that is true you wouldn't have been able to set down the last drink and never pick it back up. It starts with yourself...

Enlightenment comes from knowing truths, not banging your head on the floor for 4 hours a day trying to knock sense into it... ;)

maybe that is why Confucism followed...

22nd June 2011, 22:53
maybe that is why Confusism followed...

love that ;)

22nd June 2011, 22:57
Love, Peace and Laughter is the key to happiness... ;)

22nd June 2011, 23:04
Where do premonitions, or "seeing" the future fit in with this?

Lately, I've been thinking about something or someone and later that day or two, the very thing I thought happens. yesterday drove through a town and thought me and buddy odda come over here and eat. I called him, who lives an hour and half away and he was headed to my town, He came to see family and as we drove around was like "you wanna get some food, lets try out Boone" so we went and ate.

That was just an example. I give another in my last post on -The-GOOD-THINGS-YOU-EXPERIENCE (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?22961-The-GOOD-THINGS-YOU-EXPERIENCE&p=248913)

Am I seeing a certain timeline, if my choices go down? or Am I seeing glimpses of what will happen that day? What definitions would we give these experiences so that all of us are on the same page as far as use of words?


22nd June 2011, 23:06
or is it your gifts are becoming more apparent as you are connecting outward to all of your friends?

22nd June 2011, 23:44
Timelines do not exist, it's just a foggy concept!!!!!! There I've sad it.
Your present was created by your past. If you do not evolve your understanding, your future will be the same as the past - going round in circles. The past does not exist. the future does not exist. And get this...NOW does not exist. Find now? When people tell you to rest in the now, you are holding now as a state. It is mental gymnastics. Change takes place after a great deal of practise and training. Choosing to go left instead of right is only a geographical event, that is all.

Change takes place when consciousness is aware of its true nature... emptiness. Once that is realised there is only one way to go - where it will benefit others!
So they too can stand on their own two...minds! They have understood the unity of the two truths, relative and absolute.

Do not let anyone put you to sleep!



Dear Sir,


Very Sincerely,


23rd June 2011, 05:47
I don't know why I keep thinking about stew...maybe it's because it's dinnertime and I'm hungry.

There's nothing like a big bowl of hearty stew to satisfy your hunger. I love munching on the fresh veggies and meat...reminds me of the mind/ego. Give it food (thoughts, ideas, reactions) and it will munch away for hours and hours, thinking of things this way and that way...how shall I approach this...what is the best way to make it happen.

But the best part is at the end of the bowl when nothing but the gravy is left. I like to take a big hunk of fresh baked bread and sop up every last bit of the flavorful juices...reminds me of the spirit. Spirit drinks in every bit of the 'essence' of the food, is filled with understanding and new possibilities.

Some things cannot be understood with the mind/ego...it must be absorbed by the spirit.

It requires a 'letting go', a release of thoughts and questions and judgments...frightening to the mind/ego, but welcomed by the spirit.

There's a line from the old book "God Calling" that has remained with me for the better part of 30 years..."Jesus said, 'Be ye, therefore, perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect.' He did not say do perfect things. Just be."

Sometimes enlightenment comes when you have given up working toward it and when you least expect it. That is the way of the spirit.

Isn't it fun glancing back over a thread and spotting a hidden Gem that was somehow missed...

thanks Belle,

to me I'm surprised that anyone would consider living without ego, and thinking unconditional love isn't possible... for it takes both to survive...

at a state of 100% unconditional love for everyone, watching a man walk up and shoot a child, wouldn't faze them, they would just worry about forgiving the offender...

sorry but that's when my ego would kick in and snap me out of the spiritual coma... ;)

God didn't give me Spirit not to use it and seriously I can't imagine being at a point of enlightenment beyond where I am... and I didn't do anything to get here except believe...

23rd June 2011, 12:03
to me I'm surprised that anyone would consider living without ego, and thinking unconditional love isn't possible... for it takes both to survive...

at a state of 100% unconditional love for everyone, watching a man walk up and shoot a child, wouldn't faze them, they would just worry about forgiving the offender...

sorry but that's when my ego would kick in and snap me out of the spiritual coma... ;)

We are spiritual beings having a human experience...in this world, but not of this world.

Balance in all things is a necessity, imo, since we live in both worlds. Ego and spirit can walk through life together positively as long as one does not overwhelm the other.

Unconditional love is not blind to error. If you bear unconditional love for others, you have the ability to love another enough to see that they are harming themselves in harming others.

23rd June 2011, 17:48
Unconditional love is not something you do or are capable of.

Love to you Rocky.


if that is true you wouldn't have been able to set down the last drink and never pick it back up. It starts with yourself...

Enlightenment comes from knowing truths, not banging your head on the floor for 4 hours a day trying to knock sense into it... ;)

maybe that is why Confucism followed...

I know how deep you go into thought over little heart nuggets Chris, but remember if your Ego didn't tell you to put down that drink and stand Proud, you would still be drinking, it is love of yourself that has kept you from starting again... They are both very important, all our pieces are or we wouldn't have them...

