View Full Version : Timeline Manifestation and me

20th June 2011, 14:49
I don't buy this idea that we can manifest our own time lines. Here be why:

We are told there are around 7 billion humans on planet Earth and who knows how many none human spirits (fauna/flora). If each has free will, how can I create my own time line that would then affect each of those spirits without violating their free will? Who am I to have such power?

If you suggest an infinite number of time lines are created where in each, one spirit is 'the architect' then that implies everyone else on that time line is merely a player and has no free will, for they must fall in line with the manifestation of the architect. The architect must also become a player in an infinite number of other people's time lines. Again, where is free will in all this?

Consider also the length of the human existence. Would nature really create whole timelines for the sake of 90 years at best? What happens to the time line and those others on it when the human body dies and the spirit moves on? Nature is all about efficiency. Does the creation of an infinite number of time lines for the sake of one human experience sound efficient to you?

Then there is the fact that we are told that Time and Individuality are an illusion, yet for this theory to be correct, Time and Individuality must be real. Otherwise how can an individual create a linear time line? I would point out that even physicists can't explain what time is, it's not just the spiritual types.

And finally, what of oneness? I can see why the ego would like to be the architect of its own time line, but the spirit knows that all are one and time is an illusion. This manifestation theory contradicts oneness in its assertion that One can control 'the one' by directing players in It's own time line.

In conclusion the whole idea sounds like a religious platitude that appeases those who do not wish to delve deeper but when placed under scrutiny, the theory collapses in contradictions and unanswerable questions.
It is a magic(k) power that we can work towards if we 'follow the leader' and complete all the exercises. It has nothing to do with working together to raise our vibration, but instead, of forging our own ideas of what a positive future is on the universe and forcing all else to fall in line.

I invite an open and respectful discussion from those who believe in, disbelieve and abstain from opinion on, the manifestation theory in the hope some of the above questions can be answered.

20th June 2011, 15:02
The concept time line I dont go with--- its like an insider buzz word.
We all have tremendous potential that changes and is affected by every thought every direction every step we take.
Its totally fluid.
So for me time lines seem to actually be limiting.
Its like saying you are now on a railroad track taking you some where and that implies that your potential for change is minimized.
Your potential is individual but within a greater potential ie the whole humrace has a potential which is also fluid and influenced by what every individual thinks and does moment by moment.


20th June 2011, 15:13
The mass of humanity does indeed steer the dimensional flow.

In my estimation:

The avatar system, the autonomous features that underlie it, that demand a concrete life..... that is the creator and controller of the timeline and flow. Our autonomous functions are the steering system.

We're running blind. In the immediate sense.

Sounds frightening, doesn't it? We're not running on empty..we're running on monkey.

But ...it's true, with regard to looking at timeline flow systems.

BUT..an individual can change it with a few shocking words and/or actions, via created ripple effects....this shock delivered into the flow at the right time and place.

Please note.....The internet allows for that.

It can be a bigger and more complex exploration, but that is the kernel of the explanation.

I've been exploring that doorway and tactic for ....32 years now.

This is the main Illuminati (and what is behind them) steering method, along with brute force and ignorance.

It is the same one, (the words and flow of thought method)..that the 'good guys' use.

20th June 2011, 15:18
Anno I can see what you mean here. I've pondered that also and I didn't get very far in my reasoning. I don't want to change the subject but I also have questioned my own belief system of re-incarnation and karma. I've read hundreds of Rudolf Steiner books which explains all the intricacies of karma and re-incarnation, but the thing that puzzles my wee brain is why, why do we HAVE to forget where we came from (spiritual plane). Blind man's buff was never a favorite of mine as a child. But entering this life without any memory of where we came from seems to me a childish invention, although I have been told by many a guru that this is the rules. How does blundering away in the dark all your life and eventually managing somehow to pay your karmic debts and whilst you are doing this in an unconscious way benefit our soul when we get back to the spiritual realm. Do we congratulate each other souls as having done so well, when in fact we are neither conscious of what we were doing. I think that this dear Anno may involve the merging of both my question and yours. Does this make any sense? I will speak more later.


