View Full Version : How to Change The Future

19th June 2011, 06:42
How to Change The Future
The great, truthful mystery of it all lies within the expression of the creative powers variously attributed, uniquely, to both a universal Creator and to the potential of the individual human mind. Indeed, not only living processes, but the individual human mind embodies powers which are truly creative, which transform the moment of the past or present, alike, into a new quality of existence which had not existed before that time. Time is measured so, when it is assessed appropriately, and never in any contrary way.

Time is not what measures existence. It is the yardstick of change in realities which defines time. Time, when defined ontologically, is a physical, not an abstract reality. The measure of time is relative creativity treated as a universal physical principle characteristic of ontological change, of creativity so understood.

It is that attitude of practice in the universe which is, therefore, the only definition and measurement of time.

The urgent question, the most urgent question placed now immediately before us the living now, is the challenge of transforming a presently soon doomed civilization into one which is growing once again. We must, as President John F. Kennedy once spoke: We must do it because it is there.

by Lyndon LaRouche Jr

full article: http://www.larouchepac.com/node/18476

20th June 2011, 05:30
hmm a thought comes to mind. if it is true that there is only the eternal NOW.
Then the future is merely a direction, like a heading.
So then if we change our momentum of direction toward our collective goal, or the "future we expect or want". OR a combination of both. Then we change the heading and a new future is formed.