God has much bigger plans for all of us than adding the energy of our Spirit to dirt... ;)

23rd June 2011, 18:02
Unconditional love is not something you do or are capable of.

Love to you Rocky.


if that is true you wouldn't have been able to set down the last drink and never pick it back up. It starts with yourself...

Enlightenment comes from knowing truths, not banging your head on the floor for 4 hours a day trying to knock sense into it... ;)

maybe that is why Confucism followed...

I know how deep you go into thought over little heart nuggets Chris, but remember if your Ego didn't tell you to put down that drink and stand Proud, you would still be drinking, it is love of yourself that has kept you from starting again... They are both very important, all our pieces are or we wouldn't have them...

God has much bigger plans for all of us than adding the energy of our Spirit to dirt... ;)

Dear Rocky.
Your ego seems to be a little aggressive towards Chris.
Ego is the over reactive emotions taking control of the mind.
It's hall mark is a lack of empathy.

Ones spirit is that intelligence which see all this going on.
Working from spirit doesn't mean one is a door mat.

Spiritual work is really painful, having to face ego's clinging
to habitual patterns. This inner conflict make evolution

All the best

23rd June 2011, 18:11
Tony, you don't realize how good of friends we are, he knows I'm sharing from the heart...

the best teachers are always willing to be students when the occasion arises...

now you on the other hand... ;)

23rd June 2011, 18:24
Unconditional love is not something you do or are capable of.

Love to you Rocky.


if that is true you wouldn't have been able to set down the last drink and never pick it back up. It starts with yourself...

Enlightenment comes from knowing truths, not banging your head on the floor for 4 hours a day trying to knock sense into it... ;)

maybe that is why Confucism followed...

It might be better to say that enlightenment is when you can know truth when it comes to you... or when you attempt to release it into the world.

For we are, from this viewpoint, stuck in time, therefore this time thing intrudes....you see...

Think of it as a near universal or universal tool (we have limited views so the expression is more correct to call it 'near universal') for discernment and interaction. We should not endeavor to call it universal, as this can bring in dogmatism, which allows ego an opportunity, a crack or crevasse of access ...to sneak back in. Full or true enlightenment is not something this one would say is possible for this realm so the observation of the self needs stay about and around. It simply becomes easier over time.

23rd June 2011, 18:32
Your ego seems to be a little aggressive towards Chris.
Ego is the over reactive emotions taking control of the mind.
It's hall mark is a lack of empathy.

Anyway it is as it is, we all do our best to make our way through the world.

Actually I feel addressed here and would like to apologize to Chris!
In my overboarding feelings I sometimes forget to be balanced and polite.
Since I am here at Avalon, I am quite amazed on how emotional I can become.
I surely have something to experience and learn down that road.

So bear with me Chris, if I was a not very empathic. I value your posts and your dedication here very highly.

23rd June 2011, 18:37
you are fine my friend he was talking to me... ;)

and Carmody, I agree, but I am trying to translate from New Age to Christianity in this thread so Chris brought forward a very important aspect of what needs understanding. He knows I am using it to help teach others, but Tony needs to understand much is to be learned from his words too...

creating dreams of emptiness and putting readers to sleep even while telling them to stay awake is Confucism, not enlightenment... ;)

Enlightenment is tapping an Angel on the shoulder and saying wake up...

true energy is understanding the source...

a teacher you might want to listen to, has been there...

23rd June 2011, 18:47
This morning I found some data where Nikolai Kosyrev confirms Dolores Canon, and I'll have to start a thread on that. But first I have to write out approximately 10 pages of text from a book. I read the pages and found, as usual... that one single sentence which connected the whole aspects and stories together.

It's in this book here:


23rd June 2011, 19:07
This morning I found some data where Nikolai Kosyrev confirms Dolores Canon, and I'll have to start a thread on that. But first I have to write out approximately 10 pages of text from a book. I read the pages and found, as usual... that one single sentence which connected the whole aspects and stories together.

It's in this book here:



You can download that book for free with getexpressfiles.com
Also downloadarchive.com have it.

23rd June 2011, 19:07
Rocky and I are friends from way back.
We have our own ways of moving forward but it the same direction, parallel but not identical.

We, I think, agree to disagree.

It is all Maya anyway.

Things he attributes to a well behaved ego, yes thats possible but it needs time and the will to train it, I attribute to Higher Self-- the God within.

The putting down the last drink only happened after Higher Self set up the conditions in life where humility was necessary to ask for help.
Personal will via my ego failed miserably and was nearly the death of me.--- Higher Self got the job done a day at a time.

Bhsunda no need to be concerned or sorry but I thank you for your kind comments.

The path of enlightenment is not for everyone as it takes hard work to remove obstacles but but is well worthwhile, the mad monkey mind is quiet, head banging ceased some time back, for that I am grateful.

Rocky is well worth the listening to-- he has his way of getting you to the point he is making.

Love Chris

23rd June 2011, 19:27
you know I always start my messages with humor, I knew you didn't have any dents in your forehead... ;)

We need all of the World's Angels to wake up, get off your knees, spread your wings and stand Proud.

