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18th June 2011, 16:28
What it's like living with an Avalonian...

“Pie'n'eal... you on that computer again?”
“Not really,” says I.
“What exactly does that mean?” asks Mrs P.
“Don't you shush me, you grotty little man!” says Mrs P.
“I was just trying to clarify something, about consciousness.”
“Well, clarify the washing up, put the vacuum away and stop giggling. ” says Mrs P, starting to smoulder.
“I was just looking up Common purpose and the connection to Orwell's 1984.”
“You're on that bloody web site 15 hours a day! Think you run the world?”
“Well, actually....”
“Look – you already want us to move to higher ground, near a river, dig a big hole, buy some chicken wire, get a goat and a chicken...and now you say we may need a boat. Gonna be a bit cramped isn't it, and as well as smelly? What's this all got to do with you anyway? Who told you to stick your beak in?
“I blame all that meditation?” she signs, walking off to hang the washing out.

Q. Does this sound familiar?

“How d'ya know there are ETs out there?”
“You don't believe all that stuff?”
“Well, they say that Reptilians rule the world.” I explain.
“Actually it does sound a bit daft.” I agreed.
“It is difficult separating the New age stuff from facts.” I said.
“Well... it's nice you have a hobby.” She says in a sympathetic tone, giving me smile.

(She thinks I'm on the autistic spectrum.)

“Are they friendly?” she enquires.
“Oh, yes they're good fun.”
“What!” she said, slightly puzzled.
“ The reptilians?”
“I don't think so.” I said. “I was talking about the Avalonians.”

She came round in the end. Her name is Tarka the Duck!

Well, it's Saturday night!

18th June 2011, 16:54
hit the nail on the head with that one tony

your not living with my missus are you ? lol


Cigan Mojia
18th June 2011, 16:56

Thanks so much for this Tony! :clap2:

:der: The look as if I had just sprouted an appendage out of where no appendage should be is one I have become familiar with, but that's ok because even if they want to research in order to prove I am a nut *clap clap* at least they are in fact looking into the material.

Being an alternative thinker comes with its own hazards and rewards, but when those around us whom we love cannot grasp the interest in these topics it can make for a difficult attempt at co-existence.

Generally I start with something simple, chemtrails for instances, and gauge the reaction from there. If I get the "Deer in Headlights" look I smile and let it go at that, most of my family and friends think I'm ... eccentric anyway.

But when there seems to be a spark of recognition I am encouraged to continue on with the suggestion of watching some videos on alternative theory, sitting down for a discussion of inquisitive minds over the current state of affairs, urging the people around me to become more self sufficient and so on.

Not just as an Avalonian per se but as a person on the path to aspirant it takes patience and acceptance that for some... it just isn't their bag.

..... Just had the conversation about a goat yesterday with my husband actually... thankfully I have married a like-minded individual.

How does one interact at the personal level with people who are not of the alternative thinking mind?

Great topic! If I may presume to understand the meaning?

18th June 2011, 18:30
Oh, always look on the bright side of life..de dum...de dum..de dum!