20th June 2011, 15:37
Also, Rudolf Steiner wrote about 5 books and most of his books are lectures he delivered in Europe and translated to English from German. Steiner said that if we KNEW what our karma was we could choose not to do it, so we are dumbed and numbed down so we unconsciously DO what we came here to DO.This maybe is the paradox. We HAVE to be dumbed down so we CAN do it. But the shaggin' gurus tell us that we come back into the 3D many many times to fulfill our mission. This is a contradiction also as to why we are dumbed down in the first place. I could see the point in us being dumbed down AND successfully putting our karma aright in one lifetime but surely not many times. Many times coming into 3D proves that that method of blind man's buff doesn't work. Time lines are similar.:p Steiner taught that we cannot know our karma consciously so what is all this timeline choosing consciously all about? I am aware that I am contradicting myself here so if some Avalonian here wants to help me try to explain something as difficult please do.Paradoxes by their very nature are contradictory anyway.


20th June 2011, 15:53
Also, Rudolf Steiner wrote about 5 books and most of his books are lectures he delivered in Europe and translated to English from German. Steiner said that if we KNEW what our karma was we could choose not to do it, so we are dumbed and numbed down so we unconsciously DO what we came here to DO.This maybe is the paradox. We HAVE to be dumbed down so we CAN do it. But the shaggin' gurus tell us that we come back into the 3D many many times to fulfill our mission. This is a contradiction also as to why we are dumbed down in the first place. I could see the point in us being dumbed down AND successfully putting our karma aright in one lifetime but surely not many times. Many times coming into 3D proves that that method of blind man's buff doesn't work. Time lines are similar.:p Steiner taught that we cannot know our karma consciously so what is all this timeline choosing consciously all about? I am aware that I am contradicting myself here so if some Avalonian here wants to help me try to explain something as difficult please do.Paradoxes by their very nature are contradictory anyway.


paradoxes illustrate that the point required to discern the paradox.... sits outside the fact or 'reality' bubble that one is using to analyze the given 'paradox'.

This is Godel's incompleteness theorem coming to life in the abstract world, not just the linear-mathematical.

"Gödel's incompleteness theorems are two theorems of mathematical logic that establish inherent limitations of all but the most trivial axiomatic systems capable of doing mathematics. The theorems, proven by Kurt Gödel in 1931, are important both in mathematical logic and in the philosophy of mathematics. The two results are widely interpreted as showing that Hilbert's program to find a complete and consistent set of axioms for all of mathematics is impossible, thus giving a negative answer to Hilbert's second problem.

The first incompleteness theorem states that no consistent system of axioms whose theorems can be listed by an "effective procedure" (essentially, a computer program) is capable of proving all facts about the natural numbers. For any such system, there will always be statements about the natural numbers that are true, but that are unprovable within the system. The second incompleteness theorem shows that if such a system is also capable of proving certain basic facts about the natural numbers, then one particular arithmetic truth the system cannot prove is the consistency of the system itself."


20th June 2011, 16:06
Here is an example of how the PTB and what is behind them..what it does to steer humanity in the timeline direction they desire. to control.


The data the researchers gathered in recent studies are the first to show that negative arousal following successful retrieval of information enhances later recall of that information.

The finding is counterintuitive. One would think that viewing a negative scene would tend to blot out anything learned before seeing the image.

Instead, learning is enhanced by the (negative) emotion, says Bridgid Finn, PhD, postdoctoral researcher in psychology in Arts & Sciences. “Memory is labile and dynamic – after you retrieve something, you’re still engaged in processing that information in some way,” Finn says.

20th June 2011, 16:16
Nice thread Anno,

I don't like the idea of individual timelines, maybye its possible I don't know.

I think every thing that I do, think and say influences the collective conciousness? don't know if thats the right word.
I have the individual free will to do that.
I get up in the morning I brush my teeth, I've made my world and everyone elses better.

The idea that there are two seperate timelines where the worthy are saved miracuously from a catastrophe while the rest perish doesn't excite me much either.

Maybye the timeline is set in stone, like history repeating itself over and over?


20th June 2011, 16:38
The jeweled crown of the buddha...
the timelines all already exist

just sliiiiiide (or at least thats what I'm consciously attempting to do, it begs the question - was this already here in MY world, or only until after I started thinking about it?)


better to be said something like 'time web'
nodes can and do all coexist simultaneously
but it is up to our individual 'free will' to determine how we perceive them

and really we're all each other anyway, we're all just reflections of everything else, and it really isn't separate at all, so whats the problem? I don't see lines crossing and cancelling each other out, they just collide and bloom and new patterns within the fractal emerge.