The dizziness will pass, vertigo wasn't in God's plan... It is time to fly

heal everything you touch or see, create beauty from your imagination, start painting our world the incredible colors it was meant to be.

and yes, I am speaking to you...

23rd June 2011, 19:33
Those of the Angelic realm who volunteered are waking up.
Saying no more.


23rd June 2011, 19:40
This morning I found some data where Nikolai Kosyrev confirms Dolores Canon, and I'll have to start a thread on that. But first I have to write out approximately 10 pages of text from a book. I read the pages and found, as usual... that one single sentence which connected the whole aspects and stories together.

It's in this book here:



You can download that book for free with getexpressfiles.com
Also downloadarchive.com have it.

I buy my CD's. I rent my movies, I buy my books. I'm even adverse to reading them in the store. I feel guilty when I do so. In essence, I've no idea how those websites work or that they even existed. :)

23rd June 2011, 19:43
but it will save 10 pages of typing...

we had our first toss up the hands and head to the bar vote...

I wonder if it was the husband or wife that cast that one... ;)

23rd June 2011, 19:53
Those of the Angelic realm who volunteered are waking up.
Saying no more.


the ones I am looking for are willing to volunteer, but haven't heard the alarm clock... ;)

we are all earth angels...

23rd June 2011, 19:57
Viking put this story in another thread, but it is so perfect I want to share it here too...

Thought this was apt...

....The charade is over as we take off our masks, and Look around at
the Family, we Had played with for so long in duality..We Hug and
Remember the Truth, that we are God and Co-Creators and we are ALL
created from Love, and We are All Equal.

The winds of change are among us as the ushering of an Age begins a
new life , a new story, and mother earth renews her lands.

....We now look ahead above the horizon and see our Beautiful Sun...
shining ever so brightly on our newly painted trees and sands...we
feel the breeze of freedom gently dissolving the ego's last stand, So
that we can begin again With only Love within, as the True Leader, of
this Emerald Planet made of Love .

The Awakened Human Angels have made surrender a choice ALL souls have
been seeking to remember since time began in separation.. .Surrendering
Now we had to for the Ultimate Divine plan, where we Become all One
for the Highest good and best outcome for all, and to usher into the
Earth Un-Conditional Pure Love, the Energy of The Real Name and the
Truth of our Existence...

Our Hearts Now see the vision of the Golden age with it the same Joy
and Freedom..where Heaven and Earth collide...
and WE become one of Joyous Love, For this is The very truth and core,
we are ONE of the same...

Human Angels are reaching for others declaring they have made it to
the land of the Free and are well prepared to Guide all out of misery,

Take our Hand , the Path has been walked and now
shown for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear, The Truth of The
Heart is calling, this is why we all Came, To witness the Return of
Light, and Humanity Free at Last!!!

....WE have Stepped away from the illusion that fear is something Real
and have successfuly dissolved the ego that was keeping All from Being
Free to Feel...

Now to recognize Un-Conditional Love is finally here...Here to uncover
the truth of one's being....not of human thinking for we are ready for
spiritual living and being...

Look for these Angels as they appear, before you "feeding the people,
the freedom of Light, which is Information. .. sharing
with others about Love, Truth, ..one must allow and feel..The Human
Angels are awake and now are walking among these lands fulfilling the
missions and contracts to bring Love back into the Hearts of man.

...and Welcome all into the Paradise, the Garden of Eden, in which was
once only a dream now truly manifested and waiting for all Hearts to
Awaken for it to be seen..Can you Now remember why we all came?

The Human Angels have broken free from the bonds of their thoughts, to
the UnLimiting Potential of Love forever after, to show the way into
Heaven With Bliss, By Being Love in Simple Service to laugh, to play,
and simply just BE.

One must surrender and understand this is real..for when you awaken you
will see us there....Love in Action, The Highest Possibility of
Thought ever manifested.. .Because Love has Been requested, a Sacred
prayer now is Answered.

Life without worry, doubt or fear...for we, The Human Angels are
guided gently by a Divine Plan..we heard the Clarion call, we answered
and are well prepared.... We have been called into action...Look for us
We are here....

The Golden gate is now opening for all who desire to go... follow your
Heart and inner compass...see the treasures, miracles and gifts for
the Divine Human Angels have awakened to shine a light for the path
which once was dark and has now been lightened... .

WE have now taken our places on a new stage of Creation.... We were once
the meek and all said disillusioned. ...and Now WE have spread our
wings and are singing with our beautiful Voices, The Liberty Bell is
ringing, The Truth is Stepping Forward..... to lift the Planet up above
into a land of Unification from within the connection, Of One....The
Moment is Finally Here...

Heaven a land of Freedom, Love, and Living our Truest Passion...

We have bravely traveled out of the depths of illusion.... .and
Couragously stand as Lighthouses, Divine human Angels, We stand as the
Light of Attraction, the Focus of One Love, Brilliant in all its
facets, as the Atoms Gather together, remembering Divinity.... The
Divine Plan is Unfolding with Love being the Only Answer, it is Now
Love In Action. With Your Parents of Creation, Cheering You on.

