View Full Version : Ufo's, Aliens,Spirituality And the truth! (The way I see it)

24th June 2011, 22:36
{ I wrote this two years ago when I awoke to the reality of the world in which I live}
I just wrote what I learned then and put it to paper so I am open to your thoughts!
Love and light Davy

Our enemies:
Comprehend that life is not what you believe! We have been brainwash! We live on a prison planet that has been ruled for numerous years by a negative alien race!! They have spiritually bounded our soul’s life energies inside this planet!
The Reptilians and the Grey's work together for this cause, yes everything you have heard on UFOs and abductions are factual!!!!

We have been programmed to believe a lie through our education, religions systems, our financial systems, law system and yes our government! They have altered our DNA to disconnect us from our spirit so we can be controlled!

Our allies:
The good news is we have help!! We were created by a race that had been in existence for billions of years, before us. They created us through science just as we today can clone animals! They were so far advanced from us and were our creators.
They are not the only alien race there are hundreds throughout galaxies after galaxies. And most are benevolent. There are such things as dimensions, portals, worm holes, black holes, ghosts, spirits, physcic’s, prophets, And yes Aliens” But because of earthly situations occurring now we once again have help! But it is up to us the human race, to Awake and Initiate this process!

They do not like what has been done to us by the reptilians and are now in allegiance with us the human race and are helping us. They have left most of the crop circles that have been all over earth. of videos throughout the entire earth of UFO's, hundreds of thousands of testimonies to sightings, abductions, Area 51, our worlds pyramids, stone hinge, Easter Island, the Bermuda Triangle and Yes and the Mayan calendar they have mentored the human race all through our existence before and now.