20th June 2011, 16:54
Eh - I posted this in another thread, but it pretty much sums up my view/opinion on timelines:

Time is a construct. Period. That includes any perception of linear time or 'timelines' or any other name that a person wants to give to the illusion of things happening in a specific order through cause and effect.

Everthing that has happened or will happen IS happening right now. It's called a quantum soup. All possibilities. All probabilities. Everything. All mixed up together in the great moment of now sloshing around and making waves which are known as probabilitiy waves.

These waves collapse when we observe a particular wave.

When the wave collapses we experience that particular grouping of probable (physical) circumstances.

If we allow that wave to play out we will experience the events that are 'probable' for that wave and experience them in linear time. However, this does NOT make them more or less real than the wave that has been collapsed and is being experienced by any other individual, and - now here is the kicker - these probability waves only affect the physical experiences of the body.

Experiencing a different collapsed probability wave (especially a different wave than others areound you are experiencing) does NOT equal spiritual awareness or higher consciousness, it simply means that you have 'mastered' the physical/mental skills necessary to create your own physical reality, which commendable, but it is just one more layer in the illusion that makes up our physical existence (yay quantum physics!)

Spiritual awareness and higher consciousness realizes that it doesn't matter what 'timeline' you're in, what probability wave you've collapsed, what events you are choosing to experience. None of it matters because ALL of it is an illusion a labyrinth of an illusion that needs to be travesed and unraveled in order to understand the true nature of who and what we really are.

20th June 2011, 16:55
Good thread Anno. It has been my experience with the timeline concept that it is my individual attempt to interpret my past in this life and perhaps in previous lives. I can change the way I feel about and understand my past and with that I can experience and react to my future as it becomes the now using these new insights, only affecting other beings timelines as they decide to react and interpret there now. I am not a scholar so I apologize for anything that may contradict anyone else's beliefs.

20th June 2011, 18:00
Great responses everyone, thank you.

One person influencing a shared time line makes sense and we can see it when we look at how few people own all of the media companies, or how our (the uk) parliamentary system allows a minority of business owners have their own made up rules given the power of law to make the population act in a more 'profitable' way. It's common sense.

The idea of a time web also makes more sense than individual time lines. Given how much of our individuality is an illusion and we all tend to follow trends, moving between 'nodes' seems entirely possible also.

As for why we can't remember past lives, well, it'd make reincarnation a whole lot simpler and quicker if we could wouldn't it. As we can't remember what we did wrong we may spend many lifetimes re-doing the same harm. That seems very entropic and wasteful. Who would benefit from that? One question I have about reincarnation is where do all the extra souls come from? Given there are far more people alive now than in the past.

If each individual could achieve this magic(k) power of manifesting the time line they want, how does that play with Karma and good/evil? I'm assuming that those of the STS leaning are just as capable of doing this. Given that, why would TPTB/Reptilians/Anunaki etc put all the effort they allegedly do in to controlling humanity in slow cycles of thousands of years when they could just manifest a reality where we're all willing sheep?

Is there anyone that believes in this manifesting time line theory that can answer all of the questions raised in this thread?

20th June 2011, 18:19
imagine a timeline flowing along and suddenly this appears...


The natural reaction is for everyone to pull away from what is ahead bending a timeline...

now if even one looks and realizes it is illusion, everyone traveling the timeline realizes it and everyone moves back on the intended path...

20th June 2011, 18:24
imagine a timeline flowing along and suddenly this appears...

[scary pic removed]

The natural reaction is for everyone to pull away from what is ahead bending a timeline...

now if even one looks and realizes it is illusion, everyone traveling the timeline realizes it and everyone moves back on the intended path...

Perhaps the most valuable thing I've learned from the peoples of Avalon while I've been here is to not greet negativity with negativity. Greet it with love and allow it to change. I'm not sure one person alone is sufficient though. Consider how many people are deathly scared of the made up terrorists even though many of us know they are false flag operatives.

20th June 2011, 18:33
we can't worry about everyone, you know the truth and have been handed a paddle to navigate for those still sleeping...

20th June 2011, 19:06
Dear Anno,
I feel your frustration, it not easy to find an answer that satisfies.
Perhaps this is an individual thing!
My view is that we are conscious beings, but our minds are clogged with concepts or imprints,
which obscures our vision and deep memory. But there is more to us than consciousness,
there is a pure unfabricated factor. It is called empty cognisance.