The Truth Will Set you Free, Royal Angels, Wake up, your Brothers and Sisters! LET THEM KNOW YOU=WE ARE FREE AT LAST~



24th June 2011, 05:46

Chapter, uh..13... it turns out. Fancy that. pages 160 to 169. Titled "Time, a new frontier of the mind."

In there is the science connection to this existence puzzle. It also tickles my basic red-blue-violet synopsis in the lithium thread. It confirms the potential (electrical pun intended) creationist aspects of our creation of our future and timeline..and it shows my 'pre-wave' synopsis of my vision of that aspect.. to also hold a considerable amount of truth. It shows our capacity to change things and how the energy is moved around. It confirms monatomics, ie the white powder of gold, etc..in simple terms:

one excerpt:

'In a very real sense, what Dr. Kozyrev has found in these tests can be called PK. The chemical events act on the gyroscope pendulum at a distance. They move it without the use of any known force. Dr. Kozyrev would say that time density brings on this startling action at a distance. We usually think of PK not as matter affecting matter at a distance, but as mind affecting matter. Does thought have any affect on this time density?

"Yes", Dr, Kozyrev replied. "Thought density affects the reaction. When I purposely think of poetry or something emotional during the test, the equipment registers more of a change than when I think of mathematical calculations. Our thoughts may change the density of time."

Would the density of time, then, have something to do with Telepathy?

"Telepathy always depends on the density of time. Time would be thin near the sender of the thought, and denser around the receiver. We have already done tests in our lab to try and artificially change the density of time. When we can make time dense at will, we can make telepathy happen when we want it."

I think you folks will find it quite interesting.

Please understand that the human body, with emotions..IS... a "chemical event." It is also a 3D and 4D antenna wave launch and receiving system.

You literally are a chemical engine.

Kundalini can be Pulse power. Wave shaping and energetics.

Recall the US naval research into the nervous system and DNA having aspects of superconductivity and FTL.

Now add in monatomics and ley lines. Food, thoughts, emotions..fears, joys, etc.

(three pages of dense information)

Then, page 166, Something you should consider:

If an organic substance made of molecules turning to the right is used (e.g. sugar), it diminishes the "PK". In Dr. Kozyrev's view our world is a left handed system and it has a positive time flow that adds energy to our universe.

You give Them energy. Page 163:

Chemical Cause effect also shows the effect in time density. Burning sugar is often used, as organic compounds give a particularly good result. "We postulate," Dr Kozyrev says, "That time is thin around the cause and dense around the effect.

Well. That's an interesting statement. Ouch.

Out There, page 165:

It seems we might need a geography of telepathy. In latitudes where time is dense, like the far north, telepathy should flow more easily. (ouch. Antarctica?) Esp might also flow more easily where there are fewer living things. Perhaps this is why ESP is reported to flow most easily in outer space. (references given)

Recall Lynn McTaggert's ("The Field"-book) report on the US government study on the petri dish swabs from the mouths of the astronauts? And how the tissue in the dishes responded at FTL with the astronaut's overall states?

If you as an individual are more PK capable in outer space, and it's an available and viable environment..then... Who else is out there?

24th June 2011, 21:29
is it because someone is more capable in space, or less interference?

25th June 2011, 03:01
is it because someone is more capable in space, or less interference?

I'd guess that it is both. Like breeds like, so a viable and functional environment will be filled with living creatures. Of this -there is no doubt. If there is any truth to what we like to call 'nature' on the surface of this planet, then the same is played out in space.... so it is likely full of creatures and more evolved species (intelligence) that utilize time and dimensional effects.

Kozyrev's indicated article on this subject is available on the net.

25th June 2011, 03:03
what do you think of the "whale Songs" of Dark Matter inbound right now? over in Solar?

how would that effect someone in space?

25th June 2011, 03:04
what do you think of the "whale Songs" of Dark Matter inbound right now? over in Solar?

how would that effect someone in space?

I've no idea what you are talking about. (whale songs)

25th June 2011, 03:10
inside Joke, Sorcha says a Fleet of spaceships carrying Whale beings are Elenin...


the dark energy waves come in right before these energy releases, earthquakes...

Magnitude 7.2
Date-Time Friday, June 24, 2011 at 03:09:40 UTC

They are building up quick and I wondered why

I'm trying to watch everything surrounding our timeline, one nagging question is how these waves are affecting us

25th June 2011, 04:30
"You give Them energy. Page 163:

Chemical Cause effect also shows the effect in time density. Burning sugar is often used, as organic compounds give a particularly good result. "We postulate," Dr Kozyrev says, "That time is thin around the cause and dense around the effect.

Well. That's an interesting statement. Ouch."

My point: Your brain runs on glucose. Sugar.

Your brain thus shapes, creates, moves and alters time waves, as Kozyrev sees them. It conceives and thins time (around it) as kozyrev sees it and makes it more dense around the object held by the mind.

