View Full Version : Ancient Astronauts The Grandest Deception

The One
3rd July 2011, 05:33
Our world is upside down. Doctors destroy our health, lawyers destroy justice, the government destroys our freedom, the mainstream media destroys information, and our religions destroy our spirituality. We are constantly at war with each other, and mankind is becoming more wicked and evil as time marches on.

Listen to Dr. Jack Pruett on Coast to Coast

Over the last thirty years, an outstanding author and researcher named Zecharia Sitchin has written a total of nine books which describe a race of ancient beings who came to Earth about 450,000 years ago. These books go into great detail about these beings and their activities on Earth. Sitchin's books are based on ancient tablets found in Mesopotamia, the lands of the Garden of Eden described in the Bible.

The Grandest Deception is a book that is based on Sitchin's work and the Bible; it describes how the ancient tablets and the Bible are related to current events. The Grandest Deception describes how the Earth was created and how mankind was created. It also describes the conditions that mankind will face during the New World Order; as well as the fate of mankind if we continue down the path that we are presently on.


3rd July 2011, 05:46
Interesting...as anyone read this book yet?