Empty cognisance is pure perception. But because we constantly react to situation, we
collect these concepts which create habitual patterns in the mind, which tries to see
everything as real or solid.

These patterns are called karma. Our job is to dissolve karma.
When we have exhausted all karma, and recognise our true nature-empty cognisance,
we wake up = enlightenment.

I'm writing a thread about our true provable nature for tomorrow.

All the best

20th June 2011, 19:19
Just thinking about it a bit more.
As one trains in recognising essence, and not gathering so much karma, ones choices widen. There are more possibilities. But then compassion comes into the equation.
Once there is confidence in ones platform, one only works for the benefit of others. So maybe they direct one attention. In doing this ones own understanding expands even more.
I hope that does not sound righteous!

I don't understand new age words! NEW AGE sounds like NEW WORLD to me.


20th June 2011, 19:36
maybe new age is the religion for the new world (speaking generally of course). Or better yet - maybe 'new age' is the opposite/flip side of "new world" - a concept that is created in tandem with "new world" giving those who don't 'go' for it another belief construct to choose from to give the illusion of choice...one more layer in the overall web of illusion that we call reality...

20th June 2011, 19:58
I've often wondered if the New Age is the chosen religion of the New World Order. The words may be different but the sentiment is the same. Instead of Priests being between us and 'god' we have the guru now. Instead of hymns it's mantras. Demons replaced by Aliens.

I'm not as against religion as I used to be though. I've come to accept that some people need it and without it they'd not be as nice as they are.

20th June 2011, 20:16
I've often wondered if the New Age is the chosen religion of the New World Order. The words may be different but the sentiment is the same. Instead of Priests being between us and 'god' we have the guru now. Instead of hymns it's mantras. Demons replaced by Aliens.

I'm not as against religion as I used to be though. I've come to accept that some people need it and without it they'd not be as nice as they are.

I think the true danger with 'new age' is the same as with any type/form/size/tradition/aspect of religion. ANY adherence to dogma, even if it is a dogma of light and love and rainbows, is setting limitations. I don't care if you're a born again Christian or a practioner of Zen Buddhism, to believe that your system, your set of beliefs, your tradition or practice holds all the answers and that without it one can never fully comprehend 'truth' is to ask for limitations and eventual stagnation and, yes, frustration if your specific belief system does not hold the answers to a situation that you are experiencing or the answer to a question you are asking.

Each and ever religious practice should be considered and treated as a tool. Shall we use the annology of software?

Software for a computer is a tool that allows you to complete specific tasks/funcitions and you have to spend a good bit of time reading the instructions and running through the training program so that you have a good grasp of how to use it. But adhering to dogma in a religion is like refusing to ever move beyond the training program because there is nothing in the instruction manual that says you should do so. So you play around for years in the training program, frustrated at a lack of growth because your belief system doesn't support anything beyond your particular training manual.

Religions were created (origionally) as a means to experience the spiritual in everyday life - to give individuals a frame of reference for spiritual and metaphysical experiences. The New Age (as a whole) developed in response to traditional religions lack of flexibility in explaining things beyond their individual frames of reference. But the concept of 'New Age" is just one more box (albeit a bigger box) and we have to keep an open mind to the infinite possibilities that lay outside.

20th June 2011, 22:04
The old saying, with great power comes great responsibility. Changing timelines is something that goes on constantly whether one is aware of it or not. Most people aren't aware of what goes on in their own minds enough to see a pattern and a connection between what is thought and what is experienced, but the two are one and the same. Everything that's thought makes it into reality on some line or another, yet few are the responsible thinkers. Before one should be able to consciously and directly influence the physical reality it seems to be necessary that such a one have already mastered thought and mind, to have known oneself completely, at least as far as ones experience intersects this mode of reality we all concurrently enjoy.

20th June 2011, 22:25
if i'm inspired to do something, i have an image in my minds eye.
from experience, ive followed these insprations before, and ive ended up in the situation i was inspired to create.
i'm in that situation now. years ago, i was inspired, and i followed a path.
i have come to appreciate that getting to large eventualities, involves the setting up and completion of many smaller events.
a line of a series of events, of my own creation.

for years i had called it 'a path' that one can follow
i have to say i'm much happier with the 'timeline' terminology.