If "they" be dense in the dimensional or time sense..then when you think about them and consume or burn energy in their direction, do you feed them? Do you make the 'time' more dense around them and thus give them more power to utilize against you?

This appears to be the case.

An old Jewish saying (it was related to me as originating in Jewish circles): "I don't care what they say about me, as long as they say about me." Ie, any exposure is good exposure.

25th June 2011, 11:41
I guess this explains the sweet tooth. Excellent information, Carmody.

25th June 2011, 17:37
"You give Them energy. Page 163:

Chemical Cause effect also shows the effect in time density. Burning sugar is often used, as organic compounds give a particularly good result. "We postulate," Dr Kozyrev says, "That time is thin around the cause and dense around the effect.

Well. That's an interesting statement. Ouch."

My point: Your brain runs on glucose. Sugar.

Your brain thus shapes, creates, moves and alters time waves, as Kozyrev sees them. It conceives and thins time (around it) as kozyrev sees it and makes it more dense around the object held by the mind.

If "they" be dense in the dimensional or time sense..then when you think about them and consume or burn energy in their direction, do you feed them? Do you make the 'time' more dense around them and thus give them more power to utilize against you?

This appears to be the case.

An old Jewish saying (it was related to me as originating in Jewish circles): "I don't care what they say about me, as long as they say about me." Ie, any exposure is good exposure.

by triangulation I found the dark energy matter coming from the left of our Sun from where we are now, how does that relate to Elenin's location?

translated to any news is good news something I have always believed in...

until I turned on the TV... lol

knowing is good, but 3 months of unknowing is a long wait for understanding...

26th June 2011, 21:48
now many are saying how does it work, how can someone make changes around them so let me explain, positive intention...

last year in the Spring I was out living in Phoenix, in the middle of winter, it was Hot and the mountains were burnt hunks of Rock and sand...

I decided, it would look good in Green...

The temp dropped and rain started...

by February the mountain had turned Green, normally April is when it heats up and incinerates all forms of life...

but cool temps through May, left the mountain green...

I stood there at the beginning of June looking at the Mountain as I packed to head back to San Diego.

The Day I left Phoenix jumped 20+ degrees in Temp...

I arrived back in San Diego, and it was the coolest summer anyone can remember...

then I remembered my air conditioner was on high...


all of you can do this,

if you believe...

Maia Gabrial
26th June 2011, 22:09
I'm thinking that if someone were abducted by an alien and not returned to the same place or moment in time, then that could mean a different timeline. How's that?
Hey I'm really trying to understand the difference...!

26th June 2011, 22:20
for the abductee it sure is...

but everyone else is still flowing forward with the grid...

imagine someone standing on all four sides of you facing forward an arms length away...

now if you veer to the right, so will the ones on the right and left of you, one drawn the other pushed, but not necessarily the ones in front and back. All of you are on the same timeline, but have flexibility of personal choices affecting those around you...

26th June 2011, 23:21

27th June 2011, 16:57
"You give Them energy. Page 163:

Chemical Cause effect also shows the effect in time density. Burning sugar is often used, as organic compounds give a particularly good result. "We postulate," Dr Kozyrev says, "That time is thin around the cause and dense around the effect.

Well. That's an interesting statement. Ouch."

My point: Your brain runs on glucose. Sugar.

Your brain thus shapes, creates, moves and alters time waves, as Kozyrev sees them. It conceives and thins time (around it) as kozyrev sees it and makes it more dense around the object held by the mind.

If "they" be dense in the dimensional or time sense..then when you think about them and consume or burn energy in their direction, do you feed them? Do you make the 'time' more dense around them and thus give them more power to utilize against you?

This appears to be the case.

An old Jewish saying (it was related to me as originating in Jewish circles): "I don't care what they say about me, as long as they say about me." Ie, any exposure is good exposure.


Lifted 2200 pounds (approx. 1000kg) by himself. (his part of the car) The 'time/dimension influence game' as shown by Kozyrev.

28th June 2011, 00:12
"I just see his legs," said Estenor, 21, a child of Haitian immigrants from Palm Beach. "The car is crushing him. He's not moving. I'm thinking, 'Oh, God, this guy is going to die.' "

"I tried to lift the car, and when I first tried, it didn't budge. I backed up. I don't know. But I felt this energy come, and I lifted it. I don't know how, but somebody pulled him from the car."

Maria Uribe had been sleeping in the cab of her husband's truck when she heard Arzola, 34, yelling "Ayudame!" — help me. The scene looked "like a horror movie … a lot of blood," she said. The Cadillac's front right tire had run over Arzola's torso and dragged him about 10 feet.

I experienced that once in a head on collision, I was one of the first to arrive, tore the door off the hinges opening it to get him out, the car was on fire... when the Firetruck arrived they thought the jaws had been used. So massive Adrenaline is part of the energy process?

28th June 2011, 00:25
"I just see his legs," said Estenor, 21, a child of Haitian immigrants from Palm Beach. "The car is crushing him. He's not moving. I'm thinking, 'Oh, God, this guy is going to die.' "

"I tried to lift the car, and when I first tried, it didn't budge. I backed up. I don't know. But I felt this energy come, and I lifted it. I don't know how, but somebody pulled him from the car."

Maria Uribe had been sleeping in the cab of her husband's truck when she heard Arzola, 34, yelling "Ayudame!" — help me. The scene looked "like a horror movie … a lot of blood," she said. The Cadillac's front right tire had run over Arzola's torso and dragged him about 10 feet.

I experienced that once in a head on collision, I was one of the first to arrive, tore the door off the hinges opening it to get him out, the car was on fire... when the Firetruck arrived they thought the jaws had been used. So massive Adrenaline is part of the energy process?

maybe the adrenaline gland triggers the miracle gland?

28th June 2011, 00:29
you never know, it doesn't take thought, it just happens... and I really did always think of it as a Miracle

28th June 2011, 01:36
you never know, it doesn't take thought, it just happens... and I really did always think of it as a Miracle


Hello All, Tom Bearden gave a most interesting interview to the 2009 Advanced Energy Whistleblower Conference. It is available here: http://www.commutefaster.com/audio/bearden-compr.mp3 and other places. He tells of a human who had the ability to "Engineer physical reality" This info starts at about 59 minutes into the interview. The whole interview is a must listen IMHO. Sorry, don't know how to connect a link-Lord Sidious can you help? Hope this sheds some light.

Many thanks. Here's the section in question:


(three and a half minute clip)

The man Tom Bearden is talking about is Doyle Noyes.

From Bearden:

Every so often human beings are born who can directly engineer their physical reality (precursor engineering). This is where the legend of miracles come from. Bearden once stood 4 feet from Doyle Noyes in Kansas City, MO "while he turned the entire sky over Kansas City dark as midnight at high noon, completely with his mind (i.e., with his patterned dendrite-ending spikes linking his mind to his body)." This occurred in the middle of a longstanding drought.

Heavily armed men in as many as 20 dark colored autos began to chase Doyle trying to kill him. Doyle would point his hand and a car would flip over, another would run off the road. The people who are controlling the planet find and kill these individuals. They eventually killed Doyle Noyes.

I'm supposed to say that 'the power of god' is what was passing though you or that you were given access... or that you were given divine intervention.. but really, Rocky?


The problem comes when you find there is a need to keep the human ego in check. You throw in monatomics and native capacity and it gets 'out there'. Right into 'parting the red sea' out there.

Moses was a priest class, royal family, manna (White powder of gold) consuming --Egyptian.

Doyle's 'trick' centered around his capacity for strong and deep visualization and an affinity for the energy forms.

This takes you straight to mind slaves for CIA black projects and situations like Duncan O'finoian's story.

He and the kids, as a group, used to kill (as programmed killers) in an operation in 'nam. with their minds alone.

'John of God' is one of these people, in all likelihood.

28th June 2011, 02:09
this may be where the vortex spin in opposite directions in each hemisphere (of time/dimensions) comes from on this planet.

the artificial and totally unexplainable satellite called 'the moon' appears to be directly involved.

Food for thought. For..if What I'm saying about any of this... and if Kozyrev is right at all, then this question comes up, with decent legitimacy.

Look at the two patterns of the 'eclipses'.



Like spinning a plate on a stick..but with opposite spin for each hemisphere. We are under a vortex motion or action with the temporal and dimensional flow. A dual vortex pattern.

28th June 2011, 16:33
it wasn't me... ;)

it all makes sense and sounds good except for the part about the Controllers, as in Charles' buddies, find and kill these individuals...


what happens when they find a few thousand of us have gathered?

28th June 2011, 16:58
Therein lies the rub.

28th June 2011, 19:41
well the Celestine Prophesies were from the 5th Pope Celestine, a secret very few know...

The movie deals with the first 9 Insights, and uncovers the most important, the 10th Insight having to do with a Dimension beyond ours...

It would be interesting with what is going on to bring the Author here for Discussion.

Has anyone ever researched Pope Celestine V?

28th June 2011, 20:46
Words from the Author James Redfield...

Absolutely. We couldn't put all of the book into a film, but the movie carries the essence of what the book expressed: A sense that there's a greater mystery about our lives and why we're here. It's a mystery that we can directly experience, regardless of which religious tradition we have grown up with

What are some of these experiences?

For one, learning to slow down and perceive the mysterious events and opportunities that happen in life. We call them coincidences, but if we look closely we see they are meaningful. They bring us just the right information at just the right time to extend our careers, relationships, growth. These events feel destined in some way, as though the world is set up to help us make a better life, work through our problems, and reach our dreams -- if we just pay attention. This is a phenomenon that the Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung called Synchronicity, and that every religion has a name for. These coincidences are there to help wake us up, so we can cultivate more of this flow in our lives.

Does the Celestine Prophecy Movie deal with how to do this?