IMO its far better to follow a path (line) of your own making,
than to do the
'go to school, get a job, find a wife, have a family, line of someone elses creation.

something that comes from WITHIN you, rather than an external ideal

where i would say that most people fall flat is,
they like the idea of something,
but they dont keep focused on it,
they dont make the sacrifices,
and they dont put the effort in

the principle is sound enough though.
keep putting one foot in front of the other,
and you WILL get there. its inevitable.


20th June 2011, 23:42
I'm a little disappointed no one has offered any explanations for how time line manifestation avoids infringing the free will of others on the time line. There must be at least one explanation out there.

21st June 2011, 00:01
well if you are about to die, and someone is bending a timeline to prevent it, will your spirit stop them?

This has nothing to do with a conscious self...

21st June 2011, 00:55
Manifold timelines, in a sense, are the only reason that free will can even be said to truly exist in this low density world where mind control and murder and atrocities are committed every day. Lines over lapping lined, dimensions of space and time criss crossing from the dark to the light clear back to the original thought, connecting every possibility back to the creator more and more in a roundabout way. We exist at resonant points all along the way, so just keep shifting to the right and eventually you are standing smack in the middle of the original thought, indeed it's only our experience of ourselves that ever took us away and separated us, put us in the avatar in the first place. It's only our orientation on what we think we are here and now that hold us in this timeline we are experiencing, effectively separating us from that origin, right now at this moment. So when you are talking about free will, are you talking about the avatar or the being that resides within and without it? Free will as we customarily think of if sort of gets lost when dealing with the fact that we are all one, therefore we but share in the will that willed us in the beginning. Aligning with that will is what truly unlocks the human potential. Even crowley and company understood about aligning with the will of the higher self, but also trying to manipulate the higher self and using that kind of power for power's sake, and, well, a soul pays dearly for that sort of misuse of the infinite creative sources. My recent post on rocky's thread goes into what I understand to be the right way to go about the thought of changing timelines.

21st June 2011, 03:00
The old saying, with great power comes great responsibility. Changing timelines is something that goes on constantly whether one is aware of it or not. Most people aren't aware of what goes on in their own minds enough to see a pattern and a connection between what is thought and what is experienced, but the two are one and the same. Everything that's thought makes it into reality on some line or another, yet few are the responsible thinkers. Before one should be able to consciously and directly influence the physical reality it seems to be necessary that such a one have already mastered thought and mind, to have known oneself completely, at least as far as ones experience intersects this mode of reality we all concurrently enjoy.

I found it was necessary to get to the highest level of awareness I could, while still incarnate and connected to my body. I shifted..then moved back down to the base layer..and continued on with the job at hand.

Something like that, one could say.

21st June 2011, 03:04
I also feel I must apologize to Anno for being an ass yesterday. You got my goat Anno, with that post of yours, in that other thread. That is pretty darned tough to do these days, with the things I've experienced, and I thank you for the lesson.

I desire to spend my time and life growing like that of a child... and the older one gets, the tougher that is to achieve.

21st June 2011, 03:18
you can create your own timeline but choices you make affect the path no matter how small they are.

21st June 2011, 04:06
I'm a little disappointed no one has offered any explanations for how time line manifestation avoids infringing the free will of others on the time line. There must be at least one explanation out there.

Great thread Anno, and I understand how you feel. I see it this way ...

Time and separation don't exist in the spiritual realm, the realm of creation. They do however exist in this, physical realm. As to the nature of their existence, I don't think I know for sure, but my feeling is that time is a necessary construct to allow us to function in this world. There are always multiple choices available to us, although differing times and circumstances limit our choices to some degree. We CAN decide how we wish to live our lives, but we're confined to the limits imposed by this physical reality, so I can't just decide that tomorrow I'm going to become a giraffe.
By deciding on the path I wish to take in life, I can then invite those who wish to join me to do so, I have no fixed ideas of which people I will share my life with, so I'm not infringing on anyone's free will.

I'm also beginning to get a little irritated by the way that the term "timeline" is being thrown around this forum, people declaring boldly that such-and-such a timeline has been averted etc. etc. It strikes me that this is just the new trendy term that everyone wants to use to make themselves look super-duper-spiritual. I like the idea of a time web, with connected node points, which also fits in with a major dream I had last year.

BUT - maybe this hasn't gone all the way to answering your perfectly valid question Anno, because besides our own personal time webs, there's also the collective to consider. I can't give you a definitive answer because from my perspective, the human race is on a pretty clear trajectory, and there's nothing I or anyone else (no matter how important, gifted or spiritually adept they consider themselves) can do about it. What I CAN do is envision a future that I'd like to see for humanity as a whole, and hope that enough other people will be doing more or less the same thing, and at some point in the future mayble we'll be able to manifest it. How will that work ? Not sure, but the best metaphor I can come up with is this - imagine an enormous crowd of people, all chattering away and screaming, then amongst that crowd some people decide to start singing. These individuals may be singing different songs, but at some point the cacophony will die out and certain things will begin to harmonise. So if we all visualise the future we wish to see, I can guarantee that we're all visualising different things, but there will be common themes, which are the ones which are most likely to come to fruition.

Hope my rambling made at least SOME sense !!!!

21st June 2011, 05:06
Hi aranuk,

I too, have many questions about re-incarnation and karma. I was on that "bandwagon" for years, untill I read James Webster's The Case Against Re-incarnation. On the other hand, re-incarnation sounds reasonable if you consider we are prisoners, and re-incarnation keeps us here indefinitley, according to Airl, the ET interviewed by the nurse at the Roswell crash in 1947. We are not supposed to remember our past lives,so an electromagnetic veil is used on us to keep us here, she says. As far as timelines, quantum jumping has been around for some time, and Burt Goldman guarantees anyone can do it. There are many people who tell us alternate universes exist:

“We all exist in multiple universes and create our own bubble of reality.”
~ Gerald O’Donnell, Leading expert in the military science of Remote Viewing

“If a universe can be imagined, it exists.”
~ Professor M. R. Franks, Member, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

“There are probably other parallel universes in our living room–this is modern physics.”

“There are vibrations of many different universes right here, right now. We’re just not in tune with them. There are probably other parallel universes in our living room–this is modern physics. This is the modern interpretation of quantum theory, that many worlds represents reality.”

~ Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist, Professor and Best-selling Author

21st June 2011, 05:44
And idea came upon me today.
The idea that ~the past leaves us and the future arrives ~
We are in the eternal now. So thinking of a "timeline" as a path is a wrong understanding. We attract future and let go the past.

21st June 2011, 07:16
I'm a little disappointed no one has offered any explanations for how time line manifestation avoids infringing the free will of others on the time line. There must be at least one explanation out there.

The idea of a timeline is a bag of tosh!!! There I've said it. The present moment is created by our past. If nothing changes in our understanding, the future will remain the same as the present. Ie. we go round in circles. This is a confused state of existence, the sanskirt name for it is Samsara. The past does not exist, the future does not exist. NOW DOES NOT EXIST!!! Find now? This is concept of being in the now, is a new age falsehood. Resting in the now is creating a state, to be held onto. It turns you into a mental gymnast, trying to do the right thing. Our eagerness to find out the truth can easily be exploited.

If a spiritual path is logical and can take you step by step, and you feel certain of your footing, and you know what and why you are doing, it is worth trying. It has to make sense!!! If it adds to ones confusion drop the it, and stay with your questions. You have every right to be dissatisfied. That is the process of waking up! Not being put back to sleep.....

Your supporter

21st June 2011, 13:14
well if you are about to die, and someone is bending a timeline to prevent it, will your spirit stop them?

This has nothing to do with a conscious self...

It would depend if my body was due to die or not I guess. One of the recent lessons I've had to learn is accepting the death of those we wish were still around. I finally learnt it when I heard: There has never been a time when you and I have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will cease to exist.

Manifold timelines, in a sense, are the only reason that free will can even be said to truly exist in this low density world where mind control and murder and atrocities are committed every day. Lines over lapping lined, dimensions of space and time criss crossing from the dark to the light clear back to the original thought, connecting every possibility back to the creator more and more in a roundabout way. [...] So when you are talking about free will, are you talking about the avatar or the being that resides within and without it? Free will as we customarily think of if sort of gets lost when dealing with the fact that we are all one, therefore we but share in the will that willed us in the beginning. Aligning with that will is what truly unlocks the human potential.[...]

This idea of a web and nodes definitely makes a lot more sense. You've even given a method for navigation and solved the free will issue. Go PurpleLama! Perhaps we do not have total Free Will. If we accept that we are part of The One with the illusion of individuality and then apply that to the concept of Free Will, it would suggest that what we really have is the illusion of Free Will when infact we have the freedom to choose within what is already chosen, or, to fight against it, as you say. That makes a whole lot of sense.

I also feel I must apologize to Anno for being an ass yesterday. You got my goat Anno, with that post of yours, in that other thread. That is pretty darned tough to do these days, with the things I've experienced, and I thank you for the lesson.

I desire to spend my time and life growing like that of a child... and the older one gets, the tougher that is to achieve.

I know you're not a knob Carmody so you have no need to apologise. I learnt from it also, so no harm done!

[...]There are always multiple choices available to us, although differing times and circumstances limit our choices to some degree. We CAN decide how we wish to live our lives, but we're confined to the limits imposed by this physical reality, so I can't just decide that tomorrow I'm going to become a giraffe.[...]

You also seem to be seeing a model like PurpleLama where there is choice within what is already chosen. It definitely makes far more sense than timelines.

[...]It strikes me that this is just the new trendy term that everyone wants to use to make themselves look super-duper-spiritual.[...]

The idea of a timeline is a bag of tosh!!! There I've said it.[...]

Thank you both for saying what the rest of us have been too diplomatic to say out loud. I salute you both. =]

22nd June 2011, 05:12

Definitely, I think we come here with some kind of goal (and no, not some grand-sounding, egotistical "mission" (that'll piss a few people off !!)) but how we reach that goal is to a large extent up to us. An analogy - you want to go from London to Edinburgh, getting on the plane is one option, certainly, as is going by train, driving etc. But who's to say what route you take ? You could go via Leeds or Birmingham, or Bristol. Or if you're feeling really adventurous - Rome !

Is the quickest way always the best ? My personal philosophy is to enjoy my journey, even if I don't know exactly where I'm going.

11th July 2011, 11:45
I've decided that this Timeline Manifestation is an Ego Trap and part of the false New Age.

Why would I want to change my timeline? If I'm here to learn something then I need to go through whatever I go through. Changing my timeline from a human perspective is to give the ego the 'power of god' to create its own reality. It can never take into account all the implications of doing so, so would never be given that power. Although it would grave it and certainly try and gain it.

True spirit would trust that whatever timeline it finds itself on is the one it needs to be on and wouldn't seek to change it.

The ego views the timeline from a place of fear and sees something to be changed. The spirit sees from love and knows what is, is.

1st September 2011, 12:43
The old saying, with great power comes great responsibility. Changing timelines is something that goes on constantly whether one is aware of it or not. Most people aren't aware of what goes on in their own minds enough to see a pattern and a connection between what is thought and what is experienced, but the two are one and the same. Everything that's thought makes it into reality on some line or another, yet few are the responsible thinkers. Before one should be able to consciously and directly influence the physical reality it seems to be necessary that such a one have already mastered thought and mind, to have known oneself completely, at least as far as ones experience intersects this mode of reality we all concurrently enjoy.

I found it was necessary to get to the highest level of awareness I could, while still incarnate and connected to my body. I shifted..then moved back down to the base layer..and continued on with the job at hand.

Something like that, one could say.

This illustrates what I was saying beautifully. One who is operating from the human ego level is not automatically, consciously affecting the manifest reality. It can very well sound like a grand standing ego trip, but nothing is further from the truth. It may be seen that all the timeline business is just some sparkly new age mumbo jumbo, and to be sure the thought of it opens the door to all kinds of posers and ego manipulations for one who hasn't broken their own mould, so to speak. But, for me, it began from my own perception, my own meditation, my own experience. I could not begin to guess how much "new age" material I've read, and digested, here in the midst of my personal path, but material I share in reference to timelines is based purely on my own experience and the interpretation I put on it. We are, each and every one of us, blessed with numerous "spiritual" gifts, and what is my strength is anothers weakness, and vice versa. The point being that the main thing is I've got a handle on what I've got going on, but without the support of others whose talents are entirely different form mine, I would be in much worse shape than I'm in now. I am extremely fortunate to have a wife and a few close friends who have been around enough to take my experience at face value, and I take theirs, as well. I backed off of this discussion for a while, but I feel there is much more to be shared and explored if anyone is willing to keep on keeping on.

1st September 2011, 16:44
I have always thought that the space-time-continuum/space fabric or "timelines" are sorted or decided, as a form special consensus between participating entities. And that humans are but one drop in that bucket.