Like the book, it shows John, our main character, beginning to sense this force in his life moving him somewhere. He learns he can find a deeper connection with the divine, and open up to a greater sense of energy, inspiration, beauty, and what we call a "guiding intuition," so that he can discover why he's in Peru. He has to learn to give energy, and stay connected in order to help unlock the secrets of his destiny. That's what we all want to do.

What do you hope will happen with the movie?

I hope that it will be viewed as a kind of model for the deeper spirituality that we all sense we can reach -- a spirituality where we connect with the divine not just mentally, but as a real experience of an outpouring of love and energy. It is a spirituality where we find our destined path to making the world better, and in which we begin to expect and cultivate this intuitive flow in life that we sense is possible. If we all focus on the direct experience of God, then we can lessen the conflict and tension in the world... link (http://www.thecelestineprophecymovie.com/qa_redfield.php)

29th June 2011, 00:27
From Bearden:

Every so often human beings are born who can directly engineer their physical reality (precursor engineering). This is where the legend of miracles come from. Bearden once stood 4 feet from Doyle Noyes in Kansas City, MO "while he turned the entire sky over Kansas City dark as midnight at high noon, completely with his mind (i.e., with his patterned dendrite-ending spikes linking his mind to his body)." This occurred in the middle of a longstanding drought.

Heavily armed men in as many as 20 dark colored autos began to chase Doyle trying to kill him. Doyle would point his hand and a car would flip over, another would run off the road. The people who are controlling the planet find and kill these individuals. They eventually killed Doyle Noyes.

I'm supposed to say that 'the power of god' is what was passing though you or that you were given access... or that you were given divine intervention.. but really, Rocky?


The problem comes when you find there is a need to keep the human ego in check. You throw in monatomics and native capacity and it gets 'out there'. Right into 'parting the red sea' out there.

Moses was a priest class, royal family, manna (White powder of gold) consuming --Egyptian.

so the three top psychics they used to attack me with that had their mind jellied and their Magicians that can no longer raise their arms was just for testing me?

only 6 or 7 of us at a time are on earth?

has anyone else done this in black and white while the whole world was watching?

29th June 2011, 03:25
As for the car, and the door, many people can do this trick. The deal is to be able to do it all the time, on demand. That is what Doyle had.

The last time I raised my kundalini and started doing exercises, someone died right in front of my house, in less than one hour after I began. This was- last year. (not sure if I was responsible, it is always circumstantial. the question for the individual is how many times does it take before it sinks in?)

A month or so ago, I had to finally deal with some raccoons who got into the attic here. I got them out. I was still PO'd at the situation for about a week...and every raccoon in the area moved away or died during that time period. Whoops.

I can confuse the mind of just about anyone I'm standing in front of so that coherent thought is no longer possible, until I allow it. I never do it on purpose and I have to consciously stop radiating, shut down and close myself off so they can resume their thought.

I'm used to having a 'shut down' mode as are most people, and most of the time, that is the mode I am in.

When a bunch of disbelieving scientists gather to see an experiment in psychic phenomena, they break the test down so it fails, with the energy of their own minds.

In the same way, the earth rolls along in a consensus reality system.

What Doyle did, is he raised the storm, to charge the air with electricity. Ionization. Plasma. Same as space. Highly charged with excess electrons. This gave him massive amounts of energy to manipulate/direct. More begets more -and more. The sorcerer and the storm. The legends persist, for a reason.

I nearly started/created a tornado one day, and once I realized I was doing it, I stopped. (My dad taught me cloudbusting as a kid-I used to practice when I was 5 to 10-12 years of age. Off and on)

The energy and the capacity for manipulation is there in people to some degree. Some more than others. It's like it's an avatar based proxy war or something similar -- Flowing through time and dimensions.

We are getting close to the third eclipse in this series (July/01/2011) and already my heart is palpitating and skipping beats, for the past three days - and getting worse every hour.

29th June 2011, 17:26
I'm supposed to say that 'the power of god' is what was passing though you or that you were given access... or that you were given divine intervention.. but really, Rocky?


The problem comes when you find there is a need to keep the human ego in check. You throw in monatomics and native capacity and it gets 'out there'. Right into 'parting the red sea' out there.

Moses was a priest class, royal family, manna (White powder of gold) consuming --Egyptian.

Well, what makes it interesting is the power of both coming together...

through Destiny I became KD, not something I woke up one day and said I wanted to do, I was chosen...

I was popping back and forth to Heaven getting answers on missing Children's cases, when God saw what I was doing, he called me forward and had me start delivering messages to change the world...

you make it sound like a bad thing, but it isn't

I have the power of God's Will inside me, so explain it how you like but it won't change what I know.

Bringing together Abraham and Thor in one person, has unexpected consequences...

knowing God is here helps me do what has to be done, I understand you are beyond the need, but I'm going to bring Peace to this world, one day at a time...

29th June 2011, 17:43
"you make it sound like a bad thing, but it isn't"

That may appear in the form of implication? But it was not intended or written that way, from my way of thinking.

You may say that it is a god given gift....but choice and personal responsibility remains with the individual.

The trick, in some ways, is to intelligently assess the possibilities ---and not fear the gift.

I'm not making personal statements of communication, I'm speaking to all who may read.

Recall that the Abrahamic religions are the ones who circumcise their male newborns.

29th June 2011, 22:16
and it began 11,500 years ago...

The Mount Judi is the most important mountain in Kurdish folklore and along with Mount Ararat is one of the mountains that is thought to be the final resting place of Noah's Ark.

In Kurdish mythology Patriarch Abraham is considered to be a Kurd. He was from the present day of Kurdistan and his place of birth is located in historic Kurdish city of Ruha (Urfa). It is still one of the holiest places in Kurdistan and in Kurdish folklore... link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurdish_mythology)

also the highest elevation Salt lake in the world...

and only 20 miles from there...

Standing on the hill at dawn, overseeing a team of 40 Kurdish diggers, the German-born archeologist waves a hand over his discovery here, a revolution in the story of human origins. Schmidt has uncovered a vast and beautiful temple complex, a structure so ancient that it may be the very first thing human beings ever built. The site isn't just old, it redefines old: the temple was built 11,500 years ago—a staggering 7,000 years before the Great Pyramid, and more than 6,000 years before Stonehenge first took shape. The ruins are so early that they predate villages, pottery, domesticated animals, and even agriculture—the first embers of civilization. In fact, Schmidt thinks the temple itself, built after the end of the last Ice Age by hunter-gatherers, became that ember—the spark that launched mankind toward farming, urban life, and all that followed.

Göbekli Tepe—the name in Turkish for "potbelly hill"—lays art and religion squarely at the start of that journey. After a dozen years of patient work, Schmidt has uncovered what he thinks is definitive proof that a huge ceremonial site flourished here, a "Rome of the Ice Age," as he puts it, where hunter-gatherers met to build a complex religious community. Across the hill, he has found carved and polished circles of stone, with terrazzo flooring and double benches. All the circles feature massive T-shaped pillars that evoke the monoliths of Easter Island... link... (http://www.newsweek.com/2010/02/18/history-in-the-remaking.html)

¤=[Post Update]=¤

The gift I don't fear, only what I am meant to do with it...

11th July 2011, 00:10
everyone ready for the 11th?

11th July 2011, 17:02
whats today about?

11th July 2011, 17:35
Let's turn the economy around to booming... Combined intent...

The Year 2011, is the year of Feng Shui and Luck.

The month of July this year has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.
This combination arrives only once every 623 years. The Chinese call
this phenomenon “The Sacs of money” .

If you pass on this message, Chinese tradition says you will receive
money in 5 days. And according to Feng Shui,
This year is a bit special. We will have 4 unusual dates:

1/1/11, 11/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/11/11

...and that is not all.

Take the last two digits of the year of your birth and the age you
will have or have this year, add them, and the sum for everyone is 111!

Ex: 63 + 48 = 111

This year is the Year of Money and Wealth. The month of October will
have 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays ! This combination arrives
only once every 823 years ! These years are called the years of Gain.

The proverb says that if you pass on this message to 8 good friends you will discover money in the next 4 days !

19th July 2011, 16:58
I have been describing how combined intent interweaves with timeliines, but let me break down a quick example...

imagine Thunder knowing weekend was coming with a huge school party, and he and a few friends Know sun would make it the perfect day...

all the students join in the intent...

100s or even 1000s moving the same direction...

but a few miles away a farmer stands in his field hugging his wife and child, knowing if it doesn't rain the crops will die and he won't be able to feed anyone this year...

think of it on the bright side, you never forget a big party that has a sudden storm sweep in and start raining... ;)

now imagine if 7 Billion people all know they are going to die from an event about to happen, but 3 know it will be ok...

those three will have God's will flow into theirs to give them the strength to save them all...

power always goes to the greater good...

8th August 2011, 18:06
I just changed 1.2 Billion Muslims into Jews...

and they were wondering how I was going to pull this off... shhhh

getting a movement going in Gaza and tent city...

ImaJew2 ;)

10th August 2011, 10:21
tech discussion...

16th June 2012, 05:51
how many believe we just hopped a timeline...

I brought this over from one of the solar threads, CME's that charge the earths plates until like a capacitor they release as a quake, had a massive charge inbound...

big enough to threaten power grids...

that was bizzarre, I was mentally chewing out the Maintenance crew for letting this CME pop at us...

Here is the Video showing it coming...


but, it's gone on the current images?


now Carmody, do you know anything about what just happened?

are we on replay without disasters?

17th June 2012, 01:08
yes, yesterday was an 'odd' day. Very high energy. Out of (separate from) the astrological cycle, from what I could see.

As for timeline shifts, I'm not sure about that. But I sure was tired today....

21st June 2012, 19:50
yes, yesterday was an 'odd' day. Very high energy. Out of (separate from) the astrological cycle, from what I could see.

As for timeline shifts, I'm not sure about that. But I sure was tired today....

Strange having that wave roll in and disappear, like we stepped across to a different timeline...

the one we landed in, had it roll in like this...


happy solstice, 6 month countdown until the end of the calendar starts today...

I think we